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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Her was a great movie. Better than Gravity.
I don't really get firehawk12 obsession with Gravity it was a nice spectacle but the dialogue and characterization was bad

Her was a bit too hipster for my tastes.. but came off stronger with it's subtle science-fiction setting and great character interactions.


A large problem that people seem to have is correctly contextualising their posts. Blanket statements (taken as an example and not targeting specifically) "Clannad + AS is the greatest anime ever made" tend to raise people's hackles.
Having personal preferences is fine but broadly declaiming something to be perfect or the greatest of all time generates a lot of either positive or negative interest which leads to some pretty childish back and forth without any attempts at discourse.

Of course, it's also not helped that people's personal favourites tend to not to be viewed objectively by the viewer so when issues are raised about aspects of it's production or such, the tendency is to lash out.
One of my all time favourites series is Mushishi and it used to routinely annoy me that it suffered criticism that it had no overall arching plot. These days, it's more of a point of discussion than an immediate retort of "well your face has no over-arching plot!!1"
It's only through experience that you learn to consider alternate viewpoints like this and either formulate a counter argument or accept a shows failings and say "I accept this isn't right but it it doesn't detract from my own opinion of this".

It gets bad when people couple statements like this with negative, snide generalizations about people who disagree with them, which are pretty common in this thread and on NeoGAF in general.


I don't think thats quite true. It really comes down to is accessibility. Popular older series are easy to (legally) find. The ones that weren't are pretty much impossible to find. It's much easier to find older titles in other mediums, not so much with anime for reasons that don't have anything to do with desire in watching shows.

Most shows from before the late 1980s were never subbed through traditional legal means or through fansubs. That really isn't an issue with American cinema or novels where pretty much everything of note has both been archived and translated for folks to consume.

I mean really it makes sense for older shows to not be popular within the English speaking anime community as a whole. Imagine if there were essentially no books available in English until the 1980s. How many older titles would never get translated? How large of an audience would there be for things we consider classics?
I know things are, thankfully, much better now but the entire anime fandom in the West was built ontop, around, and as a means to better facilitate, piracy of anime. With the way that the younger generation consumes media (e.g. they want everything for free and know the means of getting) I don't think the fact that a lot of of that stuff only exists via fansubbing is that much of a barrier.

Also yeah shit from back then looks too old. Fuck old shit!
How's that forehead?


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Stardust Crusaders 2


We're so lucky to get this.


It gets bad when people couple statements like this with negative, snide generalizations about people who disagree with them, which are pretty common in this thread and on NeoGAF in general.
Well once again that's down to a misuse of terms!

"The first episode of Mahouka was really good!"
"No it was shit"
"I hate you and everything you stand for"

Saying something's good is a lot different from saying something's enjoyable. The former implies that the everything about it is enjoyable whereas the latter is more that whatever else can be said about it, you enjoyed it!


Sorry for being late on most of these, but I wanted to give my impressions.


Black Bullet 1

I've commented on this before, but I think they should've just adapted the manga adaptation of Black Bullet.
The art is much better, and instead of the sexualized loli-stuff it has actual characterization. As it stands, the art is generic, the animation is nothing special, and the interesting points are pushed away by the pandering.
It's a shame, I really like the manga. Disappointing.

Hitsugi no Chaika 1

Why the fuck is eyebrows talking like that. I don't care about any of this.
I can't believe there is actually nothing interesting about this. The art is a mess, the characters are blanks, the animation is nothing special, that unicorn fight was terrible, I don't remember any of the music, and the plot so far is non-existant. I'm completely apathetic to this, which is the worst a piece of art can do, imo.
Dammit BONES.

Ping Pong 1

Now this is what I'm talking about. That was damn good.
Absolutely fantastic storyboarding, fantastic art, the writing feels very natural, awesome soundtrack and VA. There's really nothing more to say about this.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I know things are, thankfully, much better now but the entire anime fandom in the West was built ontop, around, and as a means to better facilitate, piracy of anime. With the way that the younger generation consumes media (e.g. they want everything for free and know the means of getting) I don't think the fact that a lot of of that stuff only exists via fansubbing is that much of a barrier.

