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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Also, one more point on Mekakucity Actors, if you're going to go there and name drop (well, visually drop) Revolutionary Girl Utena (specifically the movie) -



then you should really be brining your A game to the table because that's quite a bar to aim for.


Captain Earth Episode 2:

You know, I stand by my assertions that, while containing many flaws in its own right, Knights of Sidonia is still the better show. You know why, because that show at least established the situation and its characters also I don't need a god damned glossary to follow that show. Yea, many of the things I hated in Eureka Seven are also found here and it is already making my blood boil. I am waking away for this right now for the sake of my own sanity.


I can only do short posts as I'm traveling but one thing I do have to say is that I strongly disagree about the characterization complaints in regards to Captain Earth so far. They've done an excellent job with Daichi so far.


I can only do short posts as I'm traveling but one thing I do have to say is that I strongly disagree about the characterization complaints in regards to Captain Earth so far. They've done an excellent job with Daichi so far.

Daichi is just Renton LIte at this point, not all that impressed.


The Irregular at Magic High School Episode 2 – Enrollment Part II (mahouka)
Oh well, character drama and the final two minutes were excellent, kind of wanted it to go a bit further than that but next week should be good
Poor Hattori being wiped out instantly and brutally without any knowledge of what went on :(

He got what he deserved! Second in charge of the school and being discriminatory towards class 2 students. I was cheering.
I don't know what the hellllll is going on,
So much terminology that has no explanation in such a small amount of time, it's basically shifting from scene to scene with characters I don't know because there's too many already saying words I don't know because there's too many already.
Lead gear? Livlaster? Earth Engine? Libido Charge? Captain? Orgone? Kiltgang?
Atleast the MC and mech design are cool.


Mahouka 2

I find it gratifying that
Hattori planned out his duel with Tatsuya and it took Tatsuya a couple of seconds to defeat him.

I guess we wait till next episode to find out how that happened.


Not really, he definitely has Renton's impulsiveness but he's also a lot more whimsical. He also has more swag than Renton did at this stage.

Renton was actually very whimsical at the beginning, very idealistic.
All the better to have his spirit cruched by Holland and the Gekkostate.
Haikyuu Episode 1

After watching this episode it was very enjoyable with the way the animation is handled and the jump shown by Sho, I must say this anime is definitely going to be watched this season.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 2

Opening: I like it, but this is one of those songs where I need to listen to the full version before making a final call.
Ending: On the fence between good and bad. Slow songs never do it for me the first go.

Forgot how slow the pacing can be for the intro, but the more Mayumi best girl goodness I get out of this is always a plus.

Never get tired of the looks on others when Tatsuya shows off his skills.


Full cast list for the Keroro flash anime is confirmed now. Every main character kept their old voice actor. The official site also confirmed the VAs of the new main characters that didn't make their animated debut in the original anime.

Aoi Yuki voices New Keroro (a completely separate character from the standard Sgt. Keroro in spite of his confusing name and having the same colors), Emiri Kato voices Tomosu (boy in white and red in the picture above) and Ai Kayano plays Kaneami (girl with gray hair).
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 2

Opening: I like it, but this is one of those songs where I need to listen to the full version before making a final call.
Ending: On the fence between good and bad. Slow songs never do it for me the first go.

Forgot how slow the pacing can be for the intro, but the more Mayumi best girl goodness I get out of this is always a plus.

Never get tired of the looks on others when Tatsuya shows off his skills.

Hey Mayumi is waifu material AKA the bomb.

Neo C.

I don't know what GAF thinks about Attack on Titan, but to my surprise the anime is actually quite entertaining. I remember someone saying the pace was an issue, but I haven't seen any boring episode. Love Mikasa and Annie. <3
NIsekoi - 14


Damn what a strong contestant ...she definitly scored some points during this episode but chitose didn't flinch and managed to not lose as many market share as Onodera.
The loss for tsugumi would have been great as well if she didn't counter by a magnificent celebrity attire.
In short , everyone won , except onodera.


I don't know what GAF thinks about Attack on Titan, but to my surprise the anime is actually quite entertaining. I remember someone saying the pace was an issue, but I haven't seen any boring episode. Love Mikasa and Annie. <3

The pacing gets really bad at the Defense of Trost arc.


I don't know what GAF thinks about Attack on Titan, but to my surprise the anime is actually quite entertaining. I remember someone saying the pace was an issue, but I haven't seen any boring episode. Love Mikasa and Annie. <3

Decent start, decent end, shit middle.


Subete no aware
Mekaku City Actors




My god. The first half was so amazingly Monogatari that I thought I was watching a new series of the show. It's like they just took the Arararararagi x Shinobu stuff and transplanted it to this series about a NEET and his ScarJo.

