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Sony: "Our 1st party lineup a little sparse this year"; emphasis on 3rd party support


You seem to be applying personality and morality to a business. There's no such thing as a "feel good, for the people" corporate business. Remember that Sony almost went for an always online anti consumer approach with the ps4 as well. Your also lumping divisions into the company as a whole, don't forget that mattrick got fired for his screw up with the xbone reveal.

Sony and Microsoft are not our "buddies". They both will do everything they can too make a profit. Simple as that. Want to support a " feel good" company? Then support your local charities.

...but there are ethics and while my memory is not perfect, I recollect far more examples of MS crossing that line than many other companies. Yes profit is king, but at some point even companies decide where the line gets drawn, and MS has yet to draw one that I can find.


yea they were announced way too early because they were falling back in sales. you do realize halo 5 and quantum break are going to be rolled out for the third e3 in a row right? crackdown 3 and scalebound will have had 3 e3s by the time they come out as well.. on the sony side i can only think of maybe uncharted which still would be the second e3.

Halo 5 was not "announced" at E3 2013 it was shown to say hey the games is coming. QB wasn't at E3 last year, we have no idea when Scalebound or Crackdown or coming out.
It's taking them 10 years to put out kingdom hearts 3/FF XV. Yes they need all the help they can get.

Development for KHIII didn't really start until 2013, I believe. Nomura said that when he announced it during E3 2013, he felt that it was too early to do so.

As for FFXV, it seemed that SE just placed it in the back burner and then, picked it up again later. So overall, no, they don't need all the help they can get.


maybe just push persona 5 really hard?

i've never played a persona game and after learning what it is i'm very exciting to jump in with 5.
Doubtful it's a 2015 title in the West.

Although I'm curious if Sony might be willing to help out with localization to get it done faster.


You can have any issue you want with the strategy or allotment of resources you like.

I'm just amused by you applauding someone to buy in on hype just because it's the same hype that you obviously share.

How about applauding someone to show restraint and only buy when whatever they are excited about is actually out and works as advertised.

Wait a minute...

Do you know how many people told me to buy a ps4 for bloodborne? What was their basis? HYPE. It goes both ways.

Where was the restraint there?




3.4 m in 4 weeks lol
now imagine the number now

what a fucking failure

thats not money problems i bet

It went on to sell 8.5 million, after releasing the Definitive Edition on PS4 and Xbox One.

Original sales target was 5-6 million (without factoring in added expenditures for Definitive Edition).

While I don't think SE needed Microsoft's money to make a Tomb Raider sequel, it certainly mitigated some of the risk. Publishers are very risk-averse these days.
yea they were announced way too early because they were falling back in sales. you do realize halo 5 and quantum break are going to be rolled out for the third e3 in a row right? crackdown 3 and scalebound will have had 3 e3s by the time they come out as well.. on the sony side i can only think of maybe uncharted which still would be the second e3.

Well...that's certainly one way to guarantee having a good e3 showing every year.


Yup. We're nearly 6 months into the year and what have Microsoft released other than Ori and a bunch or PR statements and ads saying that Xbox will have an amazing holiday lineup? lol I'm not quite sure how they're getting a free pass for that, but here we are.


The sad thing is even games journalist do this.
1. yes they did and they were stupid from the second they started. That being said DLC barely existed, and the "deals" get more and more petty.

2. Yes they barely have time. In fact they have SO much tonent they could be showing- Media Molecule, Guerilla Games Horizon, Sony Bends horror game, Ratchet and Clank Reboot, Morpheus. What's the problem with that? Well lets look at e3 14. Destiny had that awesome 20 minute presentation talking about their 10 year plan, Ass creed had a nice 15-20 minute black flag demo which showed remote play oooo neat! watchdogs for the umpteenth time with it's nice 15-20 minutes. e3 15 yet ANOTHER Destiny stage demo to start the show, how wonderful. 30-40 minutes on powers/crackle/whatever their VOD service is, etc. I fear for this e3. Given all that content I listed on top of a flagship piece of hardware in morpheus coming out, how will they fit it? I mean given their track record you can guarantee at the very least 35-50 minutes of time dedicated to COD, destiny, and Battlefront. WHY!? Show me what the hell your console has in store for me sony. Show me the content you are creating, not what everybody else has.

another bullshit argument.

you're combining 3rd party runtime from both e3 2013 and 2014 and the playstation meeting.

destiny got 10 minutes last year, powers got 5 mins.

and you didn't even respond to my other points because of how wrong you are.

you're moving goalposts. you said they only do partnerships and not take risks. we showed you how wrong you were and how they partner with big and small studios and publish 1st party games and they take risks. next you said they don't invest their money, which you were proven wrong again. next you talk about how they don't invest their money, proven wrong again. now you're arguing about show time during press conferences. wrong again.


