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What gaming sentiment bothers you the most overall?


We shouldn't criticize if characters are designed to be wank material in games that are non-sexual in nature. It's just a video game! It's what the creator wants! (it might be literally the only thing that gets that defense - people would never say "yes, this game has absurd controls / DLC / whatever, but that's what the creator wanted").
Mass Effect 1 is better than Mass Effect 2.

Also this, I've been playing through the trilogy again and as good as a job as ME1 does of introducing you to the universe as a whole, and as good the high points of it are, it has so much less, like, character, emotional investment in the lives and experiences of the people in it than 2 or 3 did. There isn't really a character in it that exists for the sake of their own character and their own personal story, just an allegory or exposition for their entire species. People look back on the individual characters it introduced fondly, but mostly for the work that 2 and 3 did in fleshing them out as people, Garrus, Liara, Kaidan and especially Tali are one-note in 1 in a way which really shocked me going back to the series. ME1 reminds me of the jokes people made about Destiny's writing and Bungie's style of writing as a whole, every single plot element or moving piece is some sort of capitalised out-of-context word - the Reapers, the Conduit, the Cipher, the Citadel, the Keepers. Obviously 2 and 3 are guilty of this too, 3 especially, but they feel much more narratively driven by the wills and emotions of people.

Sure, it's a minor sentiment to whine about compared to, like, women being harassed out of the industry, but I think it's indicative of a larger trend in games and games culture that bothers me a bit, that people value stories about things more than stories about people.


I mean it obviously comes down to how sensitive you are to input lag, but if a game has mediocre performance or bad frame pacing (cough arkham knight) I usually dig out a pad for it. The games aren't unplayable, but they do indeed feel like a slideshow in my hands. I'm sorry if that offends your delicate sensibilities, but at the end of the day I really don't care.
And this is where you fail the discussion.


"I can't play God of War because Kratos is so unlikeable"

Who cares I just wanna kill shit, I guess too many people cared because now we have Last of God of War dad simulator coming out (sort of /s)

I never understood that either, do people want a "nice and polite" God of war? like seriously, he's an asshole he's supposed to be a bad ass that kick's the shit out of stuff, the bigger and badder the better.


"I am a lapsed Nintendo fan. Everyone hits that point when they grow up or see the light and realizes that Sony caters to every adult, wise gamer. Nintendo has lost its way. It is shackled to Fisher Price hardware, and its creativity and promise withers away under the small vision it has for gaming, with the over-the-hill yet unwilling-to-let-go Miyamoto being emblematic of this demise. If you think Nintendo does suit your gaming needs more than Sony, you are a kid or a nostalgia-blinded man child suffering Stockholm syndrome and clinging to your tarnished idols as if they shone bright, as they obviously don't. Nintendo is evil, small-minded, and creatively bankrupt. Everything would be solved if they stopped making their Pikmin, AC what have you and gave me Mario, Kart, Zelda, Smash on PS4."
Hype culture
Score obsession
Classifying games as set genres
Classifying games as "good" "bad" that one is cause i'm pedantic
Platform obsession regarding releases

Basically everything

im probably guilty of some of these things at one point in time too
The gameplay will make or break the new one for me and what we saw in the demo didn't exactly look great combat wise, but then it was a heavily scripted demo and it's Cory Barlog directing who deserves the benefit of the doubt until we see more

I'm really hoping the kid gets kidnapped/killed/incinerated whatever to give Kratos a reason to immediately become a gut-ripping mega asshole.

Or, in at wist, Kratos gets off'd immediately and the kid turns into mini mega asshole.


And this is where you fail the discussion.

See the latter part of my post. Specifically where it says: "I don't care"

If a game feels bad with a mouse it feels bad with a mouse. Obviously ymmv, but it's ultimately a personal thing depending on how sensitive you are to lag. Personally, I find anything less than 60 fps on most screen feels bad with a mouse. Considering I play almost all of my games with a mouse if I can, that matters a great deal to me. If it bothers you, I don't care. It's a personal thing that hampers my personal enjoyment of the game, if it doesn't you then that's great! Just don't try and dictate to me how a game feels in my own hands.


I like how you replied to the first poster's comment with "but you're wrong and everyone should have to play the game in a way I prefer." Impressive navel-gazing.

I just think the undertaking of making the game easier while simultaneously maintaining the experience is more difficult than people realize. Maybe there is a perfect solution. And great for them if there is, but It's still time and money to devote to it. It has nothing with someone playing it my way. I think it would be great if more people played it, but it would bum me out if people criticized the game for issues not present in the standard difficulty.

