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Will Smith slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars


Gold Member
I've been on this thread from jump... Some on here DID call him a psychopath.

So I just did a search of this topic and anyone can do this to confirm.

Click the magnifying glass icon in the top left.

Enter "psychopath" as the search term.

Select "This Thread" from the dropdown menu.

Hit "Search".

Surprise, only Porcile Porcile has said "He comes across as a complete psychopath" not that he was a psychopath. 1 person that you have locked onto typing that and then got all up in your feels.


it's a sad irony that Will fought this sense of himself as a coward because of the domestic violence between his parents only to slap a physically lesser man who was bullied as a child
I wonder if Rock will go thru feelings of inadequacy because he didn't defend himself. Being the bigger person is not easy. Those thoughts are a form of PTSD. I hope both of them can find peace as soon as possible.


Gold Member
it's a sad irony that Will fought this sense of himself as a coward because of the domestic violence between his parents only to slap a physically lesser man who was bullied as a child
If it wasnt for this Oscar debacle, I thought Will Smith was just another rich chill celeb. Never knew about all this weird shit going on their life with Jada and that rapper. Only thing I do remember was before Fresh Prince was a hit, he was actually bankrupt or broke, but then hit it big time with the TV show.

Turns out Will Smith is a behind the scenes angry dude with a lousy marital situation made worse by him and his wife going on social media doing interviews telling the world how messed up they are. Then he smacks Chris Rock thinking he really is a born and raised Philly dude getting into playground fights on world stage.

Amazingly too, this all comes from a 53 year old man.


Gold Member
I wonder if Rock will go thru feelings of inadequacy because he didn't defend himself. Being the bigger person is not easy. Those thoughts are a form of PTSD. I hope both of them can find peace as soon as possible.
I hear ya. But as an adult you typically got to just man up and take the blow. It's not like Will Smith is a deranged murderer kicking down your front door, or a drunk dude ready to smash your head at a bar. In cases like that, you got to let fists fly to defend yourself from possibly death.

But Will Smith's on stage slap was a small one off. No need to go nuts fighting back like it's an MMA match.

It'd be like being at work and some depressed coworker one day shoves you against the wall as an odd one off because you made a joke about him. Well, you can either be cool and let it go and let him face consequences by HR, or you can take that as a personal vendetta and get into a scrap on the ground for the next 5 minutes proving to coworkers who is the apex male in the office.

Unless he came at you with a cafeteria knife or was trying to kill you, I'd let it go as a one off slap.
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Gold Member
It's because of this video;

Friends with Louis CK and letting him say the N word.

Good video. Thanks. Enjoyed it.

I've never seen Ricky Gervais stuff aside from occasional snippets (or that award hosting job he did years back), but sometimes that guy talks so fast combined with his accent I miss some of his witty lines. lol


It's amazing the kind of wagon circling you see on certain topics. How do I sign up for one of these mailing lists so I can know how to feel about hot topics?


Gold Member
Wtf man this bitch some Voldemort level

We’ll of course she’d laugh. Her career has been nothing in 20 years, her crazy marriage situation with Will and that young rapper in his 20s is there for people to see, and she’s balder than my dad who started losing his hair when he was probably 30 years old. He’s got more hair left at 80 years old.

So anything will make her happy.

This incident is the most people have talked about her since those Matrix sequels 20 years ago.
So I just did a search of this topic and anyone can do this to confirm.

Click the magnifying glass icon in the top left.

Enter "psychopath" as the search term.

Select "This Thread" from the dropdown menu.

Hit "Search".

Surprise, only Porcile Porcile has said "He comes across as a complete psychopath" not that he was a psychopath. 1 person that you have locked onto typing that and then got all up in your feels.
Lol that dude is a class A idiot.
Apparently "Some" = 1 guy 🤣🤣

Fucking hell. Some people on here don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
My momma said If you have nothing good to say just STFU. It really is that simple 🤣 but he's made himself look like a proper tit.
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Hero of Spielberg

Gold Member
Wtf man this bitch some Voldemort level

Geez, that’s bad.

Good to see most people acknowledge Chris Rock as the victim. Fucking revolting. He’d be well within his rights to sue Smith and the academy after that.

Some people seem to want to talk about people’s ‘worst day’. I reckon that was probably up there on Chris Rock’s worst day. Assaulted on stage in front of everyone, no one helps him, then his attacker gets a standing ovation minutes later. But we should all feel for Will Smith … poor cunt.
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Did you find Jenna's response strange here? Do you think her opinion or tone would change if one of the parties involved were a different race? Do you think she believes in colorblindness or do you think she's race obsessed?

I don't think this situation has many layers or requires much time to think. Will Smith assaulted a comedian for using the wrong words. He did bad and he should feel bad. I get the feeling that people like Jenna and Gayle King want to separate society based on something other than "People who do bad stuff should be punished". Maybe I'm seeing something that's not there though.

She’s stalling and tripping all over herself and you know exactly why.


Gold Member
Ragdoll really makes everything better.


