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Videogaming Youtubers, "We need to talk"


It irks me that there are so many retro/vintage gaming channels but almost no channels that focus on emulation. There was Simply Austin but he seems to only upload once a year now. MVG sometimes covers emulation but it's not the main subject of his channel. That other ginger beard guy only has a surface level knowledge about emulation.

Worse, there are a lot of retro gaming channels that spread a lot of negative misinformation about emulation. These are mostly channels that focus on physical game collecting. They will tell you how bad emulation is compared to any other methods of playing old games, even including stuff like FPGAs, while using the worst emulators or the worst emulation devices or just badly configured emulators to demonstrate. In almost all cases they don't even do it on purpose, they are just misinformed themselves and have no knowledge, yet they still try to educate you which is even worse.

YouTube has a massive amount of information for almost every subject or hobby. It's weird to me how emulation, which isn't that niche of a subject, isn't well represented in this platform.


I remember one youtuber putting the usual drama laden vid out saying he was giving up buying retro as he had been priced out the market. Lol boo hoo all those youtube fucks who for years have been maipulating the games market by making "hidden gems" types of videos hyping stuff up as if it was rare/valuable because they already own copies distorting the price of said games pretty much forever and now crying because the market has grown beyond their control.
My problem with video gaming youtubers is that a lot of them don't actually game at all. You check their PSN/XBL and they have touched anything in years.

But they get on livestream and beg for donations.
Anytime I see the titles "we need to talk" or "im done" the channel is instantly un-subbed.
You could tell the moment some channels go full desperation.

Either that - or they are utter trash at games.
Most YouTube channels are garbage of the highest order. The worst are “retrospective” videos of games that aren’t even a year old.
I said this in off-topic and I’ll say it here. Your youtube algorithm is like a tamagotchi or MAG from Phantasy Star Online.

The more you give into the crap content, the more crap it’s being fed, and the more crap it’s going to put out. If anyone complains about these types of YouTubers, it’s because you’ve consumed their content or adjacent content(the people criticizing them also count as adjacent for the algorithm).

Youtube is a big, big place. If you can try and catch yourself early on from going down a rabbit hole you dislike, you can still save your Algorithm. If you’re already down that path, you will have to click near a ton of videos and click the option ‘do not recommend’ to try your hardest to do a soft reset of the algorithm.
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This is primarily a vent thread. I would like to preface this by saying that I am not critiquing all video game Youtubers, just the opportunists and beggars in the community.

I stumbled upon a few videos where some pretty 'influential' Youtubers were discussing "The Problem with the Retro Gaming Community". The key argument was that Gatekeepers are 'harming' the community. I found this particularly tone deaf because these people were preaching in front of a mountain of pristine retro games and consoles. It was mentioned that the gatekeepers are primarily elitist gamers that will bully those that emulate games rather than play them as they are 'originally intended'. Okay, so what? Ignore their comments and hate and play the games as YOU enjoy them.

What boggles my mind even further is that Youtubers all have a script they clearly follow. Oh woe is me, I need to move my massive gaming collection to my new house, here is my Patreon. My basement is leaking, here is my Patreon. I am depressed because I get anxiety about walking into a supermarket, here is my Patreon.

Most of these people are a blight on gamers. They give the community a bad name, yet they continue to amass sycophants.

Go out and do your own research and please don't listen to the Youtube equivalent of "My Dad knows a guy that works at Nintendo".
Stop watching the channel you're referring to. It's a garbage tier cash grab channel anyway.


always chasing the next thrill
SNES Drunk is a great retro channel. No BS just game reviews and he also covers mods and hacks which I really like.
*in stereo*

Its all about those likes, views and subs. They do what they gotta do to make a living. I actually don't know how they do it to be honest. I could never have the patience to run a channel and the pressure of having constant content. Sounds way too stressful for me.


Gold Member
I think it’s hard to find a middle ground with some of these outspoken gamers on YouTube. It’s not like you can interject and have your own opinion be heard. They’ve clearly setup their channel for their own personal gain. You’re in their camp, listening to what they say, and you either abide by their rules or you leave. This sense of community is mainly loyalty at this point and who are you loyal to with this? The console brand, the store, the gamer?