Development for KHIII didn't really start until 2013, I believe. Nomura said that when he announced it during E3 2013, he felt that it was too early to do so.

As for FFXV, it seemed that SE just placed it in the back burner and then, picked it up again later. So overall, no, they don't need all the help they can get.

So placing the sequel to Final Fantasy in the backburner is fine business practice?

Ray Down

Doubtful it's a 2015 title in the West.

Although I'm curious if Sony might be willing to help out with localization to get it done faster.

Atlus works pretty fast, they got P4 litte over a month and a half after the Japanese launch and its hinted they are already localizing it.

I'm pretty confident it will make 2015


extra source of jiggaflops
Wait a minute...

Do you know how many people told me to buy a ps4 for bloodborne? What was their basis? HYPE. It goes both ways.

Where was the restraint there?

You could look at my post in that thread:
I wouldn't buy a console for one game.

And let's not forget what you posted in that thread:
"EDIT: To those suggesting to wait for reviews, that isn't a deciding factor. I already know Based Miyazaki will deliver. He hasn't had a bad egg yet. *Crosses Fingers*"

Yeah, clearly it's everyone else having problem with restraint and you're the victim.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I love my PS4, but I have been disappointed by Sony's first party/exclusive output so far.

By this time in its life, the PS3 had multiple highly rated exclusives. The PS4 really only has Bloodborne and Infamous:SS. Sony really needs to get their act together because MS is outperforming them on the exclusives at this point.


Didn't they say before the PS4 came out (early 2013ish) that every first party studio was working on a PS4 game. It just seems like the first party games are not coming as frequently as some of us expected. Apparently costs and time continue to be a problem with this generation for some developers. Maybe 2016 will turn the tide.
Square have openly stated Tomb Raider did not meet sales expectations.

So? The reboot sold most on PS3 and they made sequel exclusive to XB1, damn they are smart.
Get real here, SE didn't want to release TR in the same holiday with Uncharted and MS gave them a shitload of money to make it timed exclusive, not because SE has financial problem (hell, they burn their money to Luminious studio so i bet they has enough budget for TR)


Incredibly Naive
yea they were announced way too early because they were falling back in sales. you do realize halo 5 and quantum break are going to be rolled out for the third e3 in a row right? crackdown 3 and scalebound will have had 3 e3s by the time they come out as well.. on the sony side i can only think of maybe uncharted which still would be the second e3.

I agree with all of this. However I think this can be brought back to sony in a different way.

Driveclub was shown at 13, 14, and 15 due to delays similar to QB. On top of that a lot of the announced games were just in teaser form shown really quick to try to drum up hype. Is it a strong move? No it's really not.

That being said it's not the same thing, however Destiny is about to be shown at its 4th consecutive e3. Not only was it shown at all of these e3s, but took significant stage time as well. This is sad. I take major issue with that, honestly it shows to me at the very least, where sonys priorities are.


I'm aware now that we're not including digital. But, if we were the games you listed wouldn't count. They're not out and we have no idea how good or bad they are. Ori is a known quantity. Plain and simple.

You missed my point. The point was that if you're counting digital and mid budget titles, Sony's exclusive line up is far from sparse. In-fact it's more comprehensive than it's main console rivals. Point being, if some can use a digital game to highlight Microsoft's exclusives effort for the first 2/3rds of the year, there's no reason they couldn't include them when discussing Sony's either. Or Nintendo's, or any platform really. The key take away here is that a game doesn't have to be AAA to be considered great, or worth being excited for.


Remember how when ps4 launched they talked about several studios were working on ps4 games?

What the fuck Sony?

If this keeps up, Xbox will take back the sales lead.


You've very quickly forgotten what the arrogant Sony era was like. "They're only ok right now because they are not winning" is a pretty apt way to describe Sony as well.

Very true, the arrogance of Sony with the PS3 launch reminded me a lot of the arrogance with MS and the XB1 launch. The difference for me is I perceive Sony leaning more towards trying to make a better product to win market and MS leaning more towards competition removal for that same goal.

