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Xbox event: Make your predictions GAF


Fable 4 please.

The third one was underwhelming but I need more games where I can fart in villager's faces. This time through the power of Kinect®.


I'd happily take the app crap, ESPN prattle, twitter-shitter, cable fluff in this event if they PROMISE to be laser focused on pure gaming at their e3 presser.

No fucking Reggie Bush, no Kinect kids, just straight up games yo.
60% entertainment
40% games

Kinect 2.0
Not always-online
Will play used games
Will play Windows 8 games
Live tiered pricing
No price talk


When the livestream breaks GAF will be full of posts saying "ALWAYS ONLINE LOL"

-COD Ghosts demo
-Something Halo related (Halo 5 teaser/Halo Wars 2?)
-APPS , holy lord will there be a massive list of apps.
-Whatever happened to RYSE? We'll find out.
-New interface that looks a lot like Win8
-Console, specs and Controller reveal before anything else is shown.
-Alan Wake 2? Not until E3.
-NO PRICE ANNOUNCEMENT, they would be dumbasses to pull the trigger before Sony.

and don't forget the XBL Gold price raise.


Show starts with Sony Logo and everyone is like WTF.

They will walkout with a real lancer and Chainsaw Sony Logo in half. Then state that MS decides when Next Gen Starts by showing off the most amazing halo game from 343 and BlackTusk plus FOrza. Then say BC is the box and Apps are cool so are all the games that when made work on Win8 and Xbox.


Let's take a shot at this:

- Console Shown/2 Models
- Specs
- Kinect 2.0/IllumiRoom
- Services/TV
- Apps
- BC
- Not Always-On
- Allows Used Games
- EA Partnership (maybe E3)
- Third Party Games: CoD: Ghost, Epic
- First Party: PGR5, Alan Wake 2, Ryse, Rare + Kinect Games/Demos
- No Price Announcement


I think the Xbox event will be eerily similar to Sony's event.
-Brief talk about previous system
-Design philosophy around ease of access and living room dominance
-Feature list (motion control, DVR, online community, "biggest names in games on the system"
-Possible comments from developers
-Show off tech demos of a few games, all with Kinect 2.0 functions, a few being motion controls only
-Hint at possible exclusives and "First on Xbox" mentality
-Ends with reveal of console, controller, Kinect 2.0, and BC through disc-less 360 attachment
-"See our new console 'first' on June 10th.

They will most likely not include any dance parties or kitschy services core games do not care about as much. All of that will be present at E3.
They're probably going to increase Live's price. They won't go into detail, but the writing is on the wall.
I doubt that. More likely they'll hold the price the same, but add back the family options to allow you to use it across multiple accounts with a single subscription.


Console and controller will be shown
No Always online requirement
No Backwards compatibility
Xbox Live Gold going the PSN+ route (free games and discounts for Gold members), Silver members still unable to play online.
Kinect 2.0 showcase
Media apps talk
Trailers for Alan Wake 2, Ryse, Project Gotham Racing 5 and CoD next
Man, people here really hate on the Xbox huh. I remember the PS4 announcement tread being much different and less insulting than this.

Microsoft - Nothing but terrifying rumours leading up to the reveal.

Sony - Little to nothing known leading up to the reveal.

Obviously massive Sony-slant on NeoGAF, right?!?!?!!
spot on.


Power apart, Might aswell be a new 360 sku reveal , nothing unpredictable or fresh if that was the showing

-it'll be backwards compatible with all Xbox 360 games, and that same limited list of Xbox 1 games
-some accessories will still work (chatpads, headsets, play and charge)
-there will be online authentication needed for games similar to current "industry standard" DRM, but you can still have offline play. They'll effectively phrase it as "full installs of all games, disc no longer needed!" functionality. Basically like Steam retail games.
-day and date download releases for retail games.
-voice is heavily emphasized for menu navigation, works much better than current Kinect
-better working gestures available for Kinect
-multi-tasking/app-switching similar to tablets/phones, but also for full games
-WinRT app compatibility (Windows Store stuff effectively "just works")
-expanded cloud features (better Skydrive integration)


