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Trump says he will 'most likely' not take part in Fox debate

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That would be a great move. A livestream of him commenting on the debate.

Im no trump supporter, but fuck the establishment corporate media.

"Look at this guy, this is why no one likes Ted Cruz. Did you know that not a single senator has endorsed this guy? And how long has he worked there? What a mess...."

"And now he says that I'm scared of him. I guess that's the reason why he was trying to ride my coattails for six months. This guy is a loser"

"Hey Jeb..Use your whole name. I heard he has received one endorsement...from his mother"

Please God, I don't ask for much. We need this.
Yeah, but you are playing with fire. If you want him to get the nomination, he could slip into the cracks and actually win. We have to want him not getting the nomination. Cruz would get slaughtered by the democrat nominee anyway.

a soft spoken Rubio and a soft spoken Bush with real evil intent are 100000 worse than a loud mouth Trump who is playing a Pro Wrestling character on camera but is in real life more Liberal than all the other Republicans combined

boiled goose

good with gravy
I'm actually on Trump's side here. Fuck Fox News and their bullshit. The only reason Trump is even remotely likable to me, is because he is fucking with the people I hate the most, bias new outlets and politicians in general.

Fox News abuses its power and position all the time. They are in complete control of every other GOP candidate. Now they are finally in the backseat and it's fun to watch them squirm.

Yup. It's not just Fox either. What CNN did to Bernie on this week's townhall was absolutely despicable. Complete BS.

The media should be objective, not trying to rig elections. Then again, They are owned by the corporate establishment, hence their fear of anti establishment candidates.
Yet its okay for a man to insult everyone, and stir up racial tension. He has white supremacists backing him for goodness sake.

And that has what to do with what I said? I'm no Trump fan, but him being a shitty person/candidate has nothing to do with Fox News being full of shit as well.


a soft spoken Rubio and a soft spoken Bush with real evil intent are 100000 worse than a loud mouth Trump who is playing a Pro Wrestling character on camera but is in real life more Liberal than all the other Republicans combined

Still don't want him in the white house. He is a flip flopper too. He was pro-choice in every respect, now he is so called pro-life.

You are saying he is entertaining, but why do you want an entertainer in the white house? He can't even handle a Fox News reporter.
This raises an interesting question. Suppose Trump wins Iowa (which I still think is unlikely). Would he ever debate his opponents again? He's way up in the polls, and while debates inflate his ago they don't really benefit him at this point. If this stunt works he could host his own events instead of attending debates for the foreseeable future.

I'd also say Fox looks terrible here. I don't like Kelly but the way she has been treated by Trump is disgusting. Yet not only did Fox continue to bring him on shows, they begged him all last night to attend this debate. They should have stood up for their employee and simply refused to beg Trump, which is what he wanted in the first place.


This raises an interesting question. Suppose Trump wins Iowa (which I still think is unlikely). Would he ever debate his opponents again? He's way up in the polls, and while debates inflate his ago they don't really benefit him at this point. If this stunt works he could host his own events instead of attending debates..

This is what I've been saying. There is nothing to be gained from these debates; from Trump's perspective. If he were to win the nomination, we don't even know what he would do with the presidential debates next autumn. Debating the democratic candidate is a risk, because it would mostly be about policy and he is an entertainer.

He is more likely to gain support via public spectacles, rallies and television appearances. The conventional wisdom is that skipping these debates makes you look petty as it is not presidential. But does the American electorate even care? We all know that people with an academic background do care about intellectualism and the democratic process. But a lot of people might just want to have a reality TV star in the white house instead of a competent career politician.

Who knows, Trump is a complete wild card and no one knows what he will do. This has been established.


"Look at this guy, this is why no one likes Ted Cruz. Did you know that not a single senator has endorsed this guy? And how long has he worked there? What a mess...."

"And now he says that I'm scared of him. I guess that's the reason why he was trying to ride my coattails for six months. This guy is a loser"

"Hey Jeb..Use your whole name. I heard he has received one endorsement...from his mother"

Please God, I don't ask for much. We need this.

These are great lmao

Please write more
This is what I've been saying. There is nothing to be gained from these debates; from Trump's perspective. If he were to win the nomination, even debating the democratic candidate is a risk, because they would mostly be about policy and he is an entertainer.

He is more likely to gain support via public spectacles, rallies and television appearances. The conventional wisdom is that skipping these debates makes you look petty as it is not presidential. But does the American electorate even care? We all know that people with an academic background do care about intellectualism and the democratic process. But a lot of people might just want to have a reality TV star in the white house instead of a competent career politician.

