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Why People šŸ’© on Well Reviewed Games

Which is the worst type?

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Gold Member
A little secret for you, not everyone has your same taste nor care what score a game get on metacritic, especially in modern times and with clear bias for some brands\developers.

Of course you have your fanboys etc. that make everything muddier to distinguish, but there is nothing wrong on talking bad about games with an high metascore, i'm sure that even op don't consider every game with a 9 or 10 an actual 9 or 10, and it's ok to think that.

I find way more annoying when games with an high metacritic get shielded by fanboys from what are legit critics because the journalists says so, the same journalists we talk shit about on a daily bases here...
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Gold Member
Streamers and critics: 10/10 best game ever best space exploration 100000000000000000000 planets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actual real people playing the game:

not to mention the fact that there is no actual space exploration, etc.



Gold Member
Scorned Perfectionist easily as making games is extremely complex and a perfectionist is only comparing to whatever their bar is (and that wonā€™t be perfect either). Tribalism is natural and can be overlooked.

Contrarians are also pretty juvenile.


Gold Member
in Starfield case we we were sold a revolutionary game with scope and vision but it ended being a skyrim space skin with no real space/ships use

but that can be because the engine is outdated and couldn't handle the vision

if it was released 5 or 10 years ago it would've been sitting at 96 or higher

just imagine if this was released in 2022 without polishing
Have you played it?


Why the fuck would a game being "Well Reviewed" have any effect on someones elses ability to express a negative opinion of it?

And why would that game being "well reviewed" invalidate there negative opinions?

Also what kinda sycophant looks too "reviewers" to validate or confirm there opinions only to later use those opinions as a weapon against anyone who threatens there fragile egos?

If ya like something good.
If ya dont...also ok.


Streamers and critics: 10/10 best game ever best space exploration 100000000000000000000 planets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actual real people playing the game:

not to mention the fact that there is no actual space exploration, etc.

Itā€™s not like TotK doesnā€™t have tons of absolutely identical time wasters between Korok seeds, the guy who canā€™t hold a sign, cave frogs, light roots. Or the same enemy camp copy pasted in dozens of locations.

Itā€™s all a matter of personal preference, then the ones who agree with you are Ā« actual real people Ā».


We have 10 starfield threads on the first page alone, seems like no one playing it just warring about it on forums. Maybe because it's really not that good, eh?
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Itā€™s not like TotK doesnā€™t have tons of absolutely identical time wasters between Korok seeds, the guy who canā€™t hold a sign, cave frogs, light roots. Or the same enemy camp copy pasted in dozens of locations.

Which is why that game isnt a 10/10 either. I have never in my life rated a game a perfect score because there is no such thing as a perfect game, yet. Streamers and most critics get payed to overrate things, streamers especially due to sponsored streams and making a ton of money.


There's a few factors.

Exclusivity is a big one, then rabid Fandom is another and finally a general disdain towards the mega corpos.

People shit on games not exclusive to their platform of choice, not a big shock. Starfield getting hate from Sony fans, final fantasy getting hate from MS fans and so on

Rabid Fandoms can't take criticism which brings in detractors and trolls. Tears of the kingdom rabid fans will act like a good game is the second coming of Jesus and can't even allow any sort of negativity towards the game which in turn grows a louder more vocal community on the other end. I understand that because that sort of rabid Fandom turns me away from games which usually I'd say are good. One of the most famous ones being undertale, a game that's largely decent, with a Fandom that's made me literally hate anything to do with the game.

And finally some people like to be in the loop and popular on Twitter or whatever so saying the new "EA" game suxx because the company has a bad reputation is just going to happen regardless of the quality of the product
1) Seven out of 10 is not a bad score

2) I'm amazed at the number of threads this game has produced in the last hours

3) Bethesda is really unlucky with their release timing, not only hitting a year with a ton of goty contenders, but also great RPGs..!


See ya all again on the sixth..

Care to elaborate, share any examples?

With a lot of shadiness on CD Project's part.
What aspect of what I said needs further elaboration? The implication I'm attributing to the OP?

It's quite self evident the subtext, basically that there's something odd about gamers criticizing a game, specifically because it's well reviewed.