Take Uncharted 4 for the opposite example, I wouldn't advise playing the game on Crushing because it takes away from a lot of the cool movement and combat options because you die too fast.

Of course ND solves this problem by not having it available at the start, I think. Even so people criticize that mode.


Stand up for yourself and have your opinions that goes against the grain. Being part of team populist or team FOTM doesn't mean shit. It's not that you have to be a Nancy naysayer, or some moderate mother theresa. Just... Don't use others opinions as an anchor for the levy or strength of something being worth more.

Ultimately, the point of having a message board is not to have threads where you have posters dogpiling a populist idea as everything else gets drowned out, but that is what happens when people are more occupied with being heard, than hearing others.
I don't learn anything if I don't associate with people who go against what I fundamentally believe to be true. I don't become more aware of my opinions, values and feelings if I am not challenged by people who annoy me. I want to constantly revise and evolve how I see and believe in things and I cannot do that if I am only being surrounded by the same sentiments, the same ideas, the same values. I go nowhere without listening to the shit that gets me angry.

Whilst I only somewhat agree with the rest of your post, I can definitely agree with this. It reminds me of yesterday when both me and another were accused of "whataboutism" and (lets be real here) racism because we applied what someone said in their article to the person themselves. We were discussing the article, the thread's subject, yet the thread seemingly only "had" to be about agreeing with the article entirely unconditionally. I find that if you can't debate a point, no matter how wrong it is, trying to block said point goes nowhere (cries of "fanboyism", "thread derailing", etc) generally ends up in the entire discussion going down the drain. There are definitely quite a few subjects here on GAF where any dissenting, or even critical, opinions are either "not allowed" or simply dogpiled with passive aggressive "stop posting" posts.
Oh lots of things. One I don't think I've seen mentioned just from skimming through is the widespread acceptance of sequels. Gamers play a sequel that looks a little better, with some added polish and maybe a couple of new features, and it's loved. Why? I'll never understand.
I think this is mostly down to games being a generally more iterative medium than, like, movies or books, with games you can more easily build on an established idea and make pound-for-pound improvements from one game to the next. I tend to agree though, I basically always prefer seeing developers starting from the ground up and taking on original ideas than building on something they've already done, unless it's a case where they're deliberately telling the story over a series of multiple episodes or games.
The idea that review scores and review aggregate scores matter. Actually, simple numbers carry very little signal about what a game is like. If you really want to understand a game you have to read the reviews.

In addition, I really don't think it's useful to try to stack rank games against each other and try to show which are universally better or worse. Each game has different characteristics that can be appreciated -- I don't see why people need to compare them on some simple number scale.


The recent discontent towards the 3ds. I know people want games to play on their new switch but Nintendo have clearly stated that they intend to support the 3ds at least for a little while yet. There's no need for every thread about a new 3ds announcement to become "uh why isn't this on switch. 3ds is dead!".


"Don't spoil that 15-year-old game! I may play it some day and I don't want you ruining it for me!"

We've come to the point where we're spoiler tagging generic-ass boss names like Hungry Beast because of some vocal, selfish idiots that want to know nothing about old games you are Darth Revan Aeris dies Rosemary was his sled but yet browse enthusiast video game forums.

I'll always have fond memories of people freaking out in terror because "There's a SWORD in Dark Souls 3!?!?!?" In some DS3 pre launch discussion thread.

Sometimes people go so overboard with spoiler culture that it's hard to tell when they're seriously upset



I never understood that either, do people want a "nice and polite" God of war? like seriously, he's an asshole he's supposed to be a bad ass that kick's the shit out of stuff, the bigger and badder the better.

He's supposed to be mopey and emo because the gods tricked him into killing his own family. You know, mopey like all those stories in classical Greek literature where the gods were all happy cheery folks that always helped the kind citizens and everyone was super nice and all sex was consentual


I never understood that either, do people want a "nice and polite" God of war? like seriously, he's an asshole he's supposed to be a bad ass that kick's the shit out of stuff, the bigger and badder the better.

I don't think that's people wanting the game to be changed so much as them just acknowledging that it's not for them.

Like, "Cool. Not really into games where I hate the protagonist though, so I'm gonna pass."

I mean sometimes disliking a game is just that. It's not a plea to change it into anything else so much as...well, just not liking the game.
That it's acceptable to harass and threaten someone because they gave a game you like a bad review, or they made a game you don't like, or they don't play the right kinds of games, or they know less about games than you do, etc., etc., etc.