Obviously this is partially due to their repsective financial situations and market positions, but with MS I have seen what they look like on the throne in many situations. With Sony I have a much smaller picture and as they are not a company based fully on western ideas of corporate practices (profit at any cost), I have some small hope they wouldn't turn to those practices if they ever grew to the size of MS... pipe dreams maybe.


Incredibly Naive
another bullshit argument.

you're combining 3rd party runtime from both e3 2013 and 2014 and the playstation meeting.

destiny got 10 minutes last year, powers got 5 mins.

and you didn't even respond to my other points because of how wrong you are.

you're moving goalposts. you said they only do partnerships and not take risks. we showed you how wrong you were and how they partner with big and small studios and publish 1st party games and they take risks. next you said they don't invest their money, which you were proven wrong again. next you talk about how they don't invest their money, proven wrong again. now you're arguing about show time during press conferences. wrong again.

LOL WHUT!?! What were you watching? The powers segment was excruciatingly long! The creator of the comics came out and rambled on and on and on and on. It was all in the interesst of pushing whatever their VOD platform is. On top of that I seem to remember somebody from sony coming out and discussing that same VOD and talking about quality titles you can get on it and the pricing and whatnot.

edit- god damn man I did respond to your arguments, however you choose to isolate and take everything said so literal. Do the still invest in 1st party? Of course they do. IMO it has dropped in their prioties I don't see how people continue to argue this. They never pushed so hard for co-marketing, they never dedicated as much stage time to crappy co-marketed games, etc. I've already said I was wrong in using the word Risk since people are going to think that's all I care about. The point of talking about risk was that they are more interested in picking sure things and more interested in investing there. I agree the state of the industry as a whole it's the smart move, it's sad, but it's going to continue this way and only get worse- annual releases, DLC, rushed games, etc. That being said I didn't think sony would tilt so heavily in the co-marketing favor. We'll see come e3 16 after destiny is shown for it's 5th e3 in a row, we'll see just what they have in store after that.
Well, they're a 2:1 market leader that is investing in third party advertising contracts and don't appear to be taking risks with exclusives. Furthermore, it was reported that a couple of sony developers shut ( the GOW Santa Monica team I remember being among them)

It's what I would be doing if I wanted to make as much money of being a market leader, and last time i checked....Sony need the cash. Double down on the big third party games and be the "place to be".

Their strategy and position greatly reduce the need to chase 50 million dollar prestige projects by developers like Remedy and Platinum. (as an example)

I disagree that they aren't still focused on First Party, I think they're just spreading a little wider this gen and making tiny sacrifices along the way. We can agree to disagree though.


Orignialy FFV was nothing but a spin-off not a sequel.

Plus it didn't help that Nomura was working on a bunch of products.

That's the issue. He is the everything man at Square. they have him doing everything as far as big productions go. Give the man some room to breathe and bring in some fresh faces to lighten the load. This will ensure his games come out in a timely manner.


I can't argue with you because it's not so cut and dry. Yes Cinematic experiences of QUALITY, it was different for the time and new. The order was an absolute sure thing in their mind. Who thought what they were putting out was actually ok? What a misfire. PS3 was as good as deadd in NA. They didn't win the war ultimately especially given what was expected of them after the ps2's success, but they saved face as the gen went on. if you don't see that I'm sorry. The 3 games you listed are OUTSOURCED games. That's fine they invested in them, I like that, but theyy haven't shown the same faith I expected them to show in their first party given how much work they did to highlight them last generation.
Ok I'm going to leave this here. It's clear we don't agree. For somebody who said they don't care about industry specifics, only games, you seem really hung up on the fact that those exclusive games are "outsourced". This is that weird criteria shield you like to put up rearing its head again. For somebody who listed Ratchet and Clank, pixeljunk shooter, heavenly sword, etc as the reason why the PS3 library was better it's quite frankly the most bizarre criteria you've now come up with.


extra source of jiggaflops
Ok I'm going to leave this here. It's clear we don't agree. For somebody who said they don't care about industry specifics, only games, you seem really hung up on the fact that those exclusive games are "outsourced". This is that weird criteria shield you like to put up rearing its head again. For somebody who listed Ratchet and Clank, pixeljunk shooter, etc as the reason why the PS3 library was better it's quite frankly the most bizarre criteria you've now come up with.
Will be a bitter awakening when he learns how much Naughty Dog outsources. :p
...but there are ethics and while my memory is not perfect, I recollect far more examples of MS crossing that line than many other companies. Yes profit is king, but at some point even companies decide where the line gets drawn, and MS has yet to draw one that I can find.

