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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


It's not a protest of the national anthem, though. The national anthem just so happens to provide the appropriate backdrop for making a statement that there is something deeply wrong with the country that needs to be addressed.
Fair enough. It's the stage they've chosen. Whether it's in protest of and/or during the national anthem, it's perceptively one in the same to a lot of people on both sides of the fence.
As a current police officer and a veteran I can say this:

1. I don't personally agree wth the kneeling in protest of the national anthem.

2. I fully and completely understand why people are protesting and support their decision to do so.

3. I find it absolutely disgusting that Trump is behaving in the manner that he is and the stance he's taken on this issue.

4. The fact that people are demanding these players stand or face consequences goes against every single fiber or our constitution, specifically that thing called the bill of rights.

Your first point contradicts your second point. If you think people are kneeling in protest of the anthem, you have absolutely no understanding of what people are protesting. But I agree with your third and fourth point.


That's just the excuse in this particular case.

They don't believe POC deserve a voice or a right to protest in any way, shape or form. It's all wrong to them, because to them POC deserve every injustice and inequity, i.e. Michael Bennett deserving police brutality because the police have a difficult job and Bennett 'looked like the perp'. Then they'll browbeat you with tales of how great the country is and you should be more grateful.

Oh for sure. I mean just based on the people I know that say this, they are lying to themselves. What it really comes down to is seeing a Black man that is successful not being grateful for it. After all, they are White, and yet they aren't rich. No seriously, that's the impression I get.

Nonetheless, the lie they go with, that it's about respecting America and that's the most important thing, is hypocritical when they usually value freedom of speech above all else even with genocide loving Nazis.

Though to also be fair, and I can speak for this, is that some of it comes down to that Americans are taught to never go against America in anyway, to show patriotism at all times, and that the Flag and the anthem are basically to be worshiped. As such, thinking critically about it is hard for a lot of people.


I know they're brothers and best friends but given how much of a coon Ray Lewis is and how level headed and on point Shannon has been aboout all this, it's interesting that he continues to hold Ray Lewis in the esteem that he does

Fair enough. It's the stage they've chosen. Whether it's in protest of and/or during the national anthem, it's perceptively one in the same to a lot of people on both sides of the fence.

I really hope someone at a later point looks at this whole situation as a case study in terms of how the media and people in the dominant society can easily break and tear you down in the drop of a hat due to the intentional perpetuation of misinformation and strawmanning

Like, Kaep has been protesting for well over a year now and from day 1 has been extremely clear as to why he's knelt and at no point was it ever about protesting the anthem. Yet, here we are a year later and people are tripping over themselves to cast aspersions on him and his stance for something that couldn't be farther from the truth just to intentionally avoid talking about the more poignant issue of racial inequality.

It's really disgusting.


wait Ray Lewis literally went with the praying excuse


'I was on two knees while everyone else was on one and my mouth was moving, people should have known i wasn't protesting against the anthem something something coon something something or other"


I really hope someone at a later point looks at this whole situation as a case study in terms of how the media and people in the dominant society can easily break and tear you down in the drop of a hat due to the intentional perpetuation of misinformation and strawmanning

Like, Kaep has been protesting for well over a year now and from day 1 has been extremely clear as to why he's knelt and at no point was it ever about protesting the anthem. Yet, here we area year later and people are tripping over themselves to cast aspersions on him and his stance for something that couldn't be farther from the truth just to intentionally avoid talking about the more poignant issue of racial inequality.

It's really disgusting.

That's because people in this country have forgotten one of the basic fundamentals of conversation. Open your ears and shut your fucking mouth. Obviously, the dominance of social media has provided people a soapbox to instantly start screaming their opinion as if it's somehow going to be taken as fact. It's sad really.
That's because people in this country have forgotten one of the basic fundamentals of conversation. Open your ears and shut your fucking mouth. Obviously, the dominance of social media has provided people a soapbox to instantly start screaming their opinion as if it's somehow going to be taken as fact. It's sad really.

Social media is a great place to go to hear millions of people monologuing into the void.


