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RUMOR: Sony E3 Conference Details Leaked: Uncharted, The Order, Guerrilla and more

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Even if it were somehow all true (lol), it's just handled so poorly. Instead of verifying that this tipster actually is who they say they are, the DualShockers writer just copy/pasted what they wrote, because it's "awfully detailed," and also maybe some of this stuff was second-sourced by, uh, who, exactly? What second source do they have that would be in a position to know some but not all of this information? I mean, come on.

Also, when a reporter uses anonymous sources as part of a story, he or she has to consider the motives of those sources, which means thinking something like "Hey, maybe I shouldn't use language like 'jaw-dropping visuals' or 'back with a bang' here, because this tipster could work for Sony, and clearly is writing this in the interest of generating excitement and selling PlayStations."

There's just so much disrespect for readers here, and I really wouldn't care about what some random insignificant website is doing if not for the fact that clearly this article has gotten a lot of eyeballs. Reporters need to be more responsible than this.

That line about "back with a bang" really stood out to me for the exact reasons you stated.
If the mods know this stuff is bullshit (i.e have actual insider knowledge) then I think they should lock this thread up. No point in giving the site any more hits.



very true, I imagine a rumor article like this Dualshockers one would piss anyone off working at another gaming site, especially given the traffic that this article is probably generating. I feel bad for Kotaku if you guys did have some portion of this rumor and were waiting to go about releasing this information in more professional manner. although to be fair, didn't Kotaku sort of do a similar thing when the site published the Fallout 4 casting call sheet, which was equally vague and unconfirmed by other gaming sites as being true?
You might be misremembering. What happened was: there was a big "ARG" for Fallout 4 that turned out to be fake, then a few days later, we published casting documents that we were able to verify as real. (Though, obviously, the details/dialogue may have been created solely for those casting sessions.) If anyone has claimed that those weren't real, I haven't seen it.
Sounds like a bunch of fanboy pipe dreams.
Yes it does. Sony is screwed either way. If it's a true leak, their deserved hype is deflated. If it's not true, people will be disappointed it didn't live up.

Would be pretty awesome if this were real, though. Hard to believe it's just a month away...
Just the fact the Last Guardian was rumored to be released made the sources crap. The game will be released when they can find a sad twist that's far sadder than 'Hyena Chicken Dog Dragon sacrifices its life for the little boy"
Just the fact the Last Guardian was rumored to be released made the sources crap. The game will be released when they can find a sad twist that's far sadder than 'Hyena Chicken Dog Dragon sacrifices its life for the little boy"
Ha. I was just getting ready to edit my post above yours to say exactly this ...


Actually no.

1.4 million copies have been sold, as of December 2013 http://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/business/million.html (page 3, #39)

For example, Devil May Cry 3 – only 1.3 million copies.

While it didn't bomb, it didn't perform amazingly either. Capcom initially expected 2mill units sold, which they adjusted to 1,2 mill around release, then adjusted to 1.15 mill in April. So it initially underperformed , although Capcom were ultimately pleased by the game's performance.

The number for DMC3 doesn't include Special Edition, though, which sold one mill. At any rate, DmC still has the least impressive sales performance of the series. It released simultanously on three platforms, including PC, and released in an empty month, facing no competition until MGR: Revengeance a month later. DMC3 released only on PS2, and was facing off against God of War, which released shortly after in the same month.

Ultimately, the game's success is debateable. Aside from its sales (which are probably at around 1.5 mill now), it had a lengthy development, wherein Itsuno and members of his team made frequent trips to NT's studio to offer support in their development. When they announced the sales adjustment to 1.15 mill, they blamed "excessive outsourcing" for a lack of quality. Of course, they might have been talking about RE6, which was a subject of the same press release. Still, Capcom has frequently criticized their outsourcing efforts the last couple of years, and supposedly staff at Capcom Japan prefer the old DMC.
If the rebooted franchise has a future, we will have to see something at TGS this year, or early next year.


