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Is something wrong with me? I'm not impressed by this generation.


Junior Member
The myth of no games on the first year still lives on.


Add to that the earlier games of the first year:
Tekken Tag Tournament
Shadow of Memories
Onimusha: Warlords
Red Faction
Twisted Metal: Black
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Soul reaver 2

As for myself, having witnessed the three previous launches, I think this one is certainly on par with them. I've been both amazed and entertained by Killzone: Shadow Fall, Resogun, Tomb Raider, and Infamous: Second Son. Gameswise it beats the first four months of the last two launches hands down.

I have no idea what's supposed to be next gen gameplay, and what exactly did the previous launch games offer on that front, that the current ones don't. The way I remember it, the gameplay in 3rd person games was essentially the same on PS1 and PS2, and the same goes for 1st person games on PS2 and PS3. The new things were the added online element, bigger and more detailed environments, and of course better graphics.

Well, the Unreal Tournament and Quake series did similar stuff (ie. fast-paced FPS with vertical movement) years ago.

Goddamn... what a line up. The PS2 really is the GOAT.


I knew what I was getting into when I bought a PS4 and I'm happy with it. If we're talking graphics, the games look incredible compared to last gen, and even hold up against PC. The IQ alone is a huge leap.


FFXV has been in development for far longer. I definitely think it will be out by 2015.
I'm assuming they've completely restarted development on "Final Fantasy Versus XIII" maybe once twice, or more. When I look at that project, I see mismanagement, wasted money, and wasted time.

I'm not saying it can't (or won't) be good, but it's already sort of a mini-DNF.
Casting aside the fact that this thread is very premature since we're a mere 5 months into the new generation, Second Son is a clear leap ahead in graphics from the PS360 days. To get a game that looks that stunning so early on, an open-world game no less, gives me much excitement for what the future holds this gen.
I'm assuming they've completely restarted development on "Final Fantasy Versus XIII" maybe once twice, or more. When I look at that project, I see mismanagement, wasted money, and wasted time.

I'm not saying it can't (or won't) be good, but it's already sort of a mini-DNF.

I think it started again on next gen consoles around 2011-2012. That was the last time we saw any videos or pics about it iirc.

I think it has massive potential unlike DNF which looked like shit from the get go. Versus still had people hyped 6 years later. Same with The Last Guardian. The games come developers with impressive titles under their belt hence their anticipation is able to last so long.


I think it started again on next gen consoles around 2011-2012. That was the last time we saw any videos or pics about it iirc.

I think it has massive potential unlike DNF which looked like shit from the get go. Versus still had people hyped 6 years later. Same with The Last Guardian. The games come developers with impressive titles under their belt hence their anticipation is able to last so long.

I need Final Fantasy XV not to suck like I've needed precious few things in my life. It's a shame the series is at a state where its potential quality is even questionable, but here we are. How the mighty have fallen, etc.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
PS2 was so mindblowing that it erased most people's memories of its sheer majesty.


This all sounds to me like you would have preferred the power of the PS4, rolled into a WiiU? I gather that you really do enjoy the offscreen experience?

I have but one answer to help your PS4 woes:

Buy a Vita + enjoy remote play ^_^
I've had a Vita since day 1 and Remote Play would be great if it didn't cap the framerate at 30fps and added latency. WiiU with PS4 power would definitely make the generational leap bigger, but still not enough, it really annoys me that PC versions are already ahead of console, I know it would happen sooner or later anyway but I think it happened way too fast this time, and the consoles are supposed to be easy to develop for this time so I fear that we won't see the visuals improve nearly as much as last gen.
Infamous 1
Infamous 2
Infamous SS

I feel like we need an example of PS2 to PS3 in this as well, if anyone has a better example of a PS2 open world game feel free to replace the GTA3 one as that's the one that came to mind after seeing the initial comparison in the screenshot thread.

What we need is a proper comparison to begin with. A varied selection of screens across all games involved, scaled up to inFamous: Second Son's resolution, or maybe even some native res video to compare... or nothing at all... These single shot comparisons are skewed every time and they steer discussions to dangerous places.

look at a gameplay feed of inFamous on PS3. I personally think that it's a very impressive looking game as opposed to many that don't - it's obviously not the best looking thing on PS3 even for its time but I loved its art style personally, the camera and FOV made for a sense of scale that truly shines on large televisions (and this only got better in infamous 2), and for all the concessions made for the game's open world the only jarring ones are draw distance fog/dof and barely any anisotropic filtering,

behind the scenes in inFamous Second Son there's a lot more going on then I think some people recognize and it's apparent as hell, to the point where I really don't understand how other people don't recognize it (except that they're making their comparisons based off a terrible selection of static screenshots...).

