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What famous persons death has affected you the most?


MJ, Bowie, Iwata and Robin Williams's deaths are good picks. I knew exactly where I was and what I was doing when hearing about their passing. Those were very sad and upsetting moments.

Personally, Satoshi Kon's death in 2010 was shocking and unexpected. I was looking forward to his next project and simply didn't know he had cancer.

He easily was one of Japanimation's most talented directors, and each of his four movies (plus Paranoia Agent) are at worst very good and at best absolute masterpieces. His passing left a void in anime that has yet to be filled in my opinion (Masaaki Yuasa comes close of doing it but it's a different style altogether). I watched Millenium Actress last Christmas, and I was moved to tears. We lost someone truly great.

Fuck cancer
Probably John Lennon.
I was just randomly watching some of his songs on youtube a few years ago and came across 'Mind Games'. In the video for that song, he is just walking around NYC, having a good time and mingling with the public etc. It made me feel a bit sad that despite all the love he got from those strangers, all it took was one bad guy to destroy everything.
John had lots of money, a great apartment in the coolest city in the world, a family he loved, all the time in the world to create the music he loved, but lost it all in an instant because some nobody with a grudge couldnt control themselves.



Gold Member
Brittany Murphy, 2-pac, and 'MCA' Adam Yauch all stuck with me for awhile.

I also remember Elvis dying, and it being a big deal.

Airbus Jr



Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Chris Cornell.
Loved Soundgarden growing up. He was successful, rich, had kids. Made me realize how depression can get anyone, also made me realize that half of his songs are about depression and suicide.


Probably John Lennon.
I was just randomly watching some of his songs on youtube a few years ago and came across 'Mind Games'. In the video for that song, he is just walking around NYC, having a good time and mingling with the public etc. It made me feel a bit sad that despite all the love he got from those strangers, all it took was one bad guy to destroy everything.
John had lots of money, a great apartment in the coolest city in the world, a family he loved, all the time in the world to create the music he loved, but lost it all in an instant because some nobody with a grudge couldnt control themselves.

when i was a kid i loved the Beatles. ended up watching a documentary called The Compleat Beatles that my parents had on tape. the very end of the doc has a slide showing John and explaining his death. first time i saw that i just broke down crying. even then i knew how big a deal he was, how much his music was in my life.

it's all the sadder when you look into the circumstances. in the mid 70s he had retired from music to raise his kids, to get away from the madness, and just be a house dad. 1980 came and then they started making a new record, and it was going great, and the dude got shot just coming home from work one day. by a crazed fan. it's just not fair.
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Ayrton Senna. He was a brazilian F1 pilot who died in an accident in 1994.
I remember watching that race live on tv, I think I was still too young to process properly what happened. Jules Bianchi death hit me more, maybe because of being an adult, maybe because it was an extremely unlucky and surprising accident after many years of no fatalities in F1 (I'm not counting María de Villota because it didn't happen on track).


None has ever affected me because they are nobodies to me. They are no different than some guy bussing tables in some restaurant in new Zealand right now because I dont personally know either of them. Strangers die every second in this world and the people at large dont care unless they are famous which is stupid because you dont personally know any of them.

There is too much forced and fake sad feelings when a famous person dies. People line up to sing praises and shed crocodile tears over someone they dont actually know at all.


People I wanted to meet but never got the chance.

H.R, Giger
Steven Hawking
Dan O'bannon
Bill Paxton

People i'd like to meet before they die.

Dan Aykroyd
Rob Zombie
John Carpenter

There's more but that is just off the top of my head.


Perpetually Offended
Robin Williams. He was just a big part of my childhood and adulthood. From Popeye and Aladdin to Mrs. Doubtfire and Good Morning, Vietnam ... He was just a force of pure talent!

I'd also add in Mr. Spock himself, Leonard Nimoy.

And MJ... For much the same reason as Robin Williams... Childhood, adulthood and just so much talent!
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Gold Member
Steve Jobs definitely had another 10 years of CEOing to do but passed away too early. it'd be cool for him to see how far Apple had come.

Zyzz...he was internet famous & only 22 I wonder sometimes how far he'd be right now

also kinda sad about the Linkin Park and Soundgarden guys since I listen to their music a good amount of times :(

also Paul Walker & Heath Ledger sucks seeing young bros go
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Kev Kev

We will all die. Deal with it.

ironically, this sounds dismissive, as if you're not dealing with it?

i do understand kind of what youre saying though. i think its just the way youre saying it. death is a part of life and we have to be grateful for the time we had with that person, accept that they are gone, and move on with our lives. holding on too much can lead to losing our sense of inner peace and happiness. so yes, in that sense you are "dealing with it". but it isn't as simple as saying "deal with it".


Gold Member
its always important to remember & pay respect and honor to our fallen brothers especially when they done a lot of good & created joy/helped a lot of people when they didn't have to. we can't let them be forgotten.


i still remember the day Prince died. that was real sad. walking home from the bus i saw a billboard someone had spray painted his symbol on it. some of my oldest memories are dancing to the Batman soundtrack.

lil puff

i still remember the day Prince died. that was real sad. walking home from the bus i saw a billboard someone had spray painted his symbol on it. some of my oldest memories are dancing to the Batman soundtrack.
I remember that day also. It was a nice sunny day, but it felt dark.

Tons of cars were blasting his music, which did make me feel somber at the time.


