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Metal Gear Solid V final box art (A Hideo Kojima Game/Kojima Productions removed)

No other game director has their name plastered on the box art. His name will show up in the end credits like everyone else who was part of the game. This isn't news. This isn't Konami being "evil."

It's also referring to the studio, but I see what you're saying. But this for most people is about Konami acting fairly unprofessional about this whole scenario. Not just about the name being removed. It's just the straw that broke the camels back.

Plus his name/studio have been on the front of every other MGS game.
No other game director has their name plastered on the box art. His name will show up in the end credits like everyone else who was part of the game. This isn't news. This isn't Konami being "evil."

No other director leaves such an indelible mark upon their games. Besides, other directors do leave their name on the box.


You do realize that's the name of the Studio right? It's about Konami acting fairly unprofessional about this whole scenario. Not just about the name being removed. It's just the straw that broke the camels back.

Of course it was removed. He's not their employee anymore. Why would they use his name on promotional/box art materials? And you're all sitting there behind your computers defending Kojima when you have no idea what really went down. What is with this blind loyalty for someone you know nothing about? Have any of you even exchanged a single word with the man?

If you're not buying the game because someone got fired from a company, more power to you but don't act like you're making some grand statement. And anyone that supposedly hates a company but still wants to use their product can just stop with the "I'll buy it used!" crap because that's what it is. Complete and utter crap. Do you realize how ludicrous you sound when you say, "I HATE KONAMI!!! But I really really want to play MGSV so I'll buy it used so Konami doesn't get a cent from me! hahahahahahah!!"

Yeah that's really logical.


Of course it was removed. He's not their employee anymore. Why would they use his name on promotional/box art materials? And you're all sitting there behind your computers defending Kojima when you have no idea what really went down. What is with this blind loyalty for someone you know nothing about? Have any of you even exchanged a single word with the man?

If you're not buying the game because someone got fired from a company, more power to you but don't act like you're making some grand statement. And anyone that supposedly hates a company but still wants to use their product can just stop with the "I'll buy it used!" crap because that's what it is. Complete and utter crap. Do you realize how ludicrous you sound when you say, "I HATE KONAMI!!! But I really really want to play MGSV so I'll buy it used so Konami doesn't get a cent from me! hahahahahahah!!"

Yeah that's really logical.

NeoGAF member, Junior Grade, huh?
Watch out folks, we have a man with rock solid principles here. He's taking a stand by buying the game used! If you really had a statement to make, you wouldn't play the game at all. What is this wishy-washy, "I hate Konami but I want to play the game that Konami made so I'm buying it used. I am a man of principle!"

Get out.

Hey, it's Kojima's last Metal Gear Solid game, having to wait for a used copy means I will have to wait like a week to play it! A WHOLE WEEK!
You got to give me something for that at least!


No other director leaves such an indelible mark upon their games. Besides, other directors do leave their name on the box.

Let's see...Miyamoto, Inafune, Igarashi, Levine, Sakaguchi, Mikami, Nomura, Ueda, Miyazaki, Aonuma, Bleszinski, Jaffe, Hudson, Lobb, Naka, Suzuki, Yamauchi, those are some of the bigger and well known game directors. I've never seen any of their names listed on their box art. Are you saying that the names above didn't leave an indelible mark on the games they oversaw? Games that they created?


NeoGAF member, Junior Grade, huh?

I'm not a junior, and I share the sentiment. I've stated in every thread since the news broke that we have know idea what happen, and Konami could be acting appropriate in every situation.

My theory is the Silence isn't them being assholes, but as a corporation they do not speak on internal actions concerning their employees (even contractors). The reason for removal is that Kojipro is disbanded, and most likely in Kojima contract (when he stepped down from VP) it states he retains the rights to the name, therefore Konami can't use it (since he is no longer a FTE, but contractor).
Of course it was removed. He's not their employee anymore. Why would they use his name on promotional/box art materials? And you're all sitting there behind your computers defending Kojima when you have no idea what really went down. What is with this blind loyalty for someone you know nothing about? Have any of you even exchanged a single word with the man?

If you're not buying the game because someone got fired from a company, more power to you but don't act like you're making some grand statement. And anyone that supposedly hates a company but still wants to use their product can just stop with the "I'll buy it used!" crap because that's what it is. Complete and utter crap. Do you realize how ludicrous you sound when you say, "I HATE KONAMI!!! But I really really want to play MGSV so I'll buy it used so Konami doesn't get a cent from me! hahahahahahah!!"

Yeah that's really logical.

I'm not doing that, I've told everyone to still buy it. His team is still profiting from good sales which I'm assuming are tied to a contract. Not buying the game is the worse thing we can do as fans. It would be to not properly give his work the attention it deserves because we don't like a company.

