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No New Final Fantasy XV Info at E3 2014


Reminds me of that theater unveiling of "fake Square" introducing people to Final Fantasy XV, which showed Versus becoming XV, ending with a roar from the theater. That turned out to be staged, but oddly, the concept(Versus becoming XV) was coincidentally true.

This was crazy....
Okay, Cloud Strife. :lol

Horse shit. You'll come crawling back with a FF7 remake or some kind of Crisis Core remaster or maybe a type 0 or a duodecim.(I joke, I hope you stay true to your words, for their worth is in peril with each tasty release).

Square created you. You'll sit in that cupboard until they say otherwise


This Cloud has had enough of Square's bullshit. See you all in 2777 for the FFVII remake.

I wonder how staff at Square Enix west / Edios feel when they get publicly shammed or fired if the game doesnt meet goals but the guys back in Japan get to do whatever.

8 year dev cycles? Whatever!
MMO busted? Just build it again. Whatever!
Everyone hate that one game you spend 5 years making? Make 2 sequels!
And then get blamed for being the reason the company is bleeding money

"Hitman and Tomb Raider only sold three and a half million each? Get your shit together, guys. The next eight years of FFXV development aren't gonna pay for themselves."

Anyone know if this is actually true??


Are we getting to the point now where there are people posting here who weren't even alive when the game was announced? I would totally believe it.


I'm vexed. I am fucking seething. I made a bet with someone that FFXV would be released before Nintendo's currently unnamed "X" and now I am pretty much fucked. This has got to be one of the worst managed games of all times from a business stand point. I can not wait until Nomura leaves this company and forms his own church. It will be a new reformation.

You bet on Square to release FFXV the game in development limbo before Nintendo released X?

You bet on Square to release FFXV before Nintendo released X?

You bet on Square to release before Nintendo?

You bet on Square?

Even when Nintendo delays they still release in a more timely manner than Square.


Mgrmgrmgr seems like I have to satisfy my Final Fantasy cravings with Bravely Default 2. Actually regarding that...will we see footage of BD2 this E3? Or do we have to wait for TGS?


Well damn! Saw thread title and thought "nah, can't be!". Whelp, at least I know there will be info. on FFXIV and I'm having a lot of fun with that game. And I'm hopeful that WiiU "X" will fill the void this time around.


At least they were nice enough to tell us its going to be a no show this year. Not like that happened in the past few e3s.
they will delay it so long they will switch it back to FF versus 13 :(
maybe they should just give up and remake FF7, FF8,FF9 and remaster FF12 those are when they were actually good. the FFX remaster was better than any games they currently make same would be said if the remade other old FFs


Gold Member
S-E is really the poster child for the argument for not showing a game before you have a good idea on when it's going to come out.
I'm vexed. I am fucking seething. I made a bet with someone that FFXV would be released before Nintendo's currently unnamed "X" and now I am pretty much fucked. This has got to be one of the worst managed games of all times from a business stand point. I can not wait until Nomura leaves this company and forms his own church. It will be a new reformation.

I prefer a digital copy so if you could send me 3 $20 eshop codes, that would be pleasant.

Honestly, I have a very hard time believing this is true. I mean, yeah, SE seems like an awful company with no sense of priorities, but the idea that this won't be at E3 sounds downright insane.


No KH3 was pretty obvious.

No FFXV is hurting me. When will the timing be right :(? They'll just keep releasing a new trailer every 2 years lol?

Anyway in Taiwan he said something like "Come see what we have in Tokyo" so maybe he was hinting at Tokyo Game Show?

Q1 : In E3 that will be arranged in this June, is there any new information about FFXV or KHIII?

A : We would like to keep it secret. It just only a few months from now. I'm pretty sure you will be surprised.*
Actually it is not only in June, there will be many events from now on such as San Diego Comicon, Tokyo Game Show, and others.
We might tell you what is our plans, but it's better you see by yourself at Tokyo. (laugh)

Of course that's just a fanmade translation.

Edit: this cycle never ends, I'm hyped for E3 because of FFXV, then I'm hyped for TGS because of FFXV.


This thread and the Witcher 3 thread painfully shows the current state and trajectory of AAA JRPG and WRPG. One showcasing inefficient development cycle and other ascending and putting out something that seems to have much better production values at half the budget. I will get both regardless, but SE needs to reevaluate their ways.
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