It requires that either:

a) Gamers don't often criticize games in general independently of the reviews (which is not true)


b) That there is something inherently wrong about criticizing a game if some kind of gaming outlet review consensus is generally positive

This is self evident, otherwise it wouldn't have the thread and even more the attempt to minimize the criticism by criticizing the critics (ironically enough) of being somewhat not genuine in their feelings.


Which is why that game isnt a 10/10 either. I have never in my life rated a game a perfect score because there is no such thing as a perfect game, yet. Streamers and most critics get payed to overrate things, streamers especially due to sponsored streams and making a ton of money.
I donā€™t remember any big outrage about it back when the game reviewed though, when itā€™s really blatant how much Ā« filler Ā» content the game has (it also has some excellent parts).

I have barely started Starfield so I wonā€™t say if itā€™s as bad, just pointing out the difference in media coverage.
I donā€™t remember any big outrage about it back when the game reviewed though
Big difference between a game that everyone knew how its going to be, and Nintendo always beign straight forward, most of the time and a big ass lying corporation tell people that "1000 unique planets, hand crafted!, you can go from that planet to that planet!" and lying constantly to the very end about its features.
Where the option for folks that genuinely don't like the game? Taste differentiator doesn't really fit because that implys an individual will always dislike something that's popular which is not the case.

I will admit I get annoyed when games have 120+ reviews and barely any below a 8. That's BS there will always be people that legit hate a game this should be represented critically.


Do you really care about well reviewed games being critizised or is this just about the ā€GOATā€ the ā€GOTGā€ Sarfield? šŸ¤“

We're not clones and have opinions and tastes.

Oh my god, more of this, seriously?

Are some of you never going to understand the concept of opinions? Will it finally click on your deathbed, or is it forever beyond your grasp?

[sees someone with a different opinion to themselves or a plurality]:


You're on an enthusiast discussion forum where people... wait for it: discuss games. Who cares if some outlet reviews it favorably or negatively?

I know Starfield broke many of you but man... Putting detractors in boxes is bizarre.

I think this is more of a case of you and quite a few others are just upset that starfield isn't as well reviewed as you wanted but are still trying to tell yourselves "it's still good. it's just a little airbourne. it's still good."

Please Phil stop making alts.

geez! itā€™s just not the gotg youā€™ve been dreaming about for years.
get over it already.
no reason for a dissertation

2 points that are going to blow your collective minds:

1. I don't own a current Gen Xbox and don't expect to play Starfield anytime soon.

2. Shitting on a game and criticising a game are not the same thing - your strawman is bs.

Shitting on a game is going out of your way to argue that a game is shit when there is a consensus that it is not.

Criticising is an incisive assessment of a game's flaws and why, despite the consensus, it isn't enjoyable or good for some people.

A critic will acknowledge what a game does well and recognises its merits for others. A shitter will just shit.

But you knew that already, you're just feigning ignorance.


2 points that are going to blow your collective minds:

1. I don't own a current Gen Xbox and don't expect to play Starfield anytime soon.

2. Shitting on a game and criticising a game are not the same thing - your strawman is bs.

Shitting on a game is going out of your way to argue that a game is shit when there is a consensus that it is not.

Criticising is an incisive assessment of a game's flaws and why, despite the consensus, it isn't enjoyable or good for some people.

A critic will acknowledge what a game does well and recognises its merits for others. A shitter will just shit.

But you knew that already, you're just feigning ignorance.
In the case of Starfield I kinda see your point, most people on this forum haven't even played the game yet to really for an opinion

However, we were sold a different vision to this game originally so some of us will be disappointed with the outcome. The lack of full exploration around planets and the lack of discoverable/explorable space is a major disappointment for me, who knows maybe they could patch something in at a later date
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Gold Member
Twitter, Reeee and Reddit became the biggest echo chambers i've ever seen

idk why but it started when the Series X specs were announced
now i experienced in the leaks and rumors sub, gaming, xbox, series x subs on reddit anything that isn't cheerleading or positive get's you banned
even if you point out an error you get banned,
Mods on all those subs control the narrative, at least here we can have opinions

I lucked out signing up for GAF years ago. It had been years since I frequented any game forums and just decided to jump back in because I liked some posts. I didn't know that I happened to pick the forum that wouldn't contribute to mental illness, and would allow me to have an opinion. I wasn't worried about these things when I joined, I was just thinking about games. I took the difference on GAF for granted for a while, but if you look at alternatives, I see no reason to discuss gaming without GAF, it's a dead end. I mean I'm not going to live in fear of retribution over my opinion on a game.


