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Xbox One - Help Spread the Word

What you mean selling you games?

I don't think you are aware of what a REAL nefarious business practice is.

Did you see the thread about Bethesda and Prey 2? That is an example of a nefarious business practice.

So far I really have little to no problem with this. The only thing i'm a little miffed about is the 24 hour online thing. But even that isn't the end of the world.

REAL nefarious business practice is a subjective thing. Microsoft's plans may not be nefarious to you, but they CERTAINLY are to me.

Was what Bethesda did to Human Head a insidious thing to do (assuming its true) ? YES! However, that doesn't prevent this from being so, as well.
These new "restrictions" aren't going to impede my personal gaming in any way (unless the servers go down from high volume, but that always happens at launch)

I'm also ecstatic over the thought of day 1 downloads. I'll never have to stand in line at midnight listening to people bicker about consoles again. I get enough of that on here as it is.

Yes, but it's incredibly frustrating to buy a game and not play it. You don't have to accept the fact that your game won't work on day 1: It COULD work if (A) Gaming companies actually cared and got enough servers to make their products work or (B) Trusted consumers enough not to require a check every 24 hours.

I agree that having Day 1 digital downloads is great, but I don't see how that is at all related to an always-connected, always-watching DRM system?


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Day One!

Forza 5

Ive got an internet connection, all my friends buy the same games(so we can play together online), and i can trade in the games i dont feel like keeping.


Gold Member
This isn't about necessarily wanting to trade games or having a shit connection.

I've bought a shitload of games this gen, luckily I tend to make good purchases, I sold about 5 max.
I have a reliable fibre optic connection with unlimited bandwidth.

I could live without used/lending games. Online connection is no problem either... but I don't want to deal with these things. If we can change this for the better then we should, there is nothing about what XBone will implement which will benefit consumers.





I'm 100% on board for any boycott. We'll cross this bridge with Sony as well if they go down this road.

Microsoft has now come out in the open and stood behind what we all feared. There's no confusion left but in the tiniest nuances of this story: they are gunning for us as consumers, and it's either we stop it now or this industry radically changes into something not worth saving (if it even survives at all anyway).

If this not worth a boycott, absolutely no bit of game news would ever warrant such. If this is not worth a boycott, then we might as well all just go home and allow any business to take advantage of us simply because we don't want to put in the effort to push back. If this is not worth a boycott, then we never really loved games in the first place and this hobby of ours needs to go down in flames anyway.

I say, if this is not worth a boycott, then nothing in this industry ever would be.


This is gaming's DIVX moment. Think of how thoroughly fucked the home video market would be if DVD had lost to DIVX. Back in the day, there were people standing in front of Circuit City handing out flyers warning people about this shit. It's sad to think that consumers have gotten so traumatized by corporations in the last 15 years that the idea of standing up for yourself has become so distasteful.
The "don't include me/stop saying 'we'" posts are pretty funny. Did someone drag you in here kicking and screaming to force you to participate in helping spread the word?


my cake, fuck off
I don't sell games or rent games, so this doesn't bother me. Sucks that it will negatively affect people though. This is the future of gaming.
This makes you look stupid.

Less drama.

The only vote that matters is the vote with your wallet.

I think all of us that are disgusted plan to do exactly that. We're just adding a few more votes by educating people who don't spend their day on video game message boards. We'll allow them the same chance to "vote with your wallet". Thanks for the insult though.

The Lamp

I wonder how many of the valiant boycotters will change face next week when a cool game is shown off for the Xbone. I bet it's easy for people to abandon their rights for a game they want to play. Lol.
It's a salient point. Why do you think the Kinect is always on... added entertainment? It's to mine consumer data.


The reason the XBox ONE Kinect is a mandatory part of the system isn't part of an Orwellian scheme to watch you sleep and monitor you for malicious thoughts. There's a minor chance it could be used to "data mine", which really only means that it'll monitor your skin's pigmentation during certain ads, to see if you're "engaged" with the product. But there's a high chance that tech might not even work, and if that data would even be useful to advertisers. Frankly, there's nothing to say that you can't just point the damn thing at a wall & cover the microphone with tape.

It's a required part of the system, because that's the only way Microsoft can convince developers to use it. Remember the earliest model 360s? The ones that didn't contain hard drives? That decision ended up biting Microsoft in the ass at the tail end of this generation, because developers had to compromise their games. They couldn't rely on a hard drive being present in the system, which made making huge games like Halo 4 a complete nightmare.

