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UC4 Game Director Justin Richmond Leaves ND (And famousmortimer leaves GAF #1393)

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So, mortimer turns out to be no better than any other supposed 'internet insider'. He posts bullshit, gets called on it and threatened with libel, shits himself and puts out a tweet saying 'Oh yeah, I was supposedly an insider, whatever that means'. Classy, very classy. And guess what, if you're not an insider, don't post shit about individuals that is obviously false and dress it up as if it's true.

Sorry about the rant but this really rankles with me. He didn't know why Col had left Evo and yet he still posts it despite the (admittedly slim but ultimately accurate) fact that it could have been for very unfortunate personal circumstances. Classless.


While i agree some are going a bit overboard here ..the issue isn't him messing up. It's how he handled it. The passive aggressive response he made first just made things much worse. And he hasn't done the case any favors by his response after the ban either

Overall...a mess. And he has noone but himself to blame for it

It's like people forget what the internet can do to a career. Speculation can lead to internet riots and then people find they have to go into a public forum and explain the truth and in his case reveal some extremely personal information to millions of people he has never met. When my daughter was born she had some serious medical conditions that I had to leave work to address. The rumor mill went around that I had been fired or stole from the company and other nonsense. I had to do the same thing and send a very personal and very hard to write open email to everyone to explain my daughter had multiple scoliosis and a brain hemorrhage. In a time where I could feel no lower I had to open up to strangers and casual colleagues just to save face. It was horrible. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering the Col. is going through.

Moral of the story: Unless you're willing to take a bullet if proven wrong, keep your MOUTH SHUT.
Gaf should take this as a lesson not to completely fly off the handle whenever a move happens in the industry. Its ridiculous. But who am I kidding, this is neogaf.

Good luck to Col.
And now we've seen all of GAF's best leakers completely drop the ball. The only accurate people we have left almost never leak anything anyway.


He should retire from twitter and his blog aswell... I liked his intel (when it turned up to be true) but he definetely crossed a line here.



Well, at least someone said it. Thanks Patrick.

This isn't even sarcastic: Thank God for Patrick.
To stop it : just make gaf non anonymous for standard members. We would see thousands of people talking to no end about shit they know nothing about.


This is an interesting situation. Journalists are trained to be judicious when they use anonymous sources. It's one thing to cite unnamed people while revealing information about a company or a product; it's quite another to cite unnamed people while disparaging someone, especially someone who isn't a public figure. At the very least, if a journalist decides it's appropriate to do that, it's only right to give that person an opportunity to comment before publication.

The idea of a "GAF insider" or "Reddit insider" or whatever is a bizarre new figure that occupies a weird space between journalist and fan, and that can be harmful in situations like this, where the insider doesn't have the experience (or an editor!) to know what's right. Sometimes this can be messy and even harmful to people, as we just saw. It's good that GAF has high standards about these situations, though.

We do? No one even tried to vet his bullshit. Hell a mod replied to him in the same page. Same with Cboat. They had to be proven wrong, in Cboats case multiple times.

FM should have stuck to shitting on MS or making vague statements about a game's success. A lot more diffucult for someone to come in and squash them.


Console launches were a great time for insider leaks but I think as this generation goes on the need for that is less and less important or fun. "Insider info" about who is leaving what studio for where and why seems more damaging than it's worth.
Reporting cold information—like when the person left the company, what role they had or if they have joined another company—is perfectly fine. Those are cold hard facts that can be backed up and verified via various sources, and tells us nothing personally about the person. When you mix personal aspects, such as office politics, into the report, it could be damaging to the person and their prospects. Gaming news spreads fast, and these days things become facts in the general public even if it wrong and/or proved wrong, a segment of the population will still believe it. It’s really dangerous and any backlash the reporter gets is, to be harsh, justified.
Delving into the personal lives of people is never a good idea, especially when you haven't actually talked to the people involved. A real journalist would at least try to get word from them before spouting what they've "heard" so I don't feel any pity for Mort. I say this as someone that always liked the guy.

Sorry about your child Col. You've got the well wishes and prayers from just about everyone here. And the apologies that you felt you had to air your personal life before thousands of strangers to clear up what was maybe not intended as malicious, but very quickly became exactly that.

It's a clusterfuck and Mort only has himself to blame.


I trusted you Mort. You broke my heart.

First Cboat, now you.

Where am I going to get my leaks now Mort? Who am I going to turn to now to get the latest insider fix?

Why did you do this. All you had to do was apologize but you didn't. WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST APOLOGIZE.

cries in a corner

you still have thuway.
I hope this is the case, 10 years ago, people here would laugh at 'insidurs' leaks, now they fall for them so easy and fast, it's probably because we are much bigger now.

