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What Xbox Series X 12 Teraflops Actually Means for Graphics, Gameplay.

I just hope that all this power isn't wasted by developers trying to achieve 60FPS and ultra high resolutions.

I would be perfectly happy if ALL of the next generation games were 30FPS and 1080P.

Then after we achieve photorealism go up in resolution and frame rate.


Gold Member
I just hope that all this power isn't wasted by developers trying to achieve 60FPS and ultra high resolutions.

I would be perfectly happy if ALL of the next generation games were 30FPS and 1080P.

Then after we achieve photorealism go up in resolution and frame rate.

Oh god, please no. I'd rather have games that look like Switch exclusives running at 4K/60.


Here’s my amateur question: if there’s no room in the GPU budget now to model hair or skin, how much will there be after adjusting to the next console generation? When you bring everything up to 4K/60, or even just a steady 30, with more detail, more complex environments, objects and characters, how much room is left to add ray tracing, particle effects, hair and skin modeling, etc.?


Things like object physics remained on the same level as in previus generation or you can even argue that there is less usage of it now than in 200x (for example EVERYTHING in Wolfenstein games is attached to ground/walls/cellings etc.) I'm playing Bioshock 2 Remaster right now and seeing game with quite a lot of object physics is so refreshing and this title is 10 years old... I expect this to improve with Ryzen CPUs but reality is it will depend on will of developers, same as Ai you mentioned, it could always be better than it is but devs simply don't care that much.

I think CPU power won't make much difference for games like Uncharted for example (or more accurately Gears of War on MS side) but in open world titles number of NPCs, AIs on the screen and physics is highly dependant on CPU speed. We will see the difference once Ubisoft drops cross gen titles and makes first next gen Assassin's Creed game (just like with AC4 and Unity).

CPU is not needed for physics or amount of NPCs on screen.
The only thing CPU is good at is to run low performance high branching code.
If you use CPU for anything else - it's a waste of hardware.
So is Adolf, although I don't think that the name is used anymore : D
I am very sure you can find one nazi for any traditional german name.

Does that mean people are not allowed to name their children with traditional german names anymore?

I can understand that people don't name their children Adolf anymore, but with those other names you are getting too sensible.


Strong enough to get value out of your 8k/120HZ TV.

The ball is in the developer's court, so thats that.

"Muh exclusives"


99.9999 percent of the games coming out are multi-plat, and most of the "must-play" exclusives have been nothing to write home about. As I have mentioned previously the only thing I was jelly of the PS4 about was BB, everything else is meant for the trenchcoat/fedora crowd.

The most popular games on Xbox are multi-plat games.

The most popular games on Playstation are multi-plat games.

The most popular games on PC are multi-plat games.

Now, the only difference you face is interface/power when it comes to a console and computer, and I prefer to be seated on my couch with excellent-quality headphones and a sexy TV instead of being like an office worker cramped up on my computer. Sorry guys, you can pretend you don't get what the power means, and there are no games, but the reality is the following:

Games: Multi-plat are the most popular, and is why people buy consoles in the first place.

Machine power: Very good value for the price you pay.

Services: So good that their competitor copies them and releases WORSE versions than the original, and soulless stores (and having to deal with 10 or so of them).

Talk all the smack you want, but you're making something minor seem like it has a lot more value than what it really has.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I am very sure you can find one nazi for any traditional german name.

Does that mean people are not allowed to name their children with traditional german names anymore?

I can understand that people don't name their children Adolf anymore, but with those other names you are getting too sensible.
It's not that serious, I was just surprised to see that nick, that's all. It's unusual to me see such name.


We will have to wait and see. 12TF alone doesn't show the whole picture, even tho the number alone is already a lot of processing power, but there are other architectural advancement added to it - with RDNA2 we are talking effectively about an equivalent of 18-22TF compared to 1X, and on top of that the most demanding computations like shadows, reflections, GI etc. will be moved to dedicated RT hardware, leaving even more TF for the devs for pushing pixels, particles, physics/simulations etc. Plus the devs keep talking about how the SSDs will be able to stream gigabytes of data straight to the GPU, so as of now only they know what the system is truly capable of.

The most popular games on PC are multi-plat games.

I agree with most of what you say, however the most popular games on PC are indeed the PC exclusives - CS, LoL, WoW, DotA, etc., or games thet are heavily PC-oriented like Sims, Diablo or Minecraft, whereas multi-platform titles, especially AA-AAA ones, that sell 1MLN+ happen like once a year (GTA5, WC3 etc.). IMO PC nowadays is basically a one-game platform, where people almost religiously play just one of the mentioned titles for literally decades and nothing else.
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always chasing the next thrill
I will never understand why some people would want frames per second and high resolution over photorealism.
cause it never looks like photorealism and you forget all the eyecandy after playing 30 min.

but low FR is hindering fluid gameplay


I will never understand why some people would want frames per second and high resolution over photorealism.

Because every "photo realistic" game looks like dogshit the moment you notice a single graphical flaw in presentation. This goes for every game that set a trend from Doom 3, Crysis 1-3, Witcher 2 and 3, Uncharted 2 and 4 (4 especially, which looked better but removed graphical effects that were present in the previous titles), Red Dead Redemption 2 (low res textures everywhere!), Death Stranding, God of War 18, The entire metro series and plenty more.

Horizon is a great example, it did it well by being super artistic in it's approach so many of it's "flaws" didn't really stand out long enough after you noticed them.
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