See the latter part of my post. Specifically where it says: "I don't care"

If a game feels bad with a mouse it feels bad with a mouse. Obviously ymmv, but it's ultimately a personal thing depending on how sensitive you are to lag. Personally, I find anything less than 60 fps on most screen feels bad with a mouse. Considering I play almost all of my games with a mouse if I can, that matters a great deal to me. If it bothers you, I don't care. It's a personal thing that hampers my personal enjoyment of the game, if it doesn't you then that's great! Just don't try and dictate to me how a game feels in my own hands.
"I don't care"

*proceeds to reply*
I'm late, but whatever.

"Sub-1080p is garbage / hurts my eyes / is blurry as fuck".

Almost everything these days is mind-blowingly amazing, you spoiled, entitled brats. Like, the Giant Bomb guys keep saying Zelda looks "rough" on a TV. No, it fucking doesn't. It looks amazing. PS4 stuff looks better, yes, and PC stuff looks better still. But everything looks awesome these days.

And the flipside of that: "old games are unplayable now because of bad graphics / framerate".

No, they're fucking not. They are literally not unplayable, as in literally millions of people have played and continue to play them.
Using personal baggage and anecdotal experience to make broad statements about the industry as a whole. Add in a dash of dubious sales figures, and suddenly you have a market research expert.
My problem with turn-based combat on JRPGs is that there just isn't enough strategic depth to warrant it in the vast majority of JRPGs. Usually they involve only the most braindead simple decision making. If I'm going to be fighting dozens of easy battles, I'd rather have them be fast and direct instead of picking "attack" from a menu over and over and pretending like I'm doing strategy.

Anyway, one sentiment I hate is the almost impossibly high standard people have for AAA games. E.g.

Nier Automata: okay graphics, conversations are mostly text, plenty of silly writing. $60. Universally adored on GAF

Mass Effect Andromeda: graphics and production values in a completely different league than Nier. All dialog fully voiced. Some silly writing but still better than most JRPGs. $60. Endlessly nitpicked and mocked on GAF for every minute glitch people can find.

Victorious rebuttal: all those mashy ARPGs dont have the strategic depth to justify being action.

"It's just cosmetics"

But cosmetics is some of my favorite parts of certain games.

I love playing dress up.

God knows that transmog was the my main motivation for playing wow and raiding post Cata for example.

"I love buying digital. The minor, temporary convenience is totally worth giving up my consumer rights."

It is.

I throw every physical copy away after I finish a game. Shits clutter.
-VR is doomed
-Nintendo is doomed
-Open world means good
-Franerate is god
-Mobile games are garbage
-Indies are garbage
-VR is 3d TV

"I love buying digital. The minor, temporary convenience is totally worth giving up my consumer rights."

Completely ignores the myriad of benefits digital provides.


The idea that review scores and review aggregate scores matter. Actually, simple numbers carry very little signal about what a game is like. If you really want to understand a game you have to read the reviews.

In addition, I really don't think it's useful to try to stack rank games against each other and try to show which are universally better or worse. Each game has different characteristics that can be appreciated -- I don't see why people need to compare them on some simple number scale.

because something always has to win. which is what lead to GOTY and E3 awards and all that nonsense. and you're completely right.
"Nintendo is doomed."

"Nintendo has to go 3rd party to survive."

"Nintendo is the next Sega."

None of these are true. Nintendo has enough money in the bank to have like 20 more Wii U level failures before any of these statements would be true.

Hyperbole is the gaming sentiment that bothers me the most.
"60 fps or bust"
"30 fps? hah, no play!"
"30 fps is a slideshow!"
"i don't buy 30fps games"
"2017? 30fps???"
"performance is TERRIBLE!" (performance is 30fps)

or any other such variation of sheer fuckin stupidity
Anyway, one sentiment I hate is the almost impossibly high standard people have for AAA games. E.g.

Nier Automata: okay graphics, conversations are mostly text, plenty of silly writing. $60. Universally adored on GAF

Mass Effect Andromeda: graphics and production values in a completely different league than Nier. All dialog fully voiced. Some silly writing but still better than most JRPGs. $60. Endlessly nitpicked and mocked on GAF for every minute glitch people can find.

The quality of games doesn't come down to the sum of their parts, the amount of money put into them - this is a really misguided idea. The matter of fact is that what Nier is doing and saying is just resonating with people more than Andromeda.


