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Uncharted 4 Trailer runs in-engine, in-game, in realtime on a single PS4 at 1080p60

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We need a response from this individual. He should of made the thread yesterday....would of been amazing!

On topic: I trusted ND. I knew it wasnt some bullshot. Hail Naughty Dog.

He went missing when the big play comes like Messi. I kid I kid :p lol

people were right to be skeptical. I mean holy crap.


Would be insane if true.

EDIT: Okay, thats insane.

Without knowing about the trailer, I would've thought it was a preview for the Uncharted movie.


You didn't really explain why they are still using the term "in engine" and what does it mean in that regard.

If this is how the game will look, If this is gameplay graphics, all they need to say is "real time" or even better- "real time - in game", why they are adding this "in engine" thing.

I want them to show me they control Drake seamlessly when he enters the jungle before i believe any of this, i think it's all PR and playing with words until then, i feel sorry for people who believe this is how the gameplay will look.

I believe the difference will be the same as they were from U3/TLoU cutscene to gameplay, so in other words - this game will fan-fucking-tastic.

If this somehow turns out to be gameplay graphics, well fuck me silly then.


Killzone was not downgraded :/

In fact, it only improved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DW82y6pzBo

I believe the difference will be the same as they were from U3/TLoU cutscene to gameplay, so in other words - this game will fan-fucking-tastic.

If this somehow turns out to be gameplay graphics, well fuck me silly then.

No it won't be like that, TLOU's cutscenes were rendered by 4 PS3s i believe
Uncharted 4's is only rendered by one.


love on your sleeve
Not at this level and you know this.

The best looking PS4 game is going to look better than the best looking XB1 game but the best looking XB1 game will still look incredible. We're 7 months in and this is our first look at what PS4's peak may look like. Maybe 343i will show us what XB1 can do.
You didn't really explain why they are still using the term "in engine" and what does it mean in that regard.

If this is how the game will look, If this is gameplay graphics, all they need to say is "real time" or even better- "real time - in game", why they are adding this "in engine" thing.

I want them to show me they control Drake seamlessly when he enters the jungle before i believe any of this, i think it's all PR and playing with words until then, i feel sorry for people who believe this is how the gameplay will look.

The difference between Realtime and Gameplay in ND games is maybe 90-95% close to real-time, in-engine and thats when you consider that UC1-3 and TLOU realtime scenes were on 8 PS3s while gameplay was 1. Here the realtime scene is on 1 PS4 so imagine gameplay . So even taking that into account it is already the best looking game this generation shown.

....in 1080p

.... at 60 fps

I mean come on man.


This makes me excited for QD's next game.
Dem faces will blow minds.

Yeah, those actually might be as close to photorealistic as we're going to get in gaming until we reach current movie CGI levels of realism. I'm not even kidding.

I mean, the faces in Beyond: Two Souls were pretty much only hold back by the tech of the PS3 itself. Quantic Dream have become absolute masters in the art of making faces 'seem' real (capturing all the little details like the way eyes move and such), so it is pretty much just a matter of better lighting, more polygons and more detailed facial rigs in order to bridge the uncanny valley. Add some smoke and mirror effects for anything not achievable on current hardware yet and it should be near perfection. The Sorcerer is the worst it might look, and it will probably be way better than that if previous QD tech demos have been any indication (especially since The Sorcerer was just a quick engine port). I doubt QD wants to achieve 60fps for their games, maybe not even 1080p, so that should help too.

If people thought last gen was as impressive as graphics would get, they are so, so wrong.


Gold Member
You didn't really explain why they are still using the term "in engine" and what does it mean in that regard.

If this is how the game will look, If this is gameplay graphics, all they need to say is "real time" or even better- "real time - in game", why they are adding this "in engine" thing.

I want them to show me they control Drake seamlessly when he enters the jungle before i believe any of this, i think it's all PR and playing with words until then, i feel sorry for people who believe this is how the gameplay will look.

I am sceptical too, but that is the message they are telling us.

In-engine, in-game, real time, etc as far as I'm concerned is to tell us the same thing: the 3D graphics were being rendered by the PS4.

In-engine I guess is so we know it's not CGI.


Nobody will optimize for 10TF cards. All that power will go to uber res, AA or rendering in VR mode. They will "Brute force the envelope". ND are pioneering new rendering techniques here, no doubt.

1) You don't know that. The two devs I mentioned in my previous post are already making games that consoles won't match for some time (probably UC4). By then, they'll have moved the bar even higher.

2) Sounds like baseless conjecture. Name the techniques being used that are new and you can continue down that path.


