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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’

So, I sometimes listen to talk radio on my lunch break to really get a better understanding of what the right can believe on certain topics.

Today of course, the discussion was all about the NFL.

Caller: "You can't be American and disrespect this country or it's flag. We should just send them all back to Africa."

Host: "I agree with your first statement, but please, don't head down the racist path."

Caller: "I don't think it's racism to send them back to Africa."

Host: "Well, ok, what do you do about the non-black players who participated?"

Caller: "Can I use the n word?"

I fucking KID YOU NOT, this exact bit played out on radio not more than 10 mins ago... Old ass racists are destroying this country. People more now than ever need to make sure their asses are in the ballot booth for EVERY election, city to national.

It's not just old ass racists. How many really old people did you see at the Charlottesville KKK rallies?

I know it helps us all feel comfortable when we try to lie to ourselves that it's the older generation and that all it'll take is time for these people to die off and everything will be better. But lying to ourselves helps no one.


It's not just old ass racists. How many really old people did you see at the Charlottesville KKK rallies?

I know it helps us all feel comfortable when we try to lie to ourselves that it's the older generation and that all it'll take is time for these people to die off and everything will be better. But lying to ourselves helps no one.

Don't forget that the older generation who are racists also have children and great grandchildren who they can teach their racist ideologies to.


i'll preface this by saying that, while recognizing its many faults, i'm addicted to the NFL:

maybe i'm slow, but i was just hit with the horrifying realization that THIS -- not player safety, not domestic abuse scandals, but THIS -- is what has led a significant number of people to "boycott" the NFL

barring north korea glassing the relevant parts of the country, america is so fucked


i'll preface this by saying that, while recognizing its many faults, i'm addicted to the NFL:

maybe i'm slow, but i was just hit with the horrifying realization that THIS -- not player safety, not domestic abuse scandals, but THIS -- is what has led a significant number of people to "boycott" the NFL

barring north korea glassing the relevant parts of the country, america is so fucked

I stopped watching football a couple of years ago due to player safety, domestic abuse scandals, etc. It wasn't very hard to do. The way the NFL is handling this actually makes me want to give them another chance, though you have clowns like Big Ben ruining it.


guess who is going to back track
Why do people like this run away from a thread? Is it when their brain finally has that EUREKA I'VE BEEN WRONG THE WHOLE TIME moment?

Uh, no. I mainly left because of so many people insinuating I negatively generalized races. It was a cheap drive by post that got the attention of everyone who didn't bother to take context into account.


i'll preface this by saying that, while recognizing its many faults, i'm addicted to the NFL:

maybe i'm slow, but i was just hit with the horrifying realization that THIS -- not player safety, not domestic abuse scandals, but THIS -- is what has led a significant number of people to "boycott" the NFL

barring north korea glassing the relevant parts of the country, america is so fucked

It's pretty telling that Trump's initial entry into talking about the NFL on Friday was bitching about how player safety concerns was ruining the game--he was complaining about people getting benched for hard tackles by referees, then segued into firing SOBs who kneel as another worse problem with football today.

Trump is straight up appealing to a part of the country that is pro-concussion and anti-peaceful-protest. i think all it really takes is being able to bitch about how things used to be better, his audience doesn't care about specifics.



More than 16,000 people have signed an online petition to remove the statue of Ray Lewis from outside M&T Bank Stadium after he joined current players in taking a knee during the national anthem before Sunday’s game.

The change.org petition was started after Ravens players knelt during the national anthem before the team played the Jacksonville Jaguars in London.

The Maryland Stadium Authority has added extra security to watch the statue.

Kneeling but not the accessory to murder got people mad?
The Onion: Veteran Told What Offends Him

The Onion said:
In the wake of protests in which some players knelt during the national anthem prior to this week’s NFL games, a U.S. Army veteran has been informed that the acts offended him. “This behavior spits in the face of everything you fought for,” said friends, family members, co-workers, politicians, television pundits, newspaper columnists, and millions of social media users, notifying the 65-year-old who served two tours in the Vietnam War that the protests were a mockery of all the sacrifices he had made. “You didn’t risk your life so that a bunch of millionaires could grandstand about some social issues. When these players refuse to rise for the anthem, they’re trampling all over your legacy, so of course you’d be furious.” Upon stating that the protests saddened him but that he had fought for their right to take place, the veteran was informed that, while his service was appreciated, he just wasn’t getting it.
So, I sometimes listen to talk radio on my lunch break to really get a better understanding of what the right can believe on certain topics.

Today of course, the discussion was all about the NFL.

Caller: "You can't be American and disrespect this country or it's flag. We should just send them all back to Africa."

Host: "I agree with your first statement, but please, don't head down the racist path."

Caller: "I don't think it's racism to send them back to Africa."

Host: "Well, ok, what do you do about the non-black players who participated?"

Caller: "Can I use the n word?"

I fucking KID YOU NOT, this exact bit played out on radio not more than 10 mins ago... Old ass racists are destroying this country. People more now than ever need to make sure their asses are in the ballot booth for EVERY election, city to national.

I wish there was a tape of this..
I wish there was a tape of this..

I was listening to the radio and they were talking about immigration.

Caller: "But why is immigration so hard for some people?"
Host: "*goes into a long explanation*"
Caller: *pauses* "Yes, but why is it so hard?"

People generally like to think that there's an easily understandable explanation for shit that quite simply does not have one. Either that or they think the easy explanation is the thing that would be true if the issue were not as complicated.



SAN JOSE — Joel Ward isn’t ruling out the possibility that he could become the first NHL player to join the protests sweeping through the NFL by taking a knee during the national anthem at an upcoming Sharks game.

As one of roughly 30 black players in the NHL, Ward has first-hand experience with racism. He knows what it’s like to be racially profiled by the police and he’s troubled by the rhetoric being used by President Donald Trump toward African American protestors in the NFL and NBA.

“It’s definitely something I wouldn’t cross out,” Ward said when asked by the Mercury News whether he’d consider taking a knee during the national anthem at an upcoming Sharks game.

“I’ve experienced a lot of racism myself in hockey and on a day-to-day occurrence. I haven’t really sat down to think about it too much yet, but I definitely wouldn’t say no to it.”

“I had no clue what the words meant until my parents educated me about what was going on in my surroundings. I was just a kid who fell in love with the game and picked up a hockey stick. I didn’t really look at it as color,” Ward said. “As I got older and looked across the locker rooms and dressings rooms, I realized I’m the only black kid in the whole arena.

“I’ve experienced racism as a kid, as an adult. I think I’ll always experience it.”
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