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Devil's Third disappears from "Future Releases" section on North American Wii U eShop


I've been looking forward to playing this game; when I watched video of it last year I saw that, while it had a "rough" appearance, it looked to have a uniqueness and hilarity to it that I've noticed before from cult-favorites. I'll take Stumpokapow's hints to mean that there's something going on behind the scenes, perhaps there's a different kind of publisher who can release the game here in the US and benefit from it more than NoA would comparatively. Nintendo funded its completion, yet won't expect large sales from it or for it to be a significant addition to their profits, so ultimately the goal is to get the product out so that people who are interested can play it. I hope we hear about it soon.
Makes me wonder why they accepted the publishing deal if they don't give a shit about it. Really, it's really disappointing.

This is dead on arrival. Nintendo is making sure this is going to happen.
This is so sad and such a waste of talent. The game's art style looks awful but the mechanics look really solid and it looks like a very unique game. I hope it makes money because Itagaki going mobile would be a tragedy. Is there any reason why he can't join Platinum or something? He seems like he would fit in well but I could see him and Kamiya either being BFF or hating each other's guts. :p

Even if it sold amazingly well, his company wouldn't see much in the way of royalties.
I really think this game would've fared better if they had done a better job with the reveal. Obviously the gameplay would've been the same, but all of the awkward PR narration and whatever they did on all of the livestreams was just like "yeah you know this is just like a movie! wow! look at how much this is like a movie! also it has rich references to japanese mythology. also this could REALLY HAPPEN". There's always bound to be awkwardness with translation and I respect the dude for what he was working with, but it just makes the game look way worse when you're presenting it as though it's a pretty serious thing

As much as I don't care for "meme-ification" (or whatever you want to call it), I bet a Goat Simulator-esque approach to the reveal/marketing would've worked wonders. The first trailer intercuts drum solos, watermelon throwing, and rainbow chickens between brutal gore. He says "I'm off the leash" and jumps out of a plane. Come on now....


This is the sort of c tier Japanese game that made the ps2 so successful. Hope it does well. We need more games like this that aren't depending on ks.


Makes me wonder why they accepted the publishing deal if they don't give a shit about it. Really, it's really disappointing.

This is dead on arrival. Nintendo is making sure this is going to happen.

They were probably the only publisher willing to take it on after being in development hell for so long.
Makes me wonder why they accepted the publishing deal if they don't give a shit about it. Really, it's really disappointing.

This is dead on arrival. Nintendo is making sure this is going to happen.

They accepted the publishing deal because it's the only one they got and they wanted to stay open.


It looked really unappealing and I don't want to play as a guy tattooed up from head to toe that's gross

Itagaki games tended to have bad design enemies/characters. Actually one of the best things to happen to Ninja Team was when Itagaki left with some of the members one of which happened to be the main art guy behind Itagaki's games, the DOA games no longer had that creepy doll like faces since then.


I no joke am now even questioning if I should buy anything else this year from Nintendo. Like really you couldn't just let me have this? Despite every other region getting it?

The fact they're silent on the matter like we forgot is even worse.

Especially since I can't even imagine another publisher picking it up.


Makes me wonder why they accepted the publishing deal if they don't give a shit about it. Really, it's really disappointing.

This is dead on arrival. Nintendo is making sure this is going to happen.

Probably had higher hopes for it. But considering the reception it got at E3 2014 (hurr hurr Devil's Turd), I can't really say I'm surprised that they had a change of opinion.


Customer service does not make announcements. If the state of a game is in limbo, customer service is not going to tell you the game is cancelled. If a game is not announced, customer service is not going to announce it. Only bottom of the barrel fan blogs email customer service and post the dumb robot form letters they receive in response.

That they got that reply simply means that since no formal announcement has been made that Nintendo of America is no longer publishing the game, customer service is not able to provide any updated information.

I find it fascinating that you are so quick to dismiss a customer service representative when the only source to the contrary is that an eShop page has gone missing.
It looked really unappealing and I don't want to play as a guy tattooed up from head to toe that's gross

If you watched the Treehouse stream you'll learn those tattoos aren't for show. They are based on the legend of Mimi-nashi Hōichi.

They talk about it in the Treehouse video along with other Japanese references but here's a Wikipedia article on it (the image is from a play about it):



Here's the video:


It goes in depth about the game. The singleplayer demo begins at around 24:45. They talk quite a bit about the game and all the cool Japanese references.