You want to talk ethics, but your examples are a 20 year old early internet issue and mucked up reveal of a videogame console. What about the huge donations Microsoft has contributed over the years, or the support for civil rights that the company takes a stance for?

My point still stands that its useless to apply those types of feelings to these big corporations.
You want to talk ethics, but your examples are a 20 year old early internet issue and mucked up reveal of a videogame console. What about the huge donations Microsoft has contributed over the years, or the support for civil rights that the company takes a stance for?

My point still stands that its useless to apply those types of feelings to these big corporations.

Idk what's going on anymore. What does this have to do with Sony's 1st party titles and upcoming 3rd party partnerships?
LOL WHUT!?! What were you watching? The powers segment was excruciatingly long! The creator of the comics came out and rambled on and on and on and on. It was all in the interesst of pushing whatever their VOD platform is. On top of that I seem to remember somebody from sony coming out and discussing that same VOD and talking about quality titles you can get on it and the pricing and whatnot.


time duration 3;36

how many times have you been wrong the past couple of pages? i can't even count anymore.

you just ignore whatever argument we throw at your obviously wrong, misinformed, ignorant statements and choose to move goalposts.

as per your edited posts, they market their 1st party games. they brought the order to taiwan and japan and were part of gaming conferences there. same thing with infamous and killzone. they are in kiosks at psx, pax, gamescom, etc. they have trailers and live action ads and cgi ads as well as gamestop promotions and a lot of other stuff.

you just never get tired.of being wrong.
LOL WHUT!?! What were you watching? The powers segment was excruciatingly long! The creator of the comics came out and rambled on and on and on and on. It was all in the interesst of pushing whatever their VOD platform is. On top of that I seem to remember somebody from sony coming out and discussing that same VOD and talking about quality titles you can get on it and the pricing and whatnot.

May want to rewatch dude. The Powers segment was 4 minutes long. They just talked about NOW and such like that a little before then.

This thread is humerous to read. Funny what 1 delay can do to people. Really see a bunch of people in here showing their colors. Sony is just giving teams the time they need to finish their products. Not sure when that became a bad thing.

Are people really saying they won't have plenty to play through this year? There's a metric ton of games still coming.


How come Ori and the Blind forest isn't on there on the left under +pc, what a game to miss smh. And why does the right have remasters and vita games? Someone really biased made this crap list.


Doubtful it's a 2015 title in the West.

Although I'm curious if Sony might be willing to help out with localization to get it done faster.

I don't get why it's doubtful when atlus confirmed it as a 2015 NA release and the official website still says as much.

It might get delayed sure, but there isn't much reason to doubt a 2015 release at this point.

It will be nice if both star ocean 4 and persona 5 come out this fall.

Either way third party support will be more than enough to keep my ps4 busy this fall. Between Rock band 3 and disgaea 5 my ps4 will easily be the most played console I own later this year. If persona 5 joins that I will just be in heaven lol.


You've very quickly forgotten what the arrogant Sony era was like. "They're only ok right now because they are not winning" is a pretty apt way to describe Sony as well.

and they got what they deserved.
thats why they are soft now

How come Ori and the Blind forest isn't on there on the left under +pc, what a game to miss smh. And why does the right have remasters and vita games? Someone really biased made this crap list.



My understanding is Square had these bizarre sales expectations which it didn't meet (the game sold well, I dunno what they are talking about), so they didn't have enough money coming back to them from said sales to warrant a proper sequel. They needed help, and microsoft met them halfway and is helping them fund the game to make the proper sequel they hoped to create. How is that shameful?

Am on mobile so it's a bit annoying to do all the evidence but there is nothing pointing to square needing help with TR.

March 2013 - Failed to meet sales expectations http://www.gamespot.com/articles/tomb-raider-fails-to-reach-sales-target/1100-6405929/

Sequel greenlight August 2013 - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-08-01-square-enix-confirms-next-gen-tomb-raider-sequel

That's not adding to the many updates before Phil said they were "funding/publishing/marketing" the game.
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