Much higher texture resolution and visible clarity at any distance. Actual texture filtering outside of the immediate vicinity of the player. Lighting that most certainly constitutes a generational leap. Particle effects and more detailed destruction out the wazoo. Native 1080p at a higher framerate, boasting an extremely effective antialiasing solution. All sorts of maps applied to different types of materials to give them added detail and distinguish them from one another in lighting, reflections, etc. Much more complicated geometry everywhere in the game. I could go on and on and on. Perhaps there's a bit more of an apparent difference between GTA 3 and inFamous but I laugh at the implication that it's a mere refinement as opposed to something that constitutes a legitimate and clear generation jump

Why don't y'all do me a favor. Take some infamous images, the absolute prettiest you can find, hell, bullshots even, and scale them up to 1080p, and then compare them to a more varied selection of infamous second son screenshots...












I've had a Vita since day 1 and Remote Play would be great if it didn't cap the framerate at 30fps and added latency. WiiU with PS4 power would definitely make the generational leap bigger, but still not enough, it really annoys me that PC versions are already ahead of console, I know it would happen sooner or later anyway but I think it happened way too fast this time, and the consoles are supposed to be easy to develop for this time so I fear that we won't see the visuals improve nearly as much as last gen.

You whats really stupid when people talk like PC is a standardised platform like a console. Theres a reason Pc games usually have scales and why console games don't.


None of the launch window games have wowed me either. This is the first time a new console generation has failed to impress me.

I think the console manufacturers and the big publishers hedged their bets and played it safe. I think sales figures show that this was a smart business decision. It kept development costs stable, kept manufacturing costs stable, and led to strong sales at retail. But as a lifelong gamer, it's a real disappointment to see none of the real leap-forward visuals or design ideas. It all comes off as an incremental change like getting a new iPhone or something.


If you're not impressed by both Infamous Second Son and Mario Kart 8 then yes, there is something wrong with you lol


You're certainly entitled to that opinion but you really need to let things get going. Patience. The best games are still years away.
The biggest improvement to me so far on PS4 is image quality. 1080p and decent AA really improves most games look, ACIV as a prime example.

Parts of Shadow Fall are astounding and Second Son has some nice lighting and impressive particle effects but I honestly expect much more from PS4.

I think we need to wait until we see Naughty Dog, Santa Monica and Quantic Dreams games before judging the console too much.

I'm not convinced there is going to be the same leap during the gen as on PS3 though because of the much simpler hardware, there was always new things to learn with the Cell, not so much with x86.
It's a bit vanilla to play, but honestly Ryse is fucking stunning in places. The level in the forest blows everything else I've seen out of the water.

If only they could make the eyes look a little less creepy though.


The biggest question I have. What are these new machines doing (besides better graphics) that the PS3 or 360 aren't already?


Goddamn at that PS2 first year line-up. But those were the days where plenty of resources were put towards design and gameplay.

Those days are long gone. Gotta make those games look as pretty as possible while making the gameplay as vapid as you can.

The smaller budgets probably gave the developers a chance to experiment with even sometimes outlandish ideas, whereas now the risen costs make the publishers play it more safe by adhering to the proven formulas.

It's not like the PS2 games didn't strive for eye candy galore. The gamers were drooling all over the graphics of SH2, MGS2, and FFX back in the day, me included, and none of them substantially renewed the gameplay mechanics of their predecessors.

PS2 was so mindblowing that it erased most people's memories of its sheer majesty.


What we need is a proper comparison to begin with. A varied selection of screens across all games involved, scaled up to inFamous: Second Son's resolution, or maybe even some native res video to compare... or nothing at all... These single shot comparisons are skewed every time and they steer discussions to dangerous places.


Heh, that's one of my captures from the screenshot thread.


Nothing wrong with you, OP. It's why for the first time in my life, I'm becoming a PC gamer. I'm completely unmoved by the latest consoles.
I have seen what The Witcher 2 did with 7 year old Xbox 360 tech. Just wait until The Witcher 3 and SSM, Naughty Dog show what the PS4 can actually do. It has only just begun with Killzone SF and Second Son.


