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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length

A few I would imagine. These people with 'concerns' and trolling have really made a rod for their back going forward. Any game from MS that falls under 10 hours will be mauled to death by angry Sony fans who have got sick and tired of this constant Sony exclusive bashing. It's going to get ugly.

Have a look at thread where people were outraged that Ryse was between 6-7hrs long.


I only play SP so gameplay length is an important factor for me, any game that can't justify it's price is picked up much later from the bargain bin.

TLOU really showed up a lot of shorter games and devs need to realise that 5h is not a benchmark to aim for.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So last night the verdict was 10-12 hours as stated by Gaffers with the game. I woke up and people who have not played the game claim it to be 5/6 hours instead. Just got home from work and it is now only an hour and a half according to a youtube comment.

What the hell.

I may be wrong, but the YouTuber has his entire playthrough uploaded so people can confirm his claim if they want to. He also is very positive about the game, so it doesn't look like some attempt to sabotage it.

Either way, we'll all know soon enough. Looking forward to playing through the game for myself. I was skeptical before, but I really haven't heard any bad impressions about how the game plays or its performance (which I was most worried about). It may be kind of short, but if its a fun ride, I'll be happy.

Xaero Gravity

Some might remember Terminator on the Mega Drive, £40 back in 1992 and lasted 20 minutes, only 4 levels. I enjoyed it immensely and just loved playing through many times, even the title screen was epic. Back then it was a very good looking game and neat gameplay, very much captured the look and feel of the film for the time. The only saving grace for some was it was quite difficult. This game was controversial back then as most games on first try would take 3-10 hours.
The sound of the shotgun in that game was incredible.


A few I would imagine. These people with 'concerns' and trolling have really made a rod for their back going forward. Any game from MS that falls under 10 hours will be mauled to death by angry Sony fans who have got sick and tired of this constant Sony exclusive bashing. It's going to get ugly.

The sooner people remember that video gaming is a hobby and being so heavily emotionally invested in one company is unhealthy the better.

Who gives a shit if people are concerned or trolling The Order? Is it going to impact how much you or other people enjoy the game?

I've posted some pretty childish shit in my time here on GAF but the immaturity of the gaming community is still pretty shocking.


The average consumer will never know and never care. Why are we making an issue out of nothing again? If the amount of hours isn't enough for you then just wait.


Because multiple people on this site have clocked it at double that? Supposedly the person playing the game didn't stop to look at anything, etc. Many players spend time exploring the environment and doing other things that extend playtime. I'm sure some people can complete it in 5 hours... that does not mean everyone should deride it as a 5 hour game if they, in fact, would spend 10 or more hours on it, perhaps 20+ if it's as replayable as some have mentioned.

And? Unless they've also uploaded videos from start to finish, how does that detract from that guys video? He played pretty normally, and you can't say, oh someone else would have done this.

That's my only problem. All of you want to discredit the guy, when he's just a normal guy who uploaded the full playthrough of his game.

Also, it's not about replayability, it seems as if the campaign is about 5-7ish hours on length in average. Now people who like to explore every book and cranny can definitely do longer, but people who speed run could probably even beat the game in 4 hours.


Plot twist... the game is actually -1.5 hours in length. We've all already beaten the game.

Ah but have you paid for that yet?

Also on the topic of "beating the game in x hours" everyone should take a look at Quake Done Quick project videos.
Kinda put things into proper perspective for those of us who can't tell the difference between playing the game a running through a game.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
I'll be severely disappointed if it's 5 hours total with half of that being cutscenes. I still want to buy this game but I'm going to be keeping a real close eye on gaf impressions and from people that have actually played the game.

I swear though if it's only 5 fucking hours and they release some story dlc bullshit that might be the worst thing to happen in gaming in 2015. I'll be outraged I tell ya.
The average consumer will never know and never care. Why are we making an issue out of nothing again? If the amount of hours isn't enough for you then just wait.

The average consumer will definitely care if the game is short lol what are you talking about

A few I would imagine. These people with 'concerns' and trolling have really made a rod for their back going forward. Any game from MS that falls under 10 hours will be mauled to death by angry Sony fans who have got sick and tired of this constant Sony exclusive bashing. It's going to get ugly.

