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Xbox One beats PS4 on Black Friday, according to market-research firm

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Wow some people are really in denial that other people might like the Xbox One's lineup better than the PS4's huh?

And now you are falsely believing that the Xbox game lineup was the primary driver of this sales spike. It was a 70 dollar price cut that included two free games with more additional deals after that.


Pretty sure it would have sold more on a PS console. even if the PS4 and XBO had the same instell base. I think PS players are more open to new IP's that aren't fucking shooters. Maybe I say this cause I'm a european though...

Yes, clearly the Playstation crowd is the refined collector who dabbles in everything and is willing to wet their feet a bit, while the Xbox gamer is a thug who only wishes to shoot and maim things.
I hope it's true. MS deserves success considering how aggressive they've been both in terms of pricing and funding 3rd party console exclusives (Sunset, Dead Rising, Titanfall, RYse...).
Sony had a lousy end of the year, with one sub-par driving game and yet another LBP that doesn't bring much new to the table.

We need some good competition in this race to force both parties to bring their A game.

Wait, you call DriveClub sub par and LBP not bringing much new to the table yet believe MS deserves success because of Ryse, one of the worst launch titles last year and Dead Rising that doesn't bring anything more new comparatively to LBP. (And if you actually did play LBP you would know it brought plenty new to the series.)

And the only game you listed that came out near the end of this year is SSO. The rest of those other games are irrelevant compared to the amount of games that both consoles received near the end of this year.

The fire sale price and third party content released this fourth quarter are the reason that MS will do well at BF. Consumers are not using the weird, inconsistent logic in your post.

"Third party games matter, except for the ones that are not specifically funded by MS.
Because as a consumer, I'm really concerned which publishers is funding which title. Especially ones that released 12 months ago. Not to mention exclusives. All the other games that make up the vast majority of both console linueps, the ones that consistently dominate charts like no name titles such as Destiny, Madden and CoD. Those come last in my mind. Off to Target!"
I have a console that isn't as good as another, but it sells when it's cheap and has a heap of free games. That means I have the best console...

Well, yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it. I assume you're being sarcastic but a weaker, cheaper console with free games can absolutely be the best for many people.


As expected. Hopefully Nintendo takes notice and gives the Wii U a massive price cut. In time for Zelda, preferably ;)


It's undeniable that Sunset Overdrive is one of the best games released this Autumn/Winter. Both in terms of gameplay and for the simple fact that it shipped with the least number of technical issues.

The fact that sales don't reflect this is yet further evidence that the market at large isn't open to new experiences that put fun gameplay ahead of serious/grim dark storytelling.

Sunset Overdrive will eventually be known as this generation's Dragons Dogma. An exceptional game that the market simply wasn't ready for and one that people continually beg Insomniac/MS for a sequel.

Not ready for.... Err

It just rehashed all their best old ideas into one enjoyable experience that all involved collecting something and bringing it back outside of a few missions. Bit hard to not be ready for stuff we've all played before.
As expected. Hopefully Nintendo takes notice and gives the Wii U a massive price cut. In time for Zelda, preferably ;)

If they were going to drop the price, they would have this Christmas.

At this point I honestly believe Nintendo are just trying to sell off the 12m units they have, make a profit, keep the faithful happy, and keep ticking over until they can try again next gen.

I mean I'm as big a Zelda fan as the next guy, but I'm in no way kidding myself that it's going to shift as many WiiU units as the more popular franchises that are already out, price cut or not. Next Christmas will be the WiiU's last hurrah, and I fully expect Nintendo to prioritise selling at a profit over selling a slightly less terrible amount.
Not ready for.... Err

It just rehashed all their best old ideas into one enjoyable experience that all involved collecting something and bringing it back outside of a few missions. Bit hard to not be ready for stuff we've all played before.

This is getting kind of off topic but Sunset Overdrive, at least in my opinion, felt like more than the sum of it's parts. Yeah it took lots of ideas from different games but the way they were all brought together was rather unique and maybe it's just me but I can't think of another game that mixed movement and combat the way it did.
Infoscout last Black Friday:



Methodology last Black Friday:

"Of over 102k shopping receipts tracked by InfoScout on Black Friday, slightly over 1,500 included purchases of a gaming console or console game. The data includes purchases at all major retailers carrying electronics including Walmart, Target, Best Buy, GameStop, RadioShack, and others. For more information related to our data and panel representation, visit our data page."
That was fast Aquamarine. Nothing to see here.



