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Zelda Wii U - Recap of 5 hours gameplay stream



...the Brige of Eldin from Twilight Princess

Come on, people.

Twilight Princess had TWO really big bridges. TWO.


Great Bridge of Hylia. Long stone bridge over Lake Hylia with supports.

The bridge in Zelda U is a long stone bridge over Lake Hylia with supports just like the Great Bridge of Hylia.


Other than references to an ancient sea that's been unflooded and the Koroks, I'd say there's very little indication that it's in the WW timeline. Especially when a major part of that story was leaving Hyrule behind and in ST they established a new Hyrule. As well as the fact that the Master Sword is in a much different location. I'd say of all time lines it kinda best seems to establish a connection to the NES Zeldas. There is some resemblance to Zelda 2's overworld and Breath of the Wild's. Zelda 2's Hyrule is also the largest version of Hyrule until BotW. Also the old man has made appearances in the majority of the titles in the "Fallen Link" timeline.

I'd say the Korok's are a pretty big tie-in, however. They're only in WW and the means for their existing - evolving with the big ol' flood as the motivator - seems only possible in that timeline. Their involvement in draining the great sea does seem like it would give the reason for people to leave the new continent of new Hyrule, but as I've said before, that's not solid in the slightest. There's also a salt item that seemingly makes reference to an ancient sea.

There are more connections to the NES timeline than I had found, however, so thank you for that. The old man does seem like it might connect to the NES games, but it could also just be a nice homage as well. There's also the theory out there that the old man looks like the King of Hyrule from WW.

Unfortunately, we're not going to know the answer for a long time, probably. But it's fun to dig in and find these references. There's evidence for a couple of different scenarios.

How the hell are you even supposed to reach that flying island?

You do a sweet trick on your shield off a ramp on Death Mountain.


Membero Americo
Anyone think the Master Sword may get an upgrade with the new technology that we see the bombs and bow and arrow receive during the game?

Well, it's rusty as hell so you'll probably have to restore it and then yeah there's probably gonna be upgrades for it.
Woke up to see people discovered a airship and a big monster at Death Mountain. Man this game is insane!

BTW, I may also discovered something. Do you think that skeleton creature on the cliff is Stallord in Twilight Princess?

I remember Aonuma hinted connections between Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild. Could this be one of these connections? Are we going to kill and bury Stallord, leading it to be a part of the Arbiter's Grounds?

Aonuma said:
"While making the latest title for The Legend of Zelda, when I look at this remake, I feel like this is the origin point of the new title we’re making right now. After playing this game you may have some “Oh I see!” moments when playing the [upcoming] new game, so I’ll be glad if you play Twilight Princess HD while waiting in anticipation for the latest title of Legend of Zelda.


How the hell are you even supposed to reach that flying island?

I would imagine carrying a big metallic boulder to one of the mountain peaks and as its passing by, stasis the metallic boulder build up kinetic energy in the direction of floating isle and then climb on metalic bouder before stasis runs out and hang on for your life!
I'm wondering if they will try to balance the weapon durability for the Master Sword. If it 'broke' would you keep it but it would do very little damage until you repair it? Or will it just never break? Same with the shields, will there be one that won't break?

I'm really hoping that they don't just throw that mechanic down the drain at a certain point in the game.
Woke up to see people discovered a airship and a big monster at Death Mountain. Man this game is insane!

BTW, I may also discovered something. Do you think that skeleton creature on the cliff is Stallord in Twilight Princess?

I remember Aonuma hinted connections between Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild. Could this be one of these connections? Are we going to kill and bury Stallord, leading it to be a part of the Arbiter's Grounds?

For me, the giant skeleton reminded me of Captain Keeta in Majora's Mask.


I'm in the Wind Waker unflooded Hyrule camp too. only because of the Korok connection, but it's a strong one. Really don't think they'd specifically bring those back and not just the Kokiri or some new twist on them. To me that indicates a post-flood intention, as they're directly tied to the flood in Wind Waker.


