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What was your favorite game released that year? 1995 edition (56k)


Killer Instinct (SNES)
Kirby's Dream Land 2 (GB)
Mega Man 7 (SNES)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Arcade)
Street Fighter Alpha (Arcade)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)
Tekken (PS)
Tekken 2 (Arcade)

KI, MK, SF, Tekken, Kirby and Mega Man. Man, 1995 was awesome.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Madden is gonna stay on my lists. It was great back in the day except for maybe one time when they made it too easy to get tackled.

Chrono Trigger
Twisted Metal

Might have to go with Myst on this one. Chrono Trigger tho...


Jesus that is a stacked list. I was 4 at the time and don't think I played any of those games that year. Perhaps DKC2 and YI? I played those as a kid but I don't know how far from release.

As to overall favorite now that I have played a bunch of them...idk :p. Good games.
I did not realize that 95 was so stacked. My goodness, gamers must have been overwhelmed by the quality available that year.

Chrono Trigger takes the top spot, though.


Drunky McMurder
There seemed to be a lot of good games in that list but I got to C and went "Yep, it's Chrono Trigger"

Does not matter even a little bit what was hiding in the rest of the alphabet.
Chrono Trigger. Warcraft II is a close runner-up, but I haven't played the game in 20 years.

I don't know how much I'd enjoy the game now. I remember even in the 90s, playing Starcraft and then Warcraft II and feeling very restricted. Enemies would be right by you but wouldn't engage you, the amount of units you could control felt low, and it still felt like chess since the units were identical minus Ogre/Paladin as Bloodlust was superior to healing imo.

So I wonder if playing it now would not so much tarnish the memories (memories will be great regardless!), but make me realize that it's been outdone in so many ways now.


Road Rash III
NBA Live 96
Madden 96
NHL 96

Had good times on Sega. I use to be super into Sports games before I fall in love with Story games.
Chrono Trigger was definitely the best of that bunch for me. Just a classic in every way.

Full Throttle was also an amazing release, and my favorite Lucasarts adventure game. I am really looking forward to the new release. Looks like the Dig was also released that year, which is my least favorite Lucasarts adventure game. I was so excited for it, but it wound up just being a giant turd for me.

Wing Commander 4 was good stuff. I preferred 3, but I still enjoyed the hell out of 4.
RIP Vagabond.


Chrono Trigger, Yoshi's Island and DKC 2

But damn, there were some great games that year... we don't get that kinda love anymore.
Full Throttle was also an amazing release, and my favorite Lucasarts adventure game. I am really looking forward to the new release. Looks like the Dig was also released that year, which is my least favorite Lucasarts adventure game. I was so excited for it, but it wound up just being a giant turd for me.

I've really enjoyed the remasters of these 90s adventure games. I never played them, and I likely wouldn't have beaten them in the 90s, ha! So this has been really cool for me. Loved Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle, particularly Grim Fandango. What a wonderful story and hilarious puzzles, even if I couldn't solve half of them by myself. =P
1. Warcraft II
2. Command & Conquer
3. Ridge Racer
4. WipEout
5. Mega Man VII
6. Street Fighter Alpha
7. Tekken

Probably the weakest year of the nineties.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Phantasy Star 4 and Chrono Trigger, runner ups being Earthbound, Wipeout, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Yoshi's Island
Is that real?

Man, best year in gaming if true.

Yoshi Island
Chronno fucking Trigger
Warcraft 2
StreetFighter Aplha
Killer Stinct
Marvel Super Heroes (where everything began)
Toy Story
And Mega Man 7

Man! Amazing stuff

I was underwhelmed looking at the list.

Warcraft 2 definitely wins then Full Throttle and DK2


impossible to choose between earthbound, yoshi , and dkc2, so i'm lumping them together. I played the hell out of those games. didn't play chrono trigger until a couple years ago, but looking back I'd put that into the list as well.
A good year, but not as strong as some of the surrounding years.

