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Vita PSN Game & Service Thread 2

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Found it, yeah, it looks good. I would have bought it if it was coming to Vita, but I've already got way too much PSN games on PS3 to get it there lol.

As far as I know it is coming to vita :)

Edit; it's not and the developers used the vita press conference to get a publisher.

Fuck. That.


As far as I know it is coming to vita :)

Edit; it's not and the developers used the vita press conference to get a publisher.

F***. That.

Yup. I remember when it was shown off at E3 for Vita, and then when they showed it off again on the PS Blog a couple of months after that, suddenly it wasn't for Vita and they acted like it was never on Vita in the first place.
Yup. I remember when it was shown off at E3 for Vita, and then when they showed it off again on the PS Blog a couple of months after that, suddenly it wasn't for Vita and they acted like it was never on Vita in the first place.

Wow, really?

Fuck 'em, then. Ain't supporting that shit.


New thread tomorrow guys!

Well the last time I got something from them was some PS2 game (Persona 3 FES at launch, I guess), so many years ago. I seem to remember it took about 2-3 weeks to get games from overseas (I'm in Italy), even though VGP ships immediately when something's in stock. I guess Italian mail service sucks or something. How many days does it usually take to receive something from VGP in the UK?

Urgh, that sucks. Usually between 6-12 days for me. Must be your customs office.

Tomodachi said:
Preach it man. Also, just followed all of you vitabros on twitter lol.
Chh you didn't follow me, I joined the other day and have literally 1 follower and that's Grim :lol

Dr Dogg

Well the last time I got something from them was some PS2 game (Persona 3 FES at launch, I guess), so many years ago. I seem to remember it took about 2-3 weeks to get games from overseas (I'm in Italy), even though VGP ships immediately when something's in stock. I guess Italian mail service sucks or something. How many days does it usually take to receive something from VGP in the UK?

I ordered P4G and Ragnarok Odyssey from VGP and they both took a week to turn up. Plus they made sure to lower the declared value so it didn't get caught up in UK customs unlike GameStop/EB Games.

Dr Dogg

So what is the golf game to get on Vita? I was going to get Hot Shots but what is this "Everyones Golf" I see mentioned?

Haha one and the same. Seriously though Everybody's Golf 2 for the PSP has pretty much everything the 1st did so that's the better out of the 2 and the Vita version can be had quite cheap at retail at the moment but not too sure on the content but there is a demo.


Hot Shots >>>>>>>>> Everybody's


JK! love ya Vitabros from across the pond!
I see the american maketing division knows their audience after all. I like "Everybody's Golf" much better, but then I'm european, so... well done, localization team? ;P


Aftershock LA
Hey Vitabros!

I actually have nothing to say, but I have recently rediscovered how much I enjoy wipEout 2048 over the past week. I hadn't played it in ages (probably shortly after I bought it and completed the campaign around Vita launch), but on the bus rides to and from work this week, I've been firing it up and racing a few events to kill the time. Man, that game is a great fun, and I'm not a big wipEout fan. Still such a gorgeous game, and I've been kicking ass. I lost my saves so I had to start over, but I've been getting Elite passes left and right. It was like riding a bike, I guess. Some events are still a little tough, but for the most part, I've been doing extremely well.

Anyway, Ni No Kuni (which I still have yet to get; sadly, it won't arrive from Amazon until tomorrow), has me jonsing for some traditional JRPG love, so, can you guys suggest some awesome traditional JRPGs I can play on the Vita?

I currently have a lot already Y's Seven, The Final Fantasies, CLADUN, Half Minute Hero, Alundra, Legend of Mana, the Chrono games, etc, but I'm looking for more. PS1, PSP, etc, doesn't matter.

I'm looking forward to Sly: Thieves in Time, and Ratchet: Full Frontal next month. I hardly have time to play on my console, so playing on the Vita during my bus rides have become my primary gaming situation these days. Not a complaint, actually...


Traditional JRPG suggestion: Grandia(PS1) and Lunar 1(PSP). Really great games.

Also Legend of Dragoon is great, some will disagree, but I enjoyed it.


Hot shots sounds much much cooler than everybody's

The logo is a way cooler too



I love how the sales, PS+ and blog giveaways combine to make sure there's always something to play on the Vita (or at least, options to buy, whether they get bought depends on genre preferences etc, obviously).

In the last couple of days I've downloaded Pinball Arcade, Samurai Beatdown and Beats Slider for free, and bought Everybody's Tennis and FF VII.

I'm awful at Beats Slider, haven't had chance to play Samurai Beatdown yet, but Everybody's Tennis is absolutely fantastic.


