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Porn and video game addiction are leading to 'masculinity crisis'

Maybe but while I'd be on board with a criticism that chose to focus on porn and video games I certainly wouldn't suggest that they're sole cultural influences
Oh I wouldn't focus on them alone either. Totally agreed. The cultural influences would be much, much wider than that.
Masculinity crisis? Lmao okay. If anything the crisis about masculinity revolves around society basically telling men from the time they are born to not feel feelings or at least express them (because that makes you weak and men aren't supposed to be weak) which then translates into poor relationships with and views of women among other social hangups.
I think that is the masculinity crisis. I mean Zimbardo mentioned that sex education needs to include stuff about "emotions, physical contact and romantic relationships." The masculinity crisis is that there is a particular brand of masculinity that is trying to be sold to us.

when young males see this picture and there first thought is 'eww what a hairy arm'
then i think we have a problem, i guess it's not anime enough.
see this gaf thread for proof...

What the fuck does Anime have to do with that arm or watch?


I've always thought this, but the world would be a much more dangerous place if young men didn't watch porn. Just sayin'
I've always thought this, but the world would be a much more dangerous place if young men didn't watch porn. Just sayin'

Oh jesus...you're not helping.

Kotaku Headline Reads

"Genius on NeoGAF says porn prevents rape."

...not raping prevents rape, smart guy.

not surprising. just look at gamergaters.

The scumbags in Gamergate are scumbags; not because of porn and not because of video games but because they're emboldened little cunts secure with being cunts because of the anonymity the internet provides. So...wrong. try again,


I think that is the masculinity crisis. I mean Zimbardo mentioned that sex education needs to include stuff about "emotions, physical contact and romantic relationships." The masculinity crisis is that there is a particular brand of masculinity that is trying to be sold to us.

Exactly. The male gender role stereotypes actually have turned into dehumanizing agents towards real men.
when young males see this picture and there first thought is 'eww what a hairy arm'
then i think we have a problem, i guess it's not anime enough.
see this gaf thread for proof...
What even is this post. In that thread it's one person (gender and origin unknown) saying there's a lot of hair on the arm and pages of people saying it's normal and not that hairy. There's even a person that says they wish they were that hairy. And GAF is THE place where this supposed effect would be seen.
I've always thought this, but the world would be a much more dangerous place if young men didn't watch porn. Just sayin'

Porn gives an unrealistic expectation of sex and what is acceptable in terms of sexual relationships which, really, can be dangerous in terms of relationships, especially if they've never had any other discussion about sex.


If life was more interesting than video games and porn....maybe Id try doing something else.

Fuck life. fuck everything.

Late Flag

Couldn't porn and video games be connected in that many of them show a "manly-man" stereotype and therefore inculcate terrible "masculine" ideals in young men?

This is an interesting idea that I think may depend on your generation. I'm 42, and I'm a college professor. I recently sat in on a thesis defense from a student who wrote his dissertation on "hegemonic masculinity" (google it -- not my field). His specific topic was was how masculinity norms were defined and enforced among table-top gamers. I mentioned to him that I had played Dungeons & Dragons in high school and we both exchanged a few jokes about making saving throws against our inner nerdiness. Very friendly and entertaining.

But on the other hand, I can make little self-deprecating jokes about playing AD&D as a kid. No problem. For people of my age, though, it's still considered "weird" to play video games. Only a tiny number of my colleagues know that I play video games as a pass-time. Working on my car, doing DIY things around the house, doing yardwork, etc. are all "masculine" ways to spend the weekend among my age cohort. Killing Watchdog of the Old Lords in Bloodborne isn't. Maybe things are different among folks in younger generations. For older people like me, gaming is sort of anti-masculine in terms of cultural norms.
Does this mean that women who play games and watch porn become more feminine?
Do you think Zimbardo was saying that porn and gaming makes men more feminine? Because that's not the idea here. The idea is that porn/gaming contributes to a very problematic sense of masculinity where to be a "man" you have to like big tits, eschew emotions and want to blow shit up.
What even is this post. In that thread it's one person (gender and origin unknown) saying there's a lot of hair on the arm and pages of people saying it's normal and not that hairy. And GAF is THE place where this supposed effect would be seen.

I was joking... lighten up.
This stuff always kinda annoys me.

