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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore


Just finished it right now, took me exactly 9 hours and 10 minutes on hard with aim assist off, I actually timed myself, yes haha

Sticking to what I said before, this was the most enjoyable game I have played this gen thus far. Really enjoyed my time with it, I just came away with wanting more and few games have had that affect on me. There are definite flaws, but all of those have been touched on already. The biggest one to me is that it ended way too quickly, could have done with another 1 or 2 hours and I'm not saying that because the game length was short, but because they could and should have wrapped up a few more things story wise. The story was good, but not great, and that is mainly due to the questions they left on the table. I really, truly hope the game sells well, I need another game like this and the story has me invested so it better happen.

I know all this is not the popular opinion, but I have the itch to play the game through again, even after only having one trophy to collect.

Good to know that you liked it! :)
Question for everyone posting their playtime, are you just guessing or is there a way in the game to see how much youve played?

I actually used the stopwatch on my phone and timed it, every time I got up away from my PS4 I would stop it. I took away like 20 minutes of the end time for things like pausing or whatever else. My time included listening to all the audio logs in the game as well. I was just curious to see how long the playthrough would end up for me. I got killed about 10 times I believe.
I just got to chapter 11 before shutting er down for the night. Hoping to finish tomorrow.

Still really lycan it (I'm sorry). For people who thought it got worse in the 2nd half, what was the turning point for you? Have I got there yet?
Good to know that you liked it! :)

Yup, and I just got done reading your review. Very well written and there isn't a lot of things that I can disagree with you in there. I guess I just didn't mind them as much as you did. The one thing I can agree with you on 100% is that the Lycan combat was so underwhelming, they could have done something great with that and they absolutely missed the mark. Could have set the game apart from a combat perspective.

The game definitely has some missed opportunities that if things went a little different would have benefited the game to a great degree. I just hope RAD gets an opportunity to fix things in a sequel because the foundation is there big time.
Yup, and I just got done reading your review. Very well written and there isn't a lot of things that I can disagree with you in there. I guess I just didn't mind them as much as you did. The one thing I can agree with you on 100% is that the Lycan combat was so underwhelming, they could have done something great with that and they absolutely missed the mark. Could have set the game apart from a combat perspective.

The game definitely has some missed opportunities that if things went a little different would have benefited the game to a great degree. I just hope RAD gets an opportunity to fix things in a sequel because the foundation is there big time.

Yeah, I also agreed with almost everything Viveks wrote (or at least the stuff I've encountered so far). I guess the story and core gameplay have been enjoyable enough for me that they didn't dampen my excitement much.

But good GOD are those collectibles that you inspect useless 90% of the time. No context or added lore, just shiny =\


I just got to chapter 11 before shutting er down for the night. Hoping to finish tomorrow.

Still really lycan it (I'm sorry). For people who thought it got worse in the 2nd half, what was the turning point for you? Have I got there yet?
I played the whole game wondering when it was going to get "bad". It never did, for me.
I just got to chapter 11 before shutting er down for the night. Hoping to finish tomorrow.

Still really lycan it (I'm sorry). For people who thought it got worse in the 2nd half, what was the turning point for you? Have I got there yet?

You're at the point those people are talking about. In my personal opinion I had no troubles with Chapter 11 stealth sections and it's a bit weaker after that chapter, but not by much for me.


I just got my platinum and I'm trading this in tomorrow. I really enjoyed it, I wish there was more of it and I will buy a sequel day one. Best looking game I have played, and the gunplay was a lot of fun. It has its flaws, but I would still give it an 8. Four more hours of gameplay and it would be a ten. I thought the story was great, awesome alternate history angle like Resistances:FoM.
Didn't get to put any time into it today since I had to tend to some Destiny stuff after being out of town most of the day. Should be finished after a couple of hours and then an easy write up.


Whos idea was it to have collectibles but no list? Im missing a phonograph and have no idea which. I think something else didnt register. I followed a guide the whole time and should have platinumed this game.

