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Trump says he will 'most likely' not take part in Fox debate

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i dont want a cruz presidency, trump better not fuck this up for me

Remember when he said he was going to run third-party if he didn't get the nomination? If Cruz secures the nomination because of this, Trump will definitely go third-party.

Sanders takes the win.
I feel like this would give Cruz back the momentum; especially if he himself did well with an absent Trump.
Cruz is very skilled orator with his prepped answers, it's a risk. Though, like said before, if he has a big endorsement Thursday night or says one or two controversial statements he will suffocate the news cycle again. Plus, that press rerelease they put out is pretty good ammunition for him.


If the debate still draws big ratings and it likely will because some people will want to tune in to see how they handle trumps absence then I could see it hurting trump


If the debate still draws big ratings and it likely will because some people will want to tune in to see how they handle trumps absence then I could see it hurting trump

The debate is in two days right? I don't think him bailing will effect the numbers either. For the reasons you stated and also because a lot of people might not realize he dropped out in the first place or will holdout hope he'll show up anyway and then keep watching when he doesn't hoping they attack him while he is absent.
I feel like not participating in this debate is a bit of a hedge on Trump's part. There's a chance that it could lead to a dip in his numbers, but range of that dip is much smaller than what could possibly happen if he implodes on TV.
Donald Trump a whiny little bitch. Notice how Obama doesn't even bat his eyes when Republicans disrespect him? That's what a true leader does.
Donald Trump a whiny little bitch. Notice how Obama doesn't even bat his eyes when Republicans disrespect him? That's what a true leader does.

I kinda get the feeling a President Trump would spend all his time responding and hitting back and anyone and everyone who criticizes him.


Or lord, Megyn Kelly is on now, talking all about this. She is also having Michael freakin' Moore on to talk about it soon. One of the only times he has ever been on the network. WHAT???

This show right now is so against Trump it's amazing, just totally disgraceful.
I kinda get the feeling a President Trump would spend all his time responding and hitting back and anyone and everyone who criticizes him.

Exactly. It's not a good look, and it makes him look incredibly petty. Imagine if Trump was handling the Iranian Nuclear Agreement negotiations, it would be a nightmare.


41 > 38
Fox viewers and hosts would be salty as FUCK if someone like MSNBC sent out a press release like that against one of their golden boys. Trump isn't wrong here.
The idea is he would talk over them. So he waits for them to say one small things and then talks/makes fun for the next two minutes.

No, they would control the narrative. What he would prefer is that they respond to his event which is also viewed by 20million plus.

Foxnews wont back down, Donald Trump has said he isn't going to attend. I wonder which networks are in talks with his campaign RIGHT NOW.
Or lord, Megyn Kelly is on now, talking all about this. She is also having Michael freakin' Moore on to talk about it soon. One of the only times he has ever been on the network. WHAT???

This show right now is so against Trump it's amazing, just totally disgraceful.

Times like this, I wish I could stomach watching fox news. The bipartisan hatred of Trump has been pretty fascinating.


That pledge is not legally binding. He can do it anyway and probably will saying how unfair he was treated and was left with no choice. His supporters will throw him a parade.

He wouldn't run, knowing very well the Democrats will win if he doesn't win the Republican candidacy, and then he'll run in 2020, killing the Republican party 100% for sure. People will say they should have voted for Trump and how now they are stuck with Hillary or Bernie, and Trump would cause a big split, he'd even get some former Republicans to join him.

If he ran as a third party this year he wouldn't win, and he's not going to run to look like a loser. He'll let them lose, and in a way win as a result.


No, they would control the narrative. What he would prefer is that they respond to his event which is also viewed by 20million plus.

Foxnews wont back down, Donald Trump has said he isn't going to attend. I wonder which networks are in talks with his campaign RIGHT NOW.

CNN would probably get a kick out of this.


I hope he gets a huge Wounded Warrior telethon going with CNN, MSNBC, and any others who will bite. Basically just shit all over Fox and Cruz.