Where were you when Ryse came out?


Why are people so attached to the 5 and half our youtube video?If you looks at the video, the guy is clearway trying to go as fast as possible, in a difficulty that isn't a challenge for him, he even refuses to pick up items that are in front of him most of the time if he thinks it isn't the way to progress.

I was going to get this on launch day but now I'll wait for a price drop and get Kirby instead.

Is Kirby even a long game?


A few I would imagine. These people with 'concerns' and trolling have really made a rod for their back going forward. Any game from MS that falls under 10 hours will be mauled to death by angry Sony fans who have got sick and tired of this constant Sony exclusive bashing. It's going to get ugly.

"Constant Sony exclusive bashing"? Where is that happening? Surely not on this forum.


Why would you watch a whole play through of the game on youtube? I can maybe understand if you peeked for a bit, but the whole game? Those who do so really had no intention on being the game in the first place. Then they will show up on these threads and complain about the game. I just don't get it.

Sounds about right. If you really care bout the game, you wouldnt do this.

People did it with TLoU also and said they did it because it "was like a movie" so they used that to dismiss the game entirely.

If you watch youtube videos of an entire game, you have lost what gaming is about. Only people that I think would do this are those people not able to afford these games and maybe their only choice is to "watch" it being played so they get some of the "experience" and have something to talk about among their gaming friends.


The sooner people remember that video gaming is a hobby and being so heavily emotionally invested in one company is unhealthy the better.

Who gives a shit if people are concerned or trolling The Order? Is it going to impact how much you or other people enjoy the game?

I've posted some pretty childish shit in my time here on GAF but the immaturity of the gaming community is still pretty shocking.

Indeed. Can't post concern or you are a 'concern troll.' Can't get too excited or you are the 'defense force.' Get out of here with that shit. Some are concerned and have their reasons to be, while others are still excited for what the game is. While those groups most certainly exist, you can't use the label as a hammer on everyone with an opposing view to your own.
Personally for me, I couldn't give a damn if the game is 6 hours or so. If the game is great, then those 6 hours will be worth my time and money. Simple as that. I'd rather they put all their effort into creating a well crafted single player campaign with a seemingly lost art of great storytelling than half-assing some multiplayer mode or adding boring fluff and filler to artificially extend the length of the game. I'm glad they've looked outside the box and chose to create something a little different.

But man, threads about this game are all so damn similar. It seems like reason and logic go right out the window when it comes to discussing this game. I mean, now we have even shorter length numbers being pulled out of asses apparently. Man, the review thread is going to be ridiculous. I expect the game to get shit on heavily because of things like linearity, focus on story telling, no multiplayer, etc. and if this is what an Order thread is like about only the length... oh no. That won't be pretty.
People are complaining MGR being a short game (which can be completed in about 4 hours) but I really, really enjoyed the game. Much better than those "200 hours of gameplay" games.

Basically I don't mind The Order being a short game as long it's a damn good game.
Revengeance was 6 hours, and at least an hour of that was cutscenes, and I fucking loved that game.

I can't wait for The Order. In a world where Dragon Age Inquisition wasted 40 hours of my time in what should have been a 20-25 hour game, I'm all for lean and mean.


This is a true statement for you i suppose. I apologize for the generalization. My intent wasn't to ruffle feathers which it seems I have done. In regards to going back to a game like Dragon Age Inquisition after an few days away from it, I found myself lost; forgetting what I was doing and why and where I should go next. Hence, I just prefer games that are more coherent in their delivery of content. Yes, I found both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls to be more coherent despite thier obtuse nature. I can't speak to MMO's as I do not play them.

No biggie, I'm glad you cleared out your post for us.

Dragon Age : Inquisition is another beast though. I can understand what you're saying although I think one can cut through the filler in the game.
I think my final playtime clocked in at 100 hours. Yes it's a long ass time and funnily enough I didn't even like the game that much, I forced myself to play through almost all of it. Glad I did since know I know I'm done with this franchise.


