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Where is Unreal Engine 4?


I doubt UE4 itself is in any way a problem. Unreal has been a good engine, but it's just today's market that makes it less likely that studios can't making their own engines/editors, and those that can't are starting to have free or cheaper options. And if anyone is thinking about using Unreal, chances are they're thinking about making a game that will have to compete with big budget titles. That's kind of suicidal these days. Small devs have to be more creative now to stand out, which is great, and that naturally leads them away from pre-made solutions. Visually, the market is a lot more open-minded than it was a few years ago, so styles can vary significantly, once again reducing the need for an editor like Unreal. Their demon volcano demo thing, it looked great, but you're not going to be attracting smaller developers with that, so who will you attract at all? Certainly not DICE or Bethesda. High-end graphics = mocap, expensive voice work, etc. Devs will just find alternatives that don't lead them down that rabbit hole.

What I find absolutely mind boggling is that Epic doesn't have an awesome popular multiplayer shooter on the market. They need to work on this, there is room to beat the competition in this area if they really wanted to. Keep it cheap, accessible, PVP only, screw the story bullshit, no need to waste money on that nor on marketing the bullshit story. Just make an FPS that's all about fun, having your own character/team, vehicles, keep adding the best maps made by users, etc.


I was really shocked that MS didn't have a new ip from Epic to show...
Epic not being at E3 at all was probably disappointment of the show for me (along with Xbox One pricing and policies).

Now that I'm going PS4, I hope that Epics next game is not MS exclusive.

Said the same thing in another thread, but totally, where was the announcement of the next Epic Game IP at this year's E3? You would have thought the Games team was working just as hard as the Tech team to prove the engine and sanity-check the tools, but apparently we're going to see this hardware launch and even UE4-based games by third parties launch with no announcement of a keystone title. Back when UE3 was in the same state, we had the promise of UT3 (aka UT2007) and saw character models in demos of what became Gears of War. Yet neither Sony nor Microsoft bragged that their systems supported UE4 with a demo showcase, much less made any title announcements (exclusive or otherwise.) Too bad, I really had hoped one of the big announcements of the show was that Samartain or Infiltrator or even Elemental were revealed as the foundation of something they actually had as a game underway ala Gears.
Maybe its not performing up to par? Thinking back to those early PS4 demo's, it looks like absolute crap compared to some demo's we've seen at E3.
The real question is where is Fortnite it's coming up on 2 years since it was announced, and I thought they were going for the Minecraft model of letting people in early and having the community help shape the game.

This. It wasn´t at E3 right?


Maybe we haven't seen it because this time not every Unreal Engine game looks like the same Unreal Engine game.
Real answer: Epic hasn't shown their first UE4 game yet and UE4 isn't really 'finished' until they shipped their first game on it.


Maybe we haven't seen it because this time not every Unreal Engine game looks like the same Unreal Engine game.
Real answer: Epic hasn't shown their first UE4 game yet and UE4 isn't really 'finished' until they shipped their first game on it.

Fortnite is UE4, so they have "shown" their first UE4 game.


Epic Games

Knack is not a UE title. This mistake is purely my own. (Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Tina, I'm sorry that I was incorrect. :( I will endeavor to make sure it doesn't happen again).

If you see anywhere that lists it as a UE title, know that it was probably just a mistake created in the hubub of the Sony Press Event that has trickled through E3.

As to your other questions, I'm doing follow ups with a couple groups today to see what information I can share.


Killer is Dead also had a showing so you could add that one to the list.

Will you be releasing papers of this year's GDC tech demo anytime soon?

The End

Remember how every other PS2 games was made using Renderware, and then after EA bought Criterion in 2004, that number quickly fell to zero?

I'd suspect that something like that is happening again: Big publishers don't love paying royalties to Epic, lots of mid-tier devs and publishers have gone out of business, and small indie shops don't have the resources to produce a UE4 game.


Just trying to be of help. :)

Appreciated, really. This sorts out some of the romours floating around. Knack isn't UE4? Big news to me, I thought it was.

So, now you just have to confirm that Unreal 3 (the game!) is on it's way and that Epic really is returning to Na Pali. Thanks!



Knack is not a UE title. This mistake is purely my own. (Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Tina, I'm sorry that I was incorrect. :( I will endeavor to make sure it doesn't happen again).

If you see anywhere that lists it as a UE title, know that it was probably just a mistake created in the hubub of the Sony Press Event that has trickled through E3.

As to your other questions, I'm doing follow ups with a couple groups today to see what information I can share.
GAF is usually very friendly to visiting devs so you don't have to apologize for a simple mixup :) Could you shed some light on the next version of UDK, both UE3 and UE4 editions preferably?


Appreciated, really. This sorts out some of the romours floating around. Knack isn't UE4? Big news to me, I thought it was.

So, now you just have to confirm that Unreal 3 (the game!) is on it's way and that Epic really is returning to Na Pali. Thanks!

UT 2014 first.



Why not get rid of that white background...

Also... where is The Infiltrator breakdown/making of video?


I think it's still too soon to write Unreal Engine 4 out. You probably won't be see it being used in any EA or Ubisoft games but it is still a much better option for smaller shops that don't have the resources to dedicate on building and maintaining their own inhouse engine. And there is also specialization issues where a lot of developers are experienced UEngine users.

I hope though that they release the UDK version of Unreal Engine 4 soon. If it's true that it's pretty easy to cook up gameplay using Blueprint, then indies and people who want to learn game design (such as myself) will have a field day with it.