I stopped visiting a bunch of YouTubers I watched back in 2011/2012. A lot of them are still doing the exact same thing, but there isn’t that huge spotlight on them like there was at the time. A lot of these veteran YouTube people are well off now because of it. It doesn’t matter if you watch it because they’re driving their own audience to maintain their user count. I’d say it’s pointless to care what other people think. Start doing your own thing if you’re driven by this stuff.


lol the people saying they never heard of this type of stuff i guess you haven't heard of metal jesus then and his e-begging or john hancock with his scammy behaviour too. There's plenty of breadcrumb trails all over the net of their scummy shit.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
*in stereo*


Sounds just like him
It's a funny name as his channel has nothing to do with alcohol


I used to sub to some channels but didn’t really watch anything. Currently I just have my account so I can watch anything that interests me on GAF or wherever. Even subing to platform specific channels is useless at those are spammed with bullshit into oblivion - yes Xbox and PlayStation, you are. Apart of that I some times watch a gameplay of a new game I’m interested in and that’s it. Never use the trending tab to avoid getting cancer

Watching a 1,5 hr vid of a guy talking about how deep is the lore of Kirby or NFS Most Wanted 15 Years Later? LMAO. Just do/enjoy stuff instead of listening about it
Being online and whoring your privacy out for under 200k per year is a joke.
lots of people get off on that crap though, even without the money.
just think about all the losers who thought their myspace/facebook friend count was impressive.

guess it's just people trying to fill a need they have.
suppose we all have em in some shape or form.
cringey and annoying, but eh i can sympathize from a distance.

starts to cross the line when that crap starts getting celebrated.


This is primarily a vent thread. I would like to preface this by saying that I am not critiquing all video game Youtubers, just the opportunists and beggars in the community.

I stumbled upon a few videos where some pretty 'influential' Youtubers were discussing "The Problem with the Retro Gaming Community". The key argument was that Gatekeepers are 'harming' the community. I found this particularly tone deaf because these people were preaching in front of a mountain of pristine retro games and consoles. It was mentioned that the gatekeepers are primarily elitist gamers that will bully those that emulate games rather than play them as they are 'originally intended'. Okay, so what? Ignore their comments and hate and play the games as YOU enjoy them.

What boggles my mind even further is that Youtubers all have a script they clearly follow. Oh woe is me, I need to move my massive gaming collection to my new house, here is my Patreon. My basement is leaking, here is my Patreon. I am depressed because I get anxiety about walking into a supermarket, here is my Patreon.

Most of these people are a blight on gamers. They give the community a bad name, yet they continue to amass sycophants.

Go out and do your own research and please don't listen to the Youtube equivalent of "My Dad knows a guy that works at Nintendo".

That is all Youtube/Tiktok/ Twitch etc is though.


Gold Member
I'm sure there is a larger audience of people who pirate games than want to buy a Super Nintendo on ebay.

For me the problem is people who take complete advantage of emulation, never even owned or tried the original hardware, don't know what to compare the experience to, and will play Ocarina of Time through Project 64 on their shitty laptop and Xbox controller to "check out gaming history" and don't realize they are reviewing their emulation experience as much as they are the game or the Nintendo 64. Completely unwittingly and unknowingly.

In order for emulation to be good, you already need to be such a nerd that you get why OG hardware is good.
If that is Youtube's stated goal - drama and negativity then you are right, I should be looking for videogame content elsewhere.
My Retro Life is actually really sick channel.
Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@MyRetroLife

Luke Stephens is decent too though he mostly just describes what most people already know about the game.
Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@LukeStephensTV

Karmakut is great too if you're into tactical shooters.
Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@karmakut

I also have a gaming channel that I upload to mainly to document funny and epic moments for myself and friends. But feel free to stop by if you'd like.
My channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZym_PW74S_fjEcjE80MZig

You should just stop watching all of the youtubers that complain about useless shit and just find videos you actually enjoy. I usually try and stay away from fake people who are really only doing it for views and money, someone like Westie for example.
You Tube is a content shop front with hundreds of millions of people making videos about a thousand different things 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

To ever get noticed and build some kind of audience you sometimes have to play the game.

That means cringey, clickbait thumbnails, drama, controversy... anything to get some attention and drive traffic.

It's just the nature of the beast.
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