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Xbone PR: the 60 Minute Family Plan Revelation

MS is lying trough their teeth on this one. well I guess we already know what scumbags they are trying to force down DRM, lie about how hard it is to take it away from the console etc etc.

Can´t believe how some xbots can be so damn stupid and support a company that does this.


that demo rumor was crap... if anything I'd guess 60 minutes was the online check in for shares...

it was family sharing said so many times in many ways and now
greenburg just flat out denied the demo claims...
If what CBOAT confirmed is true, then Greenberg didn't lie as they're technically not demos you play for an hour, which he was asked. They're full games you download but can only play for an hour. I don't know who to believe, but CBOAT has a great track record, and everyone at MS lately don't. I'm leaning towards CBOAT.
He straight up denied the rumor.

Although I guess he could be lying or misleading. He also says the share plan might make a return in the future.


What else will they say? They have zero reason to tell the truth since the system was scrapped. Besides he just said not true that was confusing. Could mean the system allowed for game sharing if the dev wanted or they could put a time limit.

The problem is we have no idea.

Well we have the real story. Cboat.
What else will they say? They have zero reason to tell the truth

Not to be a young whippersnapper idealist, but highly-placed executives do have a reason not to straight up lie, as lies are often exposed, and high-profile liars are not looked upon kindly by anyone.

I am not sure what he's saying exactly. Perhaps he means they're not "demos" but merely time-limited "full games."

Or maybe... I don't know what.


At this point I'm more inclined to believe CBOAT.
Nevermind that if they're being overly literal it may well be something like a 60 minute limit to play a game per day and perhaps allowing saves, and thus it's not a demo so much as very limited sharing. Which actually doesn't sound like TOO bad of an idea as it'd probably push all but the most casual people to buying the games, and those casual people are kept roped into gaming as a result.

... But I can see 10 people being way too liberal of a limit anyway, and it's not enough to justify a full physical lock down, just an incentive to go with the digital version of a game.


ADD New Gen Gamer
I still think it's funny how MS is playing this off like a major loss. Like there was some great feature that people were actually deprived of. And how quickly people are eating this up.
Some people also believed that cloud will make the XBone 4 times as powerful.
I think this plan was really vapourware, designed to quiet the rumblings of the masses up in arms about DRM. I don't think it was ever seriously a feature and it was probably a last minute thing they wanted to add to make the whole DRM thing more attractive but found out it wasn't feasible or over promised.

I mean if its true and you could share your games with 10 people then why not shout it from the rooftops? Why are details so scarce? Because it would've been a HUGE move by MS and could've got slot of gamers back on side with them. They could've used it to champion their strategy. I mean I would've felt with the used game policy if I knew I could shar my library and other could share there's with me. That's better then getting $10 at GameStop.

Besides what's stopping them from keeping this feature with digital games?


If what CBOAT confirmed is true, then Greenberg didn't lie as they're technically not demos you play for an hour, which he was asked. They're full games you download but can only play for an hour. I don't know who to believe, but CBOAT has a great track record, and everyone at MS lately don't. I'm leaning towards CBOAT.

Technically, the full game is accessible. I think he is lying or hiding behind wording. Both options are more believable than him telling the truth after everything that happened and cboat being wrong.


Oh, so I guess this is the reason CBoaT said the DRM was even worse than we realised.

This just seems like a copy of PS+ full game trials to be honest. It's no great loss then. Rather devious of MS not to be upfront about the nature of the sharing, but I always thought there must be a catch because full sharing between 10 friends would just be so...un-Microsoft.
Microsoft and obfusication seems to go hand in hand with regards to the Xbox One. They only have themselves to blame for everything that's happened to them.
I'm more likely to believe Cboat too.
If game sharing was cool at all. We would have heard about it at E3. The only time it was talked about was when people asked. Now that the DRM is gone they are trying to make us feel bad about all these "features" we lost that they didn't even talk about. It sat on a spreadsheet on their website and that's it.

I wonder why that is?? They took so much shit all week. Why not spread some good news??

Hmmm let's think about it.


As much as CBOAT is untouchable to you guys, he does have things wrong as well.