Add me to the list of those who won't waste my time watching if Trump is not in it.


This is amazing.



Something occurs to me...

Even if Trump doesn't get the nomination and doesn't decide to go third party, there's a way he could get his licks in:

Rail against the establishment and refuse to endorse whoever the frontrunner ends up being(especially if it is Cruz). Many of Trump's ardent supporters are becoming more disillusioned with the party anyways, and Trump could say he's abiding by the(admittedly non-binding) agreement even while giving them the finger.

Unlikely to happen, but it'd be glorious to watch.


Megyn has Tony Perkins on now, he said he endorses Cruz but won't say anything negative about Trump, and she is gettingbpissed essentially BEGGING him to go negative on Trump. She is so obviously biased against Trump that it isn't even funny, she doesn't even try to hide it now.

This all really heated up the night she did almost an entire show against him when that National Review story broke. Had she not done that, none of this would be happening now.
Megyn has Tony Perkins on now, he said he endorses Cruz but won't say anything negative about Trump, and she is gettingbpissed essentially BEGGING him to go negative on Trump. She is so obviously biased against Trump that it isn't even funny, she doesn't even try to hide it now.

This all really heated up the night she did almost an entire show against him when that National Review story broke. Had she not done that, none of this would be happening now.

Lets see how she does with Rudy now.


That Fox News press release while funny is also proving Trump's point in spades.

He has everybody playing right out of his palms.


It's a loss for Fox either way, but I feel like they'll take a bigger L if they give in to Trump on this. Trump is taking a risk here because not showing up to the debate might make him look like a cry baby. But Fox giving in will only feed his ego and the whole "Look how STRONG I am!" current that's pushing his campaign.

Also, part of me feels like this won't tank the ratings. I know I can't be the only one who didn't tune into the last debate because Donald's shtick and the general fearmongering from Republicans finally got old. But if Fox doesn't capitulate and Trump doesn't show up, I know I'm DEFINITELY tuning into this one because someone is going to say something about it.
I was originally coming in here to say that Trump is acting like a spoiled child, and I still believe that.

However, after seeing that press release, I can't even hate on him for this one. As usual, he's going to come out the winner from this exchange. I can't stand him, but the fact that he continues to play everybody like a fiddle is something that I can respect, at the very least.

Winning all the time must be pretty neat. It'll be interesting to see how he reacts if he's NOT the nominee, but at this point I'm not convinced that's actually going to happen.
He wouldn't run, knowing very well the Democrats will win if he doesn't win the Republican candidacy, and then he'll run in 2020, killing the Republican party 100% for sure. People will say they should have voted for Trump and how now they are stuck with Hillary or Bernie, and Trump would cause a big split, he'd even get some former Republicans to join him.

If he ran as a third party this year he wouldn't win, and he's not going to run to look like a loser. He'll let them lose, and in a way win as a result.

Nah, he'd do it out of spite for Megyn Kelly.


y'all should be ashamed
hoo boy


Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told reporters that plans are already in the works for a competing event when Thursday’s debate is scheduled to air.

“We’ll have an event here in Iowa, with potentially another network, to raise money for Wounded Warriors and Fox will go from having probably 24 million viewers for the debate to, you know, 2 million viewers,” Lewandowski said.

I think they're in for a surprise.


i dont want a cruz presidency, trump better not fuck this up for me

I'm legit concerned now. I think teflon Don is getting used to his "teflonness"... that shit doesn't last forever. He needs to stay strong until Ted "The Snake" Cruz is at least out of the picture. Then he can tank.


force push the doodoo rock
Like this is hilarious cause its happening to fox news, but if you think about it, its really scary and not something we should be promoting.

Ive been in Japan for close to ten years, and the entertainment industry and the government has mostly neutered tv news by using their power to limit access and the picture is not pretty.


i'm getting McCain "suspending my campaign" vibes from all this. if Trump loses Iowa (and it's looking like he will, narrowly) the narrative is going to be "when Trump blinked" and i could see things going downhill from there.

but nothing yet has stopped the cray train so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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