I think he'll continue to attend debates, but he's going to have massive leverage with the stations beforehand, if this works out. The GOP scheduled so many debates, that it has watered down their significance. So missing one is less meaningful when you can fall back on the other 12 that already happened.

I think he'll have to debate Hillary/Bernie in some form if he gets that far. It's still an important part of the process and I think he'd face backlash for completely stepping out.


I think the intent behind that tweet is pretty obvious... he's pulled it before. "I would never say that *person* is *something horrible*"

Oh I get it how he's calling her a bimbo in a backhanded way. But that seems so passive aggressive for such a supposed alpha dog.


I thought his whole shtick revolves around how un-PC he is. So now he's politically correct?

This whole Fox/Trump thing is just so delightful.

It is so delightful. But still, Trump wasn't being politically correct here. He used an insult, then just dressed it up.

For example:
"I'm not going to say she's fat, that would be rude. I'll just say she's unhealthy."

Just a douchey man in a douchey way saying, yeah, she's fat. Or in this case, yeah she's a bimbo.

Edit: lol nevermind, somebody already made the point and you just responded.

I doubt you need me to write this stuff. After this election cycle we will have material for several books. Political analysts will be wondering for years : What the hell happened?


The world does not need another Bush

Thank You Trump

Still don't want him in the white house. He is a flip flopper too. He was pro-choice in every respect, now he is so called pro-life.

You are saying he is entertaining, but why do you want an entertainer in the white house? He can't even handle a Fox News reporter.

I already bet my neogaf account that Hillary Clinton will win the general election.

I am that confident that Trump won't ever be President


GOP establishment are idiots for letting so many stay in the race. Someone should have told many of them to hit the bricks long ago.

They don't like Cruz or Trump, but they ain't putting anyone over brother! You can't win with this booking.


I already bet my neogaf account that Hillary Clinton will win the general election.

I am that confident that Trump won't ever be President

I understand. Some like that Trump is making the GOP look bad, and hopefully damaging the party. But I just cannot like Trump at all, regardless of what he is doing. I can never support him.

But yeah, I'm fine with Hillary or Bernie as President. Not a republican and definitely not Trump or Cruz.


There is no way the moderators allow this debate to become the Trump show. I think the biggest loser in this will be Cruz because many have called this a 2 man race(only in Iowa Trump is way ahead everywhere else)all the other candidates will pile on Cruz. If they do make it the Trump show even without him there then that would help him imo.

He's done so many debates and based on polls, has won most of them. I can't think of a scenario where this hurts Trump.

I'm not seeing that at all. On the forums I've been to, even on Reddit, most seem to support Trump on this.
No question.
I understand. Some like that Trump is making the GOP look bad, and hopefully damaging the party. But I just cannot like Trump at all, regardless of what he is doing. I can never support him.

But yeah, I'm fine with Hillary or Bernie as President. Not a republican and defiantly not Trump or Cruz.

damaging the party is more important than not liking a person.

Republicans need to be out of the Oval office for 50 years


damaging the party is more important than not liking a person.

Republicans need to be out of the Oval office for 50 years

Yup, I know people hate voting against one side instead of voting for the candidate you believe in. But fuck the GOP, they need to lose an entire generation of their base and implement MASSIVE reforms before they should ever have a shot at the whitehouse again.


It is so delightful. But still, Trump wasn't being politically correct here. He used an insult, then just dressed it up.

For example:
"I'm not going to say she's fat, that would be rude. I'll just say she's unhealthy."

Just a douchey man in a douchey way saying, yeah, she's fat. Or in this case, yeah she's a bimbo.

Edit: lol nevermind, somebody already made the point and you just responded.

It's just funny to me how he used the term politically correct to try and deflect is all. He can't face her in person but he'll take to Twitter to call her names. It seems like Megyn is in his head.



Yeah, but you are playing with fire. If you want him to get the nomination, he could slip into the cracks and actually win. We have to want him not getting the nomination. Cruz would get slaughtered by the democrat nominee anyway.

If you told me we could either have Trump with a 40% chance of winning or Cruz with a 1% chance, I'd still take my chances with Trump. The thought of Cruz in the White House is terrifying.
"Look at this guy, this is why no one likes Ted Cruz. Did you know that not a single senator has endorsed this guy? And how long has he worked there? What a mess...."

"And now he says that I'm scared of him. I guess that's the reason why he was trying to ride my coattails for six months. This guy is a loser"

"Hey Jeb..Use your whole name. I heard he has received one endorsement...from his mother"

Please God, I don't ask for much. We need this.

This needs to happen


It's just funny to me how he used the term politically correct to try and deflect is all. He can't face her in person but he'll take to Twitter to call her names. It seems like Megyn is in his head.

