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What’s the worst thing you did as a child?


When I was 11 or 12 I stole AA batteries to power my Game Boy Color. I also stole bubble gum.

But what really bothers me to this day is this: I had a fake Pokémon Blue cartridge I got from an aunt, the game run perfectly on GBC but Pokémon Stadium on the N64 wouldn't recognize it. So I borrowed an original from a not too close cousin, opened both and switched the chipsets.

He never realized and I still feel like shit whenever I see him, 20 years later.
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Gold Member
Stole a bunch of Vote for signs and dumped them in a dumpster and promptly got caught, and had to put them back. I think they were voting for a new High School or something and there were a bunch of signs that said Vote No on the new school.


I remembered another gem.

In 91/92 when I was around 7, my friend across the street let me borrow his cartridge of A Link to the Past after he beat it. He cautioned me not to delete his save.

I deleted it.
Gave away my moms wedding ring when I was in third grade to my then "girlfriend". The night before I asked my mom if she had any old jewelry I can have to give and she said "look in that one". "That one" ended up being the wrong jewelry box.:messenger_grinning_squinting: My mom went ape-shit and my best friend eventually ratted me out to which girl I gave it to. I remember her and her parents coming over to my house and I had to welcome them to my porch and apologize to everyone for doing something like that. Still the talk of holiday get together's. "Remember when DisplayingSuperman gave away DisplayingSupermanMom's wedding ring?"

(Laughter ensues).
Honorable mention: Water-ballooing people's houses in 5th grade. My buddy and I were bored on a Friday night and we were thinking of something to do. Kids being kids, instead of "Ding Dong Ditching", we came up with the idea of filling up water balloon's and tossing them on people's porch's. We nailed some dude's door about 4 blocks from where we lived but they saw us and called the po-po.. 15 minutes later, we're in the cop spotlight (scary as all hell). I got away, but they caught my buddy. Before you knew it, the cops were outside my house warning me not to do it again lol.

What the hell.
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In third grade I cheated on my history exam.
In fourth grade I stole my Uncle Max's toupe and I glued it on my face when I played Moses in my Hebrew school play.
In fifth grade I knocked my sister Edith down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog...
But the worst thing I ever done, I mixed up all this fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theatre, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony, and then, then I made a noise like this. Huagh. Huagh. Huagh. Huaaah! And, and then I dumped it over the side on all the people in the audience. Then, th-then then this was horrible, all the people started getting sick, and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.

I read that in his voice. Incredible display right here. Good work.


I was a teenager in high school and while it's not totally bad it was pretty funny. For history I had this OLD I mean hanging-on-for-dear-life OLD Irish teacher named Mrs. Crampton (I think it was). I have no Irish family members but I wrote on my paperwork and told her there was an 'O' before my last name (example O'James) and convinced her to spend the whole class telling us about her life growing up in Ireland.

The thing is I got her to do this whole story 3 different times because she was so old and senile she would forget telling it to us a week later. One of my greatest joys in high school was asking her about Ireland only to have several class members turn around and look at me and know exactly what I was doing and then jump in and goad her to talk about the 'old country' some more. Heard her life story 3 times, no work was done!

Dark Star

Me and a few kids in my neighborhood were messing around in our friend's backyard, throwing rocks and shit (pretending they were "grenades"... we were in the 2nd grade ok...) So one of the kids stupidly ran to the other side of the backyard WHILE WE WERE STILL THROWING ROCKS! Time stood still : I could see the rocks in mid-air, some landed over the fence, some landed in the pond... the rock I threw, just a moment ago, somehow hit him in right in the face SMH. He started crying and ran home (across the street). I felt terrible. We all went to his house and apologized to his parents, explained that were just playing around, pretending were in the army LMAO. His parents understood and let us go back outside. We still hungout and had plenty of other stupid childhood moments after that day.
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Dark Star

I've done plenty of stupid things intentionally, though...Here's one :