I like Pete, his podcast especially is a great listen with his pal Rich but the double act with Thuway was becoming tedious , for me anyway.
you guys posting mort's tweets are off track. you should be posting his supporter's replies.

anyway, I hereby decree that I am retiring from my position of "thread bully." Whatever the fuck that ever meant. From henceforth! Good day, gents.


I'll go out on a limb and guess that Mort's ban is about more than just what he posted about Col and his pseudo-apology. I'm guessing that was the proverbial last straw.

I'd guess there was more going on. I mean, for one, we're normally not allowed to talk about bannings and such. We're allowed to in this case, probably for a reason.


y'all should be ashamed
you still have thuway.

*cries even harder*

You know, we do still have legit insiders here. They only pop up once every few months or so, usually with a few words or to confirm what others might be speculating. And then they burrow back underground. They are the true heroes. *salutes*
You know whats funny? We created Famousmortimer, CBOAT, Thuway, Proelite and all the rest of them. We hang on their every word and make 100 page threads on everything they say.

And if we are honest, did even one leak change a thing in our purchasing habits? People who wanted an Xbox one still got one. People who Want a PS4 are still going to buy one, VR/PS1-2 BC or not.

All we did was sqwable over nonsense.

Lets be real here. The reason people here love "insider" information is so we can act smug to our less informed friends and tell them games that they didnt know about were coming.

Pete Dodd is a good guy. But over time, his star rose to the point where he began to believe his own hype. Had he quit while he was ahead (#PS4noDRM), we wouldn't be here now. He wouldn't be trying to get funding for a shitty site he has no clue how to run, people wouldn't Be baying for his blood and he would still have a gaf account.

And what did his leaks achieve? What did he actually tell us that was any use. What can you even remember him leaking. Not much.

I said months ago that GAF needs a "no leaker" rule. Think you have some good juicy info? PM a mod. If the mod feels it worth sharing, they will share it. No fanfare, no opportunity for any company or individual to game the system.

Its getting the point that peoples lives are being affected. Just stop. I dont give a shit if generic videogame x is being developed or is in trouble or whatever else. If i see on the shelf and i think the released videos paint it in a good light, ill buy it. If its shit, ill just sell it.

If we are stop hanging on the words on "insiders" like babies missing a titty, nonsense like this can be avoided.
i think a ban was in order, but not a lifetime perm ban for being a "faux insider" since alot of his previous info has panned out. oh well.

Nah, that dude is full of unsubstantiated shit.
With all the rumors he is picking up you are bound to get some right, but if you credit yourself as being an insider, you need to filter the crap from the real deal. Remember this goldie? That was in february:



I'd be in the dick
I was the first backer for Pete's site and volunteered to write for it as well. I have emailed him and said I no longer feel comfortable being a part of it. I thought he had good ideas and a good outlook but I've literally felt sick and somehow partially responsible about this whole situation ever since I read Col's post.
I'm sure the mods have their reasons but it always feels weird when people get banned like this.

I know right?

It honestly feels like this place is the mob sometimes when it comes to well known people getting the boot.

Everyone's all laughing together, happy, smiling. Then the next second


Then I come online and see this shit, and I'm all like



Junior Member
Damn, this thread took a crazy crazy turn. I guess Mort got too confident, and stopped abiding by his own (and GAF's) rule about posting insider information: always verify your information through a second source.

He got lax and probably said to himself, "Yea, that seems right. I'm not gonna bother myself with cross-checking that." Simple (and lazy) as that.

But damn dude, did not think he would be this childish in his handling, after the fact. He broke GAF rules, I don't know why he feels like he doesn't have to apologize for it. Pride is a bitch, I guess. This situation has just become really petty. Not to mention the dog-pile going on in this thread now is just as childish, as if Mort never gave us any solid facts.


That's more tastelessly petulant than I would hope for in a situation like this. Particularly when there's no question that he was in the wrong.

I have always said he was an incredibly vain individual. A diva if you will. This tweet surprises me none. I hope the damage done to the Col is stemmed and cleaned up.

I wish the best for you and your family Col.


I hope this is the case, 10 years ago, people here would laugh at 'insidurs' leaks, now they fall for them so easy and fast, it's probably because we are much bigger now.

You do know that there's a gray area, right? It's not just belief or disbelief. Ten years ago I'd look at "insider leaks" and go, "Oh man, that could be true!" I'm the same nowadays. Kinda an "innocent until proven guilty" mentality because why not? What's the harm in sorta believing something that might end up being true? These "insiders" have more weight to throw around than myself, so I'm more inclined to believe them over some random user, but in the end, what they say is not fact and I understand that.

