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What game you think has the best chance of beating out Elden Ring for GOTY?



BOTW 2 is not coming out this year, and I don't think God of War Ragnarok will hit as hard as the first game. If Starfield can reach Skyrim levels, it can beat Elden Ring.

The one area Elden Ring struggles in compared to other open-world games is the tranquil relaxing take-your-time sort of exploration. If Starfield can pull that off like Skyrim, it can become massive. Because even with all the hype and sales, Elden Ring will still turn off a lot of people with its difficulty.

And FromSoftware games always become better and better, the first 5-ish hours is likely the weakest part of the game. It's gonna be interesting in a week from now to see how many beat the first few bosses. I think finishing Stormveil is at around 30% right now when you look at the achievements.


Gold Member
I think GOW and BOTW2 will need to improve alot to keep up, because Elden Ring will expose alot of their weaknesses

GOW needs to expand with way more enemies and bosses, up the number of weapons and make them all as good as the axe and surprise us again with the size of their big hub semi open world in the way that GOW 2018 and Elden Ring did

BOTW2 needs to go back to the drawing board when it comes to combat. Thats not the primary appeal of Zelda but Elden Ring has done the adventure component even better than Zelda games and has a way better combat system


Gold Member

BOTW 2 is not coming out this year, and I don't think God of War Ragnarok will hit as hard as the first game. If Starfield can reach Skyrim levels, it can beat Elden Ring.

The one area Elden Ring struggles in compared to other open-world games is the tranquil relaxing take-your-time sort of exploration. If Starfield can pull that off like Skyrim, it can become massive. Because even with all the hype and sales, Elden Ring will still turn off a lot of people with its difficulty.

And FromSoftware games always become better and better, the first 5-ish hours is likely the weakest part of the game. It's gonna be interesting in a week from now to see how many beat the first few bosses. I think finishing Stormveil is at around 30% right now when you look at the achievements.
Recent Bethesda games are too weak in gameplay and polish to keep up


Thats not the primary appeal of Zelda but Elden Ring has done the adventure component even better than Zelda games
Nah, Zelda got a lot more going on in the adventure department. Elden Ring advances the open-world formula with the sheer variation from location to location and the quality of it. But Zelda still has all the beauty and charm of exploration nailed. Watching as the sun is setting as you climb a mountain, seeing a glimpse of a house off in the distance, flying down with your sailcloth, walking through the woods as the soft piano keys play, stopping by a stable to sleep for the night, waking up and head back into the sunrise as the dog outside the stable runs around. Zelda still got the pure exploration aspect on lock.


Normally I would have said BOTW2. Now that I've actually played Elden Ring, I reckon Nintendo will probably have to delay the game and improve it. The horseback riding alone is aeons ahead compared to that of the original BOTW. I couldn't go back the way Zelda does it. From Software handled that impressively well. I think Elden Ring has the crown locked for 2022.


It's gonna be Starfield.

Elden Ring, even though it's great, is going to be leave a bad taste in folks' mouths due to all the technical issues. When people are looking back in 9 months they will remember these issues. Starfield will have issues too, no doubt, but it'll be the new hotness.

Starfield going away


Gold Member
Nah, Zelda got a lot more going on in the adventure department. Elden Ring advances the open-world formula with the sheer variation from location to location and the quality of it. But Zelda still has all the beauty and charm of exploration nailed. Watching as the sun is setting as you climb a mountain, seeing a glimpse of a house off in the distance, flying down with your sailcloth, walking through the woods as the soft piano keys play, stopping by a stable to sleep for the night, waking up and head back into the sunrise as the dog outside the stable runs around. Zelda still got the pure exploration aspect on lock.
There's really not much you just described that other open world games aren't doing including Elden Ring. Zelda is a more relaxing vibe but that's about it



Maybe StarField if it turns out to live up to the hype somehow.

This seems right. I think Elden Ring is the favorite, because there's still a lot of ambiguity about whether BotW will make 2022 or not.

Starfield seems like a sleeper if they nail the concept and deliver something that feels as revolutionary and immersive as Skyrim did at the time of it's initial release.

I don't think any other game has a shot, especially given how stellar Elden Ring's reviews are and what a phenomenon it is.
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Would be kinda nice to see some of these Elden Ring threads consolidated to one or two topic Threads.


unless a game comes out a do something completely new i don't think so. BOTW 2 and God of War 2 are all going to suffer coz is the same gameplay. ohh i don think Horizon FW is GOTY materiel.
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There's really not much you just described that other open world games aren't doing including Elden Ring. Zelda is a more relaxing vibe but that's about it
What? that's like saying every game where you can fire a gun is like Call of Duty.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
unless a game comes out a do something completely new i don't think so. BOTW 2 and God of War 2 are all going to suffer coz is the same gameplay. ohh i don think Horizon FW is GOTY materiel.
Same gameplay in Elden Ring. Im expecting some new key items at least in Zelda.
I don’t think that any other game will be able to come close to taking the crown from Elden Ring for me personally.

20 hours in and it’s easily the best game of all time to me. That being said, anything can happen and I hope that there are more games of this caliber coming.


I would say, Elden Ring GOTYE =P

Serious face:
Starfield, GoW: Ragnarök, and BotW 2 *if it releases this year* could be possible contenders of the GOTY Title.