But who am I kidding, this is GAF. Everyone has their mind made up already, and nothing is going to change that.

Goon Boon

As much as CBOAT is untouchable to you guys, he does have things wrong as well.

But who am I kidding, this is GAF. Everyone has their mind made up already, and nothing is going to change that.

Link me to GAF's profile so I can send him a message about how he can change his ways.


As much as CBOAT is untouchable to you guys, he does have things wrong as well.

But who am I kidding, this is GAF. Everyone has their mind made up already, and nothing is going to change that.
Yea because it makes sense to allow 10 people to have access to your games after eliminating used sales
People who expected that MS went through so much trouble to lock you out of your used ugames to suddenly allow you to share your games across 10 consoles were dellusional.

Seriously. I mean pubs would be livid if it was what people thought it was.

This whole Xbone thing has been train wreck so far.


As much as CBOAT is untouchable to you guys, he does have things wrong as well.

But who am I kidding, this is GAF. Everyone has their mind made up already, and nothing is going to change that.

How often is he wrong? Like 1/10 or 2/10 times? He is still very reliable so the odds of this being true are pretty high.
Now does free gamesharing with 9 people sound realistic to you?

Like Atari would say it: Do the math!


If game sharing was cool at all. We would have heard about it at E3. The only time it was talked about was when people asked. Now that the DRM is gone they are trying to make us feel bad about all these "features" we lost that they didn't even talk about. It sat on a spreadsheet on their website and that's it.

I wonder why that is?? They took so much shit all week. Why not spread some good news??

Hmmm let's think about it.

Yep, much like the cloud. If it was a major feature that worked like they said it would have been central to at least one of the presentations.


Neo Member
I'm one who was really upset at the lost of this feature. I was depressed all day.
But after hearing what the family plan really was, I feel much better.
I'm getting too caught up in all of these issues, and it's affecting my work.
I'll probably take a break from gaming news for a while until close to launch dates.

Boss Man

For what it's worth, Aaron Greenberg just completely denied this rumor on twitter. NOT SHARING JUST A DEMO. NOT LIMITED TO 60 MINUTES.

I like how his reply is that "that's confusing" as if this family sharing thing was ever even clearly described to us to begin with. It was full of conflicting information even within MS, and it was obvious that they were circling around some huge caveat whatever it was. There's no doubt in my mind that CBOAT is correct.


What I don't get is if CBOAT knew about this, why he didn't blow the top off the sharing plan last week when it actually mattered to MS, and only waited until after the plan as cancelled and some anonymous pastebin said "45-60 min demos" to "confirm"?

And why the hell would they limit "60 minute demos" to ten people? That kind of defeats the purpose of demos in the first place.
I like how his reply is that "that's confusing" as if this family sharing thing was ever even clearly described to us to begin with. It was full of conflicting information even within MS, and it was obvious that they were circling around some huge caveat whatever it was. There's no doubt in my mind that CBOAT is correct.

Reading more of Greenburg tweets.. Lol who are these people tweeting him??? My favorite is the guy wishing they included a mic. His response

I'll pass it on, the mic is so much better this time too.

Lol way to rub it in.
What I don't get is if CBOAT knew about this, why he didn't blow the top off the sharing plan last week when it actually mattered to MS, and only waited until after the plan as cancelled and some anonymous pastebin said "45-60 min demos" to "confirm"?

And why the hell would they limit "60 minute demos" to ten people? That kind of defeats the purpose of demos in the first place.

He said from the start the DRM was worse then they were leading on. Also sharing a library of ten games defeats the purpose of DRM.

We might never know the truth but from all angles it looks pretty close to the real story.
This pastebin stupidity doesn't make sense at all. If all there ever was are 45 minute full game demos, why limit access to them to one person at a time?

Why hide demos behind a paywall? But Microsoft's been doing that for years.

Why lock purchases behind a paywall? I wanted to buy Journey on launch day, only to have PSN refuse my purchase because I wasn't a PS+ member.

The answer is this: it's a trick. When you pretend something is valuable, limited, or exclusive, sometimes people will think that it really is. Hell, ask the diamond industry.

