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Twitter Assholes Harassing Sony Santa Monica Employees with Unsolicited Penis Pictures


Was it The Snitch?

Fine, I'll stop.
Lol. This is all I imagined when you said that:

The Rock Reaction GIF by WWE
Hopefully it continues to blowup in their faces, i hate this tactic and don't understand why they keep doing it so much now.
I'm sorry but why do we NEED to know the release date of an upcoming date so desperately? If the Devs/publishers aren't ready to reveal the date, that means there is something more that they want to work on, either on the Dev side or marketing side. With games being almost fully digital now, Ragnarok could release the day after tomorrow and anyone who wants to play will be able to play on the date. There are no supply problems. The game won't be out of stock. I certainly don't understand this hate.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Honestly anyone who makes a big deal out of something like this I lose respect for.

Even if it was 1000 people, that is a fucking pittance to the number of fans that exist. It's a clear troll or group of trolls so block them and move on. Calling them out does nothing to stop it. If anything, more people will do it.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Honestly anyone who makes a big deal out of something like this I lose respect for.

Even if it was 1000 people, that is a fucking pittance to the number of fans that exist. It's a clear troll or group of trolls so block them and move on. Calling them out does nothing to stop it. If anything, more people will do it.

These people will make alt accounts and continue the antics probably every min until the reveal. Besides its tedious blocking those 1k+ trolls

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
These people will make alt accounts and continue the antics probably every min until the reveal. Besides its tedious blocking those 1k+ trolls

Then ignore them. Calling them out does *nothing* but appear as virtue signaling, a way to denigrate a large portion of the player base (in some cases), and just promote others to do the same thing because they have the comedic stylings of a 12-year-old.
I'd put them on my cubicle wall.

I hope they don't stop since they're getting exactly the response they were aiming for. If they'd have just ignored it it would have petered out (no pun intended).

fart town usa

Gold Member
I think the girl handled it spot on w/ her initial tweet. Unless she issued a follow-up, she seemed to just laugh it off. The Jordan gif is pure *chefs kiss*

Cory just comes off as white knighting, and then people use it to try and rally a discussion about "toxic elements in gaming culture." Some people are just douchebags and they exist in every fan-oriented/organized hobby. Mute them, block them, call the authorities, or just laugh it off. No amount of struggle sessions is gonna stop weirdos from being weirdos.


i don't think it's an unpopular opinion to say borderlands 2 has bad writing. they were doing arrow in the knee jokes. tiny tina is awful. the characters in general are obnoxious and annoying across the board. all the internet meme culture humor. if you liked it, that's fine too. BL3 writing also stinks.
Yep. Claiming the writing in BL2 is good is one of those things people continue to parrot for some reason. The characters are grating and the humor was incredibly juvenile.

I’ll never forget Ryan Davis annihilating the awful writing in a Tweet to Anthony Burch. lol
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Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Then ignore them. Calling them out does *nothing* but appear as virtue signaling, a way to denigrate a large portion of the player base (in some cases), and just promote others to do the same thing because they have the comedic stylings of a 12-year-old.

Its easier said than done, especially when they want to socialize with normal fans or strangers.

i imagine its like receive 50 delivered and e-mails containing dick pics everyday. You can ignore the mails but after 5 or 6 months later, you’ll lose your patience because you have to go through them to find the mails from friends or bill payments


Moderated wildly
I'd actually delay it at this point and make it the most polished game ever.

Twitter needs to fuck off and those shit insiders who leak shit need to understand what their bullshit "journalism" does to other people's lives.


Twitter needs to fuck off and those shit insiders who leak shit need to understand what their bullshit "journalism" does to other people's lives.
The blame starts and ends with the stupid people on Twitter who are messaging/tweeting devs for a release dates or to complain about the art style.
Just announce the delay and be done with it. Also, Twitter is full of prized 'pricks', just ask any footballer with the abuse they have to put up with.

Still Cory it could be worse, you could be part of Sonic Team, endless abuse of the team is fine then


I feel like social media has never been nastier. I'm not sure what's changed, and it's always been bad, but Twitter has turned from a cesspool into a radioactive dump.


Someone’s getting a bit too desperate to find new inside sources.

If someone wants to look at a dick in 2022 they type it in a google search box, not look in their dm box.


Neighbours from Hell
Breaking news, social media is loaded with assholes. You’d figure by now it wouldn’t be a news story every time assholes act like assholes. The only reason it continues to be is so people can still push the gamer gate narrative. Like gaming has more toxicity than other communities(it doesn’t).


tbh its getting really annoying that these big sony game leads keep calling out minority actions and pretending like it is a huge problem...
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I find it rather funny that Twitter will swiftly ban you for political wrongthink, but somehow, allegedly this kind of behavior can be inflicted on someone who uses it for their job.

... Yeah, I'm calling that it's fake.
I remember a studio mentioned a while back, that they oddly got sent a lot of penis pictures back in the day, I'm sure someone else here will remember what person said/studio it was about.


Gold Member
Scenes when they delay the game because their female staff were distracted by dick pics.

Team 2023 are back in play, you know what to do lads.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Hey Cory, telling people not to do something on Twitter is a great way to ensure they double down. You would think he would be smart enough to just ignore this.
If this actually happened, we didn't need to know this.
Never let an opportunity to villainize your audience pass you by when you can use it to deflect attention. Suddenly we are not talking about a release date anymore, we are talking about dick pics.
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1. A dick pic isn't the fucking end of the world (isn't even illegal from my understanding)
2. They aren't busting their ass to make something that people will enjoy, they're busting it to make money
3. Surely openly complaining about it will get people to stop
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