Do yourself a favor and watch this video. It's short, and it might help you with some misconceptions.
Right on. I've actually watched that video. And for what it's worth, I've edited my original post. I absolutely see where my wording was off. Still doesn't change my stance on the issue.
I was thinking in the shower ( aka my think tank) and realized something really smart about these protests taking place during football games. One is obviously visibility, but the second is that these kneelers get to avoid the bullshit that seemingly overshadows every protest lately i.e. violence, destruction of property, fringe groups etc. Sure the media has found something else to get mad about but the core greatness is that they are simply kneeling.
Right on. I've actually watched that video. And for what it's worth, I've edited my original post. I absolutely see where my wording was off. Still doesn't change my stance on the issue.

Can I ask what other method of protesting you would be okay with? One that would grant them the same exposure that they're getting now
Fair enough. It's the stage they've chosen. Whether it's in protest of and/or during the national anthem, it's perceptively one in the same to a lot of people on both sides of the fence.

Those people are wrong and are missing the point, though. Actually, I'd say most of them have been intentionally misled by Trump and an accompanying bottom-feeder of a social media campaign over the last few days. I'm stealing a quote I saw a couple days back, but I think it's very apt:

"NFL players aren't protesting against the flag or the anthem any more so than Rosa Parks was protesting against public transportation."

At least, this is true of Kap and a few others when they started doing it last season. Now it seems to be as much of an anti-Trump protest as anything.

Cake Boss


Some interesting numbers in a poll here.

58% think athletes should be forced to stand but 57% disagree they should be fired like Trump wants if they don't. 51% disagree with stance Kaepernick took versus 40 that agree.

http://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gf...Reuters Tracking - NFL Topline 09 26 2017.pdf

I posted last night about how unpopular the polling was for the March on Washington and the civil Rights movement. Im optimistic over time the opinion will change.


Honestly, that Reuters poll has far better numbers for this than I would have expected.

I’m also pretty surprised at how unified Dems are with Kap. I wonder if it’s a byproduct of it now being a position opposite Trump’s.
Honestly, that Reuters poll has far better numbers for this than I would have expected.

I’m also pretty surprised at how unified Dems are with Kap. I wonder if it’s a byproduct of it now being a position opposite Trump’s.
I would imagine so. Previous polling on racial issues showed minimal differences between how Reps and Dems viewed them.


Can I ask what other method of protesting you would be okay with? One that would grant them the same exposure that they're getting now
I flat out don't have an answer to that. If in that position, I personally would stand and would fight for my right to stand, just as others are fighting for their right to kneel. I think the Cowboys did it the best way possible so far. They acknowledged both sides in a respectful and unified manner.
I flat out don't have an answer to that. If in that position, I personally would stand and would fight for my right to stand, just as others are fighting for their right to kneel. I think the Cowboys did it the best way possible so far. They acknowledged both sides in a respectful and unified manner.
And they still got booed. You may feel differently but to a lot of the opposition this anger has nothing to do with the Anthem or patriotism, it has to do with African Americans voicing an opinion that they'd rather not hear at any venue.
I flat out don't have an answer to that. If in that position, I personally would stand and would fight for my right to stand, just as others are fighting for their right to kneel. I think the Cowboys did it the best way possible so far. They acknowledged both sides in a respectful and unified manner.

Here's my take on it.

When Kaep first did this, I wasn't sure, like you, it was the best idea to go about doing this. I realized that I was wrong. I realized that the aim of a protest is to make people feel uncomfortable. Because now we start to have that uncomfortable conversation that otherwise would have never happened. If you appease the other side, they don't talk about the protest. And then we're back to square one. That's why they're using the anthem to use it as a method to protest like others have posted above.

It's uncomfortable that they used the anthem as a means to protest. But now guess what, we're all talking about it now. Whether or not it's in agreement, the subject is now in all of our minds and now we can start to have that conversation.


