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Twitter/X is working on removing the block feature


It's to stop people from blocking all the ads

I think i've blocked over 100 ad accounts over the past few months cause they're trying to sell useless shite. There was even some community notes under them that they were dropshippers (which seem to have vanished)

Blocking is hitting the ad revenue and that's why he's getting rid of it


Nope. These rules apply to the social networking services themselves. "The ability to block abusive users from the service" means that the system powering a social media should have an option to permanently ban abusive users, not that the users themselves should be able to block other users from being able to see or reply their posts.
Too vague.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
It's to stop people from blocking all the ads

I think i've blocked over 100 ad accounts over the past few months cause they're trying to sell useless shite. There was even some community notes under them that they were dropshippers (which seem to have vanished)

Blocking is hitting the ad revenue and that's why he's getting rid of it

Blocking or muting, what does it matter? If you mute an advertiser, you still don't see that ad and Musk won't get any ad money.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Nope. These rules apply to the social networking services themselves. "The ability to block abusive users from the service" means that the system powering a social media should have an option to permanently ban abusive users, not that the users themselves should be able to block other users from being able to see or reply their posts.
The Apple one maybe, but the Google Play store is not.



Gold Member

Well hey, people want Twitter (social media in general) to be as free and open as possible. So Elon is just making it more open when you cant block people.

Is it logical to be allowed to block someone constantly harassing someone? Sure.

Is it logical to be a crybaby and allowed to block someone after one comment? No.

Just ignore any dumbass comments. Think of it like spam in your email or junk mail piling up in your mailbox. Just ignore it.
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Im ok with this. It will create more spam but the far left idiots cant hide people making fun of their stupidity anymore. Seems like a partial win to me.

It's funny, because I read this with the far right idiots doing that in mind. 😅
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Well hey, people want Twitter (social media in general) to be as free and open as possible. So Elon is just making it more open when you cant block people.

Is it logical to be allowed to block someone constantly harassing someone? Sure.

Is it logical to be a crybaby and allowed to block someone after one comment? No.

Just ignore any dumbass comments. Think of it like spam in your email or junk mail piling up in your mailbox. Just ignore it.
The mute feature is still a thing. With block gone you can still not see posts from people you don't want to see. You just can't stop them from seeing your posts. Why should anyone have to sign out to see posts where someone blocks me and then talks shit about them and then sign in to a burner to talk back?


Gold Member
The mute feature is still a thing. With block gone you can still not see posts from people you don't want to see. You just can't stop them from seeing your posts. Why should anyone have to sign out to see posts where someone blocks me and then talks shit about them and then sign in to a burner to talk back?
If thats how it works, then who really cares. How many people are going to do burner accounts over and over again to get back at someone?


Again, is it required that the platform be able to block, or the user be able to block? The way it's worded is vague, so it seems stupid to report one way or the other as if it was certainty.
Anything to dump on Musk. Didn't you see all the X trademark stuff when the rebrand happened?. It was mostly the same thing. People posting stuff without context or even reading most the time. Gotta farm the likes.


That's the kind of people that are forged from the way the REE mods block all dissenters and reddit downvotes hide unpopular (on their platforms at least) opinions.

Regarding the block features, I almost never use them universally in all platforms unless I'm being specifically harassed by someone. Just because I disagree with somebody today doesn't mean they won't say something interesting in the future. So I'm all for it. Partly for the chaos, and partly to get people comfortable with non-screechy back and forth discourse and being able to see other opinions without turning into a REE-tier "person".


It's to stop people from blocking all the ads

I think i've blocked over 100 ad accounts over the past few months cause they're trying to sell useless shite. There was even some community notes under them that they were dropshippers (which seem to have vanished)

Blocking is hitting the ad revenue and that's why he's getting rid of it
100%. My feed is basically pure ads and I block them. I’m tired of it and get damn near 0 outta twitter. I’m logging out and deleting the bookmark. Just to much of a chore.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
That's the kind of people that are forged from the way the REE mods block all dissenters and reddit downvotes hide unpopular (on their platforms at least) opinions.

Regarding the block features, I almost never use them universally in all platforms unless I'm being specifically harassed by someone. Just because I disagree with somebody today doesn't mean they won't say something interesting in the future. So I'm all for it. Partly for the chaos, and partly to get people comfortable with non-screechy back and forth discourse and being able to see other opinions without turning into a REE-tier "person".
Removing the block function is not going to do that. People are not going sit down and calmly discuss their differences. They will flame each other until one or both are banned or they will just stop using the platform.

Neither of which is going to bring advertisers back to Twitter.


Removing the block function is not going to do that. People are not going sit down and calmly discuss their differences. They will flame each other until one or both are banned or they will just stop using the platform.
It's hard to say or quantify that. I've had arguments with people that at the time got heated. Then later, I revisit and think about and consider the opposing opinion and sometimes find myself seeing the other side of the argument. Other times, I stick with what I believe, but at least I've considered it.

