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Shadow of Mordor DF Face-Off


Low Poly Gynecologist
It should also be noted that the difference between PC Ultra & High textures is miniscule, a difference small enough that it can be assumed the only difference between High and Ultra textures is purely compression and not much else.

Are you implying that there is no resolution difference between the high and ultra textures?

I dunno, I got called a console fanboy because I suggested a blu-ray drive shouldn't be ignored in a PC.

Like the one I have in my gaming PC...

You wanted yours in your PC, that doesn't mean it should be considered a cost in every PC.

I haven't had a drive on my PC since I built it (2011) and have never felt it's absence. It's just unnecessary for most people.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I think if you want to preserve HDD space then it's kindy ideal to use blu-ray cds. On consoles, you don't need a blu-ray drive too because you can also download games ala Steam. It is a convenience though especially if you have slow internet or data caps. This is especially true now that games are becoming bigger in size. Just a few years ago, I would call you crazy if you said a game takes 50gb of space.

Not really; a pack of 10 50GB BD-Rs still costs around $25. Those looking for an ideal backup solution would be better served buying a 1TB external drive.


People enjoying a console doesn't diminish your PC enjoyment... or shouldn't. And vice-versa. You just come off as insecure and defensive. These threads always turn into a budget PC buildathon and it's sad to see we can't just discuss the technical merits of the game on what we want to play it on.

Stories out of your ass? Ironically I bought game on Xbox One, it doesn't change the fact that what I and others said before - game runs better on 410-450USD/EUR builds, like much better (all ultra settings except for textures and shadows, native 1080p, 40FPS+).


Not really; a pack of 10 50GB BD-Rs still costs around $25. Those looking for an ideal backup solution would be better served buying a 1TB external drive.

Yeah, with HDD prices at around €30 / TB I just don't think about deleting anything, or storing it on anything other than a HDD, ever these days.


The joy of not living in the US.

Even if you're on a totally trash ISP (like I am atm) you'll probably still be in better shoes with DD considering the time and money it takes to ship a physical copy in the first place. Which isn't even getting into preloading....


Stories out of your ass? Ironically I bought game on Xbox One, it doesn't change the fact that what I and others said before - game runs better on 410-450USD/EUR builds, like much better (all ultra settings except for textures and shadows, native 1080p, 40FPS+).

I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit. Definitely not getting that performance on a $410 PC

Euro probably, but USD? vincemcmahonthemesong.avi


Anyone arguing that the pc version doesnt far exceed the consoles is just being weird. I got it on xbox one and I'll happily admit the pc version is far superior to both consoles. My pc is 3 years old and I'm gutted to hear it would gave destroyed the Xbox One and ps4 version. Should have hot that but I got scared off by all the vram talk etc


Gold Member
Not really; a pack of 10 50GB BD-Rs still costs around $25. Those looking for an ideal backup solution would be better served buying a 1TB external drive.

Well it's kinda subjective really. 1TB of ext HDD cost $85 at my place. Also there is a fear of a HDD failing vs a disc getting scratched/unreadable.


Interesting that they barely mention the 60fps advantage for PC. You know, the biggest differentiator between the 3 versions of the game.

I understand where you're coming from, the 60 FPS common standard etc but PC is actually 100 FPS. That's where the cap is. Some people have monitors that support it.


Gold Member
Are you implying that there is no resolution difference between the high and ultra textures?

You wanted yours in your PC, that doesn't mean it should be considered a cost in every PC.

I haven't had a drive on my PC since I built it (2011) and have never felt it's absence. It's just unnecessary for most people.

Again, I am not saying it should. I was totally speaking in context of the "tit for tat" argument of building a PC to match PS4/Xbone.

Ignoring the blu-ray drive is just something I didn't agree with.

I didn't mean to reignite that discussion. My response was about people hating on PC gamers, it's been a two way street in this thread.


So XB1 version turn out better than "rumors" and PS4 version worse. What a surprise.

Dude that's a silver lining thick as fuck.

Xbox one version not only loses in resolution, but also in IQ and amount of elements. That's terrible, and a first as far as I know


Some friends said to me the PS4 version (and PC of course) have better/advanced AI too... is that true?


Are you implying that there is no resolution difference between the high and ultra textures?
Yup, that is exactly what I am implying.