My experience,


Game - Super Mario bros.
Wow you can actually make this guy jump and turn in mid air?! The hell, the control is insane.

Ninja gaiden - omg those cut scenes, wonder if we will ever see graphics like that while playing.

SMB3 - games will never look better then this.



SMWorld - holy shit listen to those sound effects!, omg mode 7 in yo face! Never experienced anything like it.



Altered Beast - omg look at these grapfix!!!!

Turbo graphix 16


Bonk - omg it looks so good.



Battle arena toshinden - wooooow look at the levels , so pretty.



SM64 - never in my wildest dreams. 3d. Fuuuuuu. Utter shock.



Sonic adventure - forget it, we will never see graphics like this get better, everyone in my neighborhood blown away by my import unit.



Fantavision - holy shit particle effects, pretty.


Launch - luigis mansion and wave race - blew me the hell away. Best water ever, best character models ever in mansion, impressed as fuck.



Halo - never seen anything like it, high res textures, big worlds, awesome ai. Amazing multi.

Xbox 360


Kameo - graphics that make your eyes bleed, showcase title for demoing to friends.

PS3 -


Ehh. This was an anomaly, the launch line up was horrible.



Nothing graphically impressive to me.



Nothing impressive to me.

What happened?
yep got to agree , these $500 consoles dont cut it at being called next gen .

i still havent purchased one yet .

i remember when a next gen console released , i will be so amazed that i will make alot of effort to go to a game store and check out the AMAZING GRAPHICS .

havent did that yet , lol


In a year or two when PS4/XB1 games with better graphics come along, the PC will be a full generation ahead again. PC will also have cheaper games and no online fee and it's never been cheaper to build a good gaming PC.


It's blowing my mind that people are refusing to see the generational leap between Infamous and Infamous SS
Nope. This gen so far is unimpressive. SS just has glowing lights and reflections with great particle effects and higher resolution textures.. Something not really a leap at all. KZ:SF had similar graphics features too.

Also, a lot of people saying that the console games will get significantly better as this generation goes on is forgetting a point of diminishing returns. The console is probably near it's max right now. The hardware isn't a weird configuration like the PS3 was where developers didn't have a clue of what they were doing. Sure, we'll see an improvement in textures and possibly a few more ways to either squeeze out more FPS or add in more FX, but seeing stuff like early footage of Deep Down, Infiltrator, UE4 tech demo or Agnus as actual gameplay footage isn't going to happen.

I agree with the bolded, I feel like we were duped by several publishers about what next gen would look like but maybe unknowingly so as they probably thought both consoles were going to be the traditional 10X power leap over PS360 before they got devkits.

Things like Deep Down and Watch Dogs were both downgraded, Star Wars 1313 was cancelled and I don't know if games will ever look as good as the Agnus / UE3/4 tech demos (Samaritan / Infiltrator) on PS4/XBone.


You got older?

That'd imply that people who are far from impressed with this gen of consoles would be far from impressed with gaming in general. Right now as I've been starting to explore PC gaming I feel like a kid in a candy shop with a Black Card. Even looking forward to what's coming out as opposed to already available - kickstarter is a veritable gold mine of hype from me. I just can't find any excitement at all for anything that's been announced for consoles, except Project Morpheus which is desperately lacking in details. And to be clear I'm not a member of the PC master race. Last gen I spent about 95% of my gaming time on consoles, same as the one before it. If anything I'm more like PC gaming's Clayton Bigsby.
I wouldn't say I'm "impressed' by this generation, but I'm enjoying it more than last gen. For some reason, I never got very excited with the PS3. I got it after the slim came out so there should have been a ton of games to enjoy already, but most of the recommended games I played really weren't fun. Dead Space, Bioshock, AC II....... these type of games are pretty boring from a gameplay perspective. I eventually found some of the stuff I enjoy, but I always kind of felt like I had to go through two bad experiences to get to one good one and the highs weren't high enough to completely overcome the lows.

Compare that to Gamecube which launched with Wave Race, Luigi's Mansion, Super Monkey Ball, Rogue Squadron and very quickly followed by Melee and Pikmin. With the exception of Rogue Squadron, I kept playing those games for years.

I own a Wii U now and have not been disappointed, but I'd like to see more original games like Nintendo Land come out. Those type of new experiences are the ones that stick with you.