If it was the Rock or Vin Diesel or Joe Rogan up there Will wouldn't have done shit about such a a tame joke. The same thing that Jada said she was proud of (her bald head) just days before the Oscar's.

She isn't on chemo. She has alopecia, that's just a fancy word for hairloss.

Will's heart and hand are still throbbing tho. Chris broke him mentally and physically with his laugh and iron chin.
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Perpetually Offended
I had another thought...

Jada may have been feeling more positive about herself and her hair enough to go out bald on an international stage... She may have been able to laugh at herself or make jokes at herself about her hair loss... That doesn't mean she's ok with OTHER people doing it.

I'm deaf and have Tourette... I can laugh about both... And if you're close to me and make a joke about it, I'll most likely laugh along with you. But if I don't know you like that, I won't think you're being funny.

Just because I'm starting to feel better about my own condition and maybe occasionally laugh about it... That doesn't mean anyone can joke at your expense.

That also doesn't mean you can punch them for making the joke. Let them know you didn't appreciate it and move on or leave.


When you or I do this we get charged with assault, sued for everything we own, and don't get a standing applause.

Not true at all. People are always getting punched at bars and clubs with no charges laid. At least in Australia.
Maybe in America people get sued because everyone there is itching to sue for every tiny thing.


Perpetually Offended
We’ll of course she’d laugh. Her career has been nothing in 20 years, her crazy marriage situation with Will and that young rapper in his 20s is there for people to see, and she’s balder than my dad who started losing his hair when he was probably 30 years old. He’s got more hair left at 80 years old.

So anything will make her happy.

This incident is the most people have talked about her since those Matrix sequels 20 years ago.

I'm only going to respond to the part about her not working. She's been in movies and TV for the last 20 years. She had that Girls Trip movie a few years ago, Angel Has Fallen, Gotham and a few others I can't remember but she's been working in front of and behind the camera for the last 20 years.

If you're going to talk about someone, have the facts to back it up. Otherwise, you come off looking like a hater.

This almost reminds me of all the "Jesus is based on Horus" statuses on FB every Christmas.

Edit: https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0000586/filmotype/actress?ref_=m_nmfm_2
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Perpetually Offended
Not true at all. People are always getting punched at bars and clubs with no charges laid. At least in Australia.
Maybe in America people get sued because everyone there is itching to sue for every tiny thing.

In the more upscale clubs and lounges in Atlanta, they'll have you escorted out and POSSIBLY banned if you initiate any violence. Even with police presence, they won't always arrest you. But if you don't calm down immediately by the time they come get you, you'll either be permanently banned (the most lenient) or arrested.

Sometimes it depends on how wealthy you are...


In the more upscale clubs and lounges in Atlanta, they'll have you escorted out and POSSIBLY banned if you initiate any violence. Even with police presence, they won't always arrest you. But if you don't calm down immediately by the time they come get you, you'll either be permanently banned (the most lenient) or arrested.

Sometimes it depends on how wealthy you are...

Bannings definitely happen and police might escort the person away for the night. But charges are very rarely ever processed.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Wtf man this bitch some Voldemort level

Another telling sign is that Jada doesn’t even attempt to comfort or restrain Will.

Perhaps she thought it was some skit being played out, and then was in shock with everyone else when realisation dawned.
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Question: are you Afro-Latino?
I'm American first and foremost, but yes I'm Afro-Latino. I did say "non-white Hispanic" in my post. Even bolded and underlined the "non." I explicitly used that (now outdated, I think?) Census term to remove any ambiguity.
And it's not just anecdotal evidence based on people I know ...
Ok, waiting for stats...

There's been numerous articles about it... Even lawsuits filed like the one from Chastity Jones for having locs (I hate the term dreadlocks but they DID tell her that to her face) ... Of course she ended up losing that fight ... They don't look "unprofessional" to me...


Or this little girl sent home with her whole natural hair saying it's inappropriate... It's a fauxhawk! All her hair was still on her head ..

So, to prove you weren't anecdotal you pointed to... Two more anecdotes? Bruh.

Again, not trying to diminish the anecdotal experiences. It sucks for the people going through this, and I have sympathy for them. But at the end of the day, without stats to prove otherwise, that's all they are... Anecdotes.

I'm sure someone, somewhere in the US has probably had their pet hamster killed by their neighbor's German Shepherd. So does that now mean that America has an epidemic of bloodthirsty German Shepherds viciously mauling hamsters to death?

My question was because non-black people don't usually have the tight coils black hair does, which makes our hair, largely, unique. There IS a history of implicit bias towards black hair in schools, the work place, etc. And by history I don't mean ancient.

It's partly the reason why many black women used relaxers, hair straighteners, extensions and wigs to "fit in".
I can grant you this point historically. And I agree that the situation sucked, back in the day. But, let me ask you this: is this really a statistically significant issue in 2022? What I mean by that is, is it widespread enough to merit...
There's even a bill being considered in the Senate (it passed the House) called The CROWN Act no idea if it'll pass the Senate or die there but if you want to read up on the bill...
.... this legislation!? My answer is resoundingly "no." I've already read parts of the bill, and it's absolutely unnecessary, in 2022. Affirmative Action has been a thing for decades. Companies now have DEI committees exclusively for the purpose of promoting and advancing the careers of historically underrepresented groups in the workplace. (Well, that's what they say their purpose is anyway; what I think is very different and won't post it here.)