The only one that has a chance is Starfield and that's because its a new IP that is trying to do something revolutionary.
Space open world game, it has a huge potential if it nails it. Can you imagine a well made space open world exploration based game? with the right gameplay, the right physics and atmosphere?
The sense of exploration, the sense of the unknown and the mystery, the sense and the scope of the possible world, the sense of the imagination goes beyond any other genre imo.
However it is very hard to get right, and Bethesda recent record is actually bad.
Todd Howard and Bethesda have good experience at making open world games but they always sucked at writing good dialogue or good questline and stories, or even making good characters, if they can nail it in this game then they can elevate it higher. That with the sandbox gameplay and open world they usually do, it will be a game that will storm gaming scene.

Elden Ring is a masterpiece and one of the best games ever made, but its still a game we can grasp and understand quickly because we are used to its formula.
Breath of the Wild 2 may improve upon the first but again we have seen this before and based on the trailers its not going to revolutionize the game scene again so i doubt it will win.
God of War Ragnarok is just previous God of War but with continuation on the story so im almost sure this will not win.
Stalker 2 never had a chance imo, but its not getting released i think.
Horizon has no chance.

So the way i see it, is its either a new game that surprises everyone, which is small chance, or Starfield actually delivers (even if it score less Metacritic it can still win if it delivered), or Elden Ring to celebrate the ultimate Fromsoftware Game.

I'm loving Elden Ring right now, 35 hours so far, playing it crazy everyday, enjoying it a lot, i think if no miracles happen it should win the awards, i have a lot of doubt on Bethesda, no footage nothing so far and their recent track record is not promising for me, so for me Elden Ring reigns supreme this year. Fromsoft has (maybe) become my favorite developer.
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Starfield could do it.

BotW2 could, but it's unclear whether there will be major changes and what they are, and whether it will even make 2022.

At the moment I would put my money on Elden Ring winning the most GOTY awards.

Sega Orphan

The game with the highest metacritic doesn't always win GOTY.
While ER has rave reviews it just isn't a mass appeal game. The casual gamer, of whom there are 10 times more of, won't be able to get into this game and will throw the controller at the screen after the first hour of gameplay. So if for instance Starfield comes out and it's just as well received, but is far more accessible to the casual gamer, it will beat out ER I think.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Maybe Zelda..

I realize we know virtually nothing about BotW2, but Nintendo has been cooking it for a long time, and they're re-using an engine. So, it's bound to be something pretty significant.
It's gonna be Starfield.

Elden Ring, even though it's great, is going to be leave a bad taste in folks' mouths due to all the technical issues. When people are looking back in 9 months they will remember these issues. Starfield will have issues too, no doubt, but it'll be the new hotness.

Starfield going away
The only ones still complaining about the technical issues are the filtered. Their hearts are weary and decrepit. They shall not leave a mark on this world.


Even though I'm not quite sure if Elden Ring would be GOTY (I really think these awards things are rather meaningless nor really prove anything) - but one thing for sure is that 2022 does seem like quite jam packed with awesome games on the horizon.

I am more curious if 2022 would be a good contender to beat 1998 as the best year ever for video game history


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I think Starfield will win a lot of GotY awards unless BGS totally screws up. If BotW 2 releases this year it will be in the running too. I think the awards will be similar to this year where they are spread around to several different games.

There are a lot of outstanding games coming out this year and they will all probably receive some GotY awards.


maybe God of War... and no Horizon is not even close to GOTY quality... that game has me struggling to even finishing it. so much wrong with that game in terms of basically every aspect of it.

BotW 2 will most likely not release this year, and Bayo 3 looks hella weird so I see low chances there.
Starfield is rumored to come this year, but Bethesda is very low on my list for having chances on this...

so honestly, so far maybe God of War, but I don't see anything else having even remotely a shot at it.


From websites, maybe BoTW2. For me, there is almost no chance barring a huge surprise. I just opened up a lot more of the map, exploring is amazing on ER and the world just got insanely enormous and dense. It will be so tough to beat.
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BOTW2 if it comes out this year. if not then none will top Elden Ring. Only game I can see coming close would be Starfield.


Gold Member
Literally none. The more I play it the more I cannot believe this game even exists, the amount of work it must have taken to create a world like that. How they created a huge open map but with the level of detail of a linear, carefully designed game. How they compromised on absolutely nothing, not the combat depth, not the story, not the soundtrack. Monumental.

I don’t think even BotW 2 can beat it and I’m confident it will be marvelous. The rest has no chance whatsoever (in my opinion of course) other than releasing on another year.

The thing about Elden Ring is that it not only instantly makes you realize Breath of the Wild’s shortcomings, it also just seems to highlight them in the most unflattering way possible, almost to the point where it’s feasible to consider the whole effort rather perfunctory.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
It'll be interesting considering Elden Ring is a Souls game that combines the best aspects of Dragon's Dogma and Breath of the Wild together.

Game has me hooked. No handholding. Challenging. Build diversity and exploration with all the lore buried in the world itself. Very nice.
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Gold Member
So the way i see it, is its either a new game that surprises everyone, which is small chance,
I’m sure Elden Ring gets the most GOTY nods, but this would Be interesting if something comes out where the quality far exceeds expectations or something that has been kept under wraps is announced and released quickly.

Still long shots but possibly:
Kill The Justice League given Rocksteady’s pedigree and time they have had
TLOU Factions. Wondering if ND gets this out this year and it’s something special and innovative

Otherwise I’d love to see an as of yet unannounced Game to be released to acclaim in 2022.
That game isnt goty material imo, a rehash of dark souls doesnt make it a worthy contender when there have been many dark souls ripoffs over the years.


Gonna go with Starfield personally, but it's hard to say if that will end up better or not.
Skyrim and Oblivion both had 94 metacritic scores, I can’t see Starfield being that much better than them, and certain kinds of reviews are just always going to have a bias against their type of game.
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