And now you are falsely believing that the Xbox game lineup was the primary driver of this sales spike. It was a 70 dollar price cut that included two free games with more additional deals after that.

a $70 price cut wouldn't have any effect on sales if there wasn't any games on the platform people were willing to play. A little angry about it? sheesh.


Not ready for.... Err

It just rehashed all their best old ideas into one enjoyable experience that all involved collecting something and bringing it back outside of a few missions. Bit hard to not be ready for stuff we've all played before.

This is poor reasoning, taking ideas doesnt mean the end product is what you've played before, and I'd say there's nothing like SSO, it's traversal mechanics was new to me, care to point out games like this?

Also using your definition, there's no point buying any game because they all borrow from each other. We've played them all.


god people get pretty angry for any article where MS sells more than the PS4. Jesus christ. If you dont own the console then what is it to you? Who cares what sells more it really wont effect too much - particularly since this is just one day out of the year?

Considering Sony's exclusive offerings have been nothing but disappointing so far, they really don't have much else going for them to convince themselves that they chose the "right" platform. It also doesn't help the fact that the graphical difference between the 2 platforms hasn't been as big as they hoped.

Me? I'm just enjoying the ride and will be picking up PS4 later when it obtains worthy exclusive titles that I'm interested in.


This shouldn't be a surprise. Price elasticity at work. With the kinds of discounts and bundles being offered, it was likely the Xbone would sell well.

Anecdotally, it appeared to be going that way in stores in my area. Lots of people walking out doors with Xboxes. Much less for other consoles. Again, just anecdotal from my neck of the woods (Midwest).


Junior Member
Infoscout last Black Friday:



Methodology last Black Friday:

"Of over 102k shopping receipts tracked by InfoScout on Black Friday, slightly over 1,500 included purchases of a gaming console or console game. The data includes purchases at all major retailers carrying electronics including Walmart, Target, Best Buy, GameStop, RadioShack, and others. For more information related to our data and panel representation, visit our data page."

Aqua, thank you for delaying the collapse of the Age of Sony.


The price of the xb1 almost got me to buy one to be a media player, and a friend of mine did just that, I fully expect it to win November, but it's test is will it have legs after the holidays?

A year ago the bundle would cost over 600, they essentially are at 50% of there initial cost, that equals sales.

The ps4 bundles look to be moving as well, but are only 20% below "msrp".


Considering Sony's exclusive offerings have been nothing but disappointing so far, they really don't have much else going for them to convince themselves that they chose the "right" platform. It also doesn't help the fact that the graphical difference between the 2 platforms hasn't been as big as they hoped.

Me? I'm just enjoying the ride and will be picking up PS4 later when it obtains worthy exclusive titles that I'm interested in.
What a load of inflammatory nonsense.


Let the age of the ouya begin!

Personally I bought a xbone this black friday, there was some crazy good deals but the PS4 ones were equally as popular. Especially the driveclub and last of us white console bundle for £289.99


If Microsoft can maintain this market share until then, it could make a dent in Sony overall market share.

One day's sales are going to make a difference in the overall 2:1 worldwide gap in market share? Yeah right. It won't even close the gap in NA.


I'm not surprised. In US and UK the Xbone has been outselling for quite a few weeks now. It's an interesting comeback that I thought might happen due to the brand strength. People are upgrading their 360s and of course they go for the same brand. The price cuts and exclusives as well all make the xbone a good sell this holiday for the bigger market that don't know of all it's initial foibles.

I cut Sony some slack as the first year of a console is typically dry and certainly next year is looking insane for them. But MS did actually deliver quite a few games in the first year, well done to them for beating that first year drought.

I think MS is going to outsell for the rest of this year, they may even take lead in the US\UK. Brand strength, aggressive bundles and more games a good console sale make.

It's an astonishing comeback, humbling even.
That records purchase receipts . There's a reason the firm is in business. They're not pulling these numbers from thin air.

