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Will GTA6 be cross gen? Place your bets now!

Will GTA6 be cross-gen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 139 33.7%
  • No

    Votes: 273 66.3%

  • Total voters
how many of those are still in active use? I know I count for two of those (PS4 and Pro) but they are long gone.

We are long past the point where those old systems put a hard limit on what a game is capable of.

How does releasing it on those old systems NOT put a hard limit on what the game's capable of?


I don't trust Rockstar when it comes to this. Those bums never even gave up a simple 60 fps framerate on new consoles!
Uhhh... GTA V is 60fps on the PS5 and Series X, and it even has a separate 60fps mode with RT enabled. If you meant RDR2, sure, that title's next-gen update was unfortunately cancelled, which was very lame of Rockstar, I agree.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Mods help with the typo! Help me!

Mods fixed the topic title ..



No, as it wouldn’t make sense. Just think about it for a moment: GTA 6, the multi million dollar project from Rockstar that’ll release sometime next year in the period where most new games releasing now are current gen only… Yet Rockstar will release their game to the last generation consoles?

Was RDR2 on Xbox 360 and PS3? No. The same thing will apply here. Now, will Rockstar release different editions of GTA 6 across the current generation machines, and the next generation consoles to milk it for all it’s worth? Most likely.


Gta5 is the biggest outsise of Minecraft and that's not even on the switch let alone mobile. It'll be the biggest for a reason. Would GTA 5 be as big if they had to downscale it for PS2 hardware? Highly doubtful

Well let's face it the difference between ps2 and ps3 was a lot bigger than it is for ps4 and ps5. I would love it for it be next gen only don't get me wrong. We ll see.


Gold Member
Why would it push so much? RDR2 runs at native 4k on XB1X, so RDR2 didn't push the CPU.
Because gta6 is gonna be in a modern city, so way more cars and npcs to simulate (and cars are way harder to simulate compared to horses for a number of reasons between sheer numbers, real time damage system, IA going crazy and causing incidents when chaos happen, all the destructible objects that you expect to be destroyed by a car, traffic IA interacting with a lot of npcs on the streets etc.)

Spidey 2\morales needed the ps5 hardware to noticeably upgrade the number of cars and npcs on the streets, and those games doesn't even remotely come close to what gta6 is gonna do in term of interactions, ia and shit for cars and npcs.
(if you played those games you know how simple and basic the simulation for cars and npcs is)
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Gold Member
And how do you already know what GTA 6 will do for all these things?
Are you not familiar with rockstar games? they always raise the bar for living, breathing worlds.

There is a reason why these games are so hyped even when like i said previously, they are not even that good gameplay wise.

There are certain expectations that you don't have with other games.

Also, if we speak about being superior to spidey 2 city simulation, dude these games have worse city simulation than fucking gta3 or infamous on ps2, they are really not an high bar to surpass.

Cars can't be damaged in spidey, they have basic ass ia, you can't interact with them, npcs is the same, they have basic crouch or run away when danger is close and you have a prompt for a fucking high five or to bring them to an ambulance.

The only thing "impressive" is the number of cars and npcs and that is caused by the ps5 hardware.
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Gold Member
But not in CPU usage.
I edited my post.

Btw i'm really not sure what your point is.

So you think they can make huge upgrades to rdr2 in a location that by default is way harder to simulate with the same 2012 hardware?

I'm not even specifically talking about cpu alone, the whole package of gpu\ram\cpu\ssd is gonna help the game.
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Nope. It will be current gen and pc day one.
I sure hope so but this is rockstar. It took them over a year to put RDR2 on PC because reasons. I'd like to think that time is over but we'll see...

I mean the latest GTA Online update they just announced has features (wild animals) that are exclusive to console and not on PC so... They do like to randomly screw over PC users still.
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Gold Member
Anybody thinking that this is current gen only is on premium grade grass-fed copium.

It will be cross-gen and the internet will explode with discussion about it being so.


Red Dead Redemption 2 on the Xbox One and PS4 might well be the greatest technical achievement in gaming so looking at it that way, it wouldn’t exactly shock me even though I doubt it.


If it was it'd be hamstrung by a ~2011 netbook CPU and high latency mechanical HDD with a guaranteed ~20MB/s of throughput.

This game likely has to last 12yrs, GTA has the longest legs of pretty much any franchise out there and sells well for a long time. We'll also be four years -- or -- half way into the current gen with 80M+ consoles in people's hands. In addition there'll be a new GTAO to rake in the cash. Those above technical limitations would make an immense impact on the QoL/transitions/UX/gameplay possibilities/world-streaming. It'll also likely see PC ports, a PS7/X5 remaster and maybe even a Switch 2 port down the line.

Limiting the game so much for what will probably amount to a few extra percent in profit over the lifecycle of the release would be awful.

You'd also have to take into consideration if the additional workload of just getting it running would offset any reason to release on last gen. The pushback will likely be considerable too and if a lack of major leap just dented sales by a couple percent that'd likely, in-part, offset any reason to do it too.

