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"Why Rebel Wilson’s weight loss is sad for so many women like me" article from Telegraph


Asia has fewer fat people than America but it ain't because they shame folks more for it. You're talking out of your ass if you're repeating that. It has way more to do with dietary habits being different and the actual food being produced in those countries, as a whole, being a lot less shit than the stuff we get in America.

On the topic, the author sounds like a jerk. While there is certainly a question of whether Rebel's career could suffer considering the niche she's carved out for herself, this is good for her, far more than any potential role you would have if she was heavier. Besides, most of her roles were shit anyway.
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Everyone’s different, everyone receives input differently. For me, that shame seriously steered my life differently.

It's similar to any addiction, like alchohol, you build a wall of denial to rationalize away your behaviors. Every so often the right comment from the right person at the right time can pierce through and really make a person reevaluate their behavior.
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If it's not a joke why would they say anything? If they couldn't joke about it then it would be an environment where they couldn't talk to me about it at all. Should some random co-workers have a "heart to heart" talk with me like this is an after school special?

I'm sorry man, but you aren't living in reality. Making jokes about people's faults/issues is the nicest way you can approach them. If you can't joke with someone about their issues it's cause either the environment or the person are so sensitive that you really can't talk to them at all.
Again, Im talking about bullying people that is wrong. And yes, being real with someone literally can achieve the same effect, if people making light hearted jokes was enough to change your mind. I have a feeling you will just keep repeating the same thing but I have seen fat people change because their friends or loved ones was real with them.
Again, Im talking about bullying people that is wrong. And yes, being real with someone literally can achieve the same effect, if people making light hearted jokes was enough to change your mind. I have a feeling you will just keep repeating the same thing but I have seen fat people change because their friends or loved ones was real with them.

Joking about people's issues is as real as it gets. I think you watched too much saved by the bell and Andy Griffith.

By the way what is your history with being fat? Are you sporting a double chin?
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Joking about people's issues is as real as it gets. I think you watched too much saved by the bell and Andy Griffith.

By the way what is your history with being fat? You sporting a double chin?
Lol why do you keep assuming Im fat? Im under weight. 130lbs I loved going to the gym, but haven't been sense Covid. Nice try though buddy.
Lol why do you keep assuming Im fat? Im under weight. 130lbs I loved going to the gym, but haven't been sense Covid. Nice try though buddy.

You are pretty concerned about the feelings of a group you are not a member of. But okay, if you have never been fat what do you know about it?


Fuck these health shamers. They need to come down and do work jiu jitsu, go through some hardship, learn to love themselves, get fit and healthy and learn to navigate life without venom.
You are pretty concerned about the feelings of a group you are not a member of. But okay, if you have never been fat what do you know about it?
Because I am in the mental health profession. I naturally care about other people's problems for some reason. I don't know about being fat but I base my beliefs on the stories I have heard from other fat people and friends. Thank you for sharing your story though, but I just wouldn't make fun of someone unless they are being super stubborn and need a hard slap to reality. That is just how I am, take it or leave it.


Golden Boy
Fat people always whinge on and on about how proud they are to be fat until they lose weight. How big is beautiful and body positivity is important. I've gotten into so many arguments with fat friends over how the choice is very much up to them, and that I'd harp on them just as heavily if they were trying to convince me that smoking cigarettes (which two of them also do) was a healthy lifestyle choice.

Three of those friends have since lost weight with either vegan or keto diets and are now much happier because of it. They no longer agree with their former talking points, except for the libtard.

Good on Rebel Wilson and Adele.
Obese people are often delusional and there they tell themselves that it is fine so they don’t suffer mentally.
On one hand they are poor, on the other i have a hard time feeling for them with their attitude.
The real victims are the obese people who know they are and suffer for it, but cant get out.
Because I am in the mental health profession. I naturally care about other people's problems for some reason. I don't know about being fat but I base my beliefs on the stories I have heard from other fat people and friends. Thank you for sharing your story though, but I just wouldn't make fun of someone unless they are being super stubborn and need a hard slap to reality. That is just how I am, take it or leave it.