-Alan Wake
-Some Rare stuff (both "hardcore" and Kinect)
-Some generic 3rd party stuff


I agree with the 60% entertainment/40% gaming idea

My predictions
- Delux model can serve as a DVR
- More social media focus
- Use of "Smart glass" in a social setting
- The base model will always be online and heavy on "gaming as a service" model
- The deluxe will allow for installation of games
- Pay wall will continue
- No price will be given
Microsoft - Nothing but terrifying rumours leading up to the reveal.

Sony - Little to nothing known leading up to the reveal.

Obviously massive Sony-slant on NeoGAF, right?!?!?!!

There is but I don't see the problem, opinions and all that (trolling aside of course)


Lets be honest Everyone at Microsoft Reveal will be wearing Haters Love me Shirts.

Twisted pixel and Alan wake and I'll be ready.
Not one price of anything will be shown. Not the console, the service, anything. And lots of white couches with grandmas and happy families sitting together watching some kind of television show with lots of primary colors. And arm waving. While sitting on the white couch. With grandma. Or waving grandma around... hell I don't know you get the idea.
Microsoft - Nothing but terrifying rumours leading up to the reveal.

Sony - Little to nothing known leading up to the reveal.

Obviously massive Sony-slant on NeoGAF, right?!?!?!!

Sony had the same slew of rumors before announcing the PS4:

Blocking used games
Digital only


I predict that I will be excited and think that it's cool.... just as I did the Sony announcement..... and because I'm not a curmudgeonly jaded bastard I will go about the next few months waiting for both, and excited to see what can be done with this new power.

We'll see the console, some services, Kinect 2.0 and a sizzle reel of upcoming titles. We won't get more than two demos.

They'll keep their biggest reveals for E3, this event will only give us a hint as to what they have planned.


I predict they use the word 'Xbox' and 'Platform' in the same sentence at least 100 times.

And lots of Windows 8 and Kinect jibber jabber.


Something along those lines.


Funny how people bring up some EA partnership as a plus and then in a different thread, they'll say EA is the worst company in the world.


Funny how people bring up some EA partnership as a plus and then in a different thread, they'll say EA is the worst company in the world.

Probably the people who say graphics don't matter yet when a game is shown you hear a lot of complaints about its graphics.


Games showcased (trailer or demo):
-Alan Wake 2
-Halo 5

-CoD: Ghosts
-Fallout 4
-Battlefield 4


Don't expect games besides a few teasers.

Massive console shown off.
Kinect 2.
TV stuff.

No mention of always online, BC or used games.


MS needs to hit it out of the park with media features and kinect 2.0. The industry is changing and it's not about gaming alone any more. It needs to sell itself as a proper media box and it's that way it'll stay relevant in this current climate.

As for Kinect 2.0, a new generation would bring with it greater precision and reduced latency. I am tired of using the same old controller with buttons. It scares away the casual crowd, marginalises people with disability and holds back innovation. Also, it would contribute to mitigating obesity as it demands great physical movements from the operators.

Also, it's a crying shame that "always online" for gaming will not be realized next gen. It would have helped them with gathering network data for improved stability, more precise targeted ads and cutting down on piracy. Once again, progress was halted because of rough experiences with D3 and Simcity, merely two games.

Anyway, as for the rest, MS understands the market condition far better than any of its competitors. The WiiU's performance is proof that gaming isn't what it used to be. The media features and exceedingly innovative control interface are the two primary pillars that will ensure dominance.


The name "Xbox 8" is a guarantee if Windows 8 is going to be the OS. Marketing can go wild in making people think that Xbox 8 is twice as good as PS4. I expect MS will relegate all the games stuff to their E3 conference. This will be all about Xbox 8 as a media center, how it is going to function as a DVR, partnerships with comcast etc., and the extent to which Kinect 2.0 is an improvement over 1.0.
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