Samurai Beatdown would be so much better with some nicer music and a better way of making your taps have 'impact'. As a freebie, it's fun enough but ultimately unfulfilling. Free's free, though.


Gold Member
I love how the sales, PS+ and blog giveaways combine to make sure there's always something to play on the Vita (or at least, options to buy, whether they get bought depends on genre preferences etc, obviously).

In the last couple of days I've downloaded Pinball Arcade, Samurai Beatdown and Beats Slider for free, and bought Everybody's Tennis and FF VII.

I'm awful at Beats Slider, haven't had chance to play Samurai Beatdown yet, but Everybody's Tennis is absolutely fantastic.

is ET like everybodys golf?
Samurai Beatdown would be so much better with some nicer music and a better way of making your taps have 'impact'. As a freebie, it's fun enough but ultimately unfulfilling. Free's free, though.

Yeah it's sort of odd, as there isn't really any feedback on your taps, they don't do...well anything. Ok for free but I'd be pissed if I had paid for it.


is ET like everybodys golf?
I haven't really played enough of Everybody's Golf to compare them but it seems to share a lot of the same ideas (character loyalty, stat boosting clothing, etc).

You basically walk round an area playing matches against people, after each match your character loyalty goes up with that character, they gain levels and unlock new shot types, stat boosts and so on. You also unlock various clothes and accessories you can equip to boost stats further. There's other bits to the career but I'll try not to spoil it too much.

It's well worth the current price if it's still discounted, I've played it a lot more than I expected to.

Considering it's a PSP game running at half resolution it looks pretty good too.


Finally got the platinum for Disgaea 3, I really hope more games like it come over to the Vita even if they're just ports with DLC.

I got this one on the PS3 version, really long platinum. Congratulations ^^

I still dream with Disgaea 4 on Vita. The game is perfect for handhelds. But it is just a dream :(


@Figboy79 and wipeout 2048 - it has a permanent place on my memory stick, I may take breaks from time to time but whenever you jump back to it your mind gets blown again..

Also about EDF and price tag...sure it's pricey but if you haven't played the game before like me...it's a lot of fun I'm telling you..Huge monsters, flying space machines, motherships giant robots, huge arsenal of weaponry that gets better and more awesome as you level up..60 missions with loads of difficulty settings, I hear a character with a jetpack to unlock too..Pale Wing, all in your hands...and with online. Pretty awesome little 630mb..oh and there are a few bugs too.

No problem at all, I checked it a few more times as well for good measure and thought I'd make a correction in that it feels slightly better in the full game (slightly less slowdown),it's not a big difference and there are levels that play a bit worse than those in the demo too. It's not much difference, the demo is fairly representative.

I'd say if the fps bothers you a little in the demo then absolutely wait for a price drop but if you do pick it up for full price (if you can't wait anymore) then it will still be a good buy, the game is wicked. I just hope for more fps fixes as it would make my enjoyment go from 3* to 5* for me, I'm quite picky about it though.

I'm quite a big Mario kart fan but the series was getting stale after the ds and wii versions for me and I need my karting fix, tried mod nation road trip which had a horrible fps for me, decent game otherwise but yeah just doesn't compare to fun of Mario kart solely due to the lag. Sega racing transformed would have felt revolutionary at 30fps locked (and maybe slightly cooler weapons like modnations).

A bit OCD here, but to clarify it's still a 4* game at least overall. Just I'm particularly fussy and I was referring to the gameplay itself and how the fps affects it. I've noticed a lot of people here have no issue with it but if you noticed it from the demo (where there aren't major dips), most of the time it is slightly better but there are similar slowdowns and they can occasionally be worse in other maps but it rarely affects the game too much (that it's irritating), mostly it's on straights for a short while as I assume the environment loads.
It's rarely rock solid 30 during the 8 player races though. Online usually you don't get a full house and it does feel smoother and the single player events are mostly much much better for me.

The game otherwise is pretty fantastic and as I said, a lot haven't noticed issues (except for the occasional obvious ones). It's better than modnation in terms of fps so if that is your worry than go for it whenever you're ready :]

Maybe ask for a vita patch down the line on the sega forums :p

A lot of good levels, good online, fun characters, good music and loads of single player stuff to go through and you unlock some pretty challenging difficulties too. Different types of events that are mostly quite fun especially if you don't mind some challenging drifting and dodging obstacles. It's good and the flying is awesome for me, I also quite like the water riding laps too but initially I was put off since the fps usually drops a bit. Eitherway the transformation works greats, usually multiple paths in the tracks and lots of squeezing in flips and rolls to get extra boosts (even mid-transform).
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