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What do you think of the people who use the pejorative "SJW?"

All I feel is complete and total embarrassment for the person using it. Seriously, these people look so damn lame when they write this term. Even worse are the people who actually say it in person. Seriously, nothing makes me cringe harder than the people who actually vocally say it out loud and actually mean it. Ethan and Hila from H3H3productions are generally witty and entertaining people. However, anytime one of them says "Social Justice Warrior" seriously in a video, I can't help but zone out. I'm no longer processing what they're actually saying, instead, I'm thinking "Man, these people sound really fucking stupid right now, the fact that they are unaware of that is HIGHLY concerning."

This SJW term is thrown around so commonly, it hardly means anything at all. Everyone's a damn SJW these days. You write/vocalize something progressive, and you're a damn SJW! Think Trump is acting like a complete idiot, and you're a damn SJW! Browse/post on GAF, and you're a damn SJW! The fastest way for me to stop talking someone seriously is for them to use this "insult."

Do you actually feel insulted or angered when someone uses the term "SJW?" I actually use to a couple years ago. However, these days, it just feels like a joke. It feels like a fad that should have died a couple years ago, but it's still here trucking along...likely forever at this rate.
Maybe .5% of its usage is used to describe someone who is a parody of being politically correct. 99.5% of the time it's used by shitbags.
I feel it's a great honor.

However, some people make the criticism valid. Like in some infamous episode of h3h3. But the right just use those kind of misuses to silence all criticisms.
I don't even think of it as a pejorative and never have. I agree with OP that when people try to use it disparagingly, I feel bad for them and know immediately that I shouldn't take what they say as seriously


Same as "political correctness gone mad"

Basically the FF7 random encounter and battle music starts in my head and I get on defensive position


The intersection of the venn diagram of cringe for me is people who use internet acronyms verbally ("L-O-L!"), and people who use the term SJW as a pejorative.

Also, the idea that it should be an insult in the first place is kind of insane. Notable warriors for social justice:

Says more about the person using it than the person being called one.

It's a useful signifier that that person has a lot of "interesting" ideas about race, sexuality and gender.


It makes you sound like a fucking moron if you try using it as a slur.

See also: white knight, "virtue-signaling", professional victim, PC gone mad, etc


Trash. Or less commonly, a naive person who's gravely uninformed about social issues but isn't too far gone to listen, think, and develop some empathy.


It's a term that is thrown at so many different types of people that it really has no meaning anymore.


Like "PC" it was a term originally used among liberals to describe their obnoxious, extreme flank.

And then, like "PC", it got co-opted by conservatives to mean "Any liberal/progressive" and rendered the term worthless.


I immediately cover my eyes with my hands, because the force at which my eyes roll may cause them to pop out.


It is a dead acronym to me. Co-opted and turned into something to stifle all dissent. It had its uses early on especially when you read something ridiculous on tumblr but now its like wanting pay equity, these damn sjw's etc. I don't know anyone who uses it in a real sense anymore aside from those on the far right.
I just shrug my shoulders. I honestly don't care much about the phrase SJW and don't treat it as some sort of word that shouldn't be said but at the same time I never find any reason to ever say it either.

I don't get why so many people get so bent out of shape about it though.


With regards to h3h3, they are masters of walking the kind of tightrope where they make great videos about shitty kickstarters, instagram models, prank channels so people won't unsubscribe, meanwhile do a "lol SJW feminazi" video every now and then to cater to ... you know ... that crowd, which is a big money maker on Youtube. It's smart business, sadly.


I just shrug my shoulders. I honestly don't care much about the phrase SJW and don't treat it as some sort of word that shouldn't be said but at the same time I never find any reason to ever say it either.

I don't get why so many people get so bent out of shape about it though.

Check out 4chan or the_Donald sometime.


They're afraid to think what people might think of them, if they were to defend other people's human rights.

tl;dr: They're insecure.
With regards to h3h3, they are masters of walking the kind of tightrope where they make great videos about shitty kickstarters, instagram models, prank channels so people won't unsubscribe, meanwhile do a "lol SJW feminazi" video every now and then to cater to ... you know ... that crowd, which is a big money maker on Youtube. It's smart business, sadly.

they aren't the masters of it at all, they're blatantly misinformed and have shown their hand at being kind of stupid several times, like when Ethan went all-in on CNN and then realized he dun goofed.

I used to LOVE Ethan & Hila, but their war on the media and generally being kind of ignorant has turned me off of them so badly.


It's a term that is thrown at so many different types of people that it really has no meaning anymore.
Nah, its meaning still roughly means "cares about LGBT people and/or women, and is therefore a miserable pussy." It exists to shame people who care about minorities and oppose sexism. So it's used mostly by nasty scum who don't respect everyone's basic human dignity.

Also see: cuck. Used to shame people who oppose racism.

Basically, anyone who uses those terms disparagingly without the excuse of honest ignorance is a human failure unfit to live in a pluralistic civilized society.


Like "PC" it was a term originally used among liberals to describe their obnoxious, extreme flank.

And then, like "PC", it got co-opted by conservatives to mean "Any liberal/progressive" and rendered the term worthless.

This seems accurate.
Same way I feel about anybody who uses a reductive pejorative term to sneeringly dismiss some imagined monolithic generalized faction of people.


With regards to h3h3, they are masters of walking the kind of tightrope where they make great videos about shitty kickstarters, instagram models, prank channels so people won't unsubscribe, meanwhile do a "lol SJW feminazi" video every now and then to cater to ... you know ... that crowd, which is a big money maker on Youtube. It's smart business, sadly.

You hope they had integrity to not cater to that crowd just for money :/

they have repeatedly put their foot in their mouths when it comes to these kind of issues. i think they are genuinely just massively misinformed on some subjects.
Basically, using the term outs you as an idiot.

The term "social justice warrior" contains zero insulting connotations. Divorced from context, for a moment, wouldn't you want to be a social justice warrior? Wouldn't Martin Luther King and Susan B Anthony be social justice warriors? The name is even badass. Like, I am a fucking warrior for social justice.

So for somebody to have a frame of mind where the term is insulting, they have to believe one of two things:

1) There is no social injustice and the SJW is making a fool of themselves because the thing they are frEaJKiNG OUut about doesn't even exist.

2) Social injustice doesn't matter because those people don't matter and you're a stupid SJW for caring about people who don't matter.

There absolutely is a left bubble where surface-level identity politics derail and dominate conversations. This was (is? definitely not so much) a massive problem on early Tumblr. And yeah, it is kind of funny to make fun of people who have conversations like this:

Person A: "I really like the film Mrs. Doubtfire."

Person B: "You are a misogynist transphobe."

Person A: "This blows my mind. Robin Williams must apologize."

These people are living caricatures of legitimate social justice champions. They are the people that "SJW" was originally meant to mock. Self-important, super-sensitive, and group-thinky.

But it is 2017 now and the term is absolutely and positively never used to describe these irrelevant people and if you call somebody an SJW you are an idiot.
With regards to h3h3, they are masters of walking the kind of tightrope where they make great videos about shitty kickstarters, instagram models, prank channels so people won't unsubscribe, meanwhile do a "lol SJW feminazi" video every now and then to cater to ... you know ... that crowd, which is a big money maker on Youtube. It's smart business, sadly.

They're really not putting on some kind of act to cater to a crowd. They actually believe some of the horseshit they talk about.
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