That is all to say that the absolute kindest sand not polite thing I have to say about this CROWN act, is that it's a symbolic gesture from a group of politicians that belong to a party that has been failing black Americans for decades, but want black Americans to keep voting for them. I'll leave it at that. (This last part is veering into the political, so you and I should take it to PM if you want to keep discussing this particular item. I know the rules of this forum... just like Will Smith "knew" that one bald dude's rule was to "shine" his head every morning 😂)


Not true at all. People are always getting punched at bars and clubs with no charges laid. At least in Australia.
Maybe in America people get sued because everyone there is itching to sue for every tiny thing.

In the more upscale clubs and lounges in Atlanta, they'll have you escorted out and POSSIBLY banned if you initiate any violence. Even with police presence, they won't always arrest you. But if you don't calm down immediately by the time they come get you, you'll either be permanently banned (the most lenient) or arrested.

Sometimes it depends on how wealthy you are...

It definitely depends on the bar and the area. My father in law is quite the drunk and has had many incidences at bars in the area and I can't remember him actually being arrested, usually escorted home. The last one was several weeks back where he was black out drunk and the bouncers broke his leg, he doesn't remember it happening but woke up at the hospital with a broken leg. No suing going on with any of this.


i knew it. this is all some fake bullshit made up to get attention to the oscars/will smith. people fall for it every time. celebrities need to fuck off.
So, Will Smith needed more attention than winning an Academy Award? He needed to be labelled as an abusive cuck on top of it? If he signed off for that kind of attention, then that's next level idiocy.

The only way this actually works out for the Oscar's is if people watch year after year hoping for some kind of brawl. Not gonna happen. Next year will be fairly normal, and it'll fade back into obscurity because everyone (well, mostly everyone) outside of Hollywood isn't a moron.


Perpetually Offended
I'm American first and foremost, but yes I'm Afro-Latino. I did say "non-white Hispanic" in my post. Even bolded and underlined the "non." I explicitly used that (now outdated, I think?) Census term to remove any ambiguity.

Ok, waiting for stats...

So, to prove you weren't anecdotal you pointed to... Two more anecdotes? Bruh.

Again, not trying to diminish the anecdotal experiences. It sucks for the people going through this, and I have sympathy for them. But at the end of the day, without stats to prove otherwise, that's all they are... Anecdotes.

I'm sure someone, somewhere in the US has probably had their pet hamster killed by their neighbor's German Shepherd. So does that now mean that America has an epidemic of bloodthirsty German Shepherds viciously mauling hamsters to death?

I can grant you this point historically. And I agree that the situation sucked, back in the day. But, let me ask you this: is this really a statistically significant issue in 2022? What I mean by that is, is it widespread enough to merit...

.... this legislation!? My answer is resoundingly "no." I've already read parts of the bill, and it's absolutely unnecessary, in 2022. Affirmative Action has been a thing for decades. Companies now have DEI committees exclusively for the purpose of promoting and advancing the careers of historically underrepresented groups in the workplace. (Well, that's what they say their purpose is anyway; what I think is very different and won't post it here.)

That is all to say that the absolute kindest sand not polite thing I have to say about this CROWN act, is that it's a symbolic gesture from a group of politicians that belong to a party that has been failing black Americans for decades, but want black Americans to keep voting for them. I'll leave it at that. (This last part is veering into the political, so you and I should take it to PM if you want to keep discussing this particular item. I know the rules of this forum... just like Will Smith "knew" that one bald dude's rule was to "shine" his head every morning 😂)

1. Just because you're non-white Hispanic doesn't mean you're Afro-Latino. You can be mestizo or Asian-Latino.

Also, you're a guy, right? It's somewhat different for us black men.

2. Studies should suffice when going beyond anecdotal evidence?

3. I agree that the Act is symbolic because a company or school can say it isn't about the hair but some other thing they can't quite explain. It still goes on... Even after Brown v Board of Education and Civil Rights legislation.

4. Saying it's 2022 doesn't really mean anything... There is still explicit and implicit biases in schools and the workplace against people of color or specifically against black and indigenous peoples. Someone SAYING something doesn't mean it matches with what someone DOES.

I live in the South. Have my whole life. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been called the N-word. That doesn't mean everyone is now kumbaya ... There is still discrimination... Even in Atlanta ...


Wanda Sykes talked about it on Ellen yesterday, she's pissed.

Then someone showed me on the video,” Sykes said, “and I just felt so awful for my friend, Chris. It was sickening. I physically felt ill, and I’m still a little traumatized by it.
I was like, how gross is this? This is the wrong message. You assault somebody and you get escorted out the building and that’s it. But for them to let him continue, I thought it was gross. I wanted to be able to run out (on stage) after he won and say, ‘Uh, unfortunately, Will couldn’t be here tonight.
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