We constantly get messages every fucking day that you shouldn't do traditionally masculine things anymore. There's no marketability in being a manly man anymore. So why bother.

Its not games that have fucked masculinity up its the electronic age along with the outsourcing of masculine tasks to third parties as essentially made those traditionally manly things meaningless. With that gone what the fuck are men supposed to do.

I for one intend to sit in my room and fight virtual people.
Indeed. Masculinity is demonized by modern western society. Is it a surprise that it seeks new outlets?
feminism and more women in the workplace is a problem. it completely shifted gender roles. back 50 years ago most men had jobs and women took care of the house. now most women work so men aren't needed like they used to be,. society and feminism are to blame, not videogames. and porn is just a result of less men being needed by women thus more men are foreveralone.
Working on my car, doing DIY things around the house, doing yardwork, etc. are all "masculine" ways to spend the weekend among my age cohort. Killing Watchdog of the Old Lords in Bloodborne isn't. Maybe things are different among folks in younger generations. For older people like me, gaming is sort of anti-masculine in terms of cultural norms.

Same age here and 100% true.

True insofar as that particular demographic viewing games in such a manner. Now whether they are right or not...well...that's another matter entirely.


I don't agree with the "Masculinity Crisis" But, I am making sure that my son will not be holed up in his room every day, all day playing video games in isolation. I've already put him into various sports and he's really liking it so that's a huge relief for me.


maybe try looking at the link i provided, it was thread a while back.

You mean how it had nothing to do with anything and was just made as an insult, just as you are doing now? And how that it was really only one person who said that, which may be understandable if he came from an environment where people aren't that hairy?

Phillip Zimbardo is a hack?

Zimbardo is not a hacky old psychologist lol
Yes, he is a hack. Just because he had some famous experiment (which btw, has had tons of criticism) does not mean he isn't. But I mean, that's only my opinion.
Video games are masculine as fuck, get outta here
Like most people, you're missing the point. That's why video games are a problem. They're creating a vision of what "masculine" means. Thus the crisis.
Philip Zimbardo said:
Without better male role models in real life, guys become confused about what constitutes acceptable male behavior. They don't recognize the images presented in video games, movies, television, and porn as caricatures
Philip Zimbardo said:
Over the past decade, this pattern has escalated into adulthood where grown men remain like little boys, having difficulty relating to women as equals, friends, partners, intimates, or even as cherished wives.
This is an interesting idea that I think may depend on your generation. I'm 42, and I'm a college professor. I recently sat in on a thesis defense from a student who wrote his dissertation on "hegemonic masculinity" (google it -- not my field). His specific topic was was how masculinity norms were defined and enforced among table-top gamers. I mentioned to him that I had played Dungeons & Dragons in high school and we both exchanged a few jokes about making saving throws against our inner nerdiness. Very friendly and entertaining.

But on the other hand, I can make little self-deprecating jokes about playing AD&D as a kid. No problem. For people of my age, though, it's still considered "weird" to play video games. Only a tiny number of my colleagues know that I play video games as a pass-time. Working on my car, doing DIY things around the house, doing yardwork, etc. are all "masculine" ways to spend the weekend among my age cohort. Killing Watchdog of the Old Lords in Bloodborne isn't. Maybe things are different among folks in younger generations. For older people like me, gaming is sort of anti-masculine in terms of cultural norms.
This is actually a really interesting point. I think you're spot on in noticing the generational differences!


Video games are masculine as fuck, get outta here

So are sports, but if you're just always a spectator, you really can't say those are masculine feats.

But basically, this critique is not new.

A lot of it based on Peter Pan syndrome, meaning a good amount of men not pursuing traditional masculinity--career and marriage and fatherhood.

In reality, feminism freed women from traditional roles and at the same time it also freed men from traditional provider and protector roles.

However, men who choose not settle down and have families are shamed and called immature.

We just have to accept that just like women have decided to have to exercise their choices in lifestyles, so have men.

Videogames and porn are just scapegoats for bigger social change that many of the traditional family values crowd is afraid of.

When you're single and have no kids, you have much more time than married with kids folks. Are we really surprised that men are playing videos and consuming porn when they have more leisure than family men?

I say this a big family guy, but I respect other people lifestyle choices.

Again traditionally masculinity isn't just Rambo caricatures, but being a provider, protector and also fathering children in marriage.
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