And they still got booed. You may feel differently but to a lot of the opposition this anger has nothing to do with the Anthem or patriotism, it has to do with African Americans voicing an opinion that they'd rather not hear at any venue.
No, that's absolutely accurate and it's disgusting.
I flat out don't have an answer to that. If in that position, I personally would stand and would fight for my right to stand, just as others are fighting for their right to kneel. I think the Cowboys did it the best way possible so far. They acknowledged both sides in a respectful and unified manner.

I understand that you mean well. I just want to be clear.

What the Cowboys did was worse than nothing. It was a co-opting and perversion of Kaep's protest. It takes the courageous act that started it all and perverts it into some meaningless, sanitized message of 'unity'. United in what? The opponents of justice want this to go away, and this 'unity' bs is the NFL ownership's idea how to go about doing that.

Which owner stands with Kaep in his cause for justice and equality? That would actually mean something. That would show some courage, to do what's right. Not this warm and fuzzy unity horseshit that means nothing other than a way for the opponents of justice to co-opt and confuse the meaning of Kaep's just cause.
This isn't necessarily directed at you TheShocker but there is no right way to protest. A protest should always disrupt people/upset people I think. Even the so called "peaceful" protests from 50 60 years ago weren't peaceful at all and bothered people. Someone is always gonna be a bit offended at how you chose to protest
This to me is just frustrating. I mean good on you guys for having a civil conversation and your friend is to be respected for the tours he did and has earned the right to do what he wants.

But it seems like this whole situation just reeks of the fact that no one wants to listen or admit they're wrong. The players have told you a million times why they're doing this, people in support have told you a million times why they're doing this, but for some stupid reason it always comes back to the sanctity of the flag and the troops.
Yup! I reminded him that nearly every player has said with conviction that this has nothing to with the troops or flag.


Here's my take on it.

When Kaep first did this, I wasn't sure, like you, it was the best idea to go about doing this. I realized that I was wrong. I realized that the aim of a protest is to make people feel uncomfortable. Because now we start to have that uncomfortable conversation that otherwise would have never happened. If you appease the other side, they don't talk about the protest. And then we're back to square one. That's why they're using the anthem to use it as a method to protest like others have posted above.

It's uncomfortable that they used the anthem as a means to protest. But now guess what, we're all talking about it now. Whether or not it's in agreement, the subject is now in all of our minds and now we can start to have that conversation.

Not really, the whole thing has been heavily orchestrated and co-opted to get people talking about patriotism and the anthem rather than racial injustice which was what Kaep was protesting.
I flat out don't have an answer to that. If in that position, I personally would stand and would fight for my right to stand, just as others are fighting for their right to kneel. I think the Cowboys did it the best way possible so far. They acknowledged both sides in a respectful and unified manner.

The Cowboys didn't protest anything though.

But glad They are now useful as the "how ro do it right" example
Not really, the whole thing has been heavily orchestrated and co-opted to get people talking about patriotism and the anthem rather than racial injustice which was what Kaep was protesting.
The irony is that in the NFL owners minds Kaep's crime was the same crime Trump is committing... He was fucking with their money. You see how united they've been against both men.



It's for the best given the cover isn't doing anything but further diluting Kaep's protest anyway.

The message that's being perpetuated is still very much about patriotism rather than racial injustice and they know that and they're doing it purposely and intentionally

If you put Kaep on that cover where steph is lets say, you're making the deceleration that all these people stand with Kaep in his protest for racial inequality and even though im sure some of them do (i.e. Lebron James) i'm damn sure that some of them don't (I.e. Goodell)


I'm fucking disgusted at what Kaep's protest has morphed into. Shame on all of them.

And where were all of you when I was getting shitted on by most of the people in my topic about how bullshit Sunday was? :(
I gotta give it to those jackwagons in suits, they've done a brilliant job of hijacking Kaepernick's cause. Hijacking memes and movements seems to be a defining skill in a certain circle.
It would be great if Sharpe and Bayless had Kaep on their show. But the powers that be would probably NEVER allow that.

I'd love to see Kaep on Fox Sports on day for the sole purpose of beating the hell out of Jason Whitlock for what he said about him and keeps saying about him.
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