Doesn't even sound too good to be true to me, the only stuff I want from that list are Uncharted, Project Beast and a Heavenly Sword sequel.

If this list is real and their entire e3 lineup I'll probably hold off buying a PS4 for another year, especially if Uncharted drops halfway through 2015.


As a gaming fan, this just reeks of fanboy sauce/someone trying to hard.

"Uncharted PS4 3 Minute Trailer showcasing "In-engine" footage interspersed with gameplay segments. Visuals are supposedly unprecedented and set a benchmark for console graphics."

I'm sure it'll be there, but lol. Sorry. Nobody knows this.

Have you seen the Last of Us? That was phenomenal for a game that was on 8 year old hardware. I have no reason to disbelieve that Uncharted 4 will be the next benchmark game on PS4.


Have you seen the Last of Us? That was phenomenal for a game that was on 8 year old hardware. I have no reason to disbelieve that Uncharted 4 will be the next benchmark game on PS4.

It's not about whether you believe it or not, it's about the language being used. At least that's my issue with the quote.
Doesn't even sound too good to be true to me, the only stuff I want from that list are Uncharted, Project Beast and a Heavenly Sword sequel.

If this list is real and their entire e3 lineup I'll probably hold off buying a PS4 for another year, especially if Uncharted drops halfway through 2015.

Really? That list has like.. 14 substantial new exclusives as reveals, plus all the third party stuff. No E3 from either MS, Nintendo or Sony has had so much content before. It's a bonkers list even for a wishlist.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Actually no.

1.4 million copies have been sold, as of December 2013 http://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/business/million.html (page 3, #39)

For example, Devil May Cry 3 – only 1.3 million copies.
By Capcom's standards, it didn't, at least from posts I've read here.

However.... Doing some Googlefu, it appears Capcom has registered Devil May Cry trademark for something apparently new that could either be a DmC sequel, a sequel to the original Devil May Cry or a PS4 remake of DmC or something else DMC related.

I love the DMC series so I'm certainly up for more.


This is why I don't visit Dualshockers. That site is created just to bait N4G users. Anybody could have made a list like this.
You might be misremembering. What happened was: there was a big "ARG" for Fallout 4 that turned out to be fake, then a few days later, we published casting documents that we were able to verify as real. (Though, obviously, the details/dialogue may have been created solely for those casting sessions.) If anyone has claimed that those weren't real, I haven't seen it.

Ok nvm, your right, that was what happened. sorry, lumped the Fallout 4 ARG hoax and your Fallout 4 article as being one and the same.


It's not about whether you believe it or not, it's about the language being used.

Ah, I understand now. I had thought that this sounded extremely conversational, which I personally felt lent it some legitimacy. Its not like these insiders would have a script or some shit to follow when leaking this information, after all. It seemed exactly the same wording I would use if I had to make a quick list to share insider information with a website. Not that I do. I'm not in this industry.

In any case, I'm excited for E3 and hope some of these things are true. I like these series and franchises, and I like that Sony is making all the right moves. I also think they're in a prime position to have understood the desires of their fanbase and would be capable of pulling a conference and lineup like this off.

If they all turn out to be true, I really doubt we'll see an acceptance of DualShockers as breaking a fantastic story, though. I have a feeling we'll all just find another excuse as to why this type of reporting is bad but some other type of reporting is good.


Tier Whore
All this does is overhype the conference. No way will Sony show all these games. They will focus on games that will be coming out between Fall 2014 and Summer 2014.

Funny, I don't even think what was hinted is even that much... besides project beast the rest could go away and I would not care.
The most unbelievable thing about this list is that it claims there will possibly be nine new AAA I.Ps revealed in one conference. You'd be lucky to get that many from Sony's, MS's and Nintendo's combined.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
It reads like fan fiction, which makes me sceptical of it being true. Can they really show so many new games at on E3? If it is true though, then holy hell am I getting a PS4 this year!