You should make fun of everyone, no exceptions. People you can't make fun of are either your rulers, or so fragile that it's exactly what they need. No one should be above criticism. Treating people like they are fragile will make them fragile.
You should make fun of everyone, no exceptions. People you can't make fun of are either your rulers, or so fragile that it's exactly what they need. No one should be above criticism. Treating people like they are fragile will make them fragile.
Cool, next time I see you in other threads I will make fun of your opinions and insult you. Deal?
Very impressive, and this should be an inspiration for others.
I'm also pretty sure that her true motivation was to distance herself from the Cats movie as much as possible - going as far as to physically change her entire image.
I'm actually surprised the headline didn't say : "Why Rebel Wilson's teleportation into an alternative universe is so sad for many people like me".

Nah, I'm just concerned I might be talking to a mental health professional with undiagnosed autism. You know if you get on the Trump train you can have that upgraded to Awootism? True story.
Oh Autism joke now? Classic, you are very imaginative. have been screened before and diagnosed with major depression but I have largely over came that. Im sure you will make some low brow joke about how weak I am.
Oh Autism joke now? Classic, you are very imaginative. have been screened before and diagnosed with major depression but I have largely over came that. Im sure you will make some low brow joke about how weak I am.

Nah, I'll just point out that you are playing the victim by announcing that you have a diagnosis. Do you not think it's a little suspect that you spelled out an agreement that you can make jokes about my posts? Are all interactions in your life so formal and choreographed?
Nah, I'll just point out that you are playing the victim by announcing that you have a diagnosis. Do you not think it's a little suspect that you spelled out an agreement that you can make jokes about my posts? Are all interactions in your life so formal and choreographed?
You asked me if I have been tested, so I gave an honest answer. If you will insult me, I will insult you. Other wise we are cool. Not at all. I love smoking pot.
You asked me if I have been tested, so I gave an honest answer. If you will insult me, I will insult you. Other wise we are cool. Not at all. I love smoking pot.

It wasn't an insult it was a joke. If you feel the need to spell out whether or not there is an agreement that you can make jokes about a user's posts, that's weird right? It's suspect, it's robotic, it's socially awkward that you need permission to make fun of people's posts. Can you be yourself or do you need to make a series of contracts with anyone you interact with cause you are afraid of being cancelled?
It wasn't an insult it was a joke. If you feel the need to spell out whether or not there is an agreement that you can make jokes about a user's posts, that's weird right? It's suspect, it's robotic, it's socially awkward that you need permission to make fun of people's posts. Can you be yourself or do you need to make a series of contracts with anyone you interact with cause you are afraid of being cancelled?
The ultimate irony is I was joking when I made that post about a deal. Fucking LOL :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:
The ultimate irony is I was joking when I made that post about a deal. Fucking LOL :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Sure you were, sure. Dude, get out of your sjw bubble. If you ever go into a more blue collar environment they will make fun of you way more and harsher than anything on this forum. I'm actually kind of concerned for you now 😕


Gold Member
I'd actually argue it wasnt which is why he was so great. It was his talent and ability that made him popular. Meanwhile, actresses like McCarthy and Wilson have based their careers on being the clumsy, horny, fat woman.

Regardless, this shows incredible discipline and character by Wilson so I wish her all the best.
Rebel Wilson has genuine comedic timing. Same for McCarthy

They are generally the only comedic parts of the shitty girl comedies they are in

The shtick only goes so far though and weight loss isn't great for their careers because women hate other women they are envious of
Sure you were, sure. Dude, get out of your sjw bubble. If you ever go into a more blue collar environment they will make fun of you way more and harsher than anything on this forum. I'm actually kind of concerned for you now 😕
I have worked in retail most of my life and done construction and painting with my dad too. I used to joke about my black co-workers about race all the damn time and they were good sports about it. Fucking LOL you think I am an SJW :messenger_grinning_sweat: even after making this thread making fun of a sjw author. This is too much I can't take this nonsense anymore I will die of laughter. Thanks for making me laugh though buddy.


Gold Member
Shaming works and we should do it. This idea that shaming is bad is soyboy nonsense.
Shaming can be a good kick starting motivator but its awful for continuous self improvement.

And shaming really isn't necessary because most fat people inherently hate their body image.

People succeed in weight loss when they take accountability themselves. Its never about other people holding them accountable

Ask a fat girl how their parents treat them if you want to know how effective shaming is
Shaming can be a good kick starting motivator but its awful for continuous self improvement.

And shaming really isn't necessary because most fat people inherently hate their body image.