It was the last week of middleschool. Me and the other 8th graders always sat in the back of the school bus. We joked about it all year, but we actually did it this time. We opened the emergency exit door and jumped out the back of the bus when it stopped a few blocks away from our neighborhood. It was raining and thundering. We were all a bunch of mischievous skate rats, so of course we had our skateboards with us...and ditched the bus so fast. The emergency exit door had this loud beeping noise if opened, and it was just swinging wide-open behind us. We could hear all the kids on the bus yelling and laughing as we skated away. We didn't get in trouble for it, surprisingly. The bus driver was probably so done with our every-day antics, and he probably just closed it and kept on driving lol. We were some gremlins for real. We had paperball fights, water bottle fights, rubberband slingshot fights, etc like everyday on that bus.
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Cutty Flam

In the 7th grade, my friend and I used to spend our breaks at the "geek's convention" hahahaha which was essentially a small place outside of a classroom where all the nerds gathered to plays a card game of some sort. Yu-gi-oh, Magic the Gathering perhaps, or whatever, and my friend and I would just pester them. Not so much bully harshly, just pester and annoy. It was like we were the younger annoying brothers to them, except we weren't smaller than them so it neutralized. We just would say stupid shit all the time and joke around and probably badly annoy them. I actually enjoyed it much, and they seldom absolutely wanted us to go away for the day, but nevertheless it was a slight form of bullying i guess


In my father's eye's it was smoking pot.

In the media's eyes, it was about driving around the loop in my home town on the weekend in my Jeep when I was 16 with a bunch of 15/16 year old girls in it because a cop pulled me over because he apparently heard someone say the word "fuck". There happened to be a reporter with the cop at the time.


Not too much. I threw a rock at a baby bird and killed it when I was five or so. Made me feel bad.

Also, I didn't do this, but I let my friend do it and didn't stop him from pushing my little brother outside in just his underwear. He was probably five or so and I was nine or ten.


In the media's eyes, it was about driving around the loop in my home town on the weekend in my Jeep when I was 16 with a bunch of 15/16 year old girls in it because a cop pulled me over because he apparently heard someone say the word "fuck". There happened to be a reporter with the cop at the time.



Unconfirmed Member
The animal killers in this thread can fuck themselves, as can the dog abuser.


You shouldn’t be able to forgive yourself for doing that. It’s fucking disgusting to do that to a helpless animal.

You can go and fuck yourself, at least he tries to be a better person, people here killed multiple birds and shit, seems worse to me.

I know, there’s no excuse. Never again.

It was shitty what you did, but we all did fucked up things in our past, at least most of us, I guess. I did some pretty cruel things too, not to animals, but to people and I ever since try to be a better person and changed a lot.
All that counts now, is that you never do something like that again and to try to make up for it.
You can go and fuck yourself, at least he tries to be a better person, people here killed multiple birds and shit, seems worse to me.

It was shitty what you did, but we all did fucked up things in our past, at least most of us, I guess. I did some pretty cruel things too, not to animals, but to people and I ever since try to be a better person and changed a lot.
All that counts now, is that you never do something like that again and to try to make up for it.

Yeah, because you "try" to be a better person automatically makes up for being a total piece of fucking shit. Gotcha. Anyone who abuses an animal should be dragged out into the street and beaten.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, because you "try" to be a better person automatically makes up for being a total piece of fucking shit. Gotcha. Anyone who abuses an animal should be dragged out into the street and beaten.

If someone were to hurt my cats I would rip their fucking throat out.


Yeah, because you "try" to be a better person automatically makes up for being a total piece of fucking shit. Gotcha. Anyone who abuses an animal should be dragged out into the street and beaten.

He was a little kid you keyboard warrior, I drove with my bike over a shitload of slugs when I was like 5, do you rly think I realized what I just did when I was this old? It's not like he burned the dog alive, get your shit together.

If someone were to hurt my cats I would rip their fucking throat out.

Absolutely and you should, if someone would touch my cats I'd get them hospitalized for sure.


Set fire to a load of old carpet while playing in a shed at the back of an empty house. The fire quickly spread and engulfed the entire shed, black smoke pluming everywhere. Fire engines arrived and I just sauntered up all innocent as if I was just watching. I wasnt sure if anyone had seen me and my friend run away from the burning shed, but I was paranoid as hell for weeks afterward that we'd get found out.