Insulating yourself from any conflict just makes you unable to think critically and could even cause the behavior you're referring to. I personally think exposure to all sorts of opinions and takes, no matter how stupid/shitty, has its merits.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
It's hard to say or quantify that. I've had arguments with people that at the time got heated. Then later, I revisit and think about and consider the opposing opinion and sometimes find myself seeing the other side of the argument. Other times, I stick with what I believe, but at least I've considered it.

Insulating yourself from any conflict just makes you unable to think critically and could even cause the behavior you're referring to. I personally think exposure to all sorts of opinions and takes, no matter how stupid/shitty, has its merits.
Most people don't use the block function for that though. As I already said the average person uses it to block bots, particularly offensive accounts, or annoying accounts that keep popping up that they don't care about.

It's about curating the experience to fit what you want out of the site. Not just having anything and everything come your way with no filter.


Most people don't use the block function for that though. As I already said the average person uses it to block bots, particularly offensive accounts, or annoying accounts that keep popping up that they don't care about.
Whitney Houston GIF

You say that, but how do you know what "most people" and the "average person" uses the block feature for? I have a Twitter(X?) account and I've never even used the feature, and I don't see bots/ads/anything weird on my feed. Only custom tailored porn.
It's about curating the experience to fit what you want out of the site. Not just having anything and everything come your way with no filter.
I don't think blocking is the only way you can curate your feed though. Surely the algorithm isn't:

If account = blocked
Then (don't show user stuff they won't like)


100%. Not going to use any platform where you can’t block people. That’s absurd.

It is, and the folks defending it are equally absurd.

Some dude really said blocking someone is "cowardice" like an internet argument over BS even matters.

There are actual stalkers who use peoples social media to follow people and harass them online, track their whereabouts.

Why would you remove something like this, a basic quality of life feature thats so obvious that sites were using it 20 years ago ?


Wow, I really want to fill my timeline with ads, scams and bots because it will annoy some woke people I never interact with, that'll show em!

If the last few years have shown us anything is that a disturbing amount of people will gladly slice their own nose off if it means they don't have to smell people on the side they don't like.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Whitney Houston GIF

You say that, but how do you know what "most people" and the "average person" uses the block feature for? I have a Twitter(X?) account and I've never even used the feature, and I don't see bots/ads/anything weird on my feed.
If you think the average person is a terminally online extremist that can't stand the sight of differing opinions so they go around blocking anyone and everything that is a you problem. The real world is not like that.

I'm saying the average person uses it for mostly the purposes that I mentioned. Do people block annoying people that bug them? of course they do. But the average user is not going around blocking hundreds of accounts for no other reason than what's in their Bio or whatever.


Seems like an obviously bad move for advertisers who want to be able to control replies to their tweets.


If you think the average person is a terminally online extremist that can't stand the sight of differing opinions so they go around blocking anyone and everything that is a you problem. The real world is not like that.
My man, this isn't a me problem because I scroll twitter a few times a week and don't even know where the block feature is or how to use it. I'm just saying it's nice to expose people to all sorts of thoughts and opinions.
I'm saying the average person uses it for mostly the purposes that I mentioned. Do people block annoying people that bug them? of course they do. But the average user is not going around blocking hundreds of accounts for no other reason than what's in their Bio or whatever.
Well this Chrome extension that's been downloaded 60 thousand+ times says you're wrong:

Now what proof do you have that people only block bots or whatever nonsense you're trying to spout? "trust me bro"?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
My man, this isn't a me problem because I scroll twitter a few times a week and don't even know where the block feature is or how to use it. I'm just saying it's nice to expose people to all sorts of thoughts and opinions.

Well this Chrome extension that's been downloaded 60 thousand+ times says you're wrong:

Now what proof do you have that people only block bots or whatever nonsense you're trying to spout? "trust me bro"?
Oh wow 60k whole times?

How many millions of people use Twitter again? :pie_thinking:


If anything block should be enhanced. A hand should come out of the screen and slap the blocked troll across the face. Hard.

Anyway, I'm glad twaxter is getting better by removing features that have long matured and work on most other social platforms, first and foremost being forums.

Trolls, bots, users that post blatant spam, spoilers, insults or fighting in the comments sections, extreme console warrior twats, grifters on woke/anti-woke stuff, people that coopt on movements to attack or hurt others, mobs. Those don't get muted, I don't intend to ever interact with them, I won't ever consider following them, even if I just read their "reponses" to someone else's tweets.

