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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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I hope Nuttall doesn't stand. It at least gives more of a leg to stand on about complaining about how UKIP get comparatively more coverage for their chances/state in the election.
UKIP are on 7% and will not be standing in all seats. The LDs should be standing in all seats, AFAIK, and are on 10-12% in the polls right now.

UKIP will get more coverage and airtime this election than the LDs.


UKIP are on 7% and will not be standing in all seats. The LDs should be standing in all seats, AFAIK, and are on 10-12% in the polls right now.

UKIP will get more coverage and airtime this election than the LDs.

There won't even be the traditional Farage escapades, it's going to be hard to create stories that amuse the BBC lot. If Nuttall doesn't go for it then it's done, and they will have to talk about something else.


There won't even be the traditional Farage escapades, it's going to be hard to create stories that amuse the BBC lot. If Nuttall doesn't go for it then it's done, and they will have to talk about something else.

Maybe we can go an entire election without seeing that mans smug, gurning face holding a Pint of London Pride
If Nuttall doesn't stand and their big policy is the vagina police, that has to be the end.

It's the end for them anyway. As soon as the election was called, it looks like anyone that was considering voting for them has thought "Oh yeah, that's pointless now" and moved to someone else.

I mean, just look at that poll drop on 18 April! It's a precipice!



It's the end for them anyway. As soon as the election was called, it looks like anyone that was considering voting for them has thought "Oh yeah, that's pointless now" and moved to someone else.

I mean, just look at that poll drop on 18 April! It's a precipice!

I don't know why anybody who was voting UKIP wouldn't vote Tory now. Unless they were voting for the non-headline hardcore right-wing policies and the conservatives just aren't right wing enough

If I were for Brexit I'd be fully on the Theresa May train, just like my former UKIP friendly in-laws


It's the end for them anyway. As soon as the election was called, it looks like anyone that was considering voting for them has thought "Oh yeah, that's pointless now" and moved to someone else.

I mean, just look at that poll drop on 18 April! It's a precipice!

Agreed, it's just they have lost all their potentially interesting stories, Carswell robbed them by quitting, Farage is sticking to his MEP seat, the leader not bothering just leaves a few loons nobody cares about.

Nuttall has to stand or they will be done before the vote even happens.


Unconfirmed Member
What happens when the Tories run out of clubs to leave, foreigners to hate, or immigrants to ban?

Do they finally end as a party, or is that when things get really nasty?


I hope the government doesn't have the usual last few days of the election poll boost, they will need both sides of the house.


Unfortunately the UKIP vote whatever it is will damage Labour in many seats letting the Tories in.

Corbyn should keep pushing for debates and repeatedly keep saying why won't May debate her record etc.

Either way I have a feeling the Tories will just end up with a few more seats than they have now. Landslide? Nope.

Anyway we all know why May called this election and it wasn't because of Brexit!


Makes sense - Wales did Vote to leave after all, and corbyns eu stance and inability to express it well means there should be some shift away from labour.

If those numbers are true for Wales there's no reason to think the same couldn't happen in the northeast. Labour could be looking at a complete meltdown outside of the cities.
If those numbers are true for Wales there's no reason to think the same couldn't happen in the northeast. Labour could be looking at a complete meltdown outside of the cities.

And depending on how the campaign goes, they may be facing nasty opposition from the LDs in the cities, too.


Makes sense - Wales did Vote to leave after all, and corbyns eu stance and inability to express it well means there should be some shift away from labour.

If those numbers are true for Wales there's no reason to think the same couldn't happen in the northeast. Labour could be looking at a complete meltdown outside of the cities.

I'm not sure how sticky Labour's vote will be in the cities either. Could imagine lots of people switching to the Lib Dems.


What happens when the Tories run out of clubs to leave, foreigners to hate, or immigrants to ban?

Do they finally end as a party, or is that when things get really nasty?

Never. Just watch them blame all those and the EU for being successful and not giving the UK everything they want. EU will be the enemy until the end of time and people won't look to the UK government to blame, the media will make sure of that.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sure how sticky Labour's vote will be in the cities either. Could imagine lots of people switching to the Lib Dems.

No evidence of that, though. I've been talking to a few people who do the strategy modelling for parties, and they're not seeing the Liberal Democrats picking up especially well - they're losing voters to the Conservatives at the same rate they're picking them up from Labour, but where they're picking them up from Labour, they're not winnable seats anyway. They reckon the LDs will be a bit of a damp squib this election.


