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WWE SummerSlam 2017 |OT| We Will Heel

You know what, Cesaro actually does the Sharp Shooter properly unlike Nattie.


Aight. I'll take that.

AWWW SHIT the crowd saying Burn it down. He's made now. He ova. Good for him.

commentary has been especially awful tonight

Is it though? I mean it's always awful when Vince is directing it, buzzwords/awful branding nicknames, constantly using of Vince's much beloved calling a match on a pin over only for the wrestler to kick out at two thing even though they do it almost every match and the same thing always happens but Vince being Vince he's seemingly oblivious that it doesn't make anyone believe it's actually over because commentary has zero credibility.
This show is ending with three fists being bumped together. Party like its 2013.

I wouldn't be mad at this tbh. Roman is tolerable in the group. The Shield terrorizing the The 'E again, in 2017, would be the best thing to happen to this company in a long time.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
im shocked Nak vs Jinder wasnt put randomly in the middle of the show tbh.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Aside from Cass Vs. Show there haven't been any real duds so far, even including the pre-show. Lots of overdelivery from some of these matches too.
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