And again, I know I complain about superficial references, but for whatever reason my heart overrides my brain when it comes to SHAFT and I just marked like a marky mark when I was watching this unfold. I'm sure most people will probably hate it, but I was grinning like an idiot the whole time. There were fewer references that Nisekoi 1, which was one wideface away from just being a SHAFT love song, but somehow being so Monogatari made it that much more concentrated.


It's funny though, the Monogatari-isms disappear in the second half of the episode and you get a more introspective design. I suppose you can make a joke about 4k resolution and SHAFT's animation style here. Or the fact that by saying they want to watch TV, they are making a commentary on watching TV. You could probably make a point about how televisions are windows in the world and it is ironic that a NEET would end up held hostage by going outside only to find himself surrounded by screens again. Perhaps what makes SHAFT shows enjoyable for me is that the minimalism makes it much easier to read the show, because its visual metaphors are so readily apparent (or transparent, if you want to be derisive).

Still, based SHAFT, based Shinbo. AOTY, etc.

Oh yeah, between Marika and this show (and Sasami-san and various other roles), Kana Asumi seems to be the new Shaft girl. RIP Omigawa, Praise NII-SHI-SHI.


Mahouka 2

If I were a GIF meme man, I'd have the "words words words" GIF in here. Goodness me there was a lot of rather dull talking in this episode. More ass-kicking please.

(also less incest stuff obviously please? I think that goes without saying - there's very little to say about this show otherwise, really, as it is total junk food viewing for me)

In the outdoors sequence at the start of the episode there's a shadow filter applied because the characters are walking under trees etc., but the shadows don't change depending on the texture they're applied to so it makes all the human beings look slightly transparent.
I don't know what GAF thinks about Attack on Titan, but to my surprise the anime is actually quite entertaining. I remember someone saying the pace was an issue, but I haven't seen any boring episode. Love Mikasa and Annie. <3

The pacing is an issue in terms of how much time passes for one thing to happen, and it's riddled with flashbacks at the most inopportune moments. I personally love it and if the blu-ray price wasn't ridiculous for 1 part I'd consider buying it. But GAF as a whole really dislikes AoT. AoT has been my gateway anime for many.

The World Is Still Beautiful 2

A very good adaptation of the manga, looks like they'll be doing this mainly 1:1 with its source material. The animation, colors, scenery and VA work really do make it worth it to watch this in anime form. Looks like they're going on 1 episode per manga chapter pace (which is good considering each chapter is pretty freaking long page-wise). I already havea good idea on where the show will most likely end if it decides to go for 12-13 episodes instead of 20+. Apparently the manga in japan is already in the 40's while english is only in like chapter 15.
No that was intended as can be seen from Madoka's
wish taken into effect. Madoka wished to be there personally to save magical girls from despair/turning into witches. Therefore at the end of each magical girl's runtime she appears and takes them up with her (see the unnamed magical girls dying after Madoka comes). I don't recall whether they dissapear but Sayaka's disappearance is to be assumed further detail in what happens when a magical girl's soul gem goes bad. This phenomenon is known as the Law of the Cycle and gets further elaborated on in Madoka: Rebellion.

No they spent 5 whole minutes at the end explaining why what you just said doesn't happen. Magical Girls don't
turn into witches anymore because of Madoka's wish. In that time they also explain what happens when a Soul Gem gets too impure or goes bad(basically nothing). Therefore Sayaka should've never turned into a witch or disappeared because of Madoka's wish
. It's a plot hole through and through.

Nice review/synopsis. Like others you wish there was more time dedicated to fleshing out characters (like Mami and Kyoko) but instead the series put plot in priority which is a good thing. However there is Madoka: Rebellion... which brings further character development/closure to those two characters I just listed.

But anyways onto your actual review. I am in the same camp that the series didn't bring me into bawling my eyes out like animes such as Anohana or Clannad: AS but I do put this one above them (imo) due to how compact the plot is and the mindfucks/twists it pulls on you (though some can be inferred if you paid close attention). While Neon Genesis Evangelion sort of succeeded it its goal, Madoka Magika absolutely fulfilled it and that is the deconstruction of a genre.

I don't give points, personally, to how compact a show is. It's all about execution and what it meant to me by the end. Madoka was really, really good. But not so good to dethrone Clannad or even Angel Beats. ;P

And I don't know if I would go as far as to say it deconstructed the genre. That's a pretty radical thing to say.


Subete no aware
Atelier Escha and Logy
I really had no idea what to expect, since really game adaptations have such a low bar - Neptunia, SMT:DS2, Danganronpa, but this was actually pretty good.


