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WoW streamer Reckful has just commited suicide


Twitch needs to take responsibility over the toxicity of their platform. The chat is horrible unhealthy environment.

Quoting myself lol

I'd just like to add this doesn't stop with chat. It needs to start by looking at the people streaming and the impact on impressionable kids/teenages & vulnerable adults. DSP may be low viewer numbers, but a good example. Historic blatent sexism, homophobia and racism. Regular use of emotional blackmail for financial gain. Toxic behaviour towards chat and developers. If I was Twitch I wouldn't want to be associated with streamers like that.
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I dont know who he is.

But may he now be at peace, somewhere, dreaming in the void.

Depression is this worlds greatest affliction.

If you are being haunted by it, have my respect and love.
Sad to hear so many people here have depression issues. I don't think it's only a generational thing either, although it may be more prevalent in the millenials, as some of my 40+ friends suffer from them as well.


Gold Member
So sad, even during my darkest moments I will never be able to imagine what must be going through someone's mind to take their own life. He seemed like he was lonely too; the clips of his last stream kind of show this and he tells people not to be afraid to make new friends (he also joked about suicide to get to the "next level").

A real epidemic in society, we are connected but not really connected.
As a Christian, a lot of people need Jesus in their lives. You see the whole world/life in another perspective. Jesus can give you peace that nothing else can. You begin to understand why you exist and that He has a purpose and plan for anybody who seeks him. Jesus will give you eternal life and is in ultimate control of your life if you'll allow Him to be.

I just felt like i needed to say this. Not trying to offend anyone or preach a sermon.



Suicide is always a tragedy, I hope he is at peace

We need way more interest in battling mental health, it's a silent killer with a megaphone at this stage, how many more will we have to lose to it before elected officials take it seriously


The first popular streamer that was actually good at video games. He was brutal in WoW!

Rest in peace Byron


Industry Verified
How do people like this exist? How does this bring anybody happiness? I understand this is probably just a troll, but there's no boundaries.

There's gotta be a special place in hell for people like this.
Ts because they hide behind a keyboard.
Yeah honestly I thought you were more trolling than showing real concern, hence my snarky comeback. But it's all good, it's hard telling intent over text sometimes ;)

i got your back fellow gaf :)
If someone online is one comment away from being pissy, they shouldn't be online.

People should have thicker skin, but people shouldn't be a-holes just to be a-holes. A lot of them wouldn't say the kind of nonsense they spew online face to face and are basically e-tough guys/gals.


As a Christian, a lot of people need Jesus in their lives. You see the whole world/life in another perspective. Jesus can give you peace that nothing else can. You begin to understand why you exist and that He has a purpose and plan for anybody who seeks him. Jesus will give you eternal life and is in ultimate control of your life if you'll allow Him to be.

I just felt like i needed to say this. Not trying to offend anyone or preach a sermon.
Lmao crazy make believe shit. Magic
As a Christian, a lot of people need Jesus in their lives. You see the whole world/life in another perspective. Jesus can give you peace that nothing else can. You begin to understand why you exist and that He has a purpose and plan for anybody who seeks him. Jesus will give you eternal life and is in ultimate control of your life if you'll allow Him to be.

I just felt like i needed to say this. Not trying to offend anyone or preach a sermon.

Leave it up to the religious to abuse these kinds of horrible events as an excuse to proselytize. Disgusting.

News flash: Religious people kill themselves too, all the time, all over the world. Like all those gay people who were told their existence was an offense to God, or all those kids who got raped by priests while the church covered for them. Where was this supposed 'peace' and 'love' for them?

What these people need is compassion, understanding, a support system, a good psychiatrist and possibly medication, not indoctrination.

Imaging being a parent and hearing people say that your son died because he wasn't part of the right club, or because he didn't pray hard enough. Image having so little compassion for others that you would even say such a thing...
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How about not having kids in the first place?

I remember, many years ago, a philosophy course I took.

The prof began one of the lectures by asking if it was good or bad that a couple without money, or any prospect of ever having any money, should have a child? He then added, what if the father had mental problems, and would abuse the child.

He kept altering the scenario - making it more and more likely that the child would suffer if brought into the world. It’s not immoral to ask yourself if you should have children. It may, however, be immoral not to ask that question.

That said, the life that already exists is a different case than the one that doesn’t. We must never say to a living being that it was probably a mistake that they were brought into the world.

I see the photo of this person hugging his mom, and it breaks my heart. I hope she has support. Also, those tweets above by people half celebrating this person’s death are sickening.