Chrono Trigger, Earth Bound, and Mega Man 7 would be my picks for the year.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Well the year the best game ever made released certainly is an easy one: Yoshi's Island. The pinnacle of 2D game design and the forebearer of 3D collectathon platforming design. Simply marvelous.


A good year, some real classics, but not goat tier games as some of the other years around it IMO. Maybe Chrono Trigger of Earthbound, but as a Euro peasant I didn't get to play them until much later.

My favorite game of the year was Killer Instinct actually. Amazing how Rare stepped into the fighting genre and owned it with a unique take (in my opinion of course).

This is followed very closely by Warcraft 2, Super Mario World 2 and The Dig.

Special shout outs further to as said Chrono Trigger and Earthbound, Dark Forces, Command and Conquer, Full Throttle, Discworld, and Tekken.

Also was this the year that kick-started the AAA sequelitis?


Weakest of all the years so far I think, either Wipeout or DKC2

The weakest year so far is 2006, imo.

I was looking at the list and thinking, uhh, I dunno, Company of Heroes? Hitman Blood Money?

At least 1995 has a few important games like C&C and Warcraft 2.


Wow, you can really tell this was close to the PSX launch period in the UK, by how many PS titles I have listed. However, SO MANY great games in 1995. I've played tons of them and could argue for including at least 2/3 of them.

Daytona USA (Sat) - For the brief period I owned a Saturn, the gameplay was addictive, for how dodgy the port was.

Panzer Dragoon (Sat) - Just a superb on-rails shooter. Not my favourite genre, but an outstanding title.

Destruction Derby (PS) - The sequel was better in pretty much every respect, but for a launch title this was a graphical showcase.

Ridge Racer (PS) - Power slides around every corner. Would bore the shit out of me now, but pulling this manoeuvre off in the arcades was "cool".

Tekken (PS) - I was SO hyped for this that I even bought a gaming magazine whilst on holiday in FRANCE - just for the screenshots, lol. I defected from Virtua Fighter for this franchise, and I still feel guilty that I sold my Saturn for a PSX before VF2 came out. Sega just took too long to release it.

Honourable mentions:

Battle Arena Toshinden (PS) - Good, but not in the same league as VF/Tekken.
Loaded (PS) - Underrated gem.
Chrono Trigger - LTTP. Played it on DS years later.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES) - I'd already largely moved on from SNES by the time this came out, but have put significant time into it years later. An all-time classic.
I've played

Chrono Trigger (PS version though)
Toy Story
Donkey Kong Country 2
Killer Instinct
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Yoshi's Island
Twisted Metal

I thought the PlayStation didn't come out until 96.


1995 was a bit of a dead year in gaming for me. I was in High School and getting really into music, so I didn't pay as much attention as I should have. Still, this is what I played.

Doom (SNES) Did not get a PC that could run Doom at an acceptable framerate for a year, so this had to do.

NHL 96 (SNES) My older brother would routinely rack up $100+ phone bills playing this long distance on Xband. I was terrible at it, but meh.

Street Fighter: The Movie (PSX) Better than the arcade, but that's not saying much.

Street Fighter Alpha (Arcade) Looked amazing for the time and I wanted to play it much more than I did,but the game didn't get much attention in the arcades near my house. Didn't really get back into.fighting games until Third Strike and Garou came out.

Chrono Trigger (SNES) Watched my brother play it and thought it was decent. Tried starting another playthrough last year and it was short lived. I'll give it another chance soon I'm sure. Maybe after I'm done with Breath of the Wild

Honorable Mention: Earthbound (SNES) Around 1999-2000ish, I went to Reno with my brother and Dad. The highlight of the trip was going to a pawnshop and buying a boxed versions of Earthbound, Final Fantasy 3, Secret of Mana and a top loading NES for $20. I remember thinking even back then that it was a steal, but now I realize that it was probably some poor kids collection, and that their father probably pawned the games for more gambling money.
This is too damn hard. What an incredible year for videogames that was.

Warcraft 2

I left out so much, I'm sorry Chrono, Comix, my dear friends.
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