Oddly enough the result in my district will be the clearest sign of whether the lib dems can win in the cities. It's the most pro-Eu area of the country, and yet has a deeply Brexit labour mp who is friends with Nigel farage and done numerous publicity stunts with him. If the lib dems can't capitalise on that to win a seat from labour, then don't expect them to make significant ground in the cities anywhere.


It's the end for them anyway. As soon as the election was called, it looks like anyone that was considering voting for them has thought "Oh yeah, that's pointless now" and moved to someone else.

I mean, just look at that poll drop on 18 April! It's a precipice!

That uptick on the Tories though...

Lego Boss

I have always voted Labour (apart from when I was at university and everyone voted Lib Dem).

I'm not voting for them this time. Corbyn is more posionous than aany other Labour leader that I can remember (yes, even Blair). He doesn't like th monarchy (so the working class won't vote for him) and he doesn't like Europe (so the Bromainers won't vote for him).

What does hie like? What does he stand for? Himself and his own suicidal, self-interested agenda.

If there's no green candidate I'm not voting this time. It's a travesty, but I can't ally with him, the Lib Dems (sell out cunts) or anyone else.

What a mess.


No evidence of that, though. I've been talking to a few people who do the strategy modelling for parties, and they're not seeing the Liberal Democrats picking up especially well - they're losing voters to the Conservatives at the same rate they're picking them up from Labour, but where they're picking them up from Labour, they're not winnable seats anyway. They reckon the LDs will be a bit of a damp squib this election.

I suppose that seems reasonable. When you're polling on 10-12% you aren't suddenly going to win 50 extra seats. Will probably help the Tories win some seats though, that seems to be what LDs prefer anyway ;)
I have always voted Labour (apart from when I was at university and everyone voted Lib Dem).

I'm not voting for them this time. Corbyn is more posionous than aany other Labour leader that I can remember (yes, even Blair). He doesn't like th monarchy (so the working class won't vote for him) and he doesn't like Europe (so the Bromainers won't vote for him).

What does hie like? What does he stand for? Himself and his own suicidal, self-interested agenda.

If there's no green candidate I'm not voting this time. It's a travesty, but I can't ally with him, the Lib Dems (sell out cunts) or anyone else.

What a mess.

Thats how the Tories want you to think. Why not at least throw in a vote against them?


I have always voted Labour (apart from when I was at university and everyone voted Lib Dem).

I'm not voting for them this time. Corbyn is more posionous than aany other Labour leader that I can remember (yes, even Blair). He doesn't like th monarchy (so the working class won't vote for him) and he doesn't like Europe (so the Bromainers won't vote for him).

What does hie like? What does he stand for? Himself and his own suicidal, self-interested agenda.

If there's no green candidate I'm not voting this time. It's a travesty, but I can't ally with him, the Lib Dems (sell out cunts) or anyone else.

What a mess.

All I can do is try to limit the Tory majority, and hope the next election finally puts brexit behind us, probably not as the transition will be ending and they can get more mileage out of it.
I suppose that seems reasonable. When you're polling on 10-12% you aren't suddenly going to win 50 extra seats. Will probably help the Tories win some seats though, that seems to be what LDs prefer anyway ;)

Not really - we'd personally quite like not to leave the EU, or the Single Market.
Tempted to not vote to be honest. What's the point when you're going to have a one party state. Hoping for a nice looong transition period so I can get out of here. You know that poster on the Trump trade deal thread who said they would consider suicide if they had to keep on living in this country? I'm actually starting to feel that way sometimes. Feels like the future for millennials is fucked, the rest of the country is gleefully walking off that cliff and there's nothing we can do about it. Why bother voting in this election,your voice doesn't matter if you don't agree with our path.


Chili Con Carnage!
Is Wales still waiting to hear back from May about all that EU funding they voted against having but still want?


Some of you guys act like Corbyn is some evil cunt. I understand why some think he is a danger to Labour due to his refusal to give up on his campaign of nationalisation, anti austerity etc but when I see people calling him selfish or the best of two evils or some nonsense, I am wondering what exactly you are seeing in him to feel so strongly? There are no Corbyn policies that directly oppress or cause harm to the people of this country. The same cannot be said for the Tories.


Yeh cause polls are so reliable aren't they?

Polls in the UK consistency *undervalue* the conservative vote. And polls aren't wrong by 20+ points.

(Also, polls do tend to be right. They got Brexit right and were within the margin of error for trump).
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