Finally, if they want to do any RT features as standard, they'd save a lot of work by not having to address certain workloads with raster/baked versions for old platforms.

I just can't see any reason why they would do it. If they do, I think I'm out... even if it was quite good, I'd just know it could've been a lot better when you consider it's the most hyped game ever made, by an extremely technically/artistically talented studios, with a budget 4x anything else and a 10+yr dev cycle. Unless the PS4/X1 version was a massively downgraded, functionally different game...but then this just seems like a massive waste of time, effort, money and manpower for a relatively small return over the product lifecycle.
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Boss Mog

There's no way in hell is GTA VI gonna be on PS4, let's get that straight. That being said, I don't think we'll see GTA 6 until 2025 so a PS6 version in 2027 or 2028 is almost a guarantee.


I accidentally voted cross gen but I'm 100% sure no way its going to be on PS4/Xbone. By the time the game comes out we'd already be 4 years into the current gen


This will be the first game in the history of the medium where the minimum sales expectations will be more than 175 million units. Not a typo. GTA V is at 190 million right now. That is going to take time and in all likelihood sell well, well in into the NEXT hardware cycle. But that initial wave of sales is going to require the PS4 userbase. They'd simply be missing out on too many sales (and by extension, microtransactions) by skipping it. GTA V being the "Dark Side of Moon" (x4) of games meant we never got a game built around the PS4 / Xbox One footprint. Thanks to the Walmart XSX sale, I'd be fine with it just being "current" gen and PC, but I don't see that happening. I don't think Take 2 or anyone else expected these systems to generally be so close to launch MSRP this far into the cycle. Granted, GTA IV and GTA V initial trailers were a full two years ahead of release, but if GTA V spanned three generations, I don't see why GTA VI wouldn't as well. I'd be perfectly fine with being wrong on this, but it just seems like they'd be leaving too much money on the table early on without that enormous PS4 user base.


Neo Member
Waiting for them to announce the Switch as the lead platform 🤣 I think it’ll be Series S/X, PS5 and PC only, I just hope it has crossplay.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Let's look at some things:

Last gen is once again being left out of some GTA Online features in an upcoming DLC. Hell, even PC is....which is wild.
Starfield was probably in development around the same time/just as long.

If they want to support Online much better out the gate, it won't be cross gen with last gen.
If Starfield can be current gen only, so can GTA VI.


Gold Member
No, the game will sell for 10 years they don't need to worry about old gen.

It would also hamper their vision and be a waste of development time; IIRC the vast majority of new game sales are on new gen consoles, so it seems that even if someone only has an old console they are waiting to get a new gen console.

If they can yes they would but there are like what 120 million PS4s out there?

I hope I am wrong but thats a lot of consoles to pass on
How many PS5's sold? 50 mil. That's a big chunk of that 120 million. As I said before, there's a reason the vast majority of new game sales are on new gen.
I imagine it will go like all other GTA titles have gone since GTA 3. It will release on current consoles PS5/Xbox with a release on PC either a year or 2 down the road. It won't be an Epic exclusive, if anything it will be exclusive to their own store (yes even Rockstar have a bloody digital store now). Then a few years down the line when the PS6 and Xbox "yet another stupid name no one can remember" releases they will release an "enhanced" version and discontinue the PS5/Xbox version.


The game has been in development since 2014. There ain't no way it isn't being made with the 8th gen consoles in mind.

Even if it were restricted to 9th gen It'd probably still play and feel like a PS4 game.
My thoughts exactly, but it will be restricted to 9th gen

It will look like something that could run on last gen machines, but at High/Ultra settings

Will still look better than 90% of other games on the market
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It would be ridiculous if it is cross gen. This should be like RDR2, solely for the current gen.

Obviously it will come to next gen eventually too, but absolutely not for last gen.
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Please no, but it would not surprise me. They would love to be able to sell it to all the PS4 and switch owners, so might as well throw in the xbox one dudes too.
I hope it's not crossgen though. Would love a gta with a baseline of series s



With the first trailer coming next week, thought it would be fun to start placing some bets. Next-gen, cross-gen, Switch exclusive, Epic Store timed exclusive, place your bets!

You should be more spesific in your question. When you say x-gen, You mean lastgen-current gen? Or do you mean PS5, PS6? (current/next-gen) If latter, I would say yes. There is absolutely NO chance of GTA6 on Switch, PS4 and last-gen Xboxes.


Gold Member
You should be more spesific in your question. When you say x-gen, You mean lastgen-current gen? Or do you mean PS5, PS6? (current/next-gen) If latter, I would say yes. There is absolutely NO chance of GTA6 on Switch, PS4 and last-gen Xboxes.
Editing now.
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Gold Member
GTA 6 being cross gen with the old consoles would be a terrible sign for the future of the video games industry.

Of course it will be.
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