A nice gentle slice of life/world building show, with minimal nods to the game. You have a couple of generic but inoffensive protagonists, a girl with a dream, and poof - you've made a good adventure anime.

I probably should play the game, of course, but I figure this is much easier. lol


Also, is she a robot, or a moe-bot?
(Couldn't resist. :( )


Hitsugi no Chaika - 01

It's BONES so I have to watch but I wasn't really feeling this. It just feels so uninspired and bland. it's a fantasy world but it's so... empty? The fanservice sucks too, but stuff like that doesn't bother me as much at this point.

Knights of Sidonia - 01

The CG is awful, everyone looks absolutely the same, that old guy was the worst looking character I've ever seen in an anime, but there's mecha and the premise is interesting, plus the serious tone might balance out a bunch of lighthearted shows I'm watching.


yamato END

26 episodes went by so quickly, depression kicking in now

I want more, f this world. Don't know what to watch now to fill the void. It's been a while since I watched some straight forward and well made sci-fi on a huge scale like this. It really felt like a long journey and everything wrapped up greatly too with fun and sad moments, I really like series like this, not many out there sadly.

might start GBF at last.
No they spent 5 whole minutes at the end explaining why what you just said doesn't happen. Magical Girls don't
turn into witches anymore because of Madoka's wish. In that time they also explain what happens when a Soul Gem gets too impure or goes bad(basically nothing). Therefore Sayaka should've never turned into a witch or disappeared because of Madoka's wish
. It's a plot hole through and through.

You're confusing cause and effect. Magical girls don't become witches because Madoka does exactly what AnathemicOne described.

Sayaka is not a plot hole; she's the test case and literal example for the viewer.

Link Man

Mekaku City Actors 1

Very SHAFT, that's for sure. Lot's of style, but little substance thus far. This show looks like it's going to rely on its characters, and at least it seems like a fun cast. But this episode was a bit dull.
No they spent 5 whole minutes at the end explaining why what you just said doesn't happen. Magical Girls don't
turn into witches anymore because of Madoka's wish. In that time they also explain what happens when a Soul Gem gets too impure or goes bad(basically nothing). Therefore Sayaka should've never turned into a witch or disappeared because of Madoka's wish
. It's a plot hole through and through.

I don't give points, personally, to how compact a show is. It's all about execution and what it meant to me by the end. Madoka was really, really good. But not so good to dethrone Clannad or even Angel Beats. ;P

And I don't know if I would go as far as to say it deconstructed the genre. That's a pretty radical thing to say.

Are you sure we saw the same
wish Madoka had given? To quote: "I wish to erase all witches from existence before they're even born. Every witch in the universe, from the past and the future, with my own hands."

Essentially Madoka became a universal law at this point due to her erasing her 'witch' self during part of the ending. With that established Madoka purges witches before their born IE when a magical girl fulfills their runtime. However Madoka doesn't redo the purpose of magical girls or how they work IE a incrementally tainted soul gem (and other factors such as the initial wish, purpose in fighting witches [now wraiths], etc.)

Thus you have this limbo area in what exactly happens to magical girls. Thats where Madoka/Law of the Cycle comes in. Without Madoka a witch will naturally be born (since the tainting process of magical girls isn't changed) but now with Madoka a witch will never be born. Hence why they disappear 'into' Madoka instead

As for whether the series deserves the praise I give it, I grant it's a matter of opinion. I enjoy these 12-13 episode series because each episode serves a purpose and is 'fulfilled' to maximum potential in drama/intensity/tragedy/etc. to which I describe as 'compactness' which then can progress into execution. I mean if you look at it, it is common to have a 24-episode anime have people whine/dislike certain episodes, this is rarely the case with 12-13 episode anime.


The World is Still Beautiful Episode 2:

Still on the fence on this one, I really like the vibrancy and the energy and the adventurous tone that Princess Nike has around here but right now The Sun King Douchy the XIV is kind of ruining the show with his Lelouch Lamprouch impressions. Not really feeling any of the political machinations going on as they just feel very at odd at what this show is going for. Still, I like it well enough to keep watching and I am glad one of these Saturday shows managed to do that.


Subete no aware
The World is Still Beautiful Episode 2:

Still on the fence on this one, I really like the vibrancy and the energy and the adventurous tone that Princess Nike has around here but right now The Sun King Douchy the XIV is kind of ruining the show with his Lelouch Lamprouch impressions. Not really feeling any of the political machinations going on as they just feel very at odd at what this show is going for. Still, I like it well enough to keep watching and I am glad one of these Saturday shows managed to do that.