I find it fascinating that you are so quick to dismiss a customer service representative when the only source to the contrary is that an eShop page has gone missing.

From posts from earlier threads it would seem he knows what's going on with it and who the US publisher is. I think he guessed Xseed as a possible pickup.
K wait, what?

I don't really understand what's going on with this game now. I was looking forward to it. Is it coming out in North America? Is there reason to be concerned?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I would get angry but I realise things like this are a part of nintendo of america's M.O.

If they fuck this up too... and Fatal Frame being uncertain... why doesn't NoA believe in games...


From posts from earlier threads it would seem he knows what's going on with it and who the US publisher is. I think he guessed Xseed as a possible pickup.

Sorry, I didn't realize I'm supposed to read the tea leaves and assume a CSR is full of shit because somebody's making... what, inferences? guesses? ...that XSeed is publishing a game that appears to already have a publisher.

Glass Joe

If it's coming to Europe, localization is already fine for NOA. Just toss it in the eShop and make the few that would buy it happy for no skin off your back, Nintendo.

Honestly I probably wouldn't buy it for $50 or $60, what I'd seen looks a bit cheesy. Just make it a budget title if it's envisioned to have a poor reception. Maybe $30? 'Cause I'd check it out for that probably.


At the very least Nintendo should pull a Xenoblade Chronicles and release it only through Gamestop. Sell the limited copies you have but give everyone a chance at least.


Sorry, I didn't realize I'm supposed to read the tea leaves and assume a CSR is full of shit because somebody's making... what, inferences? guesses? ...that XSeed is publishing a game that appears to already have a publisher.

You must be new here if you believe everything some glorified social media intern tosses into a form e-mail. Send NoA an e-mail asking if they're going to bring Disaster Day of Crisis or Another Code R to the West. You'll get the same response. It literally means nothing.

Not to mention the vagueness of the article. 'A customer service representative'? You mean like, they called the support hotline and asked them about it?


I need to play this game. I need to.

Please don't make me buy a Japanese Wii U solely on the hopes of this game being great.


Probably had higher hopes for it. But considering the reception it got at E3 2014 (hurr hurr Devil's Turd), I can't really say I'm surprised that they had a change of opinion.

It's NeoGAF's fault. I blame everyone here T_T



If they fuck this up too... and Fatal Frame being uncertain... why doesn't NoA believe in games...

Probably because the games are ripped to shreds at the first signs of imperfections or bitching about it being a Nintendo game instead of being on a "better" platform

See the following examples (naturally, I'm paraphrasing the consensus):

The Wonderful 101 - "hahaha looks like an N64 game with a Pikmin gimmick. This is a Platinum game? What a joke, shouldn't have expected any better when they're working with Nintendo hardware."

Bayonetta 2 - "WTF Nintendo stole this game!!! Why would Nintendo's kiddie game-loving audience ever buy this and why would they think I'd buy a console for ONE game?"

Fatal Frame - "who actually buys these games anymore? It's so super-niche now."

Devil's Third - "downgrade confirmed, what an ugly jank mess."

Now to us, that sounds like shit talk and means nothing. But to a company like Nintendo? That's a data point used in assessments. And there's not enough positive noise to drown it all out.

And then these same gamers who poked fun at it either use it as proof that Nintendo can't sell non-kiddie games or decry the lack of marketing after taking a shit all over them several months prior.

And if you track backwards, you can always hear similar responses from fans with regards to Nintendo's "niche" releases since the beginning of the internet age and Nintendo's release pattern slowly deteriorates from what it was at the start of the generation until they reach a moment when they just give up entirely. They often start strong and try to get the releases out there for the public, but over time, they see no point until it's time to try again in the next go around.

I wouldn't be surprised if Federation Force ended up a non-retail game due to the negative feedback, at this point.

"Well what about Europe?" Europe releases more of these games more often because European consumers are so enamoured with PlayStation since its inception that NoE's strategy is "throw it out there and see if it'll sell a few consoles, might as well", with very little thought in between.

That's just my take on it, though.
It is a shame the on the E3 showfloor you are so disconnected with what is going on and as a result I don't think in any interviews anyone could name drop this with Reggie (you would also assume it was shown at treehouse live like it was last year yet it did not materialise, this seems to be the most worrying part) as that might have gotten something (like Reggie thinking the game sucks and that Japan and EU are a "test"...). But instead we got to hear the guy whose never played VR giving his corporate opinion which was more important as it brings in more traffic.