And sometimes when you give something to people that's worthless, or even something they already can get for free, they'll think you're being generous.

And even now, Microsoft is pulling this trick in reverse. They want us to think we've lost something valuable, when it never existed in the first place.

In any case, maybe this wasn't the giant "catch" to the Family Sharing Plan, but there definitely was a catch. The pieces didn't add up - and they still don't. They could still do game sharing, but they aren't. They could still do DD game resale, but they aren't (and never were going to). Nothing they designed was in our favor. The Family Sharing Plan was an illusion, and it only looked good because they got booed off the stage before the trick was over.

Sera O

Unbelievable. Games would have cost the same, but could not be used by multiple family members, shared with friends, or privately traded. And there was nothing at all to sweeten the deal besides being able to play your library anywhere without needig a disc!!!!!!!

Yeah, it's completely ridiculous and also kind of revolting. A creepy dude trying to lure kids into a van, and the candy is just a rock. Sheesh.

I wouldn't doubt that they started to freak out when they saw all the reactions by people who believed it, saying this was the one thing that would put it above the competition. Maybe they did talk to publishers trying to make it a bit better out of desperation like others mentioned, but got laughed out of the room.

I've gotta wonder what is up with the water supply on their campus. This is like watching a bunch of drunk clowns dancing.


As much as CBOAT is untouchable to you guys, he does have things wrong as well.

But who am I kidding, this is GAF. Everyone has their mind made up already, and nothing is going to change that.
I haven't seen any proof to what cboat says. He stated nothing anyone around here doesn't know or heard about already.

that mirrors edge 2 at MS E3 presentation and saying "Microsoft will pretend to have exclusives, but they won't be" even though sony did the same tactic, was some suspect shit. I really think he's a troll, or some nobody/journalist with connections trying to be some fake ass deepthroat on a gaming forum.

I really would like to feel solid like some of you feeling that we got an insider. But I want actual proof.


I haven't seen any proof to what cboat says. He stated nothing anyone around here doesn't know or heard about already.

that mirrors edge 2 at MS E3 presentation and saying "Microsoft will pretend to have exclusives, but they won't be" even though sony did the same tactic, was some suspect shit. I really think he's a troll, or some nobody/journalist with connections trying to be some fake ass deepthroat on a gaming forum.

I really would like for him to surprise me with some actual insider information.
Fishing for attention eh?


What I don't get is if CBOAT knew about this, why he didn't blow the top off the sharing plan last week when it actually mattered to MS, and only waited until after the plan as cancelled and some anonymous pastebin said "45-60 min demos" to "confirm"?

And why the hell would they limit "60 minute demos" to ten people? That kind of defeats the purpose of demos in the first place.

I think he has to be careful with his leaks so he doesn't get caught and loses his job. Also it seems like he tries to confirm stuff with other sources first before leaking them.
As much as CBOAT is untouchable to you guys, he does have things wrong as well.

But who am I kidding, this is GAF. Everyone has their mind made up already, and nothing is going to change that.

It doesn't matter one bit. Whether this was the turd hiding in the cake or not, there's no question that a turd was in there.
I really would like to feel solid like some of you feeling that we got an insider. But I want actual proof.

There is ample proof that at least at some point in time he was as insider as insiders get. You can see it in his post history. He posted info about Xbox 360 way way WAY anyone else had even any inkling of it, and it was totally non-obvious.

I agree that some of this stuff lately has been a little vague, and when not vague then wrong.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
These things need to be formally written and approved through legal. You just can't throw it out there without risking causing more issues. Policies internally can be discussed and more or less laid out but that doesn't mean they can immediately list them without them being worded properly and gone through legal.

I know, which lends credence to why it was always vague and not clarified officially.

And looking at the rest of this thread, when you have any of their reps even mention stuff everyone just says you can't believe them anyway. So there's apparently nothing they can do.
I haven't seen any proof to what cboat says. He stated nothing anyone around here doesn't know or heard about already.

that mirrors edge 2 at MS E3 presentation and saying "Microsoft will pretend to have exclusives, but they won't be" even though sony did the same tactic, was some suspect shit. I really think he's a troll, or some nobody/journalist with connections trying to be some fake ass deepthroat on a gaming forum.