I just got to chapter 11 before shutting er down for the night. Hoping to finish tomorrow.

Still really lycan it (I'm sorry). For people who thought it got worse in the 2nd half, what was the turning point for you? Have I got there yet?

Chapter 12 is, for me, where the story fell apart. That's the point where they start the blitzkrieg towards the ending. I felt the gameplay itself stayed even through the entire experience.


Whos idea was it to have collectibles but no list? Im missing a phonograph and have no idea which. I think something else didnt register. I followed a guide the whole time and should have platinumed this game.

Phonograths are listed in the Archives. It's all the other stuff that isn't :/
Yeah, I also agreed with almost everything Viveks wrote (or at least the stuff I've encountered so far). I guess the story and core gameplay have been enjoyable enough for me that they didn't dampen my excitement much.

But good GOD are those collectibles that you inspect useless 90% of the time. No context or added lore, just shiny =\

I agree and the one thing that kills me and I'm sitting here wondering how the fuck they didn't add it into the game is that the headquarters where the Order is based could have been used to explain the lore of the game. Like how come they didn't have some library section where you could choose to go read and be kept up to speed with everything that's gone on throughout history? Sure a few people wouldn't even bother to read anything, but for those of us it would have been extremely beneficial.


Yup, and I just got done reading your review. Very well written and there isn't a lot of things that I can disagree with you in there. I guess I just didn't mind them as much as you did. The one thing I can agree with you on 100% is that the Lycan combat was so underwhelming, they could have done something great with that and they absolutely missed the mark. Could have set the game apart from a combat perspective.

The game definitely has some missed opportunities that if things went a little different would have benefited the game to a great degree. I just hope RAD gets an opportunity to fix things in a sequel because the foundation is there big time.

Yeah, Vivek's review was a great read. I'm still in disbelief at how bad the Lycan battles are, after all the time RAD spent hyping it up. Was really looking forward to playing some hide and seek with them...


Just like how Uncharted's train sequence/falling buildings was the aggregation of the game's strengths, in which traversal, dynamic gunplay, set-pieces and storytelling ( the ability for the story to make you feel invested in that Nathan Drake mass-murders an entire train sequence ), I wanted the final product of The Order to have that same aggregation of different gameplay pieces that matches together all of which made the reveal trailer.

I agree, this is the biggest thing the game needs. The cinematics have gameplay elements, but the gameplay doesn't have cinematic elements. The actual moving, aiming, shooting is solid, but the context around each fight is dull - they just put you into a box and make you kill all the bad guys.

Just some ideas off the top of my head:

- A three-way beatdown between lycans, rebels and knights
- A set piece taking down a prototype tank as it rampages through London
- A shootout that takes place on a train in the London Underground before it inevitably crashes
- Fighting your way up Big Ben, infested with lycans crawling on the walls, being smashed through the clock face and hanging off the minute hand


Just finished the game a few minutes ago, here are is my review: 8.5/10

Some games are worth playing strictly because of their technical and artistic prowess, this game absolutely is one of those games. The performance was stellar, the technical aspects of the visuals are simply unmatched currently, and the art behind it is fantastic. It is worth experiencing for those factors alone and truly feels current gen. This feels like an experience I will never get on my Wii U or Xbox One.

With that sad, the black bars are annoying. There is nothing really filmic or cinematic about their inclusion. It is strictly a method of reducing the rendered pixels so the game can achieve the visuals it has by reducing the size of the frame buffer.

The story is very solid. The setting and plot are fairly unique in the video game space, it isn't something cliche that you've experience before. A few things are a bit predictable, but is interested start to finish. While the ending sets up a sequel and is a tiny bit of a cliff hanger, it does feel "complete". The game ends at a logical place, unlike something like Halo 2.

The shooting mechanics are a bit mediocre, but they're on par with something like Uncharted. The big difference here is the environments are smaller, so combat scenarios are tighter, and there is no real melee option. If you get backed into a corner while needing to reload both weapons you're pretty much screwed. It is very frustrating. There is a big missed chance here to leverage more unique weapons, the game uses fairly standard weaponry with the cool stuff sprinkled in. Should have leaned on the cool stuff more.