I for one don't care how short or long The Order will be. Personally, I'm buying and playing games - no matter how dumb it sounds - for the experience.


I for one don't care how short or long The Order will be. Personally, I'm buying and playing games - no matter how dumb it sounds - for the experience.

As it should be. If its a fun 5 hours straight through with good replay value, so be it. I wonder how people thought of game lengths back when games 8-16 bit games were like 60 bucks.


Looks like this game is fast becoming The Rental than The Order.


Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Such a garbage article by Eurogamer. Games don't HAVE to have MultIplayer OR be 50 hours long to be "a good value". I could give MassaTwoShits if the game is 4 hours long if it's a quality experience. The very last thing this industry needs is a lack of variety in the experiences it provides. We NEED single player focused games, of all types.


His comment about the market needing to have space for different types of games rings so true for me. It's great that Sony has funded a game that isn't bending every which direction to try and conform to bars set by games that have totally different objectives through the years. It's almost like a game like 1886 should have to come from Kickstarter these days, as it's likely not something most major publishers are willing to jump on. No outposts to conquer? No level-up multiplayer? Not an established IP? No doo-dads that incentivize not trading the game in? In that sense it's a miracle that we get to see RAD's vision with a properly fully-funded backing.

If RAD has a story with a specific set of content and pacing that they want to use to present it, why on earth would I be upset with them for not expanding it out with additional filler just so more time passes between when I start and end my experience with the game?

What it comes down to is whether it is fulfilling or not. That will be how I judge the value of the game.
As it should be. If its a fun 5 hours straight through with good replay value, so be it. I wonder how people thought of game lengths back when games 8-16 bit games were like 60 bucks.

Game lengths were much longer back then. God did I spend countless hours playing Phantasy Star and Legacy Axe. Even corridor shooters and action games had more meat on their bones. Sword of the Berserk was something like 10-13 hours.


Personally when I play games of this nature, I tend to take my time and look in every nook and cranny for secrets or stuff like that. However, with that said, I do prefer a game that is a little more longer than it being shorter, even with my play style. If the average gamer beats this game in 5-6 hours, then to me that is pretty short.

I don't think a games length is something that the user needs to artificially inflate by exploring every possible corner in the game. The main game itself should be a bit longer and then those that do like to explore it will last longer for them. I have not watched any of those video's or anything other than reading about the length of the game, so for me things will still be a surprise outside of a few screen shots I looked at.

I am hoping at the end that it is a fun and enjoyable game, that if I spend the time looking in every corner that I am rewarded with hidden items or stuff like that.


It'll be interesting to see some Twitch reactions on Friday for people who bought it digitally not knowing its on the short side. Could be quite comical.


Game lengths were much longer back then. God did I spend countless hours playing Phantasy Star and Legacy Axe. Even corridor shooters and action games had more meat on their bones. Sword of the Berserk was something like 10-13 hours.

Not to mention there are many games from that time that I have never beaten.

If you buy The Order, you KNOW you will be done with it in a few days.
A few I would imagine. These people with 'concerns' and trolling have really made a rod for their back going forward. Any game from MS that falls under 10 hours will be mauled to death by angry Sony fans who have got sick and tired of this constant Sony exclusive bashing. It's going to get ugly.

That already happened with Ryse. You can't have forgotten that, can you Gribble?

Oh right, time to pull out the old persecution complex card
Threads like these make me sad. Many of my favourite games are 5-7 hour single player campaigns (example: Max Payne 1/2). It's disheartening to see so many people attach some kind of $/hr requirement or cry for a tacked-on multiplayer mode that no one plays anyway.

"This is why we can't have nice things" etc.

Making such a huge deal out of the length, which quite frankly seems to be rather average for a single player shooter, only detracts from any valid praise or criticism in my eyes. If the game is bad it won't be because it was only 5 hours long. If nothing else shorter games tend to have better pacing.

It really seems like some people have had it out for this game since it was announced. Don't know what it is about this one in particular.


Quality offers the most value to me. If a game is good enough it can replay it many times over the years.

Honestly if length is a problem is not like there aren't other options out there of games that will consume dozen of hours of your time.
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