They aren't going to fuck that up again with the ONE. There will be a Kinect in every box, and so it's impossible for an SKU without a Kinect to even exist - it's a mandatory part of the architecture. But it's absurd to think that the Kinect will need to see you in order for the console to function. New Kinect might be miles better than the past version, but I'd bet good money it'll be far from 100% foolproof. This is the same reasoning why we'll never see the "Only x amount of people are authorized to be in the room to watch this content" patents come to fruition, because they're comically easy to trick.


I've got to be honest. It is hilarious that some posters had the same reaction to the news that both Xbox and ps4 would be open to f2p business models.
And when the time comes, we'll be mature enough to make the choice of "console or PC"?

I love gaming. I grew up gaming. I will never stop gaming.
These new "restrictions" aren't going to impede my personal gaming in any way (unless the servers go down from high volume, but that always happens at launch)

I'm also ecstatic over the thought of day 1 downloads. I'll never have to stand in line at midnight listening to people bicker about consoles again. I get enough of that on here as it is.

It won't impede my personal gaming in any way either, until it does. Every inch gamers give we'll never get back. There are better ways to implement DRM than this, ways that don't kill the culture we all grew up with.

I feel bad for my future kids man, it's sad.

The Lamp

steam is very closed market place.

Steam also let's me get games for dirt cheap unlike anything Microsoft has ever laid hands on.

You really expect a regulated console market by Microsoft to pass savings onto the consumer? Since when in the high fuck do they do that for people? They gouged people for $100 wifi adapters. What makes you think because profits increase and cost reduces that they will pass any savings on to the customer? They raised the price of Live recently didn't they?
Not sure what that has to do with my original statement. Unless you're implying that all you care about gaming is borrowing games, something I personally haven't done when I was a pre-teen more than 15 years ago.

No, all I care about is not just borrowing. It's an example of an option that we currently have in terms of our ownership of physical media, as opposed to a list of permissions assigned to something. As this very moment you may not care about no longer having the permission to borrow a game from someone, but circumstances change, is it beyond the realm of possibility, for example, that you may not be able to afford to buy games as much as you do now due to changes you can't foresee? In that event a barrier that never existed before in the history of console gaming now exists that will prevent you from borrowing a game from someone. Again, it's just an example. These are needless, anti-consumer measures and thinking that they are not a problem now just because everything is fine now is myopic. Sim City was a great idea until the servers went down.
Yep. I understand people gettin out the pitchforks but none of this affects me one bit. I'm just going to be happy to not have to get up and put in a disc to swap games. I'm a grown adult with a family - I don't trade games nor buy 2nd hand and have a great Internet connection with a LTE connection as a fallback. I have more money than time.

all of this.


Yes, but it's incredibly frustrating to buy a game and not play it. You don't have to accept the fact that your game won't work on day 1: It COULD work if (A) Gaming companies actually cared and got enough servers to make their products work or (B) Trusted consumers enough not to require a check every 24 hours.

I agree that having Day 1 digital downloads is great, but I don't see how that is at all related to an always-connected, always-watching DRM system?

MS checks in to make sure your digital download isn't pirated, they look like the devil.
People feel so entitled with this crap. "I supported you with my money for so long, now you're changing things to make sure others aren't taking advantage and jacking you shit? How dare you!"

MS threw out the number of 300k servers for XboxLive this gen, so i believe they're investing.

And to whoever said Destiny; I love you and hope to kick your ass.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Oh dear, how depressing it is that some people are this eager to throw their consumer rights away.


Waste of time right now. People have a 10 minute memory. Wait till we have all the information on BOTH systems and then do this right before release.
I'm 100% on board for any boycott. We'll cross this bridge with Sony as well if they go down this road.

Microsoft has now come out in the open and stood behind what we all feared. There's no confusion left but in the tiniest nuances of this story: they are gunning for us as consumers, and it's either we stop it now or this industry radically changes into something not worth saving (if it even survives at all anyway).

If this not worth a boycott, absolutely no bit of game news would ever warrant such. If this is not worth a boycott, then we might as well all just go home and allow any business to take advantage of us simply because we don't want to put in the effort to push back. If this is not worth a boycott, then we never really loved games in the first place and this hobby of ours needs to go down in flames anyway.

I say, if this is not worth a boycott, then nothing in this industry ever would be.

#teamamir0x. I'm in.


I'm 100% on board for any boycott. We'll cross this bridge with Sony as well if they go down this road.