"I love buying digital. The minor, temporary convenience is totally worth giving up my consumer rights."

i'm confused what you mean by this. your physical copy and my digital copy are equal. if you're talking about your ability to trade it back in or loan it out to friends, those aren't rights.
Hype culture and how much of the game community seems to be driven by marketing. Sales/review and list wars. People who act like you can only enjoy one game/console/company and that this arbitrary other one is the enemy.

That it's acceptable to harass and threaten someone because they gave a game you like a bad review, or they made a game you don't like, or they don't play the right kinds of games, or they know less about games than you do, etc., etc., etc.

Oh this is a good one. This and the commonality of witch hunts and grudges, even over the most trivial issues. It's just unpleasant how vindictive and spiteful the community can be a lot of the time.
That it's acceptable to harass and threaten someone because they gave a game you like a bad review, or they made a game you don't like, or they don't play the right kinds of games, or they know less about games than you do, etc., etc., etc.
Honestly sad that this isn't the most common reply.


Also this, I've been playing through the trilogy again and as good as a job as ME1 does of introducing you to the universe as a whole, and as good the high points of it are, it has so much less, like, character, emotional investment in the lives and experiences of the people in it than 2 or 3 did. There isn't really a character in it that exists for the sake of their own character and their own personal story, just an allegory or exposition for their entire species. People look back on the individual characters it introduced fondly, but mostly for the work that 2 and 3 did in fleshing them out as people, Garrus, Liara, Kaidan and especially Tali are one-note in 1 in a way which really shocked me going back to the series. ME1 reminds me of the jokes people made about Destiny's writing and Bungie's style of writing as a whole, every single plot element or moving piece is some sort of capitalised out-of-context word - the Reapers, the Conduit, the Cipher, the Citadel, the Keepers. Obviously 2 and 3 are guilty of this too, 3 especially, but they feel much more narratively driven by the wills and emotions of people.

This statement gets repeated all the time. It drives me crazy. Sure everyone in ME1 is a space Prince/Princess except Kaiden. But ME2 doesnt so much build upon the characters of ME1. It Bludgeons them to death and rebuilds them to suit ME2s changed tone.

Lets analyse this closely with ME1 party members and what they actually do in ME2

Shepard- Dies and is rebuilt new. Betrays everything you know about him and works with cerberus (if Paragon is defult)
Kaiden/Ashley - is snarky and tells you they hate you. Gets captured doesnt do much
Liara- goes from Princess/Archeologist to Shadowbroker gets about 5 minutes and most is remeniscing
Wrex - might be dead by now

So 5/7 ME Party members are fundamentally different/virtually nonexistant.

Tali- when we first meet her has singlehandedly hacked a geth and exposed saren as a traitor. This is about to get her shot. In ME2 she grows up a little and actually has a nice ark, but it isnt all that removed from what ME1 Tali does

Garrus. Is always a bro. He just gets broodier.


He's supposed to be mopey and emo because the gods tricked him into killing his own family. You know, mopey like all those stories in classical Greek literature where the gods were all happy cheery folks that always helped the kind citizens and everyone was super nice and all sex was consentual

He does kind of kill... everyone in God of War 3. Max Payne is "my family is dead and I am pissed off about it", Kratos is more "my family is dead and I will kill anyone and anything that gets in my way no matter their innocence. Fuck you."
"I love buying digital. The minor, temporary convenience is totally worth giving up my consumer rights."

Yes because destiny is a much better game to buy physical than digital. I mean half the games you buy nowadays are so online heavy having a physical copy is worthless. In addition you're making a very big assumption that everyone holds the same view as you with relation to ownership. I know the thread is about sentiments you don't like but at least be realistic about that sentiment.
This statement gets repeated all the time. It drives me crazy. Sure everyone in ME1 is a space Prince/Princess except Kaiden. But ME2 doesnt so much build upon the characters of ME1. It Bludgeons them to death and rebuilds them to suit ME2s changed tone.

Lets analyse this closely with ME1 party members and what they actually do in ME2

Shepard- Dies and is rebuilt new. Betrays everything you know about him and works with cerberus (if Paragon is defult)
Kaiden/Ashley - is snarky and tells you they hate you. Gets captured doesnt do much
Liara- goes from Princess/Archeologist to Shadowbroker gets about 5 minutes and most is remeniscing
Wrex - might be dead by now

So 5/7 ME Party members are fundamentally different/virtually nonexistant.

