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Would The Last of Us 2 have won GAF GOTY in 2021?

Hypothetical 2021 Game Of The Year

  • The Last Of Us 2

    Votes: 99 56.3%
  • Ratchet Rift Apart

    Votes: 11 6.3%
  • Deathloop

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Metroid Dead

    Votes: 34 19.3%
  • It Takes Two

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • Resident Evil Village

    Votes: 14 8.0%
  • Psychonauts 2

    Votes: 15 8.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I'll try it when it's $10 or free. The first game is one of the only games I've ever returned to the store. The second game looks impressive graphically, but pretty similar in terms of gameplay and story style. For me, the question is whether or not I even want to play it. It's not in the running for GOTY for me under any circumstances.

As I said, "Didn't bother to play the 2nd one so for me, I seriously doubt it."
Well, you're in luck..PS Now sub is $10 and The Last of Us 2 is on it. The gameplay in TLOU2 is superior to TLOU. The mechanics are better but all that isn't the point. I honestly don't care if you ever try it. Your lose. My issue is when ppl say games don't deserve game of the year.....when they didn't even play it...you're missing the "no" in your actual quote. To say no is wrong when you haven't played it is what I'm saying. The Last of Us 2 is a masterpiece Factions 2 is going to kick ass when it's finally revealed 🤘🏼


Gold Member
No joke, I watched a bunch of Youtube reactions to last year’s winner reveal and a decent amount of people were slamming their hand down hard on their desks (ouch) but the real crazy one was a guy grabbing his keyboard and hurling it offscreen. Like, goddamn, calm your asses down already.
The funny thing is that a lot of them would be the same ones who call other people snowflakes or easily triggered.
The meltdowns caused by TLOU are always on another level.

I still remember all the hate the game got and how Cyberpunk would supposedly obliterate TLOU2 at the GOTY lists everywhere. Then watching that game come out and the game turning out to be one of the biggest gaming scams of all time...and some still trying it with "b...but the PC version runs almost stable. it could still win" and trying to convince themselves that the game was the best videogame of the year was almost hilarious if i didn't feel sorry for those people. It was almost insulting to all developers out there.

A year later no one even comments on that other game, except to talk about the delays for all patches, DLCs, next gen versions, etc, while TLOU has a show on the way, a multiplayer game probably for next year and a remake of the first game. The "woke" (not really) game won.



Have you actually played both these games to completition? How many enemy types does 7 have and how many does Village have? And how many different environments does 7 have vs 8. 7 is like a prototype of 8 and 8 is the proper game.
I have finished VII 3 times, and Village once not even one month ago

Village has more location variety, enemy variety, and is overral a better game, on paper. I still enjoyed VII more due to its atmosphere (and its more focused), but this is not the point.

TLOU 2 also had new enemies, you know. Dogs alone change the dynamic of every encounter that they are in.

The point is gameplay. Village is as limited as VII.

The only new adition was a parry mechanic when blocking. And thats it.

In terms of gameplay mechanics, Village/RE VII are very very limited in ways that not even the old games were.

Not saying that TLOU 2 is so deep, but you criticising one while ignoring the other is really fucking hypocritical
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Man, those other games listed with it sure aren't jaw dropping.

I guess my goty is gotg then, since others were remakes or remasters.

Tlou2 wouldn't be on any of my goty lists, didn't even bother finishing it I just lost interest in it. What a deception


Here's what my tier list would look like

S Ranks in no particular order



Last of Us 2 is a top 5 last gen game but that doesn’t take away from the fact that Cuckman’s lust to get dominated by muscular broads should not be plastered all over his products like this


I’m surprised by the love for Metroid. It’s a very good game but in my opinion not great. I feel like last years orri was better in almost every way.


