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Which Final Fantasy games have the best boss/battle themes?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
It's the only normal battle FF theme I can recall off the top of my head. It's really good.

Actually it is probably the most memorable regular battle theme for me in the entire FF series. That's only song that I fondly remember (and LR:FFXIII's Crimson Blitz since it's a remix of Blinded by Light) when it comes to battle themes.

I agree with Ultros about VIII and XV.

VIII has the best main battle theme, boss theme and last boss themes in the classic series. And XV has Up for the Challenge which is just fantastic. (Huh, now that I double check, Ultros didn't list it! How?? ;)

FFXV has a lot that I forgot some. I was supposed to include Battle on the Big Bridge but I forgot too!


So not the best (and I know that, so don't need to quote me) but some of my favorites before I knew how to fight them were Ruby and Emerald weapon.

Like having no idea how they worked the first time through and getting my ass kicked by them and slowly over time how to properly beat them made me really enjoy them. Sure now I steam roll them, but boy near the start of that process they were fun.

Thus it turns into this, I love all the weapon themes. But mostly cause I did them so often and for so long they got stuck in my head


I can't wait until people get over their hate of FFXV and realize that this song is seriously on "Dancing Mad" and "One Winged Angel's" level. It's absolutely phenomenal.

lol I hate XV and even I can't disagree with you. Song is dope.


FFVII has my favorite normal battle song and also a big fan of the boss musics, particularly J-E-N-O-V-A.

I also really like Battle at the Big Bridge.

FFIV battle music is great.
My favourite boss theme is "Clash on the Big Bridge", when fighting Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy V, so I guess that's going to be my pick. The normal battle theme is fine, but there are better ones out there. Of all the regular ones, I like FF6 and especially FF13's the most. The latter has a nice progression to it, and there are few cooler moments than when its 'chorus' kicks in at the same time when you just started doing well.

Great pick too. It's a contentious game, but I think everyone can agree it's got some killer music where it counts.


XIII-2's version of Battle on The Big Bridge is the GOAT

But I'm loving all the music in FF8 right now so I would agree with the OP.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Final Fantasy IV, the whole game. I don’t know how to post links and all that stuff, as I don’t know jack about computers, or how forums work. I am lucky I know how to reply, which is very nice. My son helped me build my first gaming PC this year, so I am slowly learning. According to him, I am computer illiterate. It hurts.


FFXI has Ragnarok, so I'm going with that.

I remember I used to help people back in the days with Alexander just because of the song.

XI is filled with musical pearls - Mizuta just keeps cranking out masterpieces.

Some personal favorites:

* Battle in the Dungeon #2 - even if this only ever plays in dungeons, the rhythm of it can't help but make me think of a cavalry charge, really nice forward momentum here.

* Awakening - the culmination of the first major story in the game, starts out as if contemplating all events leading up to it, and then just exploding in a continuous, sustained manner that carries the battle throughout, eventually quieting down to reassess the situation before resuming with full force

* Fighters of the Crystal - applies only to a very limited set of battles in the game, but does one hell of a job at building up and maintaining their tension, and doing justice to their stakes

* Turmoil - tension and dread all over, especially considering this often played during level-capped battles that used to require pretty tight coordination to succeed at, which also served as major roadblocks to one of the greater stories in the game

* Fated Strife - this plays whenever one of the cities in the game gets invaded and both players and NPCs are tasked to defend it on multiple fronts at once, usually from rather gigantic beings, and this really emphasizes and chaos and stakes of the situation

* Roar of the Battle Drums - used to punctuate the large-scale battles present throughout the Crystal War, often interrupting far quieter tracks as armies start approaching contested point, and not stopping until there's a clear winner or loser

* Feast of the Ladies - the Shantotto track that the Dissidia games don't bother to use even when she's the primary rep for the whole game in them; dances between the playfulness of a Sorceror's Apprentice and the dread of the fact that not only is she no apprentice, but is actually quite the dangerous and competent sociopath

* The Price - for the final Seekers of Adoulin fight - starts you off with the awe of having you face off against something transcendental, then pushes forward with an amazing sense of triumphant hope

* Wail of the Void - not the kind of sound you'd associate with battle, because that's not all that's at stake for this one in particular - this of for the final battle of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, the last major story in the game, so if you're in that battle, either the game's world is about to end, or your history with it is, so there's a wistful sense of parting throughout, punctuated by the fact that the walls of the battle play out scenes from all over the game's world and history, in a "life flashing before your eyes" kind of way.
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