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Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year [EUROGAMER]

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A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Sony put together a good system and a good premise for the console cycle, meanwhile Microsoft fumbled so spectacularly that they handed them the lead on a silver platter.

There have been misfires and stumbles on both camps this year. But anything beyond that is conjecture.

I wouldn't take the XB1 line up over the PS4 and I wouldn't take the PS4's over the XB1. They were both measly and lukewarm.


Gold Member
btw: synonyms for 'magnanimous': generous, charitable, benevolent, beneficent, big-hearted, handsome, princely, altruistic, philanthropic, unselfish, chivalrous, noble...

so, yes: the ps4's success is basically based on it receiving the consumers 'sympathy vote' :) ...

can't make this shit up. un-fucking-real...


Uh... Why do they outright ignore Infamous Second Son and First Light in "defining exclusives", but mention ... P.T.
Opposite they mention Titanfall (also on 360 and PC) and FH2 (also on 360)... Between that and saying that the hardware advantage will go away...


Good point.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!

dat journalism
Sony dropped the ball in terms of exclusive games, even my friend who's a die-hard Sony fanboy conceeds that the library is lacking and waiting for more games before buying.


Is it just me or does it seem like media are really pushing this whole "the advantages PS4 enjoys are temporary" and "it has no games" line? Almost as if to encourage adoption of the competition during their massive discount promotion and biggest sales push of the year. Hmm.

Personally I find it infuriating that MS constantly gets a pass on their bullshit (weaker hardware, Tomb Raider "it has a duration," Parity Clause, exclusives heading to PC) but the perceived disadvantages of PS4 (DDoS attacks, Delayed games leading to a weak first year lineup, firmware issues) get constant attention and reminders.

Furthermore, there was no hesitation to shout graphical and performance advantages from the rooftops in the previous generation but all the sudden it's changed to the demonstrably false claims of "it won't enjoy the advantage forever."

Add to this the absolutely 0 coverage MS' barebones release schedule next year received whilst we received a deluge of references to Sony's "failure to deliver in its first year." At some point it becomes obvious there's some sort of agenda at play. What I can't figure out is WHY?!?

Why do media outlets appear to have so much vested in the interest of assuring consumers in the value of Xbox? Hell it was damn obvious at the reveal when the original DRM was defended so vigorously and consumers were insulted for demanding change or When we received constant assurances that if we thought Sony wasn't going to do the same we were all idiots. Now, a year later, that preferential treatment continues. WHY?!? It's simply baffling. There's no logical reason for it.

Something is odd in the state of games media and it reeks. I just can't for the life of me identify the source of the stench and somehow that makes it even more disconcerting.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
PS4 hasn't had great exclusive offerings, but neither has Xbox One.

However, the PS4 has the best versions of multiplats (except AC:U apparently) and for me that is pretty much everything.

PS4's best game is The Last of Us Remastered. Yes it was available on PS4, but the improvements (1080p/60fps from 720p/30fps) made it an all new experience for me and easily worth it.

But so far this past year I have owned:

Call of Duty Ghosts
Assassins Creed IV
Killzone Shadowfall (terrible game with great graphics)
Tomb Raider DE
Infamous Second Son (I found the game to be underwhelming)
Watch Dogs
The Last of Us Remastered
Diablo III
Metro Redux
Alien Isolation
Evil Within
Shadows of Mordor
Assassins Creed Unity
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
Sleeping Dogs DE (got it as part of Targets promotion)

Farcry 4
Dragon Age (soon enough)

So yeah, I agree that the PS4 is lacking in the exclusives department, but I loved all of those games and they are the best looking/performing versions. For me that made my PS4 EASILY worth it.

The only game that i want on Xbox One right now is Sunset Overdrive and Halo MCC

Once I do get an Xbox One (eventually it will happen) it will probably be only exclusives.


PS4 hasn't had great exclusive offerings, but neither has Xbox One.

However, the PS4 has the best versions of multiplats (except AC:U apparently) and for me that is pretty much everything.

PS4's best game is The Last of Us Remastered. Yes it was available on PS4, but the improvements (1080p/60fps from 720p/30fps) made it an all new experience for me and easily worth it.

But so far this past year I have owned:

Call of Duty Ghosts
Assassins Creed IV
Killzone Shadowfall (terrible game with great graphics)
Tomb Raider DE
Infamous Second Son (I found the game to be underwhelming)
Watch Dogs
The Last of Us Remastered
Diablo III
Metro Redux
Alien Isolation
Evil Within
Shadows of Mordor
Assassins Creed Unity
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
Sleeping Dogs DE (got it as part of Targets promotion)

Farcry 4
Dragon Age (soon enough)

So yeah, I agree that the PS4 is lacking in the exclusives department, but I loved all of those games and they are the best looking/performing versions. For me that made my PS4 EASILY worth it.

The only game that i want on Xbox One right now is Sunset Overdrive and Halo MCC

Once I do get an Xbox One (eventually it will happen) it will probably be only exclusives.

It's your opinion and everything, but if "best versions of multiplats (except AC:U apparently) and for me that is pretty much everything" - Shouldn't you be investing your money into a PC instead?