You have entire populations of anime fans now that don't even know what fansubs are as they existed in the 90s and even in the early 00s. Eventually they'll cease to exist all together as literally every single show in a season will be picked up by Crunchyroll and the like. Older classics in other mediums live on because they still get promoted and are still sold through digital marketplaces and are also physically preserved through discs.

Neither which is the case of the overwhelming majority of older anime titles. You have tons of great shows that have already faded through time as they've never been translated to English and never will be. You have tons of great shows that aren't available to legally watch anywhere and are dependent on both word of mouth through sub-communities on the internet to preserve for time and other folks to keep those shows available to actually watch as well.

Basically there will be a day when all old anime is dead as there will be no proof to show otherwise.


Well once again that's down to a misuse of terms!

"The first episode of Mahouka was really good!"
"No it was shit"
"I hate you and everything you stand for"

Saying something's good is a lot different from saying something's enjoyable. The former implies that the everything about it is enjoyable whereas the latter is more that whatever else can be said about it, you enjoyed it!

Keep in mind that it goes the opposite way too. It might just be me, but I feel like, "X sucks and people who like X are Y," or, "X sucks and people only like X because of Y," are much more common in this thread.


You have entire populations of anime fans now that don't even know what fansubs are as they existed in the 90s and even in the early 00s. Eventually they'll cease to exist all together as literally every single show in a season will be picked up by Crunchyroll and the like. Older classics in other mediums live on because they still get promoted and are still sold through digital marketplaces and are also physically preserved through discs.

Neither which is the case of the overwhelming majority of older anime titles. You have tons of great shows that have already faded through time as they've never been translated to English and never will be. You have tons of great shows that aren't available to legally watch anywhere and are dependent on both word of mouth through sub-communities on the internet to preserve for time and other folks to keep those shows available to actually watch as well.

Basically there will be a day when all old anime is dead as there will be no proof to show otherwise.
This may be the case for a large number of works but fansubbers are still out there working on much older titles. On the legal front, Discotek media do a ton of licensing for older titles. Hell, even Tomorrows Joe 2 got picked up for streaming, so I wouldn't rule anything out at this stage of the game. As long as there's some money to be made, at least.


Akuma no Riddle Episode 2:

Ah, I am most torn on this one because Akuma No Riddle here finally went and found itself an intriguing hook.
Not so much Totaku inexplicably falling in love or finally laying out the rules of the assassin game. those were known, those were expected. No, what saved this show for me is the fact that Haru is damned near immortal. I got to admit it was almost adorable how much they were trying to downplay the fact that she is basically the Highlander because the odds are in her favor. Maybe she can be killed, I do not doubt this, but with the method unknown and the fact that she picked up on of the elite assassins (whom they had to introduce a contrived bullshit no-kill switch to keep it from being a total blow out) yea the odds are not on the killers. Anyway, now that we have some definition to the game I look forward to these annoying bints getting murdered because holy hell they need to die.
I think you'll actually enjoy Monte Cristo. It's pretty different from a lot of classic literature texts because it's basically the 19th century version of shounen manga. And I mean that pretty literally. It was a serialized work in a newspaper, the story is pretty pulp-ish by any measure even today's, and it's a fun adventure with tons of plot hooks (to keep people reading) and chapter cliffhangers. There's even content which felt like filler to make it stretch out longer. It's well written, and the themes in the story are a pretty good look into the sort of social discontent people of the time had in that region - reflected by the characters and events in the story, but in the end it's much more fun fluff than the average "classic".

tl;dr - Count of Monte Cristo is the Death Note of the 19th Century.

Hmmm, maybe. There any translation that uses modern American English? I can't read any classic stuff otherwise. Tried to read the most modern translation of Marquis de Sade stuff, but couldn't.


Hmmm, maybe. There any translation that uses modern American English? I can't read any classic stuff otherwise. Tried to read the most modern translation of Marquis de Sade stuff, but couldn't.

Yo man what the hell! That shit is worse than anime, worse than manga, worse than Light Novels!


Keep in mind that it goes the opposite way too. It might just be me, but I feel like, "X sucks and people who like X are Y," or, "X sucks and people only like X because of Y," are much more common in this thread.
Yeah I can certainly see that. Especially more of late with the Light Novel trend.
Those in particular straddle a niche of either being a paint by number cliche ridden work, something that's trashy but enjoyable for a large number of people like Index or Mahouka or those that genuinely try to be that set itself apart.