The game is technically solid. Ran into almost no bugs, and only crashed once while using Share features and that was it. This definitely is a total package game, and it is great to support a product that doesn't need a last minute 20GB patch on launch to even half function.

Stealth is pretty rubbish. The way stealth kills work is novel at first and in small portions, but during one particular sequence it becomes a massive chore. You have to wait to get into position for the stealth kill, then wait further to even execute.

Music and VO is top notch. Everything fits and helps serve the experience greatly.

The transition between cinematic and gameplay is seamless. There is something special about the visuals that makes the cinematics feel like they have top notch production values, something like a CG/out of engine cutscene, but then the camera moving into place and the game giving you control. I normally hate not having the option to skip cinemas, but it would feel really weird here because of how much it feels like part of the gameplay. This leads into my next point...

QTEs are frequent, but actually feel weighty and correct in this game. Because there isn't a visual divide in the cutscenes/gameplay at all, the QTEs feel like coherent gameplay elements. They feel like they absolutely belong, as opposed to something like the end of Shadows of Mordor which just feels insulting.

The game is much closer to what I'd call a "visual adventure game" then something like Gears of War. Shooting is used as a gameplay element to break up the pace, but what you'll be doing the most is walking through environments. This will probably turn off a lot of gamers who want a constant adrenaline rush, but there was something special for me when just walking from A to B and stopping to inspect every part of the scenery. There are a few hidden things to find, but for the most part it is just identifying your environment that feels special.

Took me about 8.5 hours to get through on Normal, and yes it has very little replayability. No multiplayer, nothing to unlock, no New Game+. None of this bothers me, because I love the occasional linear story based game. I'm glad not all games are like this, but I'm incredibly happy they exist, especially in the AAA space.

If you have a PS4 I'd suggest you get this game at some point, if it is worth $60 to you though depends on your affinity for story based games. This is a great starting point for a new IP and can't wait to see where it goes in a more refined sequel.


FINALLY, after 9 years, 1210 bronze, 194 silver, and 44 gold, I got my first platinum trophy. Went back to grab the collectibles I missed. Didn't take long at all. Feels good man.


Opened my CE and played up to Chapter 5 tonight. I really think this game could have avoided a lot of flack had it been billed as an "interactive movie" or "cinematic game" from the get-go. There's simply too much downtime for people who go in expecting an action game.

That said, I like it a lot. The setting and characters are so well realized; they pull you into this beautiful world. And the streamlined nature of the experience is a nice change of pace for those who can appreciate it. My girlfriend has enjoyed watching me play games such as Resident Evil 4 and Heavy Rain, and she's getting a kick out of The Order, too.

Perhaps the problem isn't what this game is; the problem is what people expected it to be. I hadn't followed the game too closely up to release, so maybe the devs were honest and people just didn't listen. But I doubt it because the backlash is so strong.

In any case, I think the game succeeds spectacularly at what it set out to do, and I'll be happy to have this game grace my library when I'm done. The Order: 1886 may not be for everyone, but it is undoubtedly a milestone in real-time graphics and the genre of cinematic games. Everyone who considers themselves a gaming enthusiast ought to buy this and play it at least once.
I agree, this is the biggest thing the game needs. The cinematics have gameplay elements, but the gameplay doesn't have cinematic elements. The actual moving, aiming, shooting is solid, but the context around each fight is dull - they just put you into a box and make you kill all the bad guys.

Thanks. There was another thing I forgot to add on top of my list of stuff, which is 'expanded core gameplay mechanics to counter enemies that are capable of leaping on you from high/far distances.'

Which is why I feel that if this game gets a sequel, RAD should take a good look at stuff like Resident Evil 6 or MGSV, in which mechanics like sliding, shooting while lying/sliding, evasion, etc, which would complement better-designed lycan enemies.