As for why we back Kojima it's because of his past work, his past statements, interviews, exchanges etc. I've followed the man since I wrote a report on him in 6th grade and I've always admired him. So yea pit that against a company that is moving most of their efforts into slot machines and cash grab mobile games and to top it off hasn't handled this situation with Kojima and his team very well and yea, people aren't going to look at this objectively. There's no transparency, so we're going with the side we feel has shown a better face throughout the whole ordeal.


I'm not a junior, and I share the sentiment. I've stated in every thread since the news broke that we have know idea what happen, and Konami could be acting appropriate in every situation.

My theory is the Silence isn't them being and awhile, but as a corporation they do not speak on internal actions concerning their employees (even contractors). The reason for removal is that Kojipro is disbanded, and most likely in Kojima contract (when he stepped down from VP) it states he retains the rights to the name, therefore Konami can't use it (since he is no longer a FTE, but contractor).

Hey, I don't mind someone expressing the viewpoint that a company's bidness is its bidness. That's cool.

(it's more the how)


I fail to understand what you mean by this, even if it were true; the operations of the multiplayer service likely require some kind of backbone to function properly in the sense of a master server list for quick matches.

I suppose multiplayer could function and work with an "invite your friend" option that would require no such master server, but it's unlikely to me.

Publishers don't need to supply their own servers to make online games work. If they did, there would be numerous examples of games that theoretically shouldn't be able to match players together.

Unless you're talking about Sony/Microsoft/Steam's infrastructure, which isn't really relevant since the guy I was responding to was talking about Konami taking their own servers down.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
No other director leaves such an indelible mark upon their games. Besides, other directors do leave their name on the box.
That notion is completely ridiculous and quite disrespectful to quite a few well known developers.
Konami just made Kojima a martyr


Totally agree, but I doubt Konami cares anyway.
I'll buy this game because I want to experience Kojima's final Metal Gear vision, and I believe he and his team deserve that. But after this, Konami won't get a cotdamn cent from me again.


Banstick Emeritus
Of course it was removed. He's not their employee anymore. Why would they use his name on promotional/box art materials? And you're all sitting there behind your computers defending Kojima when you have no idea what really went down. What is with this blind loyalty for someone you know nothing about? Have any of you even exchanged a single word with the man?

If you're not buying the game because someone got fired from a company, more power to you but don't act like you're making some grand statement. And anyone that supposedly hates a company but still wants to use their product can just stop with the "I'll buy it used!" crap because that's what it is. Complete and utter crap. Do you realize how ludicrous you sound when you say, "I HATE KONAMI!!! But I really really want to play MGSV so I'll buy it used so Konami doesn't get a cent from me! hahahahahahah!!"

Yeah that's really logical.
Say your piece, but pump the brakes on the attitude.


Kojima's not the only director who's got his name on his games. American McGee and Sid Meier come to mind. It's not an industry standard but I don't see what's wrong with it.


Truly an end of an era. I got into video games because of MGS. Before MGS I would play video games only at friend's houses for Mario games, Street Fighter, Goldeneye, Sonic etc. Only really easy to pick up and play with or without friends type of games. I then played a demo of MGS(where it ended after Decoy Octopus died), saved up doing paper routes just to get a ps1 and MGS and since then it has become a part of me. No longer will I have a next MGS to look forward to after MGSV. Gonna buy it day one still however.
His team is still profiting from good sales which I'm assuming are tied to a contract. Not buying the game is the worse thing we can do as fans. It would be to not properly give his work the attention it deserves because we don't like a company.

It doesn't normally work like that unless you own shares of the company. Chances are he was contracted to finish the work, upon completion him and his team get paid then they are gone. Marketing, sales etc are all done via Konami so any sales profits etc go directly to shareholders.
Of course it was removed. He's not their employee anymore. Why would they use his name on promotional/box art materials? And you're all sitting there behind your computers defending Kojima when you have no idea what really went down. What is with this blind loyalty for someone you know nothing about? Have any of you even exchanged a single word with the man?

If you're not buying the game because someone got fired from a company, more power to you but don't act like you're making some grand statement. And anyone that supposedly hates a company but still wants to use their product can just stop with the "I'll buy it used!" crap because that's what it is. Complete and utter crap. Do you realize how ludicrous you sound when you say, "I HATE KONAMI!!! But I really really want to play MGSV so I'll buy it used so Konami doesn't get a cent from me! hahahahahahah!!"

Yeah that's really logical.

Say your piece, but pump the brakes on the attitude.

You're seriously not going to buy a game that you were, I assume, looking forward to because a company fired/didn't renew an employee's contract? And because they removed a FORMER employee's name from promotional materials? Alright then. Your prerogative.