Ah, I understand now. I had thought that this sounded extremely conversational, which I personally felt lent it some legitimacy. Its not like these insiders would have a script or some shit to follow when leaking this information, after all. It seemed exactly the same wording I would use if I had to make a quick list to share insider information with a website. Not that I do. I'm not in this industry.

In any case, I'm excited for E3 and hope some of these things are true. I like these series and franchises, and I like that Sony is making all the right moves. I also think they're in a prime position to have understood the desires of their fanbase and would be capable of pulling a conference and lineup like this off.

If they all turn out to be true, I really doubt we'll see an acceptance of DualShockers as breaking a fantastic story, though. I have a feeling we'll all just find another excuse as to why this type of reporting is bad but some other type of reporting is good.
Hey, I am fully ready for my opinion of DS to be elevated. Heck, I even entered into an avatar bet. In the more likely scenario of these rumours being fake, we will probably get the whole "wait until TGS/Gamescom/etc." or some other excuse, or they will just be silent and the majority of N4G will forget about it, then they'll post another clickbait article at some point and the cycle will repeat. But we'll see.
Man this sounds really underwhelming. There some nice stuff listed there but nothing amazing. Hope it's false.

No CrashPS4 is all kinds of wrong.

Also, another God of War game? I won't be touching this if Kratos is involved in it in any form.
This is close to being accurate, but they left out

Shenmue 3
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Red Dead Redemption sequel

It all sounds like fanboy drivel to me. If it didn't have the editorializing "grphx r awsome!" it might be more believable.
Can we get the dual shocker guys in here to detail where all of this came from? At least detail how they were provided this information. Its simply too good to be true.


Just the fact the Last Guardian was rumored to be released made the sources crap. The game will be released when they can find a sad twist that's far sadder than 'Hyena Chicken Dog Dragon sacrifices its life for the little boy"

Actually the hyena chicken dog survives. The starved deprived animal eventually escapes the labyrinth and at the final stretch the boy vanishes, suggesting he was no more than a mental manifestation conjured up by the beast in order for it to find the will to push through it all.
Have you seen the Last of Us? That was phenomenal for a game that was on 8 year old hardware. I have no reason to disbelieve that Uncharted 4 will be the next benchmark game on PS4.
I'm not saying it won't, I'm just saying that it's fanboy talk. I own a PS3 and have played The Last of Us. It's a fantastic game, and tied if not the best looking game of that generation. I'm just being objective and making sure my hopes aren't ramped up to unreasonable expectations.


One game no one is really talking about and I think is a safe bet to see is Diablo 3. Blizzard was there last year with Sony, and while that is nothing exciting, I think seeing Diablo 3 demo with release date is a realistic expectation.


One game no one is really talking about and I think is a safe bet to see is Diablo 3. Blizzard was there last year with Sony, and while that is nothing exciting, I think seeing Diablo 3 demo with release date is a realistic expectation.

I'd like to think Sony isn't dumb enough to show off an arguably inferior port of an old game on an E3 stage, but stranger things have happened.


I'd like to think Sony isn't dumb enough to show off an arguably inferior port of an old game on an E3 stage, but stranger things have happened.

True. I was just thinking of something that would seem very realistic. I hope it is not there though lol.
jschreier sure loved to drag out that Fallout ARG story every thread now it seems. I like the guy but I cant help but look at his contributions to these kinds of threads as "my farts smell better then that other guys farts"

Although yes Dualshockers is about as bottom feeding as they come and if I wanted to see what every neogaffers twitter feed who spouts random nonsense and educated guesses then I would just follow them on twitter. Its been a while since any site has been banned on here but I would vote for them in a heart beat. 95% of their stuff originates from here anyway so I dont think it will effect them all that much but it would be a good gesture on GAF's part to collectively say "fuck these guys"

The list of "insiders" who have came in CBOATS wake over the last year has been quite a thing to watch. They all go through the same cycle. Get a few things right, Dualshockers starts leaching off them, they love the ego stroke, start posting more and more "insider information", the more they post the more they get wrong. Eventually they snap and say something dumb they shouldnt have and thats that. Someone new steps up.
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