Fucked the hot milf living next to us while her husband was at work.

I wish.

Nothing really comes to mind that was really bad. We did dumb shit like like stealing apples from peoples gardens, going down a slope in a stroller without brakes, good times. Stupid kids stuff basically.


I broke a kid's leg playing in a youth league soccer match. It was fully intentional and I only got a yellow card for it, my opponent was out for the rest of the short season. Not my proudest moment, the worst part for me was guilt but for him was 3 months of convalescence and physical therapy due to the nature of the fracture. My parents were friends with his resulting in awkward visits to his house. I patched things up by giving him my Chrono Trigger, Super Castlevania, Actraiser, and Ogre Battle cartridges throughout the duration of his rehab. Kinda wish i kept Ogre Battle.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Almost poisoned my dad.
At about 8 or 9 I won some perfume in a school raffle. Being an amateur chemist and having no use for perfume, I started mixing it with random household chemicals. The resulting mixture looked like milk, and so I put it in a milk bottle and put it in the fridge. Later my dad makes some tea and adds the 'milk'. He lets out a huge cry of pain and shock after taking a drink. The best part is my mom, trying to help, tells him to drink some milk.....
I only fessed up when my mom bluffed me by telling me they were going to have the cops fingerprint the bottle.


It was shitty what you did, but we all did fucked up things in our past, at least most of us, I guess. I did some pretty cruel things too, not to animals, but to people and I ever since try to be a better person and changed a lot.
All that counts now, is that you never do something like that again and to try to make up for it.

Thanks for the understanding.

I was an immature, angry child. She was my first dog, and the first real experience I had of death. Even though I mistreated her, I still loved her and cried on her passing for a good while, and it was only then that the cruelty and finality of what I'd done struck me. I couldn't go back, I couldn't treat her well, it was done. From then on I made a promise to never treat anything or anyone like that again, and in 30+ years, I haven't and I never will. Looking back it's been one of the more valuable lessons I've learned in life, unfortunately it came at the suffering of an innocent at my hand. I try to tell myself I was a kid at the time, but it doesn't help.

I understand peoples' anger and feel the same. If it's any consolation to them, the guilt and remorse is significant and eats away at me. Seems more to the older I get.


I had my childhood stolen from me, so I borrowed a prince's boat, skipped school and started lecturing old white men.

How dare you.

I drive by paintballed a kid on a motorized scooter once. I immediately felt really bad about it because paintballs hurt and he definitely crashed into the curb and ate shit, but my buddies and I were cruising around looking for something to light up with a paintball gun and couldn’t find a good target....until we saw homey whirring by on a little two stroke standup scooter. The task only fell to me because I was in the backseat of the car and had the shot...the look of terror on his face when he saw me take aim and platplatplat his ass is seared into my memory.

I actually prayed for forgiveness for that one.


I once exchanged my broken 1st gen Atari Lynx to Toys R Us over a year after getting it for Christmas. I told them I had just bought it and it was broke when I first opened it. I had no receipt, box, nothing. They looked at it, said they didn’t carry this model and hadn’t for awhile and refused to exchange it. I raised a stink and refused to leave. After about 30 minutes of pleading, I walked out with the newest model. I was about 11 or 12.
My mom chose to stay in the car.
I once exchanged my broken 1st gen Atari Lynx to Toys R Us over a year after getting it for Christmas. I told them I had just bought it and it was broke when I first opened it. I had no receipt, box, nothing. They looked at it, said they didn’t carry this model and hadn’t for awhile and refused to exchange it. I raised a stink and refused to leave. After about 30 minutes of pleading, I walked out with the newest model. I was about 11 or 12.
My mom chose to stay in the car.


Stouffers face as he walked out of Toys R Us with his illegitimately gained Atari Lynx.


I stole some sponsorship money and blamed it on another kid. Back in the day my school was raising money for a charity and as kids we would go door to door in our estate to see who would sponsor us. I went to this one street where a bully lived and he kicked my ass "just becuse". So being the little pussy I was I ran home crying, but on the way I took advantage of the situation and buried the sponsor money I collected under a bush.