I'm going to assume that she basically makes the douche less douche via the power of optimism. Maybe they go on adventures to discover what's beautiful about the world or something. lol

who can't resist all her alala~ in a robotic tone?
It's funny how she somehow both sounds robotic but also human at the same time. It's a nice performance anyway - especially if you've seen the robots in Almost Human where they are just playing them as completely blank and emotionless.


I'm going to assume that she basically makes the douche less douche via the power of optimism. Maybe they go on adventures to discover what's beautiful about the world or something. lol

Yea, I can already see the signs there, which is another reason I hold off on dropping the show.
I've been on the fence on watching Knights Of Sidonia, but the people who've watched it is it worth watching.

For me it's probably going to need a rewatch, the CG on the characters was so off putting that the finer points of the plot and world they introduced are sort of a blur for me.

Something something alien species, something something third gender, something something talking bear with robotic rotating hook/claw/hand. Everything outside of the character stuff is gorgeous though, there are a lot of moments worthy of screenshots, and I'm happy to report that the mechs and battles themselves actually look like they'll be really pleasing to watch if the opening sequence is any indication.

Just gotta get beyond this ...


Renton was actually very whimsical at the beginning, very idealistic.
All the better to have his spirit cruched by Holland and the Gekkostate.

Renton definitely was but Daichi takes it to a new level. Like people are being serious and are somewhat threatening and Daichi gives no fucks.


Subete no aware
Yea, I can already see the signs there, which is another reason I hold off on dropping the show.
I think Atelier might end up doing it the better way, because it isn't as transparent by having a clear anti-hero who needs to be saved, but adventure show with interesting female protagonist? I'm in.


I'm trying to do some cleanup of backlog, so far I have definitely dropped "couldn't become a hero" (it has its moments but I think I can watch something better at comedy, and the whole +18 thing does nothing for me) and I have started to watch what I had put in hold.

Watched first episode of Mushishi and wow, I really love Japanese sobrenatural stories so I guess it´s not suprising I really liked it. It was a really great episode, with the right amount of exposition for a first episode, an intriguing universe and it was beautiful to watch. Really promising.

Nice! I don't know why I dropped it, I think I was in love with the idea of "zero drama" fun shows like Love Lab (almost no drama) and Yuyushiki (zero absolute) so the whole idea of the "marriage by surprise" put me off, but I really enjoyed the first two episodes, looking for more.

And now I'm going to watch Date a A Life before getting spoiled!

so you didnt like Yuusibu? I can understand why I suppose but man Fino is the greatest.

But we all know the chosen girl
Natsume damnit, I mean I did like her is just that she wasn't my personal favorite
. Why is it in most anime the girl that is chosen for the MC is always not the best girl or the one I personally think is.

because if it was always so obvious people wouldnt be intrigued or latch on to the other girls.

Can you guys name one moment in any anime that has made you cry manly tears or womanly tears, in which it gave you a burst of feels.

For me it would be in OnePiece during Choppers Arc with Dr.Hiluluk, shit just made me feel so sad I teared up but it was worth it in the end.


And this saying from Dr.Hiluluk really got to me "When do you think people die? When they're shot through the heart with a pistol? ...No. When they have an uncurable disease? ...No. When they drink soup made from a poisonous mushroom? No! When they are forgotten! Even if I die, my dream will come true. The hearts of the people will be cured..!"

hmm. Not much. I guess Saikano came close and maybe Millennium Actress but I dont cry much.


I guess I have to watch it (more) now.

Please draw Onodera, Ume!

So how are S.A.V.E. blu rays? Might consider picking up the Casshern Sins one.

Theyre not bad qualitywise. Just kind of terrible packaging and no extras.


Mekaku City Actors 1

That sure was Shaft as fuck. I'm not sold yet, but certainly intrigued. I hope future episodes have a better flow and pacing, though.


Captain Earth 2

Technobabble galore.

I loved pretty much every second of it.

I generally like mecha shows when they're gussied up with ridiculous supernatural shenanigans, and so Captain Earth readily fits the bill with its magic guns materialising out of nowhere and people turning into cubes and whatever else is going on. Toss into the mix all the conspiracies and mysteries (
who will use Hana's Livlaster? What's the betting Taiyou isn't really dead? What about mysterious research guy who wants the Kiltgang to invade???
), add the lovely Bones production values and evocative Monaca music, and it all really appeals to me.

I know speaking rationally that it's stuffed to the gills with mumbo-jumbo and the characterisation is fairly one-dimensional (the Salty Dog agent may as well twirl his moustache every time he speaks), but what the hey - I like this show anyway.
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