The Last of Us Part 2 is not well liked around here, but it did win GOTY at the Game Awards Last Year. I want to see if GAF has come around on it since, and if you guys would vote for TLOU2 over this year's nominees.
I got into TLOU2 for the story and the graphics. Completly stopped caring about that once I actually experienced the gameplay and saw the level of detail that was put into NPCs, weapons, shooting, stealth, and most importantly the gore. Unless you're super into FPS gams and hate TPS games, there's no way Deathloop compares.
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To me is incredible how fanboys can force a game that's not even from this year nor part of the conversation into the conversation. That's like me saying "would breath of the wild be goty this year" hell yeah it would, it's a bigger achievement than the last of us 2. #StopFanboyism
Calling SlimySnake SlimySnake a fanboy? Are you new here?


Overall the game and it's gameplay were solid. The story beats or pacing perhaps could have been better. But I enjoyed it.
Most of the angry haters didn't even play it, so I doubt their opinion has changed.
Of course, it always has to be "angry haters" who didn't like a game that had 100 plot holes in a cinematic story based game. It can't just be "people who understand that it's actually a poorly written mess".

Story is subjective so I will not debate that but the gameplay is also a massive improvement on the first.
Sometimes, parts of a story's writing aren't truly subjective. There's such things as lack of proper foreshadowing, logical plot holes, and character plot holes that can be demonstrated.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Of course, it always has to be "angry haters" who didn't like a game that had 100 plot holes in a cinematic story based game. It can't just be "people who understand that it's actually a poorly written mess".

Every time someone says there are a lot of plotholes don't know what plotholes are. Most people didn't either play the game or didn't pay attention to the story.
Every time someone says there are a lot of plotholes don't know what plotholes are. Most people didn't either play the game or didn't pay attention to the story.
Ah, that old chestnut. "You didn't play the game". I did. I platinumed it, like I do most games. Most people defending Pt2 don't actually have a clue what a plot hole is, which is why they overlook them. When you see them, they're impossible to miss.

"You didn't understand it" Yes, i did. It's funny how no one who defends the story can do so without insinuating stupidity on the parts of those who have pointed out the issues with the game. I bet you want to tell me how much sense the Tommy scene makes. That's my litmus test.

You know what, I already wasted way too many hours over the last year arguing about this story, so I'm not going to bother rehashing. I have stuff to do today.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Ah, that old chestnut. "You didn't play the game". I did. I platinumed it, like I do most games. Most people defending Pt2 don't actually have a clue what a plot hole is, which is why they overlook them. When you see them, they're impossible to miss.

You know what, I already wasted way too many hours over the last year arguing about this story, so I'm not going to bother rehashing. I have stuff to do today.

I said didn't play the game or didn't understand the story.

Many people beat the first game and still believe there's a recording stating that there were other immune people like Ellie. Beating the game several times doesn't mean much.


Writes a lot, says very little
Sometimes, parts of a story's writing aren't truly subjective.
The whole thing is subjective.
There's such things as lack of proper foreshadowing

One can write something without it.

Like any art, its subjective and someone can write something without lots of those elements. They going to go to jail if they don't or something? lol

Sometimes someone can foreshadow something if they feel its needed or they want it there etc, some times they want the shock and will just give no warning at all or something.

All of that is up to the writer, none of that is a must or only or some hard rule or something.


Writes a lot, says very little
No, the game is too divisive. Half the fan base hates it, and the other half loves it to death.

You'll find that with many sequels and any GOTY titles.

BoTW is massive one, many calling it a AC clone, mad they got rid of dungeons or breakable weapons, empty world etc. or even MGS2, people were triggered with Raiden being the main character and trailers showing Snake to hid the surprise lol That fanbased lived, this one will be alright. I don't know if any sequel can ever work for 100% of that community btw. I personally loved the second game more then the first and love the gameplay changes like going prone, dogs able to smell you and many MGS like features added. So I don't know if its enough to say some shit like "half teh fanbase", we don't have any info to really be like 10 million plus who bought The Last Of Us 1, hate 2 or something like it.

Folks online simply love to exaggerate shit when they are butthurt or triggered etc. Like remember when the fanbase hated EA's Battlefont and it went on to smash all records to become the best selling Star Wars game? Remember when Far Cry 5 was going to flop cause the "fanbase" hated that too and it goes from the fastest selling Far Cry to the best selling Far Cry.

I don't know if I'd pay too much mind to a lot of that you'll always have fans like that, but time will tell how much they really make up of that fanbase
You'll find that with many sequels and any GOTY titles.