Rumors and speculation are all fun, and it doesn't mean that someone is "falling for them" when they sees those insider leaks and thinks that what they say is possible.
Reporting cold information—like when the person left the company, what role they had or if they have joined another company—is perfectly fine. Those are cold hard facts that can be backed up and verified via various sources, and tells us nothing personally about the person. When you mix personal aspects, such as office politics, into the report, it could be damaging to the person and their prospects. Gaming news spreads fast, and these days things become facts in the general public even if it wrong and/or proved wrong, a segment of the population will still believe it. It’s really dangerous and any backlash the reporter gets is, to be harsh, justified.


If I was in Col's shoes I'd be really pissed.


erotic butter maelstrom
But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

Before too long, this thread will be closed and the grave dancing will subside. This forum will forget about him and move on like he never existed in the first place. But this is the result of his conscious actions. He played with fire and got burnt. Just how the world works.
i think a ban was in order, but not a lifetime perm ban for being a "faux insider" since alot of his previous info has panned out. oh well. .

He's been right about a number of things in the past, true, and it's clear that he does have some legit inside sources.

It's also clear that, despite his occasional, loud protestations to the contrary, he cares more about the attention he gets from being perceived as an all-knowing insider than about the accuracy of the information/rumors/speculation (which is which? who can say?) he posts here as fact, regardless of the consequences to the human beings who are the subjects of his posting.

I think it's fair that the latter should outweigh the former.


It's like people forget what the internet can do to a career. Speculation can lead to internet riots and then people find they have to go into a public forum and explain the truth and in his case reveal some extremely personal information to millions of people he has never met. When my daughter was born she had some serious medical conditions that I had to leave work to address. The rumor mill went around that I had been fired or stole from the company and other nonsense. I had to do the same thing and send a very personal and very hard to write open email to everyone to explain my daughter had multiple scoliosis and a brain hemorrhage. In a time where I could feel no lower I had to open up to strangers and casual colleagues just to save face. It was horrible. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering the Col. is going through.

Moral of the story: Unless you're willing to take a bullet if proven wrong, keep your MOUTH SHUT.

Really sorry to hear about child man. Can't be easy :( I hope things have gotten better for you and your family if not will get better

As you said, we live in a different world now. Information is vital and spreads fast. It can put people in very compromising situations. This situation would have had a much lighter atmosphere if it was something like someone left a job because he fell in love with a girl in a different country so he had to move or something. But it's just a really upsetting situation for the person involved and I feel for him for having to clear the situation up by giving out such personal information to us. Hopefully he can take some comfort in knowing that, despite our flaws gaf is a place where a lot of fantastic people gather and he has their full support.

I like Mort..mainly because he was the only 'insider' who actually had some positive vita news once in a full moon at least lol (I'm still hopeful about his infamous on vita rumor! Let me DREAM!) but he handled this situation in such an unprofessional and tactless manner, I can't defend his actions. Hopefully such a situation won't repeat in the future


Damn. Going from being a champion of #NODRM movement to this in a span of a few months. It's crazy what fame can do to a person. Real shame. I'm going to miss his posts, but he should have known better. Best of luck to Col and thanks for taking the time to come here and clear the air.


DerZuhälter;106139636 said:
Nah, that dude is full of unsubstantiated shit.
With all the rumors he is picking up you are bound to get some right, but if you credit yourself as being an insider, you need to filter the crap from the real deal. Remember this goldie? That was in february:


Hmm? The Titanfall launch show with Geoff Keighley happened didn't it?

Or are you talking about the Xbox division being sold off. Considering it's only been a month and Microsoft's restructuring hasn't even really begun, I'd hold off on judging that.
Before too long, this thread will be closed and the grave dancing will subside. This forum will forget about him and move on like he never existed in the first place. But this is the result of his conscious actions. He played with fire and got burnt. Just how the world works.

Reputation is easy to earn on the internet and just as easy to tarnish.
No. Mort..... ;_;

He was "fairly" on point with the Drive Club delay. And I never questioned his accuracy. May his GAF account R.I.P in peace. It's safe to say that being an insider is a dangerous thing on GAF, you're sources better literally be from the creator of the game...

Also, I'm sad to hear about Col's son. I hope he gets better.


I get the sense that they're making an example out of him, which is fine. Nothing would come of banning him and shutting the thread down immediately. This way, the next Henceforth will think twice before posting random BS.
Why? If you post crap but it's what people want to hear, you are going to be treated like a hero.

If anything this thread and many others are an embarrassing example of how easy it is to swindle people on gaf.
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