So I got home, crying with red marks on me and told my dad I'd been beaten up by this kid AND he stole my money. My dad believed it took my sponsor sheet to this kids house and told his dad what had happened. He got in a lot of trouble and his dad even paid back the money his son had "stolen".

I'd take some money each day from my bush stash and by drinks and snacks every day for about a month.

Karma Jawa

When I was about 8 or 9 I caught a frog and put it in a jam jar, filled it with pond water, put the lid on, and hid it behind a Bush with the attention of keeping it as a pet. Then forgot about it.

I still think about Freddie. Hope he’s ok.


Gold Member
I broke a kid's leg playing in a youth league soccer match. It was fully intentional and I only got a yellow card for it, my opponent was out for the rest of the short season. Not my proudest moment, the worst part for me was guilt but for him was 3 months of convalescence and physical therapy due to the nature of the fracture. My parents were friends with his resulting in awkward visits to his house. I patched things up by giving him my Chrono Trigger, Super Castlevania, Actraiser, and Ogre Battle cartridges throughout the duration of his rehab. Kinda wish i kept Ogre Battle.

tanya harding up in this b!tch. my older sister broke my arm going down a slide when i was like 5, but it was my fault for chilling in the slide lol my parents hooked me up with mountain dew, baby ruth and rented some wrestlemania videos for me i was pretty happy. neways u gave him chrono trigger thats moar than enough i would've been mad happy if I got that for breaking a bone when I was little
Thanks for the understanding.

I was an immature, angry child. She was my first dog, and the first real experience I had of death. Even though I mistreated her, I still loved her and cried on her passing for a good while, and it was only then that the cruelty and finality of what I'd done struck me. I couldn't go back, I couldn't treat her well, it was done. From then on I made a promise to never treat anything or anyone like that again, and in 30+ years, I haven't and I never will. Looking back it's been one of the more valuable lessons I've learned in life, unfortunately it came at the suffering of an innocent at my hand. I try to tell myself I was a kid at the time, but it doesn't help.

I understand peoples' anger and feel the same. If it's any consolation to them, the guilt and remorse is significant and eats away at me. Seems more to the older I get.

I’m sorry for how I reacted to your post. Yes, I disagree with what you did, but you learned from your mistake. I shouldn’t have been such a dick about it. My apologies to you and everyone here.


I’m sorry for how I reacted to your post. Yes, I disagree with what you did, but you learned from your mistake. I shouldn’t have been such a dick about it. My apologies to you and everyone here.
No worries.

Animal abusers are up there with the worst and I understand how angry it makes people. Again, it does me as well. I simply didn’t understand the full ramifications of what I was doing at that age.


When I was 6 or so I walked in on my aunt, her boyfriend and another couple in bed around midday. At the time, I just thought they were taking a nap and didn’t mention it to anyone. She never brought it up.


If child constitutes under the age of 18 then it would be I stole a kids car from his house in the middle of the night then drove it off the edge of a rock quarry but not before I chained the axle to a tree on his dads truck incase they chased after me.

I was 16 then but that was the result of him punching holes in the windshield of my falcon with a screw driver and spitting on the hood first. It was bad but I dont feel bad for it.

If that doesn't count then I stole 5 or 6 packs of garbage pail kids cards from a grocery store when I was like 9 or 10 I think. I still feel bad for doing it.


My cousin and I both had the original Real Ghostbusters action figures. I had scratched the face of my Winston by accident and when the time was right, swapped mine with his. He either didn’t notice or assumed he did the damage himself.

Years later, he stole my Super Nintendo, so I don’t feel too bad about it.
If child constitutes under the age of 18 then it would be I stole a kids car from his house in the middle of the night then drove it off the edge of a rock quarry but not before I chained the axle to a tree on his dads truck incase they chased after me.

I was 16 then but that was the result of him punching holes in the windshield of my falcon with a screw driver and spitting on the hood first. It was bad but I dont feel bad for it.

If that doesn't count then I stole 5 or 6 packs of garbage pail kids cards from a grocery store when I was like 9 or 10 I think. I still feel bad for doing it.

That car stealing story is awesome, bro. Kudos on doing something that took major bawls.
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