Opened my CE and played up to Chapter 5 tonight. I really think this game could have avoided a lot of flack had it been billed as an "interactive movie" or "cinematic game" from the get-go. There's simply too much downtime for people who go in expecting an action game.

That said, I like it a lot. The setting and characters are so well realized; they pull you into this beautiful world. And the streamlined nature of the experience is a nice change of pace for those who can appreciate it. My girlfriend has enjoyed watching me play games such as Resident Evil 4 and Heavy Rain, and she's getting a kick out of The Order, too.

Perhaps the problem isn't what this game is; the problem is what people expected it to be. I hadn't followed the game too closely up to release, so maybe the devs were honest and people just didn't listen. But I doubt it because all the backlash is not for nothing.

In any case, I think the game succeeds spectacularly at what it set out to do, and I'll be happy to have this game grace my library when I'm done. The Order: 1886 may not be for everyone, but it is undoubtedly a milestone in realtime graphics and the genre of cinematic games. Everyone who considers themselves a gaming enthusiast ought to play this at least once.
It was.
not really. This is RADs first shot, so I doubt the budget was like destiny's. the game is seems to be a big hit with the players who have actually played the game, So the order's sequel should have a much larger budget. I hope it's longer for sure.
If the budget were even close to Destiny all hope would be lost for RAD. Certainly not, but it was probably still north of $30M in just development.

....Chapter 6 isn't even halfway through the game.
It is exactly the halfway point actually :D

I just got to chapter 11 before shutting er down for the night. Hoping to finish tomorrow.

Still really lycan it (I'm sorry). For people who thought it got worse in the 2nd half, what was the turning point for you? Have I got there yet?
Chapter 12 onwards for me.


I just finished the game... that was the ending? :| It tied up absolutely 0 loose ends, I almost feel like there were another three chapters that should have been there. It fees strange to end the game on a cliff hanger considering there is no guarantee of a sequel.


If the budget were even close to Destiny all hope would be lost for RAD. Certainly not, but it was probably still north of $30M in just development.

It is exactly the halfway point actually :D

Chapter 12 onwards for me.

chapters + a prologue and an epilogue


Just like the first game's reveal, right?

Sorry. I'm still recovering... :(

The game you described based on the reveal trailer doesn't really appeal to me as much tbh. I prefer a focused single player campaign to a co-op based one. Always feel campaigns that are made to accomodate co-op do not have the same quality of story or overall cohesion as some of those designed without. But in all fairness, the best thing to me would be having plenty of games that offer both. Got Gears etc for the co op orientated stuff, and Uncharted, The Order etc for single player focused stuff.


The game you described based on the reveal trailer doesn't really appeal to me as much tbh. I prefer a focused single player campaign to a co-op based one. Always feel campaigns that are made to accomodate co-op do not have the same quality of story or overall cohesion as some of those designed without. But in all fairness, the best thing to me would be having plenty of games that offer both. Got Gears etc for the co op orientated stuff, and Uncharted, The Order etc for single player focused stuff.
This isn't a particularly well designed single player campaign to be honest. Co-op play probably wouldn't hurt this game as much considering that 90% of the time you are usually with some person in the game.


I'd be in the dick
Goddamn the last few chapters really kicked the game up for me. Gorgeous environments, great performances, and really fun focused gunfights that focused on the best parts of the combat. Going to write full impressions up tomorrow (it's 2:30am here) but I enjoyed the game despite the full package having more flaws and inconsistencies than I expected.
Just started Chapter 14...the previous few chapters...wow wow wow...

I'm just loving the new developments, the acting is impeccable and it actually genuinely made me feel pity for Galahad. I haven't really felt that way for a character in any game sans Joel in TLOU. Awesome performances.


I would like to share my points about the game, if you guys don't mind

+ Obviously graphics
+ OST is good, not spectacular but serviceable
+ Characters (even the enemies are likeable)
+ pacing
+ weapon variety (ARC gun is a bliss of a weapon)
+ surprisingly enemy AI, sometimes they were strafing like CS pros !