BoTW is massive one, many calling it a AC clone, mad they got rid of dungeons or breakable weapons, empty world etc. or even MGS2, people were triggered with Raiden being the main character and trailers showing Snake to hid the surprise lol That fanbased lived, this one will be alright. I don't know if any sequel can ever work for 100% of that community btw. I personally loved the second game more then the first and love the gameplay changes like going prone, dogs able to smell you and many MGS like features added. So I don't know if its enough to say some shit like "half teh fanbase", we don't have any info to really be like 10 million plus who bought The Last Of Us 1, hate 2 or something like it.

Folks online simply love to exaggerate shit when they are butthurt or triggered etc. Like remember when the fanbase hated EA's Battlefont and it went on to smash all records to become the best selling Star Wars game? Remember when Far Cry 5 was going to flop cause the "fanbase" hated that too and it goes from the fastest selling Far Cry to the best selling Far Cry.

I don't know if I'd pay too much mind to a lot of that you'll always have fans like that, but time will tell how much they really make up of that fanbase
Comparing the reception of BOTW to TLOU2 is crazy talk. TLOU2 is easily the most divisive game in recent memory. Do I need to remind you of the mountains of threads of fans arguing back and forth about how shit/amazing the story was? The reaction to that game was biblical.


Writes a lot, says very little
Comparing the reception of BOTW to TLOU2 is crazy talk. TLOU2 is easily the most divisive game in recent memory. Do I need to remind you of the mountains of threads of fans arguing back and forth about how shit/amazing the story was? The reaction to that game was biblical.

It twas a wild reaction lol

None the less BoTW still has its fair share of fans that disagree with the direction of the series, but I don't know of any major popular game with sequels where you don't have a bunch of disagreements. The Last Of Us 2 is in a realm of its own regarding the level of outrage I'd say as this thread existing at all shows it lol

I'd say I'm comparing that a difference of opinion exist within the fanbase and maybe not exactly 1.1 to the same degree comparison. I don't really know what would be near the last of us 2 levels

Maybe those Star Wars films as those nerds want dat blood lol
Every time someone says there are a lot of plotholes don't know what plotholes are. Most people didn't either play the game or didn't pay attention to the story.
Plot Hole: an inconsistency in character or narrative development.

Are you REALLY going to pretend that those don't exist in Pt 2? Come on


Gold Member
The last of us 2 did to story telling what

mario 64 did to gameplay.

it was revolutionary.

And games like that are really rare..

You have to be a fucking idiot to not recognize what tlou2 did better then any other game in story telling and animation.

even if you think the story is shit.
I get the animation part, but please enlighten this idiot here what the game did to storytelling that is as revolutionary as mario 64
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Gold Member

It's not even about what happened. It's the whole thing starting from making Ellie unlikable as f, Abby's father was THAT npc, really???... The structure of the story, Ellie literally slaughters everyone and then at the end she has a change of heart... and I can keep going. Abby is not even the problem of the game. Just a trash story overall that people are praising because the gameplay is supposedly special.
this 1000%


I've come to realize time will be good to TLOU2. It may have seen impossible at release but glad to see more and more people enjoy it.

I'd encourage those who gave up on it to give it a second chance and start from the beginning. This time you know what you're getting into.


Hard to Kill
I've come to realize time will be good to TLOU2. It may have seen impossible at release but glad to see more and more people enjoy it.

I'd encourage those who gave up on it to give it a second chance and start from the beginning. This time you know what you're getting into.
I loved the game but that being said I do understand how some people might have quit the game after a certain event.I know some people that loved the first opus and stopped right there because they didn't like where the game was headed.


I loved the game but that being said I do understand how some people might have quit the game after a certain event.I know some people that loved the first opus and stopped right there because they didn't like where the game was headed.
My gut was telling me to leave the movie theater when Kylo Whine stabbed Han. Wish I listened and left...


Never played it but I know all about it and the controversial twists. I just hope that Naughty Dog’s game about a never ending circle of violence will result in them ending their never ending circle of violent games. I want a new Jak! 👌
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