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Would you stop playing if your wife/gf ask too?

Would you stop playing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 210 73.4%
  • Divorce/breakup

    Votes: 42 14.7%
  • Together for the kids

    Votes: 4 1.4%
  • Hide play

    Votes: 3 1.0%
  • Eye for an eye, take something from her

    Votes: 11 3.8%

  • Total voters


Gold Member

arnold schwarzenegger predator GIF

K.S v2.0

What kind of ree era cuck thread is this even

If this thread were on REEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~, every single poster would be banned by now, and at least 80% of the readers would be shaking in a corner in their safe spaces sitting in a puddle of their own excrement trying desperately to convince themselves real people absolutely cannot be like this, while posting :messenger_clapping:YIKES!:messenger_clapping:i'M :messenger_clapping: LiTeRaLlY:messenger_clapping:sHaKiNg:messenger_clapping: repeatedly on Twatter and screaming desperately for all the posters to be doxxed and cancelled like the sexist chauvinistic homophobic transphobic ma'amphobic bigots we are.

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If she asked me such a thing she wouldn't be my wife.

No way I would end up with someone that can't respect what I enjoy.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
She games more than me so it would be her loss as well.
Isn't that true for us all?

We are old grumpy gamers discussing why games are shit today while our wives are having fun.

As long as its gaming and not something else, we can consider ourselves lucky.


I love movies and videogames a lot longer than her and she knows that.

Seriously though, she would never demand such a thing from me and neither would I from her. It's just not how our relationship works.
No. Just like I wouldn't tell her to stop listening to terrible music or watching awful TV shows. If your partner has different hobbies or hobbies you don't see the appeal, you should still be respectful and not act like a parent.


I can answer an assured no, because of my wife is already asked me to stop playing games entirely.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
If she truely loves you she wouldn't ask you that


Take out the wife, then her friend who suggested it afterwards:


People who don't see how games can be a benefit to a human beings development and want to "ban them":


Thank god games haven't made me into a violent mentalist.
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If you're playing games that much that you're being asked by your significant other to stop, then it's probably becoming (Or become) an addiction and you're not prioritising more important aspects of life.

If you're only playing 1hr per week, then that's a different issue.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
People think wives and girlfriends lead the ways but that is exactly wrong, telling anyone not to game is a failure and DAMAGE to any relationship
Prince Harry Mic Drop GIF


Absolutely not, and I wouldn’t ask her to give up anything that she loved, and loved long before she met me. You’d have to be a mega-cuck to get bullied like this.
Uhm I would never get involved with a girl who isn't interested in gaming herself, first of all. But hypothetically, if she asked me to give up one of my biggest interests, then obviously I would break up.

Get a partner who shares your interests, or at least respects them and tolerates them.
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Had a gf like that. It was discussed, dismissed and it was another checkmark on the bye-bye-list.

My SO now is also a big hobbyist (arts and crafts...like...a LOT) and (luckily) also games here and there (she's a recovering Minecraft-"addict" and we are the most badass noobs together in Ghost Raccoon [her pronounciation, not mine, but it became a "thing"] Wild Lands). Sometimes, when I talk about gaming, I forget she knows the lingo, and become all fucking high horsey and stuff get a righteous vocal backhand for that.:messenger_grimmacing_


My wife has like 4000h played on The Sims 4 and about 900h on Animal Crossing. I think I am safe.
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Depends on the situation. I'm married to someone who also plays videogames, we play them together, and our kids play them. If she asked me to stop it would be out of left field. But perhaps someday in the future, I could get addicted to a shmup and play countless hours every day, neglecting my family and my fitness. She might say "Dun, you need to stop playing games. This is unhealthy" then I would probably stop. We expect one another to be the adult if the other goes off the rails. That's how a marriage should work.
My wife is ok with me playing videogames. She also loves playing resident evil games with me and she is addict to smartphone casual games.
Of course I can't play so often like when I lived with my parents and I buy much less games or consoles, but these are free time/family budget issues.
I can't believe how someone could accept that his/her partner would make such demand. It's evil and manipulative


Depends, if that gf is an advanced sex robot with robust AI that allows me to customize a lot of her personality, then yes as she likely has a good reason telling me to stop. For human girls nope. For the foreseeable future, this piece of tech won’t be around so nope.

