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Was Konji Kondo inspired by music or a plagiarist? Discuss.


always chasing the next thrill
love and hip hop help GIF by VH1


I was going to be delicate but tbh, you're being an idiot, OP.

I'm not saying you are an idiot in all regards, as some people seem to take that statement these days, but in this case, you have shown you are a moron.

Other posts from ZehDon ZehDon and others already laid out why so I'm not going to.


Some of these do sound like they were a heavy inspiration. But to me none of these sound like straight up plagiarism.

If a couple of seconds of a basic melody in a backing track are grounds for a copyright claim then music as we know it wouldn't exists as everyone would be constantly suing each other.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
The Underworld one is pretty blatant, particularly because it's such an unusual composition to start with. The others I don't think quite rise to the level of plagiarism but the SMB theme one seems at least clear enough to not be an accident.

That said, you know Kondo went on to write and continues to write a ton of amazing originals, he is hardly a hack. But he may have leaned a little more heavily on his influences in the beginning.

None of this is as bad as like, what Bobby Prince did on Doom and some of his other soundtracks, like just lifting entire songs wholesale.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Completely you mean the first 4 seconds of Ken's theme being not even identical?

No it is Mighty Wings. It was originally meant to be Guile's theme (because the themes were written for the locations), but it was switched to Ken's stage because having a theme derived from Mighty Wings on a stage with jets is a bit too on the nose.


No it is Mighty Wings. It was originally meant to be Guile's theme (because the themes were written for the locations), but it was switched to Ken's stage because having a theme derived from Mighty Wings on a stage with jets is a bit too on the nose.
? No I get what you say, but my point is besides a small bit that is not even identical (as in, overall very similar but still some different notes) the songs are so different that calling Ken's theme from SF2 a rip-off or "completely" Mighty Wings is quite a stretch.
My most "Whoa" moment with video game music was, when I first heard the soundtrack of "Tanz der Vampire" (The musical version of "The Fearless Vampire Killers") in the mid 2000's...

Anybody hear what i mean? :)



Not surprisingly, the Nintendo Defense Force are the first ones on site to do their thing. I hope this thread develops better when more people see it in a day or so.
I'm the first to shit on Nintendo for lots of things but this thread is really reaching dude.

Its really frustrating explaining to a non music person how similar a lot of songs are to each other in general.

Non these pieces are similar to each other to warrant being called a plagerist.
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I'm the first to shit on Nintendo for lots of things but this thread is really reaching dude.

Its really frustrating explaining to a non music person how similar a lot of songs are to each other in general.

Non these pieces are similar to each other to warrant being called a plagerist.
I've always loved the epiphany I'd see when I would start giving buddies guitar lesson and show them how you can play thousands of songs if you can learn 3 chords.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's called inspiration. Welcome to the world of music.

Unless you can straight up replace the source of inspiration with the song in the game and give more or less the same result to the listener, then it's not plagiarism.


It's called inspiration. Welcome to the world of music.

Unless you can straight up replace the source of inspiration with the song in the game and give more or less the same result to the listener, then it's not plagiarism.
I’ve been in the world of music for almost 20 years, now. Multiple music contracts and all.
This is pure, blatant plagiarism. Has Kondo ever memtioned his ‘’inspirations’’ before this got out?

See Vanilla Ice video above posted by Krappadizzle Krappadizzle
That’s how you sound to me

Welcome to the world of music indeed. Hope you enjoy your stay

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I’ve been in the world of music for almost 20 years, now. Multiple music contracts and all.
This is pure, blatant plagiarism. Has Kondo ever memtioned his ‘’inspirations’’ before this got out?

See Vanilla Ice video above posted by Krappadizzle Krappadizzle
That’s how you sound to me

Welcome to the world of music indeed. Hope you enjoy your stay

I am enjoying my stay, because as a listener of music, I do not give a shit. The impression I get from all of the tracks claimed to be inspirations in the OP's video is completely different to what I get from Koji Kondo's music. They are not interchangeable in the slightest.

I hope your approach has led you to a great deal of success.
I’ve been in the world of music for almost 20 years, now. Multiple music contracts and all.
This is pure, blatant plagiarism. Has Kondo ever memtioned his ‘’inspirations’’ before this got out?

See Vanilla Ice video above posted by Krappadizzle Krappadizzle
That’s how you sound to me

Welcome to the world of music indeed. Hope you enjoy your stay
I'm pretty sure he's mentioned it a few times, directly talking about it in interviews I've seen. Doesn't really discredit anything you said though.

I'm of a conflicted opinion on the matter. I do think it's too close to say it isn't plagiarism, but it also evolves at a certain point too and becomes its own thing as well.
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Gold Member
Ever since I was very young I was just astounded by much of Nintendo's music. For example the themes of Wing Cap and Super Mario Bros 2 made a big impression in my musical heart. It's quite cool to think that I was sort of listening to Japanese fusion and jazz as a kid. I feel that in our time of copyright strikes people are a bit too harsh on creatives. Many songs in for example 50s and forward are covers and heavily inspired by other works. If we got all the amazing tunes because Kondo took bits and pieces of other works, I don't mind. The creative world is such a melting pot of ideas and works that it'd be a shame if people would feel afraid to freely create.

