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Street Fighter 5 for PS4 & PC teaser trailer


People need to stop comparing this with the Tomb Raider deal.

Tomb Raider is FULLY EXCLUSIVE to Xbox One. Not even PC is getting it.

At least this game is also coming to PC, so you Xboxers can still pick the game up. You Xboxers are getting the better deal overall.


Don't come crying to me 9 months after SFV launches and all of you bite into the hype and buy it and Capcom announces Super Street Fighter V.

You can't say you weren't warned.
But now with our digital overlords, we can pay a smaller fee if we have the original game and treat the new version like DLC ala USFIV. I think everyone in this thread already knows SSFV is coming.


But but what if the game was in danger of being cancelled before Sony swooped in to save the day? Haha...obviously not the case, but you can fully expect all of those mental gymnastics and rationalising BS that have been employed for similar cases to this to now come back to bite certain fans on the ass. I'll never be in favour of moneyhatted multiplats to be clear, but the fallout here should make for entertaining reading I guess.

Gotta say though, it's good that Capcom aren't actively trying to deceive anyone about or delay the PC version of this like they did with Dead Rising 3 (Which was stated as 'never' coming to PC at least once iirc). The belief that tha game was Xbox One only for keepsies was the primary factor for me picking up an Xbone at launch. Regrettable decision now of course.

PC owners being completely unaffected here at least is a good thing. Still wish that had been the case with Tomb Raider 2 though.


From what i can tell the reactions would be very different. Remember the Rise of the TR thread? Yeah..

I hate all the console wars crap, but the positive reaction for this being Playstation exclusive is odd. Even more so when compared to the vitriolic shitstorm that followed the Tomb Raider announcement.

Use some common sense.

This forum has a lot of PC gamers, the game was announced as a PS4/PC game, and the game is smaller compared to Tomb Raider.

The meltdowns obviously won't be the same as the TR situation.
Dick move Sony, dick move...

And this probably means no surprise DMC announcement :(

Thats where I'm at.

It is disappointing to see Sony do the same shit Microsoft did.
...and I was hoping for a different game announcement.

...and I say that as someone who'll buy a PS4 early next year and never touch an XBone .

Edit: What duckroll said is correct. Wait and see before hurling around accusations.
Calm down we don't even know if it's a full exclusive, people forget Sony is very incompetent when it comes to deals like these. At worst there is a timed exclusivity going on, which also sucks. But what can we do? It's not that complaning will make matters better.

On the other hand, didn't Ono say he didn't get the funding he needed for a new Street Fighter? Lets not jump to conclusions and wait for what the people at Capcom/Sony have to say about this, this could even be a Bayonetta 2 situation where Sony (partly) funded the development for console exclusivity.
I don't see where "Exclusively on PS4 and PC" with no asterisks or small text or dates/years leaves any room for doubt. It's pretty clear to me.


- Japanese trailer
- No press release yet
- Video pulled because it wasn't supposed to be up yet

Maybe all the console warriors on either side should sit down until there's an official announcement worldwide? Because if you're releasing any game in Japan from now on, you're probably not going to consider Xbox as a viable platform to even market for. :p
True, this makes a lot of sense.


Tis the season to be jolly


Oh god, theres more?


That's pretty goddamn huge,

Sony has gotta be partially funding it. It's been teased by them for a year now, with that Hadoken Cabs commercial.
So I haven't tested it, but is my joystick for SFIV compatible with PS4? Was going to give Injustice a go this weekend. That's honestly the only way this new game would be on my radar. I'm not buying a new stick and I'm not playing with a standard controller.

Why bring a stick to a fist fight?
I'd say the explanation is pretty simple.

Ono wanted to make a SF5 but couldn't get funding, so Sony stepped in to make it happen.

It happens.

This, pretty much. Like, you could look at almost any Ono interview asking about the future of SF past IV, and he'll most likely mention how difficult it is to get stuff funded at Capcom these days. Hell, I'm pretty sure some of those interviews might have had GAF threads.


Damn, that's huge. Could be Japan only, but damn.

Hopefully this being revealed the day before the show means there's still other megatons to announce tomorrow!
This is huge. I wonder how "exclusive" it is though

Capcom just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Street Fighter 5 for either system, nor will they purchase any of Capcom's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Capcom has alienated an entire market with this move.

Capcom, publicly apologize and cancel Street Fighter 5 for PS4 or you can kiss your business goodbye.



Nope: SF2 CE was exclusive to Genesis, and SF2 Turbo was to SNES. Genesis got robbed.

I thought those were both the same game, just that Sega and Nintendo each demanded a special title so it looked like they got special exclusive versions.
I'd say the explanation is pretty simple.

Ono wanted to make a SF5 but couldn't get funding, so Sony stepped in to make it happen.

It happens.
Really? Street Fighter is not Bayonetta. A sequel inevitable - it's a absolutely huge franchise for Capcom. You've gotta be in some denial to believe this is anything other than a shitty money hat where Sony paid to fuck over Xbone owners. It's possible more evidence will come to light that changes things but right now Sony is in straight up villain mode.

I was so fucking excited for a collaboration between Ono and Japan Studio on something crazy and new. Bullshit.


Did SFIV sell well on 360 in Japan? The Xbox One's install base probably didn't make this Capcom/Sony deal hard to manifest.


It's interesting though and possibly a precedent to come. Guilty Gear Xrd is Playstation exclusive, and now SFV is console exclusive to PS4.

Hoping to see PS4LAG appear as a top donor during EVO.


- Japanese trailer
- No press release yet
- Video pulled because it wasn't supposed to be up yet

Maybe all the console warriors on either side should sit down until there's an official announcement worldwide? Because if you're releasing any game in Japan from now on, you're probably not going to consider Xbox as a viable platform to even market for. :p
There's no point trying to be the voice of reason, DemonNite is already teasing. It's exclusive, everywhere. Might as well hash it out now so GAF isn't completely nuked during PSX.
i dont hate anything. I'm a fan just like you :)
I think a real fan of games would PM me TLG's trailer, but okay, I'll let it slide this once.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Ok, didn't expect this game to not be on Xbox One. At all.

EDIT: Actually, what duckroll said could be ture as well: Japanese trailer, so the game could still be released on Xbox One outisde of Japan. We'll have to see, I guess.
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