There's also the problem with the transition from text to screen; a large chunk of the narrative ends up being cut due to it either being internal monologues or descriptive text so what one person sees in the anime may differ from someone else who has had previous experience.

Everything just boils down to inadequate communication.


Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 2

Yep, after two episodes it's clear that this is just a nice pleasant watch all round. Plenty of feelgood moments. Everyone's childlike wonder at the giant bubbles was really smile-inducing, and it earned major points for maso-roommate that he was the one to come up with the idea. He really is a pretty cool guy underneath all the...you know.

This episode also established beyond any reasonable doubt that Ritsu is a total cutie. Her reaction to the bubbles and to the movie were hnnnnnngh as fuck. Quite fun to see the MC struggling to contain the same feelings of hnnnngh.

Oh, and the new character seems like a real piece of work, just like everyone in this residence ~.~


Tomodachi wa Mahou
If there is one thing I'm not it is well read. I really should fix that.

Sword Art Online is now acknowledged as a classic in Japan. Perhaps we should all start there.

Also I recommend Thug Notes. Best way to find books you may be interested in reading. At least it is for me.
Avengersmon 1
Someone finally subbed this! Praise the heavens! It's so weird to see pretty much almost all of Marvel major players "japanized". This first episode actually felt like a normal Marvel thing for me since the collectibles part isn't really important for now (at least on the heroes side). And while silly, the "disks" are certainly something I could see in the Marvel Universe.

The OP and ED are quite good too. I'll keep an eye on this anime.

Black Bullet 1
I feel that I've returned to the past. Wasn't there a time which this kind of LN was huge? Anyways, anime was "okay". Lolis.

Hitsugi no Chaika 1
Didn't felt anything special while watching this. Mediocre at best.


Going to check out Ping Pong.

Currently watching Mushi-Ishi S1 so won't be checking out S2 just yet.

Still need to watch JoJo S1.

Apart from those shows has anything else shown promise from the new season??


Going to check out Ping Pong.

Currently watching Mushi-Ishi S1 so won't be checking out S2 just yet.

Still need to watch JoJo S1.

Apart from those shows has anything else shown promise from the new season??

I've heard good things about Mahouka.
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker Episode 128 (engDub)

Kai saying various forms of "huh" made this episode feel like the weakest one of the english dubbed episodes. Though it is still my favorite english dub. Perhaps the JPN version had him responding in the same way then itd probably be a matter of the writing. Oh well, fortunately it did make his inner turmoil issue and struggle this two episodes more emotional and tense.
Sad to see that he ended up giving in the VOID as well, I thought he could remain strong but the seasons worth of his being unable to grow at the same level as Aichi Sendou as well as his continued loses seemed to affect him in such a way that he needed an easy way out. I would too with Cheat Joker.


Going to check out Ping Pong.

Currently watching Mushi-Ishi S1 so won't be checking out S2 just yet.

Still need to watch JoJo S1.

Apart from those shows has anything else shown promise from the new season??

The World is Still Beautiful
Knights of Sidonia
Going to check out Ping Pong.

Currently watching Mushi-Ishi S1 so won't be checking out S2 just yet.

Still need to watch JoJo S1.

Apart from those shows has anything else shown promise from the new season??

Haikyuu!! has thus far had the most promising start in terms of delivering on the key points for what an episode one ought to do. As a reader of the source material early in its lifetime, I believe the source is strong so in the coming weeks for the chapters they are adapting it will become the strongest and best anime of the season due to the excellent matches they shall adapt.

Mahouka for second best, but thats from the viewpoint of knowing the events thats coming, though which may start in episode 3, so give it a try.


Lupin III: Part 1 - 07

Well that got real silly, real fast. Looks like Goemon had officially joined the group now, though.

I think 7 was the first Miyazaki/Takahata ep hence the different tone. Might be misremembering episode number.

Looking back, I think 8 was because it got on my nerves: lol. 7 had that awesome bromance ending tho.
I don't think this is very spoilery, but I'll block it out anyhow.

Angel Beats END -
Alright, finished this up, and I guess I'm of two minds. The idea of a high school limbo where students with unfulfilled lives go isn't bad in theory, but I feel they really kind of muck it up with the whole "War Against God" thing. I think they could have still given the impression of a rebellious group of students without the gratuitous violence. It also just becomes so convoluted and makes so little sense. Also the 13 episode limitation means that half the group has basically zero background development and makes it hard to care about those characters at all. I mean, for as important as Yuri is to the story, the show completely glosses over the events of her death. Only the vague moment when she denies it was suicide. I think that kind of information would have been important for her character. By comparison, every character in Little Busters gets at least an episode or two and is much better for it.
Overall, not terrible, but a constant feeling of "they could have handled this better."

Andrew J.

Knights of Sidonia 01

The CG looks as good as you could reasonably expect from a modern TV anime-which is to say it's good most of the time, but there are a few uncanny valley moments that really throw you, most of them involving closeups of mouths. Robots are great, though.

Story's pretty typical, with the monsters and the secret conspiracies. I appreciate that it goes through more effort than usual to explain the hero being highly skilled and yet a newbie at the same time.

The most disappointing thing is the design of the monsters. They're just a mishmash of generically creepy elements (tentacles, fangs, bulgy musculature) without any of the thematic cohesiveness that makes, say, Titans or the Hideauze visually interesting.


I don't think this is very spoilery, but I'll block it out anyhow.

Angel Beats END
Overall, not terrible, but a constant feeling of "they could have handled this better."
It was an entirely new property rather than an adaptation of previous works so in it's production, they decided to go multimedia with it and give a lions portion of the story to the anime but spread various other characters and their stories into other mediums like manga and drama CDs which maybe why you feel it's incomplete.

It obviously worked out really well for them though! Because I mean, they're having to go back and write a coherent* damn game for it all in the end so that means it wasn't a colossal mistake to split everything up before you knew it was going to be a giant success right?

*for a given value of coherent


Going to check out Ping Pong.

Currently watching Mushi-Ishi S1 so won't be checking out S2 just yet.

Still need to watch JoJo S1.

Apart from those shows has anything else shown promise from the new season??

I've enjoyed One Week Friends, The World Is Still Beautiful, and Baby Steps. Heard good things about Haikyuu and SIdonia, but haven't watched them yet.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Battle Tendency 01

What a fucking amazing premiere!

Speedwagon is back and looking really class- wait nevermind.

What instantly blew my mind was how different it felt from Phantom Blood (at the same time that it still feels exactly the same). They made a fantastic job establishing the new setting that really does feel like a different continent in a different time period, after seeing Europe being basically "fields and castles", I honestly didn't expect such a well done setting (though I've never been to the US, maybe people from there would think it's garbage). The other imediate departure from Phantom Blood would be the protagonist, Joseph goes the opposite direction from the True Gentleman that was Jonathan, but it's not merely a "now the protag is a bad boy" thing, they really developed his character in a way that I think Jonathan didn't even scratch, he's not just a bad boy, he's also really smart and has a deep sense of honor that guides him in his actions,
the way the cops behaved was a little bit too over the top, but if it wasn't it wouldn't be JoJo
, his sidekick seems likable not only in a "this is dumb and hilarious" kind of way like Speedwagon was to JoJo, and his bad boy attitude makes it so he can enjoy the fights as much as we do, which makes everything even more awesome.
The new villain is stupid, but the stone dude will probably be the final boss, so it's no big deal.

The moment JoJo started shooting Straizo was fucking hype as shit. No fun allowed.jpg

I was thinking about just watching a few more episodes before I gave my impression, but I really loved this premiere, I needed to show my appreciation for it.

Oh, and the vocal tracks ARE there, actually! I could listen to Lotus Juice during Overdrive, but it was REALLY low and the segment was pretty short.

Going back now, can't wait to see the new OP!




World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Sakura Trick - 10

Salura trick 10 was very good , ..it was full of delicious kissing, delicious finger licking , misunderstandings , denials, evil faces & evil grins and suzu being cute ...

i wonder how does haruka manges when she does soo poorly at sports ..

Rest the obvious question: Out of the 2 , who is the girlfriend ?
Ah sakura trick .... i haven't finished watching you i'm already said i have 2 episode left to watch.
i guess whenever Haruka & yuu are kissing , normal laws of physics are dismissed
..I guess this explain this episode and the first.

Ps: You can Play in the snow , you don't eat in the snow.

I would absolutely love it if they made a second season of this.
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