Most of the games we have seen arenfrom big publishers and they all have their own in house engines. We will see ue4 mostly on indipendent game developers and medium/small publishers(both big and small). And at this e3!we haven't see too much from them


El Capitan Todd
Most of the games we have seen arenfrom big publishers and they all have their own in house engines. We will see ue4 mostly on indipendent game developers and medium/small publishers(both big and small). And at this e3!we haven't see too much from them

could be, but we must recognize that it's a very different situation compared to the Gears of War old days


We'll see what happens later but bear in mind, that unlike the start of last gen most big studios now have their own technology developed at the start of this gen.
The incentive then to adopt UE4 is a lot less. They also invested a lot of money in these engines so they won't just dump them unless UE4 has substancial advantages.
Devs will still be looking at things like Unity or UE though, the ones that don't have their own tech that is though there is a lot more competition now too. CryEngine being one.


True, re-reveal in that case. It has been so long that I had completely forgotten it.

Yea i am kinda surprised that it's taking so long to really show that game to the public again. There was a behind doors thing the leaked at GDC but they have been dark on it. I really thought it would have been at E3, if not at one of the big pressers at least at like the Nvidia booth or something.

Apparently it's still coming along tho

I guess they will show it at PAX ether in Australia next month or at PAX prime. And then probably put it up on Steam early access soon after.


I don't think the big budget UE4 games are ready to be shown yet.

That is what I am thinking, but it is still shocking to see not one Xbox One of PS4 game shown so far is using it. I am sure it will be used, but you would think at least one game shown would be using it.


I'd be in the dick
I think it's safe to say that physically based rendering is going to be standard in any next gen engine worth a damn. KZSF is using it, The Order is, UE4 is, and nearly all of them are using a lot of the same calculations for it.


Gold Member
I think it's safe to say that physically based rendering is going to be standard in any next gen engine worth a damn. KZSF is using it, The Order is, UE4 is, and nearly all of them are using a lot of the same calculations for it.

What does that even mean?


I'd be in the dick
What does that even mean?

Calculating lighting behavior in real time based on real world physics applied to various surface textures. Basically you can take a texture, assign it a certain roughness, and it will reflect/refract correctly. It speeds up asset creation dramatically and looks great.
I'm glad. UE3 was fucking everywhere this gen. It homogenized graphics across all games in some way. You could just tell when a game was using UE3. I'm glad so many publishers have now built themselves their own engine. Games won't look all the same this way.


Anybody else surprised by the lack of UE4 being used by publishers and developers? UE3 was so dominate last gen gen that you'd think that would carry over, but it seems a lot of developers and publishers are choosing to use their own engines instead of adopting UE4.

They always said we can expect the first UE4 games late 2014.
I think part of it is the fact that Epic has been undergoing huge changes. All the big names have left Epic so I'm sure there has been a lot of chaos in that direction over the past year or so. You would think Epic would be on the forefront pushing UE4 with a big game of their own, but aside from Fortnite, which has all but disappeared, we don't have a clue what Epic is doing.


Being safely cradled at the studio of Jessica Chobot.

E3 itself was running on UE4. The whole event was CGI.

TDM pls. Please know what you're talking about before typing make belief bs. I saw dithered shadows. It was clearly running on Cryengine 3. UE4 got usurped for the event.


Ripped some images from the Power Point slides.


That looks phenomenal. Reminds me of the Terminus armour from ME.

While it doesn't look obscenely high poly, the material shaders do a great job. With a dab of chromatic aberration it now looks like a very high quality render.

Hopefully, we'll get more of this next gen (no matter the sacrifices to the resolution).


I'm glad. UE3 was fucking everywhere this gen. It homogenized graphics across all games in some way. You could just tell when a game was using UE3. I'm glad so many publishers have now built themselves their own engine. Games won't look all the same this way.

On top of that on PC you could usually tell it real fast by the mouse feeling horrendous before you went into the config files. For.. every.. game... Was interested in Bulletstorm but never played it because I couldn't get it fixed there.

Funny how UT3 didn't have the problem but from what i've experienced most devs wrecked it.


I think it's safe to say that physically based rendering is going to be standard in any next gen engine worth a damn. KZSF is using it, The Order is, UE4 is, and nearly all of them are using a lot of the same calculations for it.

Fox Engine, Panta Rhei, Luminous, CryEngine and next engine from Tri-Ace too.


I thought UE4 was more so a new set of SDK tools focused on fast content creation, rather than being some new super super graphics powerhouse?


I don't understand why a game developer will create an in-house engine when third-party engines like Unreal, Unity, or even Source are available. What's in it for them? Does it save money?


I don't understand why a game developer will create an in-house engine when third-party engines like Unreal, Unity, or even Source are available. What's in it for them? Does it save money?

Better performance and tailored options. It becomes really useful when more than one game uses that engine (which today is a given).


Junior Member
Kinda early to be surprised about a lack of UE4 when there's been something like a dozen next-gen titles shown. If UE4 is still absent next year, then I'll be surprised.


People forget that UE3 games didn't start showing up until Gears 1 in 2006 -- a whole year after the 360 came out. I think Epic has already confirmed that UE4 won't really be ready for licensing until maybe a year after next-gen starts, just as it was with UE3. Before that point last gen, some early 360 games actually used modified versions of UE2 like BioShock and Splinter Cell.

People forget that UE3 games didn't start showing up until Gears 1 in 2006 -- a whole year after the 360 came out. I think Epic has already confirmed that UE4 won't really be ready for licensing until maybe a year after next-gen starts, just as it was with UE3. Before that point last gen, some early 360 games actually used modified versions of UE2 like BioShock and Splinter Cell.
Great point, I totally forgot.


Where is Epic? Seriously, what happened to them?

all the soul of the company is gone. They sold it to a chinese company and are living it up now. Sooner or later we will see projects from those people who left though.. just not under the unreal name anymore.
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