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What is your earliest gaming memory?

Watching my Dad play something on an Atari - too young to remember what it was.

We got an NES soon after, Mom played Tetris and Dad and I played Tecmo Bowl a lot. I then began playing games on my own - Dynowarz and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game were my favorite. Mario came with the system, but I don't remember caring too much about it.


Probably Skifree on my dads work computer.
But proper at home gaming probably playing the original Duke Nukem in "coop" with my sister. She'd move and I'd shoot.....so essentially she did everything and I pressed the shoot button when she told me lol.


Gold Member
playing Winter Games on the MSX (one my uncle gived to me and my brother 'cause they got the MSX2)

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definitely one of my earliest memories was playing this at a friends house. we didn't have a NES at home.

this was probably around 1995-1996 so a good while after the game launched. it felt like it wasn't until 95/96 that consoles from the 80s disappeared with the release of the PS1. i was just a young kid at the time so my memory isn't clear.

edit: i'm forgetting about the Sega Mega Drive + SNES. we had a Mega Drive but not a SNES. 3rd and 4th gen is a blur to me. the first consoles i really remember is the PS1/N64
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Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I dont consider it my true beginning in gaming. But I remember Popeye on the Atari 2600.

My parents rarely let me play. And when they did, it was for a couple of minutes. Mostly my sister played, and we were required to put the console back in the closet. And it would stay there a week or so.

My real start as a gamer was when I got a Sega Genesis in the early 90's. With Sonic 1 and Golden Axe II


Gold Member
One of my earliest memories full stop was me and my older brother hunting for Christmas presents, finding the Atari 2600 in the loft. In November. Played that fucker every time the parents went out. By the time christmas day came round we'd waxed the 3 or so games we got and Dad couldn't figure out how his 5 year old son was so much better than him at this shit.

I still have that console to this day.


Playing Boxing for the Atari 2600 with my cousin in the den of his house. It was a summer afternoon in upstate NY, I was like 5 or 6, and it was the mid 80's.


Oh man, some days I feel genuinely old, then I come into a thread like this and start to wonder if I'm one of the youngest members XD

Anyway a lot of memories are sega Megadrive/Saturn with my siblings & dad, amazing times :)


A Pong style gaming console called Oceanic circa 1978 - complete with 10 Sports gaming cartridge (pics below)...



Tennis anyone? lol!
My grandpa had his fourth heart attack (he was nearly electrocuted while in the military) and the doctors told him that was the last one he would survive, and he'd likely never fully recover as his heart function was so diminished. While healing he bought a Frogger mini arcade game to pass the time. He recovered and gave it to us, then built a garage like a normal 60 year old guy who had a severely damaged heart does. He died a few years later, from a heart attack.

The power on tune is the most memorable thing ever created.

Last year my younger brother and I found another one in the box and bought it for my older brother for his birthday.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Like a lot of others, something on the Atari 2600. Friend of the family used to lend us it at the weekend kind of thing.

First computer was ZX Spectrum 128K with the heat sink - however must have been a dodgy batch at the store as we had 3 and they all over heated. Swapped for Commodore 64 then that was lift off really...


First arcade was probably PAC man. First console was River Raid on Atari. First game that made me want to be a gamer was Mario bros on NES, figuring out stuff like the infinite lives trick and short cuts was so cool.


Probably one of these games.


My aunt bought me and my siblings an NES and we each got to pick a game. I got kung fu, my sister got excite bike and I can’t for the life of me remember the third title…

I got super Mario bros 2 for my birthday and it was my favorite game forever. My dad would play Kung fu with me but never got past the second boss and pretty much stopped playing games.

I beat kung fu so many times I remember trying to challenge myself beating levels with nothing but jump kicks or punches.


At a friend's house watching/playing asteroids on an atari 2600. Ended up inspiring me to get one from consumers distributing but they were out so I ended up with a the Gemini clone. No idea how I came up with that much cash so young......


Watching my brother and my dad play Super Mario Bros. on NES. The tension in the later levels of the game was so intense for me as a kid. I almost couldn't bare to watch them play and I was only about 3 years old.


I don't know and I wish I did. I got an Atari 2600 Jr when I was very young. My family was not into tech and I have no idea what inspired me to ask for one. My only guess is it had to be Pac-Man related since those machines were everywhere.

I definitely remember seeing the NES for the first time though. My cousin got one for his birthday and has playing Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt. I couldn't believe the graphics and of course, that's what I ended up begging for and getting for Christmas that year.
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Gold Member
My aunt bought me and my siblings an NES and we each got to pick a game. I got kung fu, my sister got excite bike and I can’t for the life of me remember the third title…

I got super Mario bros 2 for my birthday and it was my favorite game forever. My dad would play Kung fu with me but never got past the second boss and pretty much stopped playing games.

I beat kung fu so many times I remember trying to challenge myself beating levels with nothing but jump kicks or punches.
I was six when I got my hands on Super Mario Brothers 2 and it was probably my favourite game on the Nintendo. I loved the art style and colour pallet. So much nostalgia games from the eighties.


Home pong system (it also had a lightgun... no ducks though, just a white dot on a black background). It didn't have cartridges, it had switches for the different game modes. Some of my earliest memories period are of playing it with my parents.


Gold Member
These three come to mind, I'm not sure which was first.

Playing SMS with Alex Kidd built in
Gameboy with Tetris
Tekken 1 in the arcade - Mind blown


Either Super Mario Bros. Duck Hunt or Wolfenstein 3D.
Couldn’t say which came first to me but probably the NES before the PC.


Neo Member

My next Gen when I was a kid ! I loved this Game, most immersive game I have ever played at that time.

Holy shit. I came in here to post this too. Junior me had no clue what i was really doing. But I remember it being so cool as a kid. Blew my mind at the time.


One of the Master System games I had. It's one of:
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World

Flintstones was probably the most difficult of all of them, strangely. It may have only been 3 levels, but I think I only saw the last one once. Barely ever saw the second.

Fret Runner

playing gaunlet on the NES with my sister.
Used to piss my mum off cause we only had one TV, so she had to always carry this old CRT tv up an down the stairs for us. Bless her.
Only time I ever had a Nintendo console.
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