I'm embarrassed about people blaming social media, he had been away from it for years, we see your agenda

Reckful had been battling bipolar and depression for years. The guy needed medication.

His doctors failed him.
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I'm embarrassed about people blaming social media, he had been away from it for years, we see your agenda

Reckful had been battling bipolar and depression for years. The guy needed medication.

His doctors failed him.

The doctors can give you the medication, but they cannot force you to take it, nor can they force you to even go and see them.


The doctors can give you the medication, but they cannot force you to take it, nor can they force you to even go and see them.
There are so many humans with bipolar still alive and thriving

From all reports his brother died by suicide and it was blamed on medication.

Why Reckful wouldn't take medication.

It's infuriating, it could have saved him.
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Gold Member
At my worst I had my suicide notes and a shit ton of pills ready to go, luckily for me I got help and medication has helped me massively. The amount of people that have told me to "cheer up" is insane, people just don't understand depression at all.

That's true, and I won't say that medication can't be helpful (especially in some cases), but many cases of depression can be treated naturally. It's often a chemical imbalance (although that can surely oversimplify its nature) of course, and when we eat poorly, don't exercise, don't maintain meaningful human connections, don't get adequate fresh air and sunshine, don't live an engaging and curious life, we're making things particularly challenging. (And of course, depression can make self care difficult in the first place.)

In any event, it's a shame when life is so painful that a person would rather not go on living. There is so much joy to be found in life, and to think that the pain is worse than death, things must be incredibly intense. And it's always hard on the living, the ones left behind. It's pain that perpetuates into more pain.
As a Christian, a lot of people need Jesus in their lives. You see the whole world/life in another perspective. Jesus can give you peace that nothing else can. You begin to understand why you exist and that He has a purpose and plan for anybody who seeks him. Jesus will give you eternal life and is in ultimate control of your life if you'll allow Him to be.

I just felt like i needed to say this. Not trying to offend anyone or preach a sermon.

You know why this post sucks mate? Because you are approaching people at their worst, that's when you guys attack. If you can convince me of this fairy tale when I'm at my best (spoiler: you won't), then I could consider it.

Your entire religion is based on taking advantage of desperate people.


Social media contributed to this and isn't good for anyone. Its going to be almost impossible to regulate or be held accountable, so shut it down.

I never opened a facebook or twitter. Which is unheard of for someone in their 30's as I was in the target generation when these platforms first started. I definitely feel great about it....not leaving a shameful digital legacy, not worrying about online harassment etc. I seriously think it should be more encouraged to just not use social networking, I'm so glad I never got into this shit.
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I have been reading some of the responses in here, it has touched me a lot

I'm shocked at how many of us suffer from this and then we share our stories and then just go on to the next day, whilst the rot, that festering depression just lingers

It is the secret shame of society to have stigmatized people with mental health because well.....
We all have have mental health problems!

I really truly hope for a better tomorrow where this stigma is extinguished, but I fear it wont be


There are so many humans with bipolar still alive and thriving

From all reports his brother died by suicide and it was blamed on medication.

Why Reckful wouldn't take medication.

It's infuriating, it could have saved him.

No argument from me, but like the old saying says: "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."


Gold Member
Why Reckful wouldn't take medication.

It's infuriating, it could have saved him.
That's human nature because when it comes to meds I'm pretty sure most people don't like taking them. Or they forget. Or they are feeling ok at that moment of time, so why bother?

I'm not someone who needs meds, but I'll always remember one time about 25 years ago I was coughing like crazy and had a bit of trouble breathing. I dont have asthma, I don't have allergies, but I guess I went to the doc or my parents told me to go. The doc prescribed me one of those little inhaler things (like what people use who has asthma) and it had some medication in it.

I used it for maybe 2 days and my breathing/coughing thing went away. I have no idea what bug or virus I even had, but I don't think I used it more than 5 times even though it's probably one of those things that said use it up till it's done.
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Why wouldn't he take medication?

Mental illness is tough because it's not like "wow my finger hurts, let me take an aspirin".

The dude needed people to take care of him. You can't have such a mentally ill person living alone or not supervised, it's a time bomb.
I read his roommate's post about how much they tried to help him, but one thing that strikes me is the fact that Reckful repeatedly gave the impression that he was going to jump off the balcony, to the point where his roommate was even CAMPING it so that he would intercept Reckful's next attempt. I know I'm playing Captain Hindsight right now but they really should have gotten him out of that apartment the moment they knew jumping was on his mind, especially given his condition.
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