Of course it is possible that I have been fed bad comparisons or that there is something wrong with my game, but what I've seen thus far suggests that the Ultra textures are in the same boat as DooM 3's ultra textures: not really worth it unless you're just swimming in spare VRAM.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Well it's kinda subjective really. 1TB of ext HDD cost $85 at my place. Also there is a fear of a HDD failing vs a disc getting scratched/unreadable.

Those 50GB discs don't stretch far, though, now that both Microsoft and Sony are using BD.


Lol at this thread.

"PC can be stronger than a PS4, so we shouldn't compare it ever again! (And not all PC's can run it in ultra, so PS4 technically wins)"

"Wow PS4 version is better than the Xbone? Let's just keep doing these face-offs because that might change in the future!"

That hypocritical reasoning made sense last gen since 360/PS3 were a lot closer in power, but considering just how stronger the PS4 is, we really shouldn't need these face-offs in the first place no? Now that reasoning is only used by PS4 owners who hate being in 2nd place.

These face-offs are always interesting because it's cool to see what settings are used in the console versions, what features are in what version etc. but it always seems to turn into these fights.

Spot on.


So many pc gamers in this thread talking about how great it runs on middling hardware but fail to admit that the games are locked on PS4 and XBONE, there's no way to know their actual framerate in that instance. Since there's no framedrops on either, it's highly likely that the bone runs it at 35-45 fps unlocked and the PS4 runs it at 45-60fps (that part is a guess though).

That middling PC hardware can do exactly the same. Capping the framerate. But that aside, I don't know where you're getting the 35-45 and 45-60 as being 'highly likely'. Why 45-60 too? Why 60? Rather conventient.

Pc gamers should also realize that the Pc version is also running this game without motion blur or AA which adds another 15-20fps to their framerate.

It's been demonstrated that motion blur on PC, even if it's not showing on the final image, does affect framerate.
AA barely affects framerate however. The 15-20 is, like your last figure, pulled from thin air.


Lol at this thread.

"PC can be stronger than a PS4, so we shouldn't compare it ever again! (And not all PC's can run it in ultra, so PS4 technically wins)"

"Wow PS4 version is better than the Xbone? Let's just keep doing these face-offs because that might change in the future!"

That hypocritical reasoning made sense last gen since 360/PS3 were a lot closer in power, but considering just how stronger the PS4 is, we really shouldn't need these face-offs in the first place no? Now that reasoning is only used by PS4 owners who hate being in 2nd place.

These face-offs are always interesting because it's cool to see what settings are used in the console versions, what features are in what version etc. but it always seems to turn into these fights.

I like these face-offs to decide between wich version I should buy.
In this case, I decided to buy the XB1 version if I buy one (dont know if DC and SO will let me) because I learned that the gap wasnt 720p/30fps against 1080p/60fps like I've seen many making that out. And since the XB1 is my favorite platform, with such a difference (thats not night and day) I will get that one.


I think you've misunderstood his post. The X1 version was rumoured to be 720p30 (actually 900p30) and the PS4 version 1080p60 (actually 1080p30), so he's right.

How? The Xbox One version was rumored to be 720p/30 fps and actually is 900p/30fps. While the PS4 version was said to be 1080p/60fps and turned out to be 1080p/30fps.

Not talking about resolution, but thinking that the Xbox One version is automatically better than the PS4 version entirely based off of the rumors being wrong.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Not talking about resolution, but thinking that the Xbox One version is automatically better than the PS4 version entirely based off of the rumors.

He's saying that the the reality of the X1 version is ahead of what was rumoured while the PS4 version falls short, and that's exactly the case: 900p30 is better than 720p30 and 1080p30 is worse than 1080p60.


extra source of jiggaflops
I think you've misunderstood his post. The X1 version was rumoured to be 720p30 (actually 900p30) and the PS4 version 1080p60 (actually 1080p30), so he's right.
That is selectively believing certain rumors over others. Monolith were deceptive in their communication on stream about 1080p60, 720p30 was Manabyte and was dismissed over and over again in the OT.

I don't think believing a verified and banned fanboy about the resolution of a game on a platform he constantly shits on is a credible basis. Brad Shoemaker said PS4 version was 1080p30 pre-release too.