You're right, my prerogative, but I addressed this already a few posts later. It's easy to be upset about it and regardless of that I feel it shows disrespect toward the designers. But you probably shouldn't care whether I buy a videogame or not :p
Of course it was removed. He's not their employee anymore. Why would they use his name on promotional/box art materials? And you're all sitting there behind your computers defending Kojima when you have no idea what really went down. What is with this blind loyalty for someone you know nothing about? Have any of you even exchanged a single word with the man?

If you're not buying the game because someone got fired from a company, more power to you but don't act like you're making some grand statement. And anyone that supposedly hates a company but still wants to use their product can just stop with the "I'll buy it used!" crap because that's what it is. Complete and utter crap. Do you realize how ludicrous you sound when you say, "I HATE KONAMI!!! But I really really want to play MGSV so I'll buy it used so Konami doesn't get a cent from me! hahahahahahah!!"

Yeah that's really logical.

The worst kind of junior.


No other game director has their name plastered on the box art. His name will show up in the end credits like everyone else who was part of the game. This isn't news. This isn't Konami being "evil."
Suda51, American Mcgee, Sid Meyer, Tom Clancy etc etc... Konami put his name on there because his name had value. Tom Clancy and Clive Barker have their names on even if they've done fuck all with development. Besides, how many game devs have had as much control over their work as Kojima? Characters, story/script, gameplay, cinematics...He edits his own trailers. If you've played Policenauts/Snatcher and compared it to Rising/Portable Ops you can see the distinct style of his games and obsession with detail. MGS is very much his baby and wouldn't have been half as successful without him.


Of course it was removed. He's not their employee anymore. Why would they use his name on promotional/box art materials? And you're all sitting there behind your computers defending Kojima when you have no idea what really went down. What is with this blind loyalty for someone you know nothing about? Have any of you even exchanged a single word with the man?

If you're not buying the game because someone got fired from a company, more power to you but don't act like you're making some grand statement. And anyone that supposedly hates a company but still wants to use their product can just stop with the "I'll buy it used!" crap because that's what it is. Complete and utter crap. Do you realize how ludicrous you sound when you say, "I HATE KONAMI!!! But I really really want to play MGSV so I'll buy it used so Konami doesn't get a cent from me! hahahahahahah!!"

Yeah that's really logical.

He still is an employee until mid-September afaik. And, to be quite frank, you don't seem to quite grasp why people are disappointed with this choice.
That's just rude from Konami.
But the other day a guy from reddit suggested, that Konami removes KojPro from everywhere cuz he would leave with this studio name. That would be great.
To echo what I and many others have said, the real issue here is the "how". Konami clearly have a policy of keeping company matters private, as do most companies out there, but they needed to prepare for the shit storm that would come from how this was handled.

They needed to clear at least some of the air prior to doing things like quietly removing Kojima / Kojipro's name from all their games. From that point on, their silence was their worst enemy. It would only lead to rumors and paranoia.

It boggles the mind that they let this happen the way it did.

Say your piece, but pump the brakes on the attitude.

This should be GAF's new tagline.
It doesn't normally work like that unless you own shares of the company. Chances are he was contracted to finish the work, upon completion him and his team get paid then they are gone. Marketing, sales etc are all done via Konami so any sales profits etc go directly to shareholders.

I know alot of production companies have deals with Developers on sales targets/review scores etc for bonuses. I could be completely off mark here, but I wouldn't be entirely surprised.

Regardless, Kojima himself has said on numerous occasions how he's dedicated to making this his best game to date, and that we shouldn't miss it regardless of what's happening with Konami.
I don't know what the hell Kojima did to deserve this but he has always seemed like a passionate developer that has poured his heart out for these games.

I'll be printing the righteous cover including his name and company logo for myself.

Im glad that at least we get one more proper Kojima Metal Gear. Hopefully he goes on to bigger and better things after this.

Fuckin Konami man...
After reading this thread I dusted off my MGS4 case and.... his name isn't on the front of that either.

I was about to check myself until I realised I printed off a custom one all thos years ago. A quick Google search reveals it (along with the KojiPro logo) is indeed on the European cover.


I'll still buy it. Hopefully some money still goes to Kojima, but after that I can't think of any games that Konami still has of interest so it is probably the last.


Everyone knows it's a hideo kojima game, no need to have it in the box art.
And if you don't know, you have been living in another planet.
side note: I wish publishers would stop with this day one nonsense. it just adds some boring DLC in most cases and ruins the box art. Put a sticker or something instead.

Especially since you can often find these 'day 1' editions months later still.

Anyway, how petty can a company be.
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