- attention to detail (so many little things that I stopped counting few hours in. Especially no character reflections despite the fact that there are mirrors everywhere...or is everybody a vampire ? Sneaking
in the airship's ball room
in plain view of most people there. Horrible looking ground, especially obvious when Galahad climbs out of the sewers. Repeating 1 minute dialogues, characters shout the same line over and over when they want to get your attention "Come here, sir Galahad. Come here, sir Galahad. Come here, sir Galahad." ugh, no non-lethal takedowns, Galahad never shoots the Lycans when they transform (LIKE WTF!), why was Galahad out cold
for 4 days from almost no injuries when Igrain was up after getting her spine broken in a few minutes
and many many more.)
- Environmental variety (street,
airship, subway, docks and a few houses, hospital
all just city, I was hoping for more spectacular environments like a rocking cruise ship on a stormy night a car chase, etc.
- I was hoping that
Sentinel 5
would play a lot larger role in the game and provide some serious firepower to the team during the course of the game, a missed opportunity in my opinion.
- Lycan fights were all the same :(
- Introduction of a new enemy,
, out of the blue and with no real consequence.

I really, really,really enjoyed the game and I plan to play it again soon and use some of the DLC weapons and skins. I have hope for RAD to deliver on the premise of the first game and give us an astonishing sequel since the foundation is there, obviously, but they need to build upon it, gives us India, America, Nevada, something bright and colourful and not just dirty ol' London. If I had to give the game a score than it would be 8/10 (in my book a game that will be enjoyed by just about anybody but fans of TPS should especially not allow this game to slip their minds!)


I'm up to chapter 8 now and it's by far the best single player experience I've had that's not a remaster(tlou) so far this gen. I just don't get all the hate. From top to bottom for me it's just so damn solid I give it 9/10. May not be for everyone but if a game just like this but different setting game out every month I would be in heaven.


why was Galahad out cold
for 4 days from almost no injuries when Igrain was up after getting her spine broken in a few minutes

I completed it yesterday, and my mind is a little hazy, but I believe
Igrain drank her elixir whereas Galahad had his removed during his trial
which would explain his longer recovery.

Have to say, I absolutely loved this. Glad I ignored the reviews and bitching on here, as it is the most fun I have had this Gen, along with Sunset Overdrive.


Bought it yesterday, caved in because i love the looks of it.

And i love it, playing on hard without assist.

I can't believe this game got so badly bashed. Reviewers should be taking a chill pill because its not even close to what most say and no i'm not a fanboy.

People should really buy it and see for them selfs.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I like the game quite a bit, but I have to say I don't think it's selling all that well. My go-to game popularity barometer, the 'Thumbs Up' counter under the game in the PS4 menu is right now only at 8.7K. Yesterday it was 7.3K. That's pretty low compared to games that sell really well - and even worse, the increase is very small since yesterday.

As an example, the other recent game I played, Life is Strange, has 8.3K, and that's a pretty niche game. Metro Redux has 11.4K, and I think that must have sold poorly. BF4 for example has 394K, TLOU:R 226K, CoD:AW 241K. I find that number a very good indicator of the game's popularity, and while it's still very early, it's not looking very good right now.
I don't know how some of you play your games, but I'm at just about 7.5 hours and just got to chapter 10. Short my ass.

There was one part I was stuck at for like half an hour before figuring out what I needed to do lol but still at the minimum even excluding that I'm at like 6 hours 45 minutes play time. It's not that short.