I'm in the Wind Waker unflooded Hyrule camp too. only because of the Korok connection, but it's a strong one. Really don't think they'd specifically bring those back and not just the Kokiri or some new twist on them. To me that indicates a post-flood intention, as they're directly tied to the flood in Wind Waker.

Yeah definitely. It's like we finally get to explore the Hyrule under the ocean that we always wanted to in Wind Waker.


Woke up to see people discovered a airship and a big monster at Death Mountain. Man this game is insane!

BTW, I may also discovered something. Do you think that skeleton creature on the cliff is Stallord in Twilight Princess?

I remember Aonuma hinted connections between Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild. Could this be one of these connections? Are we going to kill and bury Stallord, leading it to be a part of the Arbiter's Grounds?

It might not be the same timeline, but maybe it's the equivalent of Stallord in another timeline.

(Pretty sure it's impossible for this game to take place before Twilight Princess (after OoT) given that Ganondorf is imprisoned in between there and that means no Ganon.)


The idea that you are the one that make marks on the map, sound like music to me, have been calling for this for years.

The amibo thing is a bummer, does every Nintendo game has to have them?

Looks like a potentially great game, that is going exactly where I want open world games to go.

Huge size is a concern, but it could be an advantage as well.

I'm not a Zelda fan but this one looks like its going to be special, I hope the story has enough wait to sell what is happening.


no prob I was actually in the process of making it right before your post :p

Might as well post the Tony Hawk one as well:


I love it. The fact that the enemy's head follows as Link jumps over him really sells it. And the hitboxes in the game seem pretty on point. This game has some of the most intricate and interesting enemy actions, reactions, and interactions I've seen in a long time. In one of the videos, a guy accidentally chases a boar into an enemy camp and the enemies start shooting at it. Another video had a guy light his torch on fire and try to throw it at two boko's. It missed the one he aimed at, but was just close enough to set the enemy's wooden club on fire. And the enemy he threw it at watched it fly past. Then as it attacked the player with a flaming club, the other one decided to hang back, walked over to the torch, and lit his club on fire on purpose before joining the fight. The Boko-skeleton's are especially interesting. You have to kill every head because if you don't the bodies will continue to get back up and reassemble themselves. So you can have one head jumping between multiple bodies or two heads switching bodies. And if one is broken and another is still up it can grab the broken one's arm and use it as a weapon. Then the other one will get back up but has to fight with one arm. I even saw a video where one skeleton picked up another skeleton's head. It looked like it was either going to help put the head back on the other body, or throw it at link, but the player killed it before it could do anything.

I'm catching up, and in this video, the black bokoblin does 2.75 hearts of damage in one hit (so 3-heart Link survives by 1/4).

Holy shit. We Dark Souls now.

Don't forget that they didn't have any clothes or armor on, so with a full set of clothes, that monster would likely do less damage. (but that's good. allows the player to set their own challenge. And we've still seen enemies that do one shot damage even with a full set, so there will definitely be challenge)


On the live stream just a bit ago they had a clip that showed off the para-glider, where Link was in a large desert area on top of a HUGE peak with tons of land below him, and then this transitioned into the snow area with the shield boarding. The clip was broken up during the stream though because they switched back and forth between that and the live play by mistake. Does anyone know where I can see the full original clip for that part?


I wonder if I'll be able to stack a bunch of those metallic planks or blocks and play a game of giant Jenga with the Magnesis ability


On the live stream just a bit ago they had a clip that showed off the para-glider, where Link was in a large desert area on top of a HUGE peak with tons of land below him, and then this transitioned into the snow area with the shield boarding. The clip was broken up during the stream though because they switched back and forth between that and the live play by mistake. Does anyone know where I can see the full original clip for that part?

here you go, mate
I'm really wondering if heart containers are going to be a thing. It seems like food gives you enough extra hearts already. I suppose food with yellow hearts only give you those if it would heal you for more hearts than you currently have.

And then armor is also a factor.

I'm going to guess that heart expansions are in, but very rare.
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