That's right they got the numbers from the cloud?
So how many people out of all their receipts they tracked actually bought consoles? I think you should have a good look at Aquamarine ' s post further up before blindly posting!


If they didn't win at almost $100 less then I'd say they were complete failures tbh

The king that never won a generation? Xbox is Viserys Targaryen CONFIRMED.

It won last gen in the US and this data is about the US. Seems like what he says is true.


I'm not surprised. In US and UK the Xbone has been outselling for quite a few weeks now. It's an interesting comeback that I thought might happen due to the brand strength. People are upgrading their 360s and of course they go for the same brand. The price cuts and exclusives as well all make the xbone a good sell this holiday for the bigger market that don't know of all it's initial foibles.

I cut Sony some slack as the first year of a console is typically dry and certainly next year is looking insane for them. But MS did actually deliver quite a few games in the first year, well done to them for beating that first year drought.

I think MS is going to outsell for the rest of this year, they may even take lead in the US\UK. Brand strength, aggressive bundles and more games a good console sale make.

It's an astonishing comeback, humbling even.

There is not a single chance of them taking the lead in the US and the UK by the end of 2014.

They're about 1.5m units behind combined, possibly 1.7m.
Not ready for.... Err

It just rehashed all their best old ideas into one enjoyable experience that all involved collecting something and bringing it back outside of a few missions. Bit hard to not be ready for stuff we've all played before.

Sounds like you haven't watched the game beyond the first couple of hours on YT. I highly recommend you watch beyond the early part of the game as it's not just collecting something and bringing it back outside of a few missions.

That's just nonsense.
Who the hell still buys last gen consoles? Some kid opening up a brand spanking new console on Christmas morning.

"Wow! Thanks for the Xbox...360??!??"


Yes, clearly the Playstation crowd is the refined collector who dabbles in everything and is willing to wet their feet a bit, while the Xbox gamer is a thug who only wishes to shoot and maim things.

I know you're being sarcastic, but if you look at last gen, the PS side did have the more diverse grouping of game genre's...
Where the Xbox One was kind of pigeon holed for awhile into a certain type of game and advertising was aimed at a certain type of gamer

and yes, once again, The United States does not equal the whole world


Not sure what other stores are like but I was at Walmart yesterday and they had a good bit of assassins creed and halo bundles left, but there were no gta v and tlou bundles to be found anywhere.

Anecdotal evidence, I know.


There is not a single chance of them taking the lead in the US and the UK by the end of 2014.

They're about 1.5m units behind combined, possibly 1.7m.

UK is more far fetched yeah. US though... will wait for NPDs to see the impact.


Who the hell still buys last gen consoles? Some kid opening up a brand spanking new console on Christmas morning.

"Wow! Thanks for the Xbox...360??!??"

I imagined you snorting this post out over a large brandy from leather bound chair next to a roaring fire in a smoking jacket, monocle and top hat.
Debatable. It was the cheapest deal but given an extra £20 got you both LittleBigPlanet 3 and The Last of Us remastered, I'd say there's certainly more value there.

Whereas the XBOX One got you the console, Assassins Creed: Black Flag, Assassins Creed: Unity, Forza 5 and LEGO Marvel is far more value than any PlayStation deal offered.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a PlayStation owner myself, I've never cared for XBOX and don't really have interest in it, but I was a parent looking to buy my children a games console and looked to spend £300, then there's definitely more value and substance in the XBOX One deal than the PlayStation deals.

Not sure I'd consider the bundle with three year old games and one lacklustre game a good deal compared to the £279 DC PS4 bundle.

To each their own I guess.


I can't imagine how much annoying shit will coming from Major Nelson & company if xbone 'win'. They dropped the balls with every single prediction in favour of xbone, this year. The only reason why I hope it not happen it's for people like them.


If MS "won" then good one them. I would be interested to see how they can keep the kind of deals they're offering going into 2015.

If they can't - then all if this is rather moot isnt it?


MS might well have outsold PS4. However the title should reflect this is a poll really as its not claiming MS did outsell it merely the trend in the poll indicates it might have.

Statistically I'd be a little concerned that the nature of the poll is more likely to appeal to people seeking best deals and be skewed slightly as a result.

I'm pretty sure XB1 did sell well but this is just a poll not conclusive results.
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