Edit: playing on medium with no aim assist.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
After finishing the game about two hours ago, here's my own personal review -

From the overall visuals to the character models to the facial expressions to the animations to the atmosphere to the attention to detail, The Order:1886 delivers an amazing visual experience that could eventually become a standard in gaming. The transition from the actual gameplay to the cut scenes is all in-game and seamless with no loading whatsoever. In this, the eighth generation of gaming, The Order: 1886 truly showcases the power and the graphical capabilities of the PlayStation 4 as it has become the best looking console game to date. The Order: 1886 truly deserves to be played from beginning to end in order to truly appreciate how amazing the visuals are in this game. With that said, there are two negatives. First being that the game is presented in the 21:9 aspect ratio which will give you those annoying as hell black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. While I know that this was done on purpose, it shouldn't have been for two reasons. First reason being that the black bar on the top of the screen cuts off a good amount of your character's field of fiew especially when crouched behind cover in shootouts. Second reason being that The Order: 1886 would look even better on a full screen in glorious 1080P HD. Second negative is that despite the amazing attention to detail, there's no reflection of any character in any mirror. The room or area is reflected but for whatever reason, none of the characters are. I'm going to assume that this just like the aspect ratio was done on purpose. For what reason, I have no idea. Despite these two negatives, The Order: 1886 is still a perfect ten when it comes to overall visual and cinematic aspect.

From the title screen alone, you know that your ears are in for a listening treat. The music is outstanding and fits in perfectly with the mood, atmosphere and situation. Sound effects are good as well especially from the guns as they sound high impact which they are. The voice actors did an amazing job and make the characters feel alive at all times especially Steve West who does an oustanding job with the Galahad character.

Since im not one who likes or wants to spoil anything, I'll just say the following - The story starts off slow but definitely interesting and builds up as you progress throughout the game. There's a few surprises in the game, plot twists and turns and will definitely keep you interested throughout the game. All the characters including the secondary characters were all well written and well done but the Galahad character steals the show. The only negative is that some characters were under used and I would have liked to see a few different things happen but overall, I was satisified with the story and ending. Hopefully, those who are playing through the game will be as well.

I'll start with the negatives - First, the aspect ratio which gives you the black bars on the top and bottom of the screen prevents you from having a larger field of view, especially on the top of the screen which hurts you at times in the shootouts because you can't see enemies in the distance especially if you're crouched behind cover as opposed to standing up behind cover. Second, the pacing of the game is for the most part slow but does pick up at times. Not that this is a bad thing but it may turn off some gamers. Third, the stealth sections of the game are actually very well done especially one near the end of the game but when spotted or seen, it results in an instant fail and starting it over. The stealth is actually good but the instant fail is a turn off as the game should have then progressed into a shootout or you having to take out the enemy that spotted you. Fourth, the quick time events (QTE) are throughout the game and while im not a fan of them, they were actually well done and made sense based on the situation but at the same time, weren't overwhelming even though it may feel that way as there are a lot of button prompts but I don't consider them to be quick time events but there will be those who will be turned off to the game because of this. Fifth, there's sections in the game that require you to carry a lantern which becomes a problem because you can't turn it off, put it down or go into cover. After the aspect ration, this is my main negative in regards to the gameplay. This could have been done better. Thankfully, these sections only happen two or three times in the entire game.

Now the positives - First, the gunplay and shootouts is intense, high impact and a lot of fun. Best of all, they're not overdone as every major shootout feels important and makes an impact. The weapons are good and sound great. Second, the enemy AI is great especially in small areas and rooms as they will flank you, circle around you and even come after you directly. Third, the seamless transition from gameplay to cinematic and vice versa is absolutely stunning and while I would have liked there to be more gamplay than what there is, im actually hoping that developers use this aspect as it makes you truly feel immersed in the game. And there's no loading whatsoever. Fourth, the cover system is excellent and works extremely well, too well at times. Would have been an even better visual experience if the cover was all destructible. Fifth, there's lockpicking and defusing electric locks. Neither are difficult but offer a slight change of pace here and there. Sixth, the quick time events (QTE) in some cases make sense and are actually a welcomed addition at least by me. I would mention the few particular sections that I actually enjoyed quick time events but doing so would spoil certain sections of the game. Seventh and perhaps the most important is that despite the negatives and "professional reviews", I couldn't stop playing The Order: 1886. In less than two days, I completed the game on the hard difficulty level in approximately 14 hours and enjoyed the game from beginning to end so much so that I'll most likely play through the game a second time.