People succeed in weight loss when they take accountability themselves. Its never about other people holding them accountable

Ask a fat girl how their parents treat them if you want to know how effective shaming is

Have you considered the idea that society should help you know what is good and pursue it? A person who is fat isn't just hurting themselves they hurt everyone around them. There is some evidence obesity spreads through social means such that the more fat people that are in your community the more socially acceptable it is and it becomes more of a problem. If even a small percentage of people improve through shaming then it may be best for society for people to be fat shamed. Obesity is on the rise and contributes to a wide variety of health problems.

Am I wrong for criticizing a person for drinking and smoking too much? If no then how is obesity any different?


Gold Member
Have you considered the idea that society should help you know what is good and pursue it? A person who is fat isn't just hurting themselves they hurt everyone around them. There is some evidence obesity spreads through social means such that the more fat people that are in your community the more socially acceptable it is and it becomes more of a problem. If even a small percentage of people improve through shaming then it may be best for society for people to be fat shamed. Obesity is on the rise and contributes to a wide variety of health problems.

Am I wrong for criticizing a person for drinking and smoking too much? If no then how is obesity any different?
You are criticising them to make yourself feel good. It delivers zero practical outcomes, you think fat people don't already know they are fat?

Criticise fat people all you want, but hiding behind some altruistic "its for their own good" is laughable. You mock them because you find it funny

And obesity is not rising because there are other fat people around, its not a contagious disease. It's on the rise because the food we consume on a regular basis is awful for us and packed with sugars, even the ones labelled as diet products. The food standards in Western countries are a joke

Eg recently the Irish supreme court ruled that Subway bread has too much sugar to even be defined as bread. And subway is a company that has tried to market itself as a diet takeaway food for decades

Most people are fat because they have no education on what a healthy diet actually resembles
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
How good can you really feel about yourself if you constantly demand other people -especially celebs- to validate you?
You are criticising them to make yourself feel good. It delivers zero practical outcomes, you think fat people don't already know they are fat?

Criticise fat people all you want, but hiding behind some altruistic "its for their own good" is laughable. You mock them because you find it funny

And obesity is not rising because there are other fat people around, its not a contagious disease. It's on the rise because the food we consume on a regular basis is awful for us and packed with sugars, even the ones labelled as diet products. The food standards in Western countries are a joke

Eg recently the Irish supreme court ruled that Subway bread has too much sugar to even be defined as bread. And subway is a company that has tried to market itself as a diet takeaway food for decades

Most people are fat because they have no education on what a healthy diet actually resembles

We have Google. You could Google the information you need to lose weight. If you are fat there is a lack of focus on healthy living, a lack of motivation. If you are not motivated by the negative reactions you receive wouldn't that be indicative of an anti-social personality disorder?

Isn't it normal that you care about how others perceive you? I fundamentally disagree with your assertion, I think obesity is a social contagion. You can choose not to drink lots of soda or eat too much food, walking is free, and virtually everyone has all the information they could want about diet and exercise on the internet.

We don't need the government banning sugar or enforcing some arbitrary standards about how much sugar can be in bread. What we need is people that care about their bodies.
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always chasing the next thrill
Very impressive, and this should be an inspiration for others.
I'm also pretty sure that her true motivation was to distance herself from the Cats movie as much as possible - going as far as to physically change her entire image.
I'm actually surprised the headline didn't say : "Why Rebel Wilson's teleportation into an alternative universe is so sad for many people like me".

Wtf is that videoclip?


I know that fat shaming is not helpful and that I can be a bit of a sloth as well, but being fat is really fucking unhealthy!! And praising the "acceptance" of being fat is the weirdest thing.
It's not great that she does it because she feels the movie industry pressure, but the work she puts and the health benefits should be inspiring and not dispiriting and she should be doing it for herself.


What time is it?
I'm devastated, absolutely gutted. I think I'll go for a walk to clear my head.

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Well good on her, though I could see the point, she just another actress now, vibe.

Will have to wait to see what she'll do going forward, I think she might blend into just being another funny actress.
One would think larger people would take inspiration from Rebel's proactiveness to be her best mentally and physically. Of course they take it in a negative light and blame external sources instead of taking care of things themselves. It's fine if you're happy whatever way but don't look to others to do the hard yards or make excuses for your lifestyle choices. Be your own person. Push to be your best. Ignore celebrities and external information in this regard, power yourself.
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