Mute is for those I follow and get annoying by spamming a post or getting stuck on some random fight, or for random account that is a "might (re)follow" after they stop being monotonous.
Block is for I don't care about your shit takes at all and, if it helps the friend-of-a-friend algorithm at all, your shit stops spreading as fast.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
How is baby bitch boy schreier gonna survive
Its kinda funny to me how some of the responses to the news illustrates perfectly why the ability to block was there in the first place lol
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Expect to see women leaving X at a higher rate due to being unable to block stalkers or serial harassers. It'll become a sausage party

Out of curiosity, are these your own original thoughts, or did you hear them from somewhere else first?

If people still have the mute function, I don't think this will be the case. If what I'm reading is accurate:

Block: the blocked user can't see your posts, which means that they can never respond to anything you have to say, keeping you in an echo chamber AND preventing anyone else from reading a blocked user's reply to your posts. You essentially get to censor other people's speech by not allowing them to respond to what you had to say.

Mute: the muted user can still see your posts, but you won't see their replies, although everyone else still can. You get to shield yourself from the speech of users you don't wish to interact with, but you don't get to silence them.

If that's not accurate, I'd be interested to hear a better explanation of the difference between block and mute.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
It's to stop people from blocking all the ads

I think i've blocked over 100 ad accounts over the past few months cause they're trying to sell useless shite. There was even some community notes under them that they were dropshippers (which seem to have vanished)

Blocking is hitting the ad revenue and that's why he's getting rid of it

Genius that he is, Musk must have fired so many programmers that they don't have anyone who isn't constantly putting out fires available to code what must amount to:

If the tweet is an ad, don't block.

I'm not a programmer, but that seems like a far from insurmountable challenge.

Also, based on the ads I see, twitter's ad revenue must be pitiful - most of the ads I see are from the same few tiny companies with what must be a tiny ad spend. Cheech and Chong's Cruise Chews is one I see every day. Twitter can't be getting many advertisers if I am being advertised to in a country that the product can't be shipped to and the product is completely unrelated to my interests, searches and accounts I follow - those are basic things - to be able to advertise to demographics interested in and able to buy your product.


Its kinda funny to me how some of the responses to the news illustrates perfectly why the ability to block was there in the first place lol
I mean it's kinda of funny to me that Any grown adult gives a shit about X or Twitter in the first place 🤣.

Like exist in the real world rather.

But anything that gets ol baby bitch Schreier crying is just sweet sweet sugar in our lives.


Gold Member
I mean it's kinda of funny to me that Any grown adult gives a shit about X or Twitter in the first place 🤣.

Like exist in the real world rather.

But anything that gets ol baby bitch Schreier crying is just sweet sweet sugar in our lives.
Again, this is the case of people are happy for the wrong reason, just because you get satisfied about pissing off some woke people doesn't mean the rest of us have to suffer. If you agree with this then why don't you also petition to EviLore EviLore to remove bans from this site too because hey, we can just Ignore other members right, that should do!


Again, this is the case of people are happy for the wrong reason, just because you get satisfied about pissing off some woke people doesn't mean the rest of us have to suffer. If you agree with this then why don't you also petition to EviLore EviLore to remove bans from this site too because hey, we can just Ignore other members right, that should do!
Block is not the same as bans. Twitter/X will still be able to ban people, for many reasons including harassment. Here we do not have a feature like the block feature on there. We have a feature similar to the mute feature there though.
Again, this is the case of people are happy for the wrong reason, just because you get satisfied about pissing off some woke people doesn't mean the rest of us have to suffer. If you agree with this then why don't you also petition to EviLore EviLore to remove bans from this site too because hey, we can just Ignore other members right, that should do!
Even for people misrepresenting or misunderstanding what the block and mute functions actually do, this is just a whole other level of inaccuracy. When this change happens, Elon Musk will still be able to ban you from twitter, just like EviLore can ban you from GAF.

If you really want GAF to work the way twitter does right now, and the way the block function on twitter works right now, then if someone used the ignore function you would not be able to see posts made by anyone who decided to ignore you. You could be banned entirely from participating in various conversations based on a user not wanting you to be seen or heard. If that isn't a change you would like to see come to GAF, why do you want it to stay that way on twitter?

And as far as I'm aware, the mute function on twitter will (does?) work a lot like the ignore function on GAF.


Again, this is the case of people are happy for the wrong reason, just because you get satisfied about pissing off some woke people doesn't mean the rest of us have to suffer. If you agree with this then why don't you also petition to EviLore EviLore to remove bans from this site too because hey, we can just Ignore other members right, that should do!
It's Twitter. This really shouldn't be affecting you so much 🤣

Just have a laugh cause baby boys can't hide in their circle Jerks anymore then like go outside and socialise with actual human beings


I think this is nonsense and yet another reason why the App is slowly but surely turning to shit.

There's certainly been times when people have blocked me for reasons I didn't agree with, but that's their right. I'm not going to cry about it or try to force them to unblock me.

I don't have a ton of people blocked, but I do have a few and simply don't want to see their tweets anymore, nor do I want them whispering shit about mine.
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