Naughty Dog needs to press the share button on their development tools and get this tech into the hands of every developer out there.


You are right. They're not wizards. They're gods.

Lol, well.
I'll keep my expectations in check, but i don't want to piss on anyone's parade.

If it over-delivers on my expectations, even better, otherwise i won't get burned, let's put it this way.


I believe the difference will be the same as they were from U3/TLoU cutscene to gameplay, so in other words - this game will fan-fucking-tastic.

If this somehow turns out to be gameplay graphics, well fuck me silly then.

Well, the difference between gameplay to cut scenes in U3 and TLOU is pretty big... So it's not really that impressive, I'm sure it will still look fantastic but for such fidelity we should probably wait for the 4K remake on PS5 :)
Here is the only explanation:

the ICE team which resides at naughty dog helped build the PS4. the PS4 was built with the thought that with the engine that ND would use now and in the future. Its like iOS being optimized for iOS device hardware only. Any ND game is fully optimized for PS4 hardware because its their OWN system

Thus, it all comes back to Cerny:

What? A dev show a video at E3 and have the visuals downgraded at release? I've never heard of such a thing.

Remember all the UC3 Chloe before/afters that had people freaking out for a thousand posts?

UC4 may look as good as this in gameplay when it's released, but I'm not going to be surprised if there's a downgradeton. Killzone, Madden, watch_dogs, this happens EVERY TIME people.

Killzone wasn't downgraded as far as I can tell.
Actually it may be somewhat different.
UC4 can be the maximum of graphics in this generation reached on the second year of it's existence. This is because of PS4 being very easy to work with and having almost no bottlenecks which devs should learn to avoid.

And the 360 then? Also saw gigantic graphical leap in its lifetime.

PS4 has tricks up its sleeve like gpgpu, it has 8 ACEs for 64 compute jobs, games haven't really taken advantages of compute yet, doubt any of these will be fully exploited anytime soon.
, i feel sorry for people who believe this is how the gameplay will look.

I don't believe this is how the gameplay will look, but the fact that a real-time cutscene looks like this is a pretty strong indicator of how the rest of the game will look. I've never seen even a realtime cutscene that looks like this, anywhere.
Isn't it a bit weird though still that they chose "Captured directly from a PS4" as their wording over "realtime" or "in game"? I mean realtime sounds a LOT more impressive and their wording was vague

They were baiting the hook.

They knew the press would ask the questions. They knew the press would then run the story of the confirmation. They knew the reaction this confirmation would get.


The difference between Realtime and Gameplay in ND games is maybe 90-95% close to real-time, in-engine and thats when you consider that UC1-3 and TLOU realtime scenes were on 8 PS3s while gameplay was 1. Here the realtime scene is on 1 PS4 so imagine gameplay . So even taking that into account it is already the best looking game this generation shown.

....in 1080p

.... at 60 fps

I mean come on man.

Sorry but TLOU cut scenes and gameplay weren't 90-95% close, not at all, it was a very noticeable gap.

I really can't grasp the gameplay looking close to this teaser.
i can believe it's realtime.

the order alone has some crazy subsurface scattering. there's that section where the lightning strikes and you can see gallahad's ear.

if rad can do that then i could believe nd pulling this off.


1) You don't know that. The two devs I mentioned in my previous post are already making games that consoles won't match for some time (probably UC4). By then, they'll have moved the bar even higher.

2) Sounds like baseless conjecture. Name the techniques being used that are new and you can continue down that path.

You just made it seem they're the only ones pushing the envelope, and not devs like ND or GG. As far as I can see ND has managed to render a scene in real time at 1080p60 that far exceeds anything we've seen, and on a 2TF console with a tablet CPU. Of course they figured out new shit.
Yeah. Recently he's also been ragging on Ubisoft about females in AssCreed. Apparently it would be one or two days of work to make it happen lol.

Yeah, I just found out about him today in a Kotaku article. That's the only reason I was able to make that connection.


I don't believe this is how the gameplay will look, but the fact that a real-time cutscene looks like this is a pretty strong indicator of how the rest of the game will look. I've never seen even a realtime cutscene that looks like this, anywhere.

Well you got a point there, but it also depends what tricks they are using in cut scenes and how big will the gap be compared to gameplay.

I really wish they could throw us a bone there and just take control over Drake even for a second, it's so cruel we will have to wait months now before we can find out :(


It's entirely feasible to make 60fps CG, and has been done many times.

I never said it was never feasible. It may have been done before, but I've never even seen it in a single game or trailer so it's extremely rare at best. If you know some nice 1080p 60 fps CG give some examples, I love good CG.
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