Microsoft has now come out in the open and stood behind what we all feared. There's no confusion left but in the tiniest nuances of this story: they are gunning for us as consumers, and it's either we stop it now or this industry radically changes into something not worth saving (if it even survives at all anyway).

If this not worth a boycott, absolutely no bit of game news would ever warrant such. If this is not worth a boycott, then we might as well all just go home and allow any business to take advantage of us simply because we don't want to put in the effort to push back. If this is not worth a boycott, then we never really loved games in the first place and this hobby of ours needs to go down in flames anyway.

I say, if this is not worth a boycott, then nothing in this industry ever would be.

You fuckers better not throw gallons of paint on me as I walk out of Best Buy with my XBONE/PS4...


Steam also let's me get games for dirt cheap unlike anything Microsoft has ever laid hands on.

You really expect a regulated console market by Microsoft to pass savings onto the consumer? Since when in the high fuck do they do that for people? They gouged people for $100 wifi adapters. What makes you think because profits increase and cost reduces that they will pass any savings on to the customer?

You are predicting the future.. you dont know until it happens. first you need to make the environment for it to happen.
I for one will be buying the console day one because nothing on the list affects me. But I can see how someone is a less unfortunate situation would not be tempted to get one.

Will you buy the console? but da downgrade! xD

If games price in Xbox One are lower than today prices, I will be in.


Serious question, am not a PC gamer but how much different is this then steam?
Steam is on an open marketplace with competition that drives prices down.
You also don't need to connect online to play your offline games after purchasing them once.
You also have backwards compatibility.

Xbox One offers NONE of these things.
I think all of us that are disgusted plan to do exactly that. We're just adding a few more votes by educating people who don't spend their day on video game message boards. We'll allow them the same chance to "vote with your wallet". Thanks for the insult though.

You and others like you wringing your hands and clawing at your face are acting like this is the first time a company has done something it's customers disagree with.

It's either going to work out for Microsoft or it won't. (Sony as well but not as many have seemed to figure out they're going to do the same thing)

Comments like "We deserve better than this." only serves to give ammunition to games journalism that will invariably try to paint us as entitled whiners. It shows a remarkable lack of perspective and wisdom.

I didn't say you are stupid. I said it makes you look stupid. You've been on GAF for quite some time. You're capable of more than this.
I wanted to give Microsoft the benefit of the dought throughout this whole ordeal, I have loved my 360, gears is one of my favourite games this generation. But how do they justify these things, I can't wrap my head around it.


Steam also let's me get games for dirt cheap unlike anything Microsoft has ever laid hands on.

You really expect a regulated console market by Microsoft to pass savings onto the consumer? Since when in the high fuck do they do that for people? They gouged people for $100 wifi adapters. What makes you think because profits increase and cost reduces that they will pass any savings on to the customer?

A couple months back I picked up a bunch of games from their Games on Demand sale for like 60-70% off. For example, picked up Mortal Kombat, Civilization Revolution, Assassin's Creed 2, and Dirt 2 for $10 each. Granted, they don't do that very often, but it does indeed happen.

I'm sure they're looking at Steam trying to emulate that community and fanfare through digital game sales. With an all digital system going against 2 not all digital systems, they're going to have to sweeten the pot somehow.


Steam also let's me get games for dirt cheap unlike anything Microsoft has ever laid hands on.

You really expect a regulated console market by Microsoft to pass savings onto the consumer? Since when in the high fuck do they do that for people? They gouged people for $100 wifi adapters. What makes you think because profits increase and cost reduces that they will pass any savings on to the customer? They raised the price of Live recently didn't they?

you're forgetting a very important party—the publishers.

I know everyone on this board has an irrational hatred for iOS but *gasp* there are sales on iOS! because developers compete with each other within the walled garden. let's use some common sense people.

games will continue to bomb and when they do, they will continue to be offered at heavily discounted prices. just as they are at brick and mortar stores for consoles, just as they are on steam.
You and others like you wringing your hands and clawing at your face are acting like this is the first time a company has done something it's customers disagree with.

It's either going to work out for Microsoft or it won't. (Sony as well but not as many have seemed to figure out they're going to do the same thing)

Comments like "We deserve better than this." only serves to give ammunition to games journalism that will invariably try to paint us as entitled whiners. It shows a remarkable lack of perspective and wisdom.

I didn't say you are stupid. I said it makes you look stupid. You've been on GAF for quite some time. You're capable of more than this.

Game journalists have been calling us entitled whiners for ages. Why would that matter now?
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