I'm not "selectively believing" anything, just clarifying what the poster meant.
And I'm saying you can cherry pick any rumor like the one by Brad Shoemaker which correctly assessed the frame rate and resolution.


Lol at this thread.

"PC can be stronger than a PS4, so we shouldn't compare it ever again! (And not all PC's can run it in ultra, so PS4 technically wins)"

"Wow PS4 version is better than the Xbone? Let's just keep doing these face-offs because that might change in the future!"

That hypocritical reasoning made sense last gen since 360/PS3 were a lot closer in power, but considering just how stronger the PS4 is, we really shouldn't need these face-offs in the first place no? Now that reasoning is only used by PS4 owners who hate being in 2nd place.

These face-offs are always interesting because it's cool to see what settings are used in the console versions, what features are in what version etc. but it always seems to turn into these fights.

I agree. The hypocrisy is flagrant.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
That is selectively believing certain rumors over others. Monolith were deceptive in their communication on stream about 1080p60, 720p30 was Manabyte and was dismissed over and over again in the OT.

I'm not "selectively believing" anything, just clarifying what the poster meant. I have no dog in this fight; I own neither a PS4 nor an X1.


Some friends said to me the PS4 version (and PC of course) have better/advanced AI too... is that true?

No. You might be thinking of the last gen versions getting a gimped Nemesis system when it releases, but the extent of that is not known because they barely get talked about.


I like these face-offs to decide between wich version I should buy.
In this case, I decided to buy the XB1 version if I buy one (dont know if DC and SO will let me) because I learned that the gap wasnt 720p/30fps against 1080p/60fps like I've seen many making that out. And since the XB1 is my favorite platform, with such a difference (thats not night and day) I will get that one.

I agree, the gap isn't a huge difference for this game, another reason why all platforms involved should be in the Face-off.

For some people the importance might be achievements/trophies, friends on platform, controller preference etc. So face-offs are a good way to find out if what you're missing is worth not playing on your preferred platform.


because they are? these consoles will be running games 7 years from now, bought for 400 bucks last year. why? locked hardware. devs are going to optimise for it.

give me one 400-dollar pc from 2013 that will run 2020 games at 30 fps minimum. you won't be able to.

"oh no but you have to pay for online, etc." is gonna be the excuse, no doubt.

Eh, this is an entirely different point.
So it would be cool if a console manufacturer sold you a $300 pc as a $1000 console as long as you could play games on it in 2030?
I also would take a bet that we would see the next gen consoles before 2021.

And btw: I bought my current cpu in the middle of 2007, a few months after the ps3 came out in europe. I can still play every game.
And this cpu actually beats what's in the ps4.
That makes this cpu the by far longest i ever had and it will beat the longevity of any home console ever made thanks to these new weak sauce consoles we got.
because they are? these consoles will be running games 7 years from now, bought for 400 bucks last year. why? locked hardware. devs are going to optimise for it.

give me one 400-dollar pc from 2013 that will run 2020 games at 30 fps minimum. you won't be able to.

"oh no but you have to pay for online, etc." is gonna be the excuse, no doubt.

You know, unless it's an exclusive or a really efficient dev, optimise just means dropping options.
Do you really think that in 2013, console games will maintain 30FPS ?
We already see compromises in the first year.
So yes, I still think that these 400 dollars PC from 2013 will still run these games at SAME settings as PS4 and One.


I agree, the gap isn't a huge difference for this game, another reason why all platforms involved should be in the Face-off.

For some people the importance might be achievements/trophies, friends on platform, controller preference etc. So face-offs are a good way to find out if what you're missing is worth not playing on your preferred platform.

Exactly! :)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
And I'm saying you can cherry pick any rumor like the one by Brad Shoemaker which correctly assessed the frame rate and resolution.

Sure, but it was quite clear what rumours the poster was referring to in particular. He could have contextualised better, but technically he's not entirely wrong.


He's saying that the the reality of the X1 version is ahead of what was rumoured while the PS4 version falls short, and that's exactly the case: 900p30 is better than 720p30 and 1080p30 is worse than 1080p60.

Well if that is enough to make fanboys happy, MS should invest their dollars in fake rumours rather than useless bundles and exclusives.

Fan base happy because their version is blatantly worse in basically all fronts. Unbelievable.


extra source of jiggaflops
Sure, but it was quite clear what rumours the poster was referring to in particular.
And I think that is a dumb way to go about.