Is it just me or does it seem like media are really pushing this whole "the advantages PS4 enjoys are temporary" and "it has no games" line? Almost as if to encourage adoption of the competition during their massive discount promotion and biggest sales push of the year. Hmm.

Personally I find it infuriating that MS constantly gets a pass on their bullshit (weaker hardware, Tomb Raider "it has a duration," Parity Clause, exclusives heading to PC) but the perceived disadvantages of PS4 (DDoS attacks, Delayed games leading to a weak first year lineup, firmware issues) get constant attention and reminders.

Furthermore, there was no hesitation to shout graphical and performance advantages from the rooftops in the previous generation but all the sudden it's changed to the demonstrably false claims of "it won't enjoy the advantage forever."

Add to this the absolutely 0 coverage MS' barebones release schedule next year received whilst we received a deluge of references to Sony's "failure to deliver in its first year." At some point it becomes obvious there's some sort of agenda at play. What I can't figure out is WHY?!?

Why do media outlets appear to have so much vested in the interest of assuring consumers in the value of Xbox? Hell it was damn obvious at the reveal when the original DRM was defended so vigorously and consumers were insulted for demanding change or When we received constant assurances that if we thought Sony wasn't going to do the same we were all idiots. Now, a year later, that preferential treatment continues. WHY?!? It's simply baffling. There's no logical reason for it.

Something is odd in the state of games media and it reeks. I just can't for the life of me identify the source of the stench and somehow that makes it even more disconcerting.

There are very simple logical reasons though proving them is not something you can expect to ever see happen. One being the big names at some of the largest games media website are really just a bunch of morons who honestly don't believe 1080p can be distinguished from 720p below 50 inches. The others involve ad revenue, click bait, begging for cushy jobs on Twitter, and possibly other perks for staying in MS good graces.


Someone a month or 2 ago posted the snowball effect relating to judging the PS4 games library - It was something like - if you take away the first party titles I don't want and crossgen games as well as indie titles (because indie games aren't real games) then the PS4 has no games !

I'd say buying a PS4 from last years launch all the way until even next fall , you are buying a new console to have a new console. There are plenty of games, tons of excellent indie titles to play and cross gen or no- the best looking console versions of any multiplatform title are on the PS4. If you haven't bought into the promise of future releases being of higher quality than sony's output so far (infamous SS notwithstanding) or you just flat out honestly hate indie games (for some reason) and you are content playing games on last gen hardware OR have a decent PC then yeah, it might be a better idea to keep waiting. If you do fit that criteria and bought a console anyways though, why ?

I know I picked one up simply because I wanted a new thing, infamous had just released and looked pretty good and there were a handful of downloadable games I figured I may as well play on the new hardware as well as knowing full well that there would be a few exclusive titles in the future I'd want to play. Even if it was 2 years out.

Would I recommend the purchase of a PS4 though ? honestly I'd say the only next gen system worth owning right now is a wii U. It has TONS of exclusive games , mostly made by nintendo and the majority of them are great. As well, you can play standard wii games on the hardware as well as have access to hundreds of virtual console titles.

I feel buying a PS4 or an xbox one for that matter is best left for next fall, by then the first true heavy hitters will be out on both systems and there'll be a cheap back catalog of everything else. As well, I feel after 2015 the wii U doesn't have much of a future so it's better to get into that machine now rather then waiting until it dies.


Could it be possible that many western gaming "journalists" have an unconscious preference for the X1 over the PS4 because of MS being an American company and Sony being Japanese? Some kind of unconscious support for the 'closest to me' thing? Is it possible?
Just seem like one of those games that's good at the beginning of a console life when there isn't much out there but after awhile it becomes a forgotten gem. And no one was trying to down play Master Chief Collection I was pointing out that the games being on other systems don't take away the enjoyment of playing the game on the console that you own.

That's cool then man. I agree that having a game available on another system doesn't take away the value of owning it on the most powerful platform you own. Having Mordor at 60fps and clear image quality is a nice boon for my PC. I actually think PS4 having the best console 3rd party ports is a Killer feature for the PS4 itself.

But with regards to Sunset, I still disagree. Have you played it? It has a huge open-world with a ton of replay value. I could see the more casual crowd glossing over it a bit, but this isn't a launch title caliber game, it feels like a fully developed AAA title with a level of depth comparable to most any game from last or current-gen.
So far Sony exclusive that can be system sellers are uncharted 4 and maybe bloodborne. With order 66 getting not good previews(sounds like a 5/6 game imo).But one good thing is PlayStation out performs Xbox one in multi plats so far except for AC unity. I think if one wants to get best experience out of their games and can't buy a high end PC ps4 is the better option.


Could it be possible that many western gaming "journalists" have an unconscious preference for the X1 over the PS4 because of MS being an American company and Sony being Japanese? Some kind of unconscious support for the 'closest to me' thing? Is it possible?

Nah.. it's more like they want to get into MS' gaming department and have a cushy job for life.
There's not enough exclusive games on Ps4 that are more enticing than the Xbox One exclusives.

This coming from someone who owns a wii u. From my pov, killer instinct, sunset overdrive and halo MCC are more interesting than infamous, killzone, drive club et al

They really need a big game and while I'm really excited for blood borne, I don't think that's enough.
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