Only two have caused me to shed actual tears. Harry Carey and Walter Payton. They were both such a big part of my childhood. Maybe it is weird to some of you, but the whole Chicago thing, the sports thing also, they were so deeply ingrained in my since childhood. They were both such key figures in the civic identity of that era....and their passing was a stark realization that something great would never be returning.

when i was little and even now i loved weird unusual animals, you know this if you know the kind of pets i have.. steve was like that and he connected that same enthusiasm with millions of others like us and there's nobody else like him


this motherfucker is in hell right now, he's drunk and eating spicy noodles with lucifer and taking in the culture of the 5th circle.. grew up with bourdain and he's an enormous part of why i like food and culture so much, dude opened up the world for us in the chillest manner, nobody else like him
When I was a kid, I cried when Aaliyah died.

These days, celebrity deaths don't really affect me at all. I might get a little angry at a suicide (like with Keith Flint of the Prodigy), but that's about it.


None has ever affected me because they are nobodies to me. They are no different than some guy bussing tables in some restaurant in new Zealand right now because I dont personally know either of them. Strangers die every second in this world and the people at large dont care unless they are famous which is stupid because you dont personally know any of them.

There is too much forced and fake sad feelings when a famous person dies. People line up to sing praises and shed crocodile tears over someone they dont actually know at all.
I get where you're coming from, but you also gotta put it in perspective. You don't know what these famous folk meant to people. Maybe their music, acting, etc etc got them through their own personal battles. Maybe some random person watching Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire with his kid stopped him from blowing his brains out like he planned on doing prior to kid being home on accident. Like I said, I get where you're coming from because I too view these famous people as regular folks just like me, but you can't discount their impact on people and the world.
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I'm glad to see that no one in here has listed a pornstar yet.

Personally, I can't really think of any. Carlin was probably the biggest hit, but it's not like I was super sad about it or anything, just makes you reflect a bit.


I’m one of those people who don’t give a rat’s ass when any celebrity dies, even when it’s someone I liked a lot.

I don’t have the spare emotional energy to use up on people who have no effect on me personally. I also don’t care for putting on a show when someone famous dies in order to show how deep I am, how good my taste is, or any of the actual reasons people pretend to care when celebrities die.
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Robin Williams' death definitely affected me because he's been bringing me joy and laughter (and cathartic sadness in his more serious roles) since I was a kid. Grew up watching his films and stand-up, and on top of that he seemed like such a kind soul. I'm sure he wasn't a saint, drug addictions can bring out the worst in any of us, but he seemed like a guy who just wanted to make other people happy.


Many years before his death I remember telling my dad "it's going to be a very sad day when he's gone" and it still is to this day.
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Gold Member
James Gandolfini
Paul Walker
David Bowie
Randy Savage
River Phoenix, I was young, but it really hit me, shocked me hard.

Carrie Fisher really hurt.
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For me it would be Kurt Cobain and Eazy E. I was 17-18 and grew up on Eazy E. He introduced me to rap at the tender age of 11-12 along with 2 Live Crew, Ice T and the rest of NWA. For him to go out the way he did was tragic to me. He died from doing what he loved though.

Kurt on the other hand was someone I related to as a teen and his suicide (still not sure it was) was shocking. Right when Nirvana was taking off, he was crashing hard.

Two guys who went too young, in ways that were and still are hard to believe.

RIP fellas.
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Dark Star

Chester Bennington ... One of the greatest influences on modern rock and metal. I never knew how much he was hurting until the end. Hybrid Theory is one of the best albums ever.

Layne Staley... One my favorite vocalists of all time. He couldn't escape his addictions and depression. He had so much more to give to the world of grunge and metal. I almost tear up every time I hear Nutshell. I still listen to Dirt every day.

Robin Williams... Legend. A childhood inspiration. He brought me so much joy with his films and acting.

Lil Peep ... He has so much more to give to the world. I was a fan of his music several years before he passed. Too young.
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Old Retro

Adam Yauch because I had a lifelong friend die of cancer the year before.

Jam Master Jay

Aaliyah. So young and talented.


Gold Member

this motherfucker is in hell right now, he's drunk and eating spicy noodles with lucifer and taking in the culture of the 5th circle.. grew up with bourdain and he's an enormous part of why i like food and culture so much, dude opened up the world for us in the chillest manner, nobody else like him

As a professional in the Restaurant industry I would second this.. love this guy.
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Mitch Hedberg I think. I was probably 17 or so when he died and he was one of the first comedians that I really loved. As a shy kid I also admired him, since he battled with his own anxieties every time he got on stage.

Just was sad


Neighbours from Hell
James Gandolfini. I still miss him. Every time I catch something Sopranos I can't believe he's gone.

Jerome Brown. You can look that one up if you don't know about it. Just very sad.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Robin Williams. Was my favorite comedian and I met him a few times while living in the Bay Area and sat behind him and Zelda at the midnight opening of Two Towers. That scene in Good Morning Vietnam where he’s parked and talking with the troops was the real Robin. I still can’t watch some of his movies after his death.
Everybody who died on 9/11. End of a dream.
I watched a lot of 911 videos this year (around the anniversary) and 20 years later, my brain still finds it hard to believe that event actually happened - but I know it did.
The phone calls from the people trapped in the buildings and the planes, the videos of them falling out to their deaths and the graphic testimonies of the people who were there, are surreal to me. Its so terrible.
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