You got older?

That wasn't directed at me, but I don't think age has anything to do with it. It's more of a personal thing, if the games just don't get you as excited as before. Perhaps you've just lost interest in the hobby in general? I'm personally more excited about this generation at nearly 39, than I've ever been before.


Are you and freezamite becoming some sort of singularity? I'm sure Mario Kart 8's delightful visuals ensure the gameplay is going to suddenly become abject shit huh?

Let's seriously not compare Nintendo with most* developers out there. They've been focusing on gameplay over everything else for 30 years.

Are we really going to act like pumping more money into visuals didn't ruin the quality of almost every franchise from the ps2 generation?


It's blowing my mind that people are refusing to see the generational leap between Infamous and Infamous SS
Thats because its not really a generation leap. The difference is only slightly more dramatic than the difference between GTA4 and GTA5 and these games were released on the same hardware.


So, I've had WiiU since day 1, PS4 since day 1 and I plan to get XB1 day 1 if Microsoft some day remember that Sweden exist.
Anyhow, I've played on an import XB1 and today I think I've seen the games that is said to really show off the generational leap on all platforms.

I finally played Second Son for the first time yesterday, which DF said was the best looking game on any platform in their technical article, and I thought I would finally come away really impressed.

But no, I was not impressed, like at all.

I get that games will get more impressive over time and Naughty Dog still haven't shown their next gen stuff which might be amazing, but so far this has easily been the most underwelming start of a new generation for as long as I can remember.

Games still look about the same, most games still run at 30fps and we basically still play the same exact games as before since nothing has happened on the gameplay front.

ZombiU had some novel ideas with the Gamepad screen which I really liked but WiiU sadly isn't delivering the visual leap I'm looking for when entering a new generation. Off TV Play at 60fps without lag is probably what I'm most impressed about so far, but it's on WiiU again. PS4 and XB1 has the power to impress, I think, but so far I'm just not impressed at all with the gameplay or performance there. Also, isn't it annoying that we see far more 60fps games on WiiU when it's supposed to be more like a last gen console technically?

Am I the only one with this feeling?

Nope, this gen is really not a step forward. No bc, pay for play and so many apologists for pissant tactics.


Thats because its not really a generation leap. The difference is only slightly more dramatic than the difference between GTA4 and GTA5 and these games were released on the same hardware.

Resolution, AA, Framerate, textures, particles, Ai, literally everything was improved


Its not just you.

Next gen is about better experiences, bigger experiences (more processing power), different gameplay type. Better A.I.

This gen seems to just be a texture pack and a resolution bump from last gen's game. Infamous, while startlingly amazingly rendered, still seems like the empty city.

I've bought every ps console. This ps4 though, its not showing anything off that makes me go "wow, games are really dynamic now." Infamous reminds me of the rendering tech we have for this gen, which is amazing. But, Can't say that the gameplay of this gens offerings are that impressive.

Like, improving on naughty dogs work, or santa monica studios work. This is what I haven't seen with the gen of stronger hardware. The titles still seem very small and safe.

This gen has graphics nailed, at least the PS4. Its only going to continue to get better. but please, start making gameplay dynamics that utilize the power of the newer consoles. If not, its just playing the PC version of last gen's games, so to speak. Same content, better visuals. Boring.


Resolution, AA, Framerate, textures, particles, Ai, literally everything was improved
Yes but its not something as dramatic as a late PS1 game compared to an early PS2 game like, say, Metal Gear Solid vs Metal Gear Solid 2. Or Silent Hill 1 vs Silent Hill 2.


Thats because its not really a generation leap. The difference is only slightly more dramatic than the difference between GTA4 and GTA5 and these games were released on the same hardware.

I gotta get out of here before I catch the crazies.
I must admit I agree with you OP. We are hitting diminishing returns for most people, and this is particularly true of the PS4 and Xbox1 this generation as they didn't sell them bleeding edge at a loss as they traditionally have.

It is becoming something not hugely obvious to most people because yes though there may be changes they are much more subtle.

I have a good PC running BF4 single player on 1080p ultra 60fps and though it looks great, but in motion it becomes the same old thing.

This generation might finally see us move away from so focused on "realism" and towards new gameplay and stylistic graphics frontiers (thinking W101, Mario Kart, LBP, Ni No Kuni etc). At least I hope ...
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