Not all rumors or predictions are created equally and to pretend they are seems pretty weak. There is a qualitative difference between ManaByte posting 720p30 and a developer on a livestream saying 1080p60. I can list a few posts that instantly dismissed the ManaByte rumor in the OT, because I wrote a few of them myself.

See my edit. Your condescending defensiveness is, frankly, really quite bizarre.
I don't see condescension or defensiveness. But yeah if you feel offended that I think someone is being dumb if they believe ManaByte about 720p30 even though lots of posters instantly called shit on that thread before we had any idea about the actual performance of the game then so be it.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
And I think that is a dumb way to go about.

Not all rumors or predictions are created equally and to pretend they do seems pretty weak.

See my edit. Your condescending defensiveness is, frankly, really quite bizarre.

There is a qualitative difference between ManaByte posting 720p30 and a developer on a livestream saying 1080p60. I can list a few posts that instantly dismissed the ManaByte rumor in the OT, because I wrote a few of them myself.

I don't mean to come across as belittling, but I really can't make this any clearer: I was simply explaining why the poster came to the conclusion that he did. Nothing more, nothing less. You're trying to argue with the wrong person.


Probably ps4 was the infamous 60 fps 30 fps unlocked, something similar to TR : DE but with tons of tearing. Developers have preferred to vysnc at 30 fps. I remember some preview video & the level of tearing was really embarassing. So 60 fps it's gone.


extra source of jiggaflops
I don't mean to come across as belittling, but I really can't make this any clearer: I was simply explaining why the poster came to the conclusion that he did. Nothing more, nothing less.
And I've added to your statements. Not once have I said you said those things. I described it as "that statement" and "that is dumb" which they are, as explained above.


So XB1 version turn out better than "rumors" and PS4 version worse. What a surprise.



gave away the keys to the kingdom.
And I've added to your statements. Not once have I said you said those things. I described it as "that statement" and "that is dumb" which they are, as explained above.

Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding. It's 4:30am here. ;) But in my defence, opening your response to my earlier post simply with "that" was rather unclear, hence the assumption that you were referring to my conclusion as opposed to his logic. It's for this reason that emboldening the particular part of a post one's responding to is a good habit to get into.

I don't see condescension or defensiveness. But yeah if you feel offended that I think someone is being dumb if they believe ManaByte about 720p30 even though lots of posters instantly called shit on that thread before we had any idea about the actual performance of the game then so be it.

As above.


Probably ps4 was the infamous 60 fps 30 fps unlocked, something similar to TR : DE but with tons of tearing. Developers have preferred to vysnc at 30 fps. I remember some preview video & the level of tearing was really embarassing. So 60 fps it's gone.

Yeah probably explains the tearing, glad they chose not to go that route.


People enjoying a console doesn't diminish your PC enjoyment... or shouldn't. And vice-versa. You just come off as insecure and defensive. These threads always turn into a budget PC buildathon and it's sad to see we can't just discuss the technical merits of the game on what we want to play it on.



I wonder if people saying 900p is good because it is not 720p are taking into account the dropped vegetation and worse shadow quality.

Because that 720p rumour may still hold true in a sense. It is just they decided to increase resolution in expense of other areas.


extra source of jiggaflops
I wonder if people saying 900p is good because it is not 720p are taking into account the dropped vegetation and worse shadow quality.

Because that 720p rumour may still hold true in a sense. It is just they decided to increase resolution in expense of other areas.
That 720p thing was based Twitch streamers that had the retail version of the game. It was just used for FUD.


That part about the lack of tearing in the final version makes sense.

Pre-release nobody on site commented on the frame rate when Monolith said 60 and I just assumed that the enthusiast press are afraid to call out or question any statement being made but maybe it was just locked before going to cert because of that.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I wonder if people saying 900p is good because it is not 720p are taking into account the dropped vegetation and worse shadow quality.

Because that 720p rumour may still hold true in a sense. It is just they decided to increase resolution in expense of other areas.

Dropping the resolution wouldn't have helped much in the vegetation department, anyway. Take the PS3 version of RDR, for example, which runs at both a lower resolution than its X360 counterpart in addition to having noticeably less foliage peppering the world.
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