I just finished the game as well and I definitely thought this game was much better than what most reviewers let on. With that being said, the climax was pretty damn weak. It shouldve ended with SPOILER ALERT:
another chapter that included a final showdown with Lord Hastings. I mean, why we're we introduced to another enemy type without ever fighting it?

There are definitely some obvious flaws with the game that I'm sure we're already discussed here, but I still enjoyed my time with the game. I'm planning on playing through again to try and get the Platinum. I'd give the game a 7.5 and would very much enjoy a sequel.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I just finished the game as well and I definitely thought this game was much better than what most reviewers let on. With that being said, the climax was pretty damn weak. It shouldve ended with
another chapter that included a final showdown with Lord Hastings. I mean, why we're we introduced to another enemy type without ever fighting it?

There are definitely some obvious flaws with the game that I'm sure we're already discussed here, but I still enjoyed my time with the game. I'm planning on playing through again to try and get the Platinum. I'd give the game a 7.5 and would very much enjoy a sequel.


In response to your spoiler,
Hopefully, Ready At Dawn is saving that for the eventual sequel

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Press left/right in the Archives.

I haven't tried it myself (didn't need it) but that's what someone said earlier in this thread.
Nothing whatsoever happens if you do that. Maybe after completing the game, but I've inspected a bunch of things so far, and all I see are the photograph recordings in the Archives.


People should really buy it and see for them selfs.
That's a lot of investment just to see if people MIGHT like it. Better to rent it as you will get maximum value out of the game that way.

I know value is subjective to many but I personally cannot keep this game for $60.


could never
Still really lycan it (I'm sorry).


I need there to be a sequel for this game, the world is just too good. Took me my second playthrough to realize the Knights live for centuries. That's awesome.

Criminal how good the combat is yet so few chances to actually fight, fix that shit in DLC and the sequel RAD!
Wow, people really seem to like this game, the dichotomy between critics and us consumers seems to be quite apparent ( at-least in this thread)
Just finished on hard at a little over 10 hours...holy fuck that last hour of the game was incredible to me. Wow...

I'm dumbfounded at the reviews. Fucking 1 out of 5's? Are you shitting me?


I was hoping for more spectacular environments like a rocking cruise ship on a stormy night a car chase, etc.

Glad you enjoyed the game overall and I'm not trying to be argumentative here; but why on earth would you be expecting car chases in a game set in Victorian London? Ok, its marginally alternate history London, but its always been rooted fairly closely to the existing technology of the day and I don't think anything the devs have presented would even have suggested stuff like car chases.

Using this as an example to launch a mini rant (not aimed at you specifically), this is such a problem with game reviews and general attitude towards games these days, people haved already decided what they want the game to be and what they want to see included despite zero evidence to suggest that might be the case. The result is pseudo disappointment which colours their experience and leads to Destiny hate or Eurogamer style Driveclub reviews. Its such an annoyance to me, just judge games on what they actually are as oppose to what you wanted them to be.


Up to chapter 11 now,
sneaking through the gardens
. Absolutely loved it all so far, just a superb exerience all round. My only minor gripe/frustration so far is in the
sabotage the warehouse
level where you're
setting fire to crates with Lakshmi and theres that one bit with waves of enemies up on the gantry which culminates in a detonator arriving, and it was just so arbitrary whether cover would work or not. Even using Blacksight that one enemy became a total chore to do
. Other than that though. Amazing game. Playing on hard and up to around 9 hours playtime now. The majority of reviews I've read have been so far off the mark with this and some have just been entirely erroneous and unfair to the game and the devs.


Just finished on hard at a little over 10 hours...holy fuck that last hour of the game was incredible to me. Wow...

I'm dumbfounded at the reviews. Fucking 1 out of 5's? Are you shitting me?

Yeah I find it really jarring that this particular game got absolutely hammered in reviews. People make it seem like it was an unplayable mess by the way they were talking about it. All it really is is a enjoyable game with some pretty obvious flaws.
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