B D Joe

I couldn't get on demon souls today because my missus is playing thru RDR2 again.

But I feel the pain of gamers who have partners who dislike gaming. I had an ex used to say 'are you playing your silly games again!.'

It's a big old planet, if your other half doesn't accept you for who you are. Maybe consider finding someone more suitable?


Neo Member
My wife and I lived together for 9 years before we got married, it was basically an acknowledgement that we could deal with each other’s bullshit for life.

These kind of conversations will literally never come up unless one of us develops a habit that we prioritise over the kids or each other. Realising you don't like someone after you've married them is a pretty substantial fuck up tbh.


Gold Member
You should never give up a hobby for an SO. They need to accept that shit and learn to deal with it or else that relationship is just a sham.
Keeping this in mind and talking about it openly at the start of any relationship mitigates the risk of unnecessary heartbreak further down the line.


Nope. Would be a divorce point for me as gaming has been my top hobby for over 35 years. That said, will never be an issue as my wife and I are both introverts (who aren’t having kids) and need lots of alone time. The no kids thing leaves us both plenty if time for both spending together and our individual hobbies.

Reason being, I game in moderation, and don't let video games take over the rest of my life. I still have a job, clean my place, cook my food, work out, play guitar, hike, yada yada yada. But most importantly, video games have never stopped me from spending time with a girlfriend. (If anything, it has often being the reserve; time-hogging girlfriends have resulted in a giant reduction in gaming time.) And I think that, if you still meet your responsibilities and can spend quality time with your girlfriend/wife, and she still asks you to stop gaming, then it merits an important conversation of why she's asking you to do that.

Video games have been a part of my life for 30 years and counting, and that's not going to stop anytime soon. This is something I'm upfront about when I start dating a new girlfriend. Luckily for me, most have been understanding. But that's just the thing; I think if you are passionate enough about any hobby, and partake in moderation, then any reasonable partner will understand.
Nope. Gaming has been a major part of my life since I was 4 years old in 1985 and it will always be a major part of my life. Love that about me or GTFO.
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Gold Member
If she wants me to stop gaming to spend time with me, watch a movie, talk, make out, have sex then I have no problem turning it off and picking it up later.

Other than that, my mom raised me to take care of business: once everything on my plate is taken care of I don't wanna hear no complaints.

I used to be in a relationship where I had my shit figured out and my SO not so much. Once I got done with my obligations she wanted me to drop playing to help her take care of hers. That didn't last long..
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My girlfriend is the active type (likes going hiking, surfing etc) I'm just not into it. She knows I like to play games and I found that she only got annoyed about it because I was hogging the TV. Once I hooked it up to my PC monitor she didn't give a shit.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
My wife reads and watches TV far more than I play video games. It’s never really an issue for us.

My ex-wife would always be like “so is this what you’re going to be doing all day?”. So I would stop and then she’d tell me to think of stuff to do. If I took too long to think of something then she’d watch TV or play WoW.

Yeah that was a weird one.


No, i would never stop doing something i enjoy (as long as it doesnt hurt anyone ofc) just because the person im with doesnt approve it. i've been gaming since i was a kid, learned a lot from it, and it also helped me get through some really rough spots in my life.

My ex actually complained from time to time whenever i was playing, while she spent even more time playing LoL, sometimes even ignoring plans we have had for the day just to play that... So yeah, im not giving up my hobbies for anyone, besides, if im with someone, im able to balance the time i spend playing and the time i spend with her.


Gold Member
No. There’s priorities such as work, family, health and not letting real life things slide. I told my wife that I enjoyed gaming when we met and she plays. I don’t think I want to be with someone who doesn’t enjoy gaming. I don’t need to discuss E3 or the latest game review. I have had the discussion of how important video games are. My wife supports me and she gets why I get excited, which is great.

I get sick of binge watching Hulu and Netflix. I don’t sit and watch YouTube videos either. I realize some married couples only watch their paid for TV service. That sounds awful. I would much rather play a game. I get it that video games are material objects, but it’s my favorite source of digital entertainment. You shouldn’t change something if you aren’t causing someone else harm. I wouldn’t be compatible with someone who didn’t accept video games as a hobby.
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