This + NoA delaying Yoshi's Woolly World to October 16th when the game is clearly ready
But are the amiibo? Japan also getting the game a little bit later is interesting in that (though FE fates might be part of that).
yes citing amiibo is give NOA a lot of credit and suggesting there is some actual thought put into the delay besides "October is looking dry", I know


The disappointments never end do they NoA? Why don't you care anymore? I really want to play this game despite what people are saying about it.

Also why does NoA hate summer releases so much?


It'd be great if they made it F2P. The online community would be so dead otherwise. Obviously converting it to F2P would require throwing good money after bad. Maybe just make the online portion free for a trial period or something.
It'd be great if they made it F2P. The online community would be so dead otherwise. Obviously converting it to F2P would require throwing good money after bad. Maybe just make the online portion free for a trial period or something.

I was thinking since they were doing Project Treasure which is free-to-play they would do that. The games are surprisingly similar as janky hack and slash Japanese games with first-person shooting.

I mean I think more people would play this with its insane customization and base building then Project Treasure which is simply dungeon crawling for treasure.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I hope this and the Fatal Frame issue are just due to lack of communication but I fear that Nintendo of America simply isn't interested in these titles.

It's becoming so difficult to support Nintendo at this point.


I hope this and the Fatal Frame issue are just due to lack of communication but I fear that Nintendo of America simply isn't interested in these titles.

It's becoming so difficult to support Nintendo at this point.

Did something change with Fatal Frame because they just showed it at E3.


Yeah. What I thought this would be it was. Devil's Third videos are still on the eshop. The Future Releases changes depending on what they want to market at the time.

Your going to need more proof then that.

Edit: Now that I looked at it again all of the videos in Future Releases are E3 2015 videos
Did NoE become a lot cooler than NoA in the last years or is just NoA turning into shit?
Last years?
Disaster day of crisis seems it was the prelude for things to come for NoE.
Based Shibata is doing gods work.

I still remember the n64 and below years *shudders* the GC days were better, but not that good either.

At least Atlus seems to love america guys! They hate us europeans, so thats that lol
Physical games that are not pal 5 and come months later with the identical untouched america version and more expensive. What a fucking disgrace, then they are suprised their games do not sell in the second land of anime.
Surprised so many people are clamoring for this. The game looks like complete dogshit. Well, considering the Wii U line up for the rest of the year is dryer than the Sahara desert, so I guess you'll take what you can get.

Velcro Fly

Surprised so many people are clamoring for this. The game looks like complete dogshit. Well, considering the Wii U line up for the rest of the year is dryer than the Sahara desert, so I guess you'll take what you can get.

Wii U fall lineup is not bad

It's the between now and then that is bad.

Maybe part of the marketing strategy is to make it seem like the game isn't coming and then hey surprise here it is and people will buy it.


Surprised so many people are clamoring for this. The game looks like complete dogshit. Well, considering the Wii U line up for the rest of the year is dryer than the Sahara desert, so I guess you'll take what you can get.

Eh. It's an over the top action game by Itagaki of all people. It looks like it'll be average at best, but I'm sure that it'll be an interesting experience nevertheless.

Also, people just like to complain. :p


Yeah. What I thought this would be it was. Devil's Third videos are still on the eshop. The Future Releases changes depending on what they want to market at the time.

Your going to need more proof then that.

Edit: Now that I looked at it again all of the videos in Future Releases are E3 2015 videos
Now that you mention it, yeah.

A few days ago I was browsing the future releases list and because all videos were from E3, I decided to not watch anything.And the option to sort, just sorts the same videos.

The 2 videos of Devil's Third are still there. And the game, like many others doesn't have an area still, so all you can get when you search are said videos.

Guess the OP (along Go Nintendo) made a big deal out of nothing. :p
Yeah. What I thought this would be it was. Devil's Third videos are still on the eshop. The Future Releases changes depending on what they want to market at the time.

Your going to need more proof then that.

Edit: Now that I looked at it again all of the videos in Future Releases are E3 2015 videos

Well damn...you're right. They are there. lol Not that anyone is going to find them though, unless they're specifically looking for this game. NoA obviously doesn't care about it anymore.

I think the "proof" needed to be worried about a Devil'd Third release in NA is its complete absence from E3 and NoA's compete silence on the game since E3 2014. That's pretty telling.
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