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Yu-Gi-Oh The Dark Side of Dimensions impression thread

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I guess since we don't have an OT for the movie I thought I'd make this. I arrived at the theater first and was able to get my obelisk without any trouble.

-The animation was just as good as what appeared in the trailers, both traditional and CG.
-I've heard the music was changed, but the soundtrack is still great (for fans of the original motif, it's definitely satisfying)
-The dub was pretty good, probably best when delivering a comedy line.
-Speaking of comedy, the lbits that were in the movie were pretty funny (Kaiba actually delivered some of the best ones). Didn't expect that many coming in to it.
-The tone is a bit darker than anything I remember of Duel Monsters. However, I have never seen anything past season 3 of the original (ironically, when I was a child I thought the series ended with Pyramid of Light).
-For people who like their Kaiba as an egomaniac, you will be greatly satisfied

Spoilerish stuff:
Dimension summoning is never really elaborated, and something that was never introduced into the game itself it makes me confused
Anything involving cards that I wasn't familiar with was confusing, even as someone who knows the majority of the movie pack's contents.
Dark Aigami's design is very good, and suitably creepy.
The final duel could stand to have lasted longer.
Obelisk was a complete asspull and was never explained even if it looked really fucking cool

Takeaways for people who want to see it:
-Look over some of the cards from the movie pack so you have a basis for what is going on (the cubics are changed a bit so you don't need to really read those outside of Crimson Nova, who is unchanged).
-Some of the plot holes may make more sense if you read the prequel manga. It has been released in english, but I haven't read it myself.
Typical ygo movie with the same issues the other ygo movies had

+ kaiba steals the show, his classic dub va is still incredible in the role
+ I like the additions to the ygo canon
involving shadi and dark bakura
it feels like an explanation that was planned for the manga but cut for time
+ 4kids had some of that classic 4kids ygo cheese that worked without going overboard

-the duels suck like they always due in these films
-the villain sucks like they always due in these films
-the film is nearly two hours long and has several moments that could have been cut completely (
the bullies, joey in the other dimension

I think Bonds Beyond Time is the more satisfying ygo movie since it has the best movie duel and celebrates the 10 year anniversary really well. Darkside of dimensions is funnier and tickled the nostalgia bone better and feels like a story written by the original author warts and all.


Stuff I didn't like:

-The movie is way too long. It's runtime is over 2 hours, and it felt way longer than that. All the flashback stuff should have been cut, and the really slow opening act needed to be sliced in half. I'm thankful there were no children in my showing, because they probably would have lost their minds watching this

-Dimension Summoning gets zero explanation. Why does it matter if they are fully infusing their energy into their cards? It's like they forgot the conversation "Yo dawg, if your monsters die and you infused them with too much energy, it eats at your soul!" or something

The asspull of Obelisk didn't surprise me that much (why else was I handed an Obelisk card when I bought my ticket?), but it still makes zero sense in the context of this movie.

Stuff I liked:

-Seto Kaiba is Donald Trump, except that instead of #BuildTheWall, he built a goddamn elevator to space.

-Mokuba's outfit this movie is FIRE

-I'm not sure if it was done in the Japanese version, but the fact that you could read english text on cards instead of them just being pictures like the show was really cool

I thought the movie was mediocre, leaning more towards bad than good. The pacing is legitimately awful


-I'm not sure if it was done in the Japanese version, but the fact that you could read english text on cards instead of them just being pictures like the show was really cool

The pictures only thing has only ever applied to the dub TV anime. Japan has always had the full cards.
The dub versions are only able to get away with it for the movies. I think it does help with presentation values though.

I may be in the minority, but I actually appreciated the flashbacks given that I never actually saw season 5, and I only really knew about the ring from secondhand reading. And I think the joey scene was necessary to
illustrate what actually happened to people offed by the cube
As a person who watched Yugioh back in the day but wasn't crazy about it and hardly remembers anything about it now, I saw it with my friends just now and liked it. I don't really have any complaints. I just thought it was a good movie. But again, I hardly remember anything about Yugioh and didn't really know what I'd criticize. Some things that could have been weird I may have hand waved as "it'd probably make more sense if I knew the show"
After putting some thought into it, I think I found out how Dimension Dueling works...

Using your spirit energy limits to how many monsters you can summon in 1 turn, which is how
Aigami was able to summon all those cubes. They have 0 attack points, meaning no spirit energy needs to be put in.

The movie didn't explain it much, but I believe that's how it went. Dimension dueling is still crazy as heck to understand.


Havent kept up with the series in a while, but saw this on a whim. Yeah, the film dragged a bit. It also felt like Dimension dueling was OP for the sake of being OP. It's a mediocre flick, but it's to be expected with this franchise. I may say more, but I need more time to collect my thoughts and I'm currently on mobile.
Just watched the movie a few hour ago. Glad I watched it, but basically hard to follow even for YGO fans. As most stated, Dimension dueling is never really explained, and makes it hard to understand. Some summons in the movie come out of left field, even for YGO standards which is already at the "summon anything you want at any turn" level. The movie could have been shorter, it drags halfway through, yet the final match was not as epic as one would have expected.

Kaiba summoning that Dimension or whatever it was final Blue Eyes was ultimate bs, no idea how he even did it. Also, Obelisk coming out of the ground was odd, welcomed, but the god cards never show up again.
The Joey lost in memories segment could have been complete cut, just boring and did nothing plot wise.
Atem not even speaking at the end was crappy. Just one line would have made it epic. Thinking back, it was a missed opportunity. The silence really does nothing. They even acknowledge he did come back (not a memory or mirage), so why not have him uter one line at least.
Very cool that Yugi ended up using Gandora to practically beat Kaiba.
Kaiba was great in the movie. Almost back to full on villain. Excellently done. His one liners where the best ("Your gonna beat me with fruit?". Cool to see Mokuba as well.

Overall, fun for YGP fans, hope they make more, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Need to see it in Japanese.
Anything cool with Bakura?

Adding spoiler tag in case since I couldn't answer without going into a bit of the movie's story.
Bakura himself does not do much. There is a part of the movie that covers his origin on how he got the Millennium Ring and with Bakura's dad. Its not really that important to the overall movie, and Bakura never duels (I was hopping he would, but nope). Overall, there are some jokes with him, and he is part of the gang, but he is still a secondary character.
I know this is a bump but how did kaiba get obelisk? Also how can any spirits be in any of the millennium items if the last episode of the show had them all removed from them?
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