On the other hand I also think credits where credits due.

Dr Bass

Some picks from A Link to the Past:

Kakariko sounds like Dunbars theme.

One of the dungeon themes sounds like a sequence from ChinaTown.

He obviously took one of the most famous cues from Psycho in the cave music.

Tons of video games do this kinda thing though.

Also listen to River People by Weather Report.
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hope the op doesn't like hans zimmer or john williams

Nah he's clearly a James Horner guy

Or Metal Gear Solid 2's soundtrack from Harry Gregson-Williams.

Yeah now THAT was straight up plagiarism. Kondo pilfered the odd riff here and there but nothing like what Iwase did. When you have melodies and chord progression which hits parallels over the several sustained minutes you really don't have any defence.



Needed some Krull in there too. It's basically just the Khan OST but shuffled around a bit. And like Khan it's an absolute banger. And both scores are heavily derived from Prokofiev's Battle on the Ice-

Which just goes to show how invalid OP's point is. There's nothing wrong with recycling material when it's really fucking good.
It reminds me of this

I think there is a key point from Notch - "I'm working on an Infiniminer clone, but with more materials and crafting". It's obvious that Notch did better procedural generation than Infiniminer as well (if Infiniminer has it, I'm not very familiar with Minecraft and never played Infiniminer), and used that procedural generation creatively to drive the gameplay loop. All those layers are what make Minecraft what it is. It really would be similar to someone complaining about SMB stealing their idea because their character jumped on simple levels of blocks before Mario.

I'm not a fan of Minecraft at all either, but I see why people like it and that goes well beyond mining pixelated blocks.

F31 Leopard

I know jack shit about music but I don't think it's plagiarism. It's no different than a parody song that sounds similar. At 03:23 you can clearly hear it's a play on FF7's battle theme. Even the victory theme as well. It's sounds similar but is not the same.


Ohh yeah he was HEAVILY inspired by those songs. They fit the games so well and are classics so I'll allow it.


I was going to write a detailed post on why you are a clown OP but I see others in this thread have already taken care of it.

No Music exists in a vacuum.

It's quite hard, to almost literally impossible to produce a 100% brand new never heard before music track, it's just not the way music works, the fact that the video you posted doesn't claim it's fraud and the fact that there's literal institutions in place to protect musicians rights against plagiarism and no action has ever come against Kondo should be enough for you to back down from those takes, but if this is the hill you decided to die on then all I can say is good riddance lol


Nah he's clearly a James Horner guy

Yeah now THAT was straight up plagiarism. Kondo pilfered the odd riff here and there but nothing like what Iwase did. When you have melodies and chord progression which hits parallels over the several sustained minutes you really don't have any defence.

that's not even the same melody? wtf are you talking about

similar tone that's about it. there are at most 2 notes in a row that might match here and there, but that's way below what anyone would take issue with.

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
Funny, I always thought the Super Mario Bros underground music was clipped from Miles Davis' "Calipso Frelimo" from Get Up With It. It's close enough to give me a chuckle. Heck, maybe Friendship stole their melody from Miles and Nintendo stole it from them.

There's also the F-Zero theme on Super Nintendo that totally sounds like the ending to Frank Zappa's Waka/Jawaka. That's definitely nice to hear.

Look, kids, when it comes to music, everybody clips from everyone else. That's just the way it goes. The really smart ones (like Bob Dylan) just steal from sources that are just obscure enough for you to ever notice. But everything is stolen from what came before. If you want true musical originals, you'll have to go back to the caveman who was hitting rocks with sticks.
No it is Mighty Wings. It was originally meant to be Guile's theme (because the themes were written for the locations), but it was switched to Ken's stage because having a theme derived from Mighty Wings on a stage with jets is a bit too on the nose.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
As a longtime fan of Cassiopeia and The square every time this crops up I laugh a little. Sega took a shitton of musical cues from the as well, and so did other Japanese devs. If you listen to the full Cassiopeia vs The square megaconcert I guarantee you’ll be going like “hey isn’t this in that video game?” every 5 minutes.

These two groups were super popular and super influential in Japan.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Some of these do sound like they were a heavy inspiration. But to me none of these sound like straight up plagiarism.

If a couple of seconds of a basic melody in a backing track are grounds for a copyright claim then music as we know it wouldn't exists as everyone would be constantly suing each other.
The Friendship one and the Underworld theme are pretty blatant. Especially because it's such an unconventional composition.


Gold Member
I think there is a key point from Notch - "I'm working on an Infiniminer clone, but with more materials and crafting".

Another key point would be the word working. Atleast according to the video the developer of Infiniminer pretty much jumped to other projects and didn't really care about the game all that much in the end. Notch continued developing his game(not to mention with a lot of input from other people) and didn't give up on it. Zach Barth may have laid the foundation, but Notch made the efforts and work necessary to make it to something widely appealing.

To his credit, Barth's problem doesn't seem to be with Minecraft's succes, but rather with family and friends who keep pestering him about it.
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