Tali- when we first meet her has singlehandedly hacked a geth and exposed saren as a traitor. This is about to get her shot. In ME2 she grows up a little and actually has a nice ark, but it isnt all that removed from what ME1 Tali does

Garrus. Is always a bro. He just gets broodier.
Is your argument that how the characters adapt beyond what they were between 1 and 2 doesn't befit how they were portrayed in 1? Because I don't agree with that at all, one of the things 2 does best I think is telling the story of how those people's lives were changed by being around Shepard, and how Shepard suddenly not being in the picture influenced what happened next to their character and how they chose to pursue their wider goals.

Garrus is maybe the best example of this I think, 1 sets him up as being fundamentally idealistic probably to the point of naivety, and frustrated by the bureaucratic red tape of working in an official law enforcement agency, hence his enthusiasm towards essentially becoming Shepard's (who as a Spectre is now not bound by those things) right hand man, but then after Shepard dies, avoids going back to C-Sec and instead tries to become an independent vigilante outside of the reach of the law, but finds himself unable to be the 'leader', to do what Shepard does, and is betrayed and undone by the idealism that made him. His entire arc is about him learning to accept that he can't be more than a right hand man, that he's always going to be Robin to Shepard's Batman.

Similarly, if Shepard is played as paragon he's fundamentally untrusting and antagonistic towards Cerberus even while working for them, fitting his moral ideals in 1, and if he's renegade he's enthusiastic and supporting of their goals, also fitting renegade Shepard's human supremacist attitude in 1. Kaidan/Ashley have always been loyal to the alliance and see Shepard working with Cerberus as a betrayal, and a paragon Shepard is in agreement with them but stuck in a situation they can't get out of. Wrex regains some sense of idealism and a drive to go back to helping his people from working with Shepard, and when Shepard dies he does just that. Liara sort of goes in the opposite direction and becomes much more disillusioned and cynical after Shepard's death.


For me I guess it's microtransactions replacing alot of small extras in games. Used to be beat a game and get some skins unlocked, maybe secret weapons, hidden levels etc.

Now it's hard not to see all the microtransactions and extras that specially preorder stuff as small extras that would have been in the finished game. I'm fairly certain that some publishers ask for certain things removed so it can be sold later. It is a buisness but it makes me sad that what could be a complete game will probably have little elements removed to sell later.


Toxic bigotry or nerdy elitism/e-peening. Anyone that spouts something like cuck/sjw or some other bullshit like that is not worthy of my time.

People crying over reviews/sales/specs/any fanboyish arguments. Holy crap.

When some early impression hits and people implode about something they haven't necessarily played themselves.


"I feel like I'm the only person who hates X"

No. No, you're not. There is no such thing as a game that is unconditionally loved by everyone. It is totally fine to have an opinion on a game that does not help with public consensus, and there are always people who don't agree with the crowd. You're not blowing anyone's minds by having a contrary opinion.

"Please convince me to love X" is in the same wheelhouse. Don't force yourself to try to enjoy something. That never, ever works. Just accept that it's not for you and move on. Maybe try again in a couple years and see if it clicks that time. Don't feel ashamed to have your opinion


How about this one :

''With each new console, Nintendo releases the same things, namely Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc. why bother, I know these ganes!?!?''

Almost everytime that kind of person is currently playing Killzone 3, Devil May Cry 4, GTA V, etc.

These games are good, don't get me wrong, but don't base your disdain for Nintendo on the fact that they release new games in well established series while you're off playing other new games in other well established series. Base your opinions on solid ground people.


Oh and my biggest one. Every fucking time some sports game is presented at an E3 or elsewhere or there's a thread about a FIFA/Madden or whatever and you have this entire avalanche of posters consistently talking all this complete shit about the genre. It's fucking infuriating nerdy elitist bullshit. I get we're on a gaming forum and not everyone loves sports (and I'm not saying anyone has to) but I'll be damned if it really irks me every single fucking time.

As if someone that primarily enjoys playing NBA 2K or MLB: The Show or FM is inherently somehow a casual gamer or some shit.

Goddamn, get over yourselves.


Gaming is a very tribal community and industry.

1. When people are too defensive and tribal to realize that the gaming world's insularity and lack of diversity has created a hotbed for misogyny, racism, hate and harassment.

2. Console manufacturers, developers, and publishers are not teams. They are not your friends. They are corporations and you are their customers. They build products and you purchase them.


"I don't understand how it could take anyone X hours to beat this game, I explored every nook and cranny and went at a slow pace and it took me Y hours."

In reaction to someone making a list of anything, especially if someone explains their choices: "As soon as I saw X game I stopped reading your list".

Those aren't even close to the worst though, most of them are already posted.
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