I really would like to feel solid like some of you feeling that we got an insider. But I want actual proof.

Hahahaha. Damn some of you are quite delusional. I guess I can expect this from people trying to validate their future purchase of an Xbone.
I know, which lends credence to why it was always vague and not clarified officially.

And looking at the rest of this thread, when you have any of their reps even mention stuff everyone just says you can't believe them anyway. So there's apparently nothing they can do.

Why can't a rep say family sharing was not just a timer on a full game??

All we get is cryptic responses like not true, that's confusing or we get the polygon guy. Confirmed Sharing is not demos.

It leaves everything open to interpretation.

Very odd

Personally I think they want consumers to think we lost something truly great by giving up the great DRM in the sky.


He straight up denied the rumor.

Although I guess he could be lying or misleading. He also says the share plan might make a return in the future.


that demo rumor was crap... if anything I'd guess 60 minutes was the online check in for shares...

it was family sharing said so many times in many ways and now
greenburg just flat out denied the demo claims...

CBOAT confirmed 60 minutes. For something. In the context of the thread that he posted it implied a timer on play. So it comes down to believing an exec or believing CBOAT, as has happened often recently. I'm going with CBOAT. Not to say they can't both be right, depending on the terms of the plan - but yeah, we're not going to find out about those now. If we see family sharing again, it may be under a different name and the terms will have changed.

I haven't seen any proof to what cboat says. He stated nothing anyone around here doesn't know or heard about already.

that mirrors edge 2 at MS E3 presentation and saying "Microsoft will pretend to have exclusives, but they won't be" even though sony did the same tactic, was some suspect shit. I really think he's a troll, or some nobody/journalist with connections trying to be some fake ass deepthroat on a gaming forum.

I really would like to feel solid like some of you feeling that we got an insider. But I want actual proof.

HAHAHA, you are salty as hell. CBOAT doesn't give a shit what you or any of the doubters think of him, he only posts to give info when he shows up. If he were posting negative info on Sony instead you'd be all over it. You're really in no position to be demanding proof. The proof is that he's been right about almost all his leaks. The mods know way the hell more about his legitimacy than you do.


Oh shit! I thought cboat went into hibernating until next year lol.

Crazy stuff. Family plan basically a 60 minute demo.


Dead Man

Why can't a rep say family sharing was not just a timer on a full game??

All we get is cryptic responses like not true, that's confusing or we get the polygon guy. Confirmed Sharing is not demos.

It leaves everything open to interpretation.

Very odd

Personally I think they want consumers to think we lost something truly great by giving up the great DRM in the sky

Pretty much. If they actually had a point, they would be shouting it clearly.


I haven't seen any proof to what cboat says. He stated nothing anyone around here doesn't know or heard about already.

that mirrors edge 2 at MS E3 presentation and saying "Microsoft will pretend to have exclusives, but they won't be" even though sony did the same tactic, was some suspect shit. I really think he's a troll, or some nobody/journalist with connections trying to be some fake ass deepthroat on a gaming forum.

I really would like to feel solid like some of you feeling that we got an insider. But I want actual proof.

John Ricciardi and the other mods know who he is and trust him, that's good enough for me

Dead Man

I haven't seen any proof to what cboat says. He stated nothing anyone around here doesn't know or heard about already.

that mirrors edge 2 at MS E3 presentation and saying "Microsoft will pretend to have exclusives, but they won't be" even though sony did the same tactic, was some suspect shit. I really think he's a troll, or some nobody/journalist with connections trying to be some fake ass deepthroat on a gaming forum.

I really would like to feel solid like some of you feeling that we got an insider. But I want actual proof.

Yea because it makes sense to allow 10 people to have access to your games after eliminating used sales


I'm amazed at the amount of people who actually thought the family share plan would include the full game.

Completely preposterous. MS rarely, if ever, gives away anything fore free...OF THEIR OWN, but somehow they're going to let 10 people share a 3rd party game.

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