Yeah, it seems Trump's bluster has he least effect on female targets. Misogyny seems to be his weak point and I hope it carries through to the eventual Trump v Clinton debates.


Yeah, it seems Trump's bluster has he least effect on female targets. Misogyny seems to be his weak point and I hope it carries through to the eventual Trump v Clinton debates.

He won't be able to resist. It's going to be one on one debates. It's going to get personal. No doubt in my mind Trump says sexist things on Twitter. No doubt.

If it's Bernie all he'll have is LOL socialism. Hillary would really get to him at his core.


I don't like Trump, and I recognize that Fox did stand up for their employee, even if it was half-hardheartedly, but this puts them in an awkward position. They should have caved. If Trump is the nominee, and he likely will be, he will be the symbolic head of the Republican Party (and the vast majority of Fox News viewers) for 6 months, or for 4-8 years, if the worst happens. Trump can easily punish them by doing more interviews with NBC or CNN.

You do have to give Trump some credit for being right on this. Megyn tried to pull a hit job on him from the very first debate. It's not wrong of him to say that she's biased. Now obviously Trump is a reprehensible person, so you can say he deserves it, but still... journalists should just report the news.


What a fucking insane read. My head is straight spinning after reading this shit.


And that's why Trump is being so successful. A lot of people think like this. I am related to a bunch of them. This is a big chunk of America. I'm just thankful it's not the majority of America anymore. I don't believe Trump has a chance becoming President. There are only so many White angry people that feel they are being discriminated against.


He is consistent. He does not want to help others make money, if he is to appear on their show then he wants to get something out it. He is tired of American leaders being ripped off. I mean come on, you all have heard this. He repeats this shit again and again. Appearing on Fox to get attacked by Fox is being ripped off. They make money of his ratings boost and he gets...? What out of it?

That is precisely his entire argument for how he wants to deal with China, Russia, Mexico etc. If the leaders of those countries want to rip him off, he will tell them to fuck off.

So this attack: "Oh Trump scared is of Kelly!? What if it was PUTIN!? LOL" is completely horseshit.

Ronald Reagan walked out of a deal he did not like. And he was praised for it.

I think this whole thing is him once again, throwing a piece of the meat to the media, them trying to use it against him and him twisting it around. He is playing them, and he is doing it really well.

If Fox decided to replace Kelly, it works just as well for him, he looks like a powerful negotiator, which is pretty much his entire gimmick persona "I am a tough guy!"

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I feel like the teabagger vote, taking their lead from AM radio, will start turning on Trump in the weeks ahead. Berry, Limbaugh and the rest have already pulled a swerve on him and are dumping on Trump for his past political positions and his claims of being able to work across the aisle. Of course, guys like Berry, Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, etc. have always been Ted Cruz fanboys at heart but for a long time now they were very, VERY generous in their assessment of Trump's developing candidacy. That's changing as we speak.


Tagged as I see fit
"Look at this guy, this is why no one likes Ted Cruz. Did you know that not a single senator has endorsed this guy? And how long has he worked there? What a mess...."

"And now he says that I'm scared of him. I guess that's the reason why he was trying to ride my coattails for six months. This guy is a loser"

"Hey Jeb..Use your whole name. I heard he has received one endorsement...from his mother"

Please God, I don't ask for much. We need this.

The sad thing is, people would eat this up. Not gonna lie, I would watch.


No Scrubs
I feel like the teabagger vote, taking their lead from AM radio, will start turning on Trump in the weeks ahead. Berry, Limbaugh and the rest have already pulled a swerve on him and are dumping on Trump for his past political positions and his claims of being able to work across the aisle. Of course, guys like Berry, Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, etc. have always been Ted Cruz fanboys at heart but for a long time now they were very, VERY generous in their assessment of Trump's developing candidacy. That's changing as we speak.

The problem there is that the establishment is going to unload on Cruz in a way they never have on Trump because everyone hates Cruz with the passion of a billion blazing suns. Trump's going to be standing there, being seen as above the fray, and laughing as the rest of the GOP destroys itself.


I feel like the teabagger vote, taking their lead from AM radio, will start turning on Trump in the weeks ahead. Berry, Limbaugh and the rest have already pulled a swerve on him and are dumping on Trump for his past political positions and his claims of being able to work across the aisle. Of course, guys like Berry, Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, etc. have always been Ted Cruz fanboys at heart but for a long time now they were very, VERY generous in their assessment of Trump's developing candidacy. That's changing as we speak.

Limbaugh's entire show today has been dedicated to supporting Trump's decision.
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