One of the green rats
Streamers and critics: 10/10 best game ever best space exploration 100000000000000000000 planets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actual real people playing the game:

not to mention the fact that there is no actual space exploration, etc.

Umm there is actual space exploration.. thatā€™s what I have being mainly doing. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« flying around finding things like space stations and space battles.

Flying from planet to planet is also possible it just takes so freaking long.

YouTubers are not real people lol šŸ˜‚


My plastic box made by a corporation who doesn't actually give a shit about me is better than your plastic box made by a corporation that doesn't actually give a shit about you.

Console wars are really fucking dumb.
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One of the green rats
Show me the proof.

EDIT: ah just saw your tag. nvm, you'll never show me the proof, because you know you're full of shit. K move along.

You have no idea how I got the tag. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« it wasnā€™t for being a fanboy.

But yes see you prove the point for tribalism. You havenā€™t played the game yet you are shitting on it. Not many of the whole of gaf have played either starfield or balders gate 3 you guys through around opinions on each as if you have. Itā€™s all for the TEAM!! šŸ˜‚
Neither game is really out fully yet.

And whatā€™s funnier is Iā€™ve stated multiple times that I donā€™t think starfield is that great and I absolutely love BG3 on pc. But that doesnā€™t take away from the fact the most of you are cheerleading and a lot of what you say is second hand nonsense some YouTuber threw up for clicks.
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You have no idea how I got the tag. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« it wasnā€™t for being a fanboy.

But yes see you prove the point for tribalism. You havenā€™t played the game yet you are shitting on it. Not many of the whole of gaf have played either starfield or balders gate 3 you guys through around opinions on each as if you have. Itā€™s all for the TEAM!! šŸ˜‚
Neither game is really out fully yet.

And whatā€™s funnier is Iā€™ve stated multiple times that I donā€™t think starfield is that great and I absolutely love BG3 on pc. But that doesnā€™t take away from the fact the most of you are cheerleading and a lot of what you say is second hand nonsense some YouTuber threw up for clicks.

Brother theres like 100 videos and posts disproving your fantasies lmfao. Actual proofs in the review thread. When you are in space the planets are not actually "real", to land on them you load the menu and the game loads the "planet" but in "space" they're just really good fake 3D pictures of the planet. You cannot factually travel from these fake pictures and land on them, ever. You haven't played the game, or you're just straight up an idiot. You deserve the tag. Blocked.

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One of the green rats
Brother theres like 100 videos and posts disproving your fantasies lmfao. Actual proofs in the review thread. When you are in space the planets are not actually "real", to land on them you load the menu and the game loads the "planet" but in "space" they're just really good fake 3D pictures of the planet. You cannot factually travel from these fake pictures and land on them, ever. You haven't played the game, or you're just straight up an idiot. You deserve the tag. Blocked.

What are you talking about? I never said you can physically seamlessly land on each planet from space. I said you can fly between planets and explore space. Find battles and space stations and some outposts type things. Iā€™ve done a bunch of it so far. Landed on a few moons and some planets from the menu after getting there of course.

But You still havenā€™t played the game. You have no idea.. Just Spouting nonsense for your ā€œ team ā€œ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Or you know people have been playing games for decades and are tired of overpromises when it comes to their hobby.

Just cause people don't like the same stuff as you doesn't mean you should trash their opinion.

I'm seeing lots of valid criticisms of starfield: pop ins, inventory management issues, too much time in menus, bad space combat, same copy and paste assets on planets, gated traversal on planets tied to your distance to your spaceship.


The game was hyped like crazy and for many people didn't deliver, of course there will be a lot of trash talk.

It's really not that dramatic...


King Snowflake
The question should be : how can people give 10/10 so easily? Like, there's plenty of flaws but here you go, get your 10..
I don't know maybe when you have to play games for a living and suddenly one comes along that is genuinely fun. FFS 10/10 doesn't mean perfect it means highly entertaining and enjoyable. Would you, as an example, rate the best movie you experienced in the last year or so lower because one scene that tried to be funny didn't work? I mean what the fuck even is perfect?:
Scorned Perfectionist easily as making games is extremely complex and a perfectionist is only comparing to whatever their bar is (and that wonā€™t be perfect either). Tribalism is natural and can be overlooked.

Contrarians are also pretty juvenile.
Tribalism is what gets most people banned from this place. Not natural at all.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Brother theres like 100 videos and posts disproving your fantasies lmfao. Actual proofs in the review thread. When you are in space the planets are not actually "real", to land on them you load the menu and the game loads the "planet" but in "space" they're just really good fake 3D pictures of the planet. You cannot factually travel from these fake pictures and land on them, ever. You haven't played the game, or you're just straight up an idiot. You deserve the tag. Blocked.

You can absolutely fly between planets within the same solar system without fast travel. Jumping to a different solar system requires a grav jump then. Fuck this warp drive thing, Bethesda should've let you fly 1,000s of light years in real time!


Tribalism is what gets most people banned from this place. Not natural at all.

I think the game would be receiving a lot of the same criticisms regardless of it being an Xbox/PC exclusive, but I guess some people will assume criticism means you are anti-Xbox and pro-Sony automatically.
You can absolutely fly between planets within the same solar system without fast travel. Jumping to a different solar system requires a grav jump then. Fuck this warp drive thing, Bethesda should've let you fly 1,000s of light years in real time!
It's weird that he has enough interest in the game to search for negative narratives about it. I mean, I have zero interest in stuff like Spider-Teen, but I don't watch hours of youtube videos that bash or have misinformation about it just for forum fodder. I've never understood why some go to such great lengths if they have no intentions of giving something a fair shot.
I think the game would be receiving a lot of the same criticisms regardless of it being an Xbox/PC exclusive, but I guess some people will assume criticism means you are anti-Xbox and pro-Sony automatically.
I'm sure it's the same for everyone who likes multiple consoles, but if I say something about FF, I'm a Xbox fanboy, if I say something about Red Fall, I'm a Sony fanboy, etc yada yada.


Or... wait for it, a game has faults and some reviewers juadged those faults more important. And some reviewers are essentially shills and will review a game 10/10 despite any issues.

Take Starfield. GameSpot, IGN US, and PC Gamer rated it 7-7.5. Are they bitter and trying to "being a good game down"? Well, if you actually read the reviews it becomes apparent that it's mostly objective and that the reviewers thought the game was held back by a lot of factors, hence the score.

But sure, instead the reviewer is attacking BOTW, Starfield, etc because of loyalty or spite. Personally I eyeball those 10/10 scores with a lot more scepticism.


Their aim is to dampen enthusiasm but for what purpose? To reduce sales, to undermine the competition's creative achievement in the public discourse, to ensure their tribe's pedestal is not breached? All of these?

Some of these but mostly to assure themselves that they backed the right team with their purchase.


I like a ton of games that are widely shit on. Many cases I don't even disagree with the shitting, I just still find enough things enjoyable to play it.

Scotty W

Itā€™s not like TotK doesnā€™t have tons of absolutely identical time wasters between Korok seeds, the guy who canā€™t hold a sign, cave frogs, light roots. Or the same enemy camp copy pasted in dozens of locations.
I donā€™t understand the problem with the sign guy or Koroks. When I see the sign guy I think, ā€œOh, heā€™s here, may as well do the puzzle.ā€ If I donā€™t feel like doing it, I donā€™t.

I suspect your dislike is rooted in fomo. ā€œI have to do 100% just to make sure Iā€™m not missing any story.ā€



Gold Member
The Starfield that was hyped and turfed prior to release vs. the Starfield we actually recieved really impacted some people.

To the point where they should be directing their frustration at the source (Bethesda and themselves), instead of doubling down on their own tribalism acting like we didn't have these hype threads with delusions of grandeur about what this game was supposed to be, a mere few days ago and many months prior.

People acting like this was the exact game they expected to the T this entire time.
Vine Ok GIF


OP is starting with a wrong premise.

The implication made is that review scores are impartial and have no agendas behind (be it done by fanboys, paid shills or done for clicks). Also there's the assumption that marketing and hype can't affect them at all, so that somehow they are an objective standard of quality for a game (or any other piece of media).

Why not read the specific criticism that people find in those supposed highly reviewed games and try to understand how it speaks to that individual's tastes?

Someone saying that they don't like Zelda because whatever reason (i.e. weapons breaking, no good combat, etc) does not diminuish the game for those that don't value those aspects as much. No need to find a hidden agenda, it's just that we all look for different things in this entertainment medium.
I would rather ask why people feel so strongly about defending a game they like from any and all criticism and engaging in quite hostile back and forth about it. It's especially egregious when said game apparently got that initial positive review consensus.

May I remind that Cyberpunk 2077 also came out to GOTG reviews initially?
Exactly! Zelda BotW was one of my favorite games and saw a lot of people talking about the weapon durability hurting their experience. It did not really mind it as much but could understand why something like that could affect someone's enjoyment. I've had a lot of my favorite games being criticized and I don't always think that is a bad thing. Not every bit of criticism is due to tribalism. Everyone is different.

I think the trend of shutting down all negativity to be far more annoying these days. It makes big assumptions about people's intentions and groups them all in with obvious trolls who are probably getting off on the fighting. It is hard not to get defensive over that, especially when you do have fair and valid criticisms. The most frustrating thing is seeing all the criticism that was shut down prior coming up years later as a main concern.


Gold Member
It's suspicious to me that you began with the premise that there is "something wrong" with people who "crap" on well-reviewed games. According to you, they all have some kind of psychological deficiency -- they are console warriors, perfectionists, or trolls, basically. I would suggest that this typology suggests a deficiency in you -- that you do not understand that some people criticize a game fairly, because of its actual deficiencies (at least in their opinion). That does not mean there is something wrong with them. Maybe it means that they wanted something different than what the game offers. Maybe it means that their expectations, although not "perfectionistic" as you label them, were not met. Maybe it means they see things wrong with the game that many reviewers (who are often bought and paid for) did not highlight. It can be many other things besides some personal deficiency. In fact, saying that it's a personal deficiency is simply ad hominem. Why not take the criticisms for what they are, rather than dismiss them with ad hominem typologies?
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I think over time it becomes harder to like games from certain studios due to the repetition and fatigue.

E.g. after playing TLoU & Uncharted, who can say with confidence that even if ND made a new IP, it would feature drastically different gameplay mechanics? It would feel like a reskin of those 2 franchises, a new coat of paint. It makes me more critical if something is a done thing.

Skyrim was the first BGS game I played. Wow. Amazing. 10/10. I went back and played FO3, FO:NV (Obsidian I know), Oblivion and then FO4. I knew straight away that Starfield would be TES/Fallout in space. Same game, new skin.

Someone with playing Starfield as their first BGS game might think ā€˜wow this is the best thing everā€™ but if youā€™ve played all of their over games it becomes a bit like ā€˜spot the familiar quirks and similaritiesā€™.

Just my 2 pence.
This is basically what 90% of my criticisms boil down to with almost anything. Despite loving Zelda TotK, I wouldn't mind for the next game to have a completely different formula.


I donā€™t understand the problem with the sign guy or Koroks. When I see the sign guy I think, ā€œOh, heā€™s here, may as well do the puzzle.ā€ If I donā€™t feel like doing it, I donā€™t.

I suspect your dislike is rooted in fomo. ā€œI have to do 100% just to make sure Iā€™m not missing any story.ā€

Thereā€™s no way I would do 100% in Zelda, I donā€™t have the time or patience. I gave up on the seeds once I had enough weapon/bow slots and on the other time wasters very quickly. Thatā€™s when I started enjoying the game as the rest (main quests, side quests) is really good.

Iā€™m just pointing out the double standards that TOTK has tons of filler content too (and so do other open world games, Hogwarts has tons).
Big difference between a game that everyone knew how its going to be, and Nintendo always beign straight forward, most of the time and a big ass lying corporation tell people that "1000 unique planets, hand crafted!, you can go from that planet to that planet!" and lying constantly to the very end about its features.
Iā€™m pretty sure they